Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_unfederated_folder_path_setting(self):
        """ an unfederated file in a subfolder has the proper state after state changes """
        # resource should not have any files at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 0,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # add one file to the resource
        hydroshare.add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.test_file_1, folder='foo')

        # resource should has only one file at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 1,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        # get the handle of the file created above
        resfile = self.res.files.all()[0]

        # determine where that file should live
        shortpath = os.path.join(self.res.short_id, "data",
                                 "contents", "foo", "file1.txt")

        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)


        # non-existent files should raise error
        otherpath = os.path.join(self.res.short_id, "data", "contents", "foo", "file2.txt")
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):

        # try setting to an unqualified name; should qualify it
        # should match computed path
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # now try to change that path to what it is already
        # should match computed path
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # now try to change that path to a good path to a non-existent object
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
        # should not change
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # TODO: how to eliminate this particular error.
        # dumbpath = 'x' + shortpath
        # dumbpath = self.res.short_id + "file1.txt"

        # clean up after folder test
        # ResourceFile.remove_folder(self.res, 'foo', self.user)

        # delete resources to clean up
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _test_create_aggregation_from_folder(self, foldet_to_test):

        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 0)
        # create a folder to upload the nc file there
        new_folder = foldet_to_test
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the nc file to the resource at the above folder
        res_file = self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.netcdf_file,

        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        # resource should have 1 file now
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 1)
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
        self.assertEqual(NetCDFLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)
        # create the aggregation from the folder
        NetCDFLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user, folder_path=new_folder)
        self.assertEqual(NetCDFLogicalFile.objects.count(), 1)
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            # test that each resource file is part of an aggregation (logical file)
            # test that the each resource file has the same folder - no new folder created
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)

    def test_aggregation_file_move(self):
        # test any resource file that's part of the GeoFeature logical file can't be moved

        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        base_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(res_file.file_name)
        # extract metadata from the tif file
        GeoFeatureLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user,
        # test renaming of files that are associated with geo feature LFO - which should
        # raise exception
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 3)
        new_folder = 'geofeature_aggr'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)

        # moving any of the resource files to this new folder should raise exception
        tgt_path = 'data/contents/geofeature_aggr'
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            with self.assertRaises(DRF_ValidationError):
                src_path = os.path.join('data', 'contents',
                                              src_path, tgt_path)

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_create_aggregation_from_nc_file_2(self):
        # here we are using a valid nc file for setting it
        # to NetCDF file type which includes metadata extraction
        # the nc file in this case is not at the root of the folder hierarchy but in a folder

        new_folder = 'netcdf_aggr'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the the nc file to the resource at the above folder
        self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.netcdf_file, upload_folder=new_folder)

        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 1)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()

        # check that the resource file is not associated with any logical file
        self.assertEqual(res_file.has_logical_file, False)

        # check that there is no NetCDFLogicalFile object
        self.assertEqual(NetCDFLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)

        # set the nc file to NetCDF file type
        NetCDFLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user, res_file.id)
        # test extracted metadata
        assert_netcdf_file_type_metadata(self, self.res_title, aggr_folder=new_folder)
        # test file level keywords
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        logical_file = res_file.logical_file
        self.assertEqual(len(logical_file.metadata.keywords), 1)
        self.assertEqual(logical_file.metadata.keywords[0], 'Snow water equivalent')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_create_aggregation_2(self):
        """Test that we can create a generic aggregation from a resource file that
        exists in a folder """

        new_folder = 'generic_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the the txt file to the resource at the above folder
        self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.generic_file, upload_folder=new_folder)
        # there should be one resource file
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 1)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        # file has a folder
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        # check that the resource file is not part of an aggregation
        self.assertEqual(res_file.has_logical_file, False)
        self.assertEqual(GenericLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)
        # set file to generic logical file type (aggregation)
        GenericLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user, res_file.id)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        # file has the same folder
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        self.assertEqual(res_file.logical_file_type_name, self.logical_file_type_name)
        self.assertEqual(GenericLogicalFile.objects.count(), 1)

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_aggregation_file_move(self):
        # test any resource file that's part of the NetCDF logical file can't be moved

        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()

        # create the aggregation using the nc file
        NetCDFLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user, res_file.id)
        # test renaming of files that are associated with raster LFO - which should raise exception
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 2)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        base_file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(res_file.file_name)
        expected_folder_name = base_file_name
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, expected_folder_name)
        new_folder = 'netcdf_aggr'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)

        # moving any of the resource files to this new folder should raise exception
        tgt_path = 'data/contents/{}'.format(new_folder)
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            with self.assertRaises(DRF_ValidationError):
                src_path = os.path.join('data', 'contents', res_file.short_path)
                move_or_rename_file_or_folder(self.user, self.composite_resource.short_id, src_path,

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestFolderDownloadZip, self).setUp()
        self.output_path = "zips/rand/foo.zip"
        self.group, _ = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='Hydroshare Author')
        self.user = create_account(

        # create files
        self.n1 = "test1.txt"

        test_file = open(self.n1, 'w')
        test_file.write("Test text file in test1.txt")

        test_file = open(self.n1, "r")

        self.res = create_resource(resource_type='GenericResource',
                                   title='Test Resource',
                                   metadata=[], )

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # add one file to the resource
        add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, test_file, folder='foo')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_unfederated_folder_path_setting(self):
        """ an unfederated file in a subfolder has the proper state after state changes """
        # resource should not have any files at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 0,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # add one file to the resource
        hydroshare.add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.test_file_1, folder='foo')

        # resource should has only one file at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 1,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        # get the handle of the file created above
        resfile = self.res.files.all()[0]

        # determine where that file should live
        shortpath = os.path.join(self.res.short_id, "data",
                                 "contents", "foo", "file1.txt")

        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)


        # non-existent files should raise error
        otherpath = os.path.join(self.res.short_id, "data", "contents", "foo", "file2.txt")
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):

        # try setting to an unqualified name; should qualify it
        # should match computed path
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # now try to change that path to what it is already
        # should match computed path
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # now try to change that path to a good path to a non-existent object
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
        # should not change
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # TODO: how to eliminate this particular error.
        # dumbpath = 'x' + shortpath
        # dumbpath = self.res.short_id + "file1.txt"

        # clean up after folder test
        # ResourceFile.remove_folder(self.res, 'foo', self.user)

        # delete resources to clean up
Ejemplo n.º 9
def link_irods_file_to_django(resource, filepath):
    Link a newly created irods file to Django resource model

    :param filepath: full path to file
    # link the newly created file (**filepath**) to Django resource model
    b_add_file = False
    # TODO: folder is an abstract concept... utilize short_path for whole API
    if resource:
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource, filepath,
            ResourceFile.get(resource=resource, file=base, folder=folder)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            # this does not copy the file from anywhere; it must exist already
            ResourceFile.create(resource=resource, file=base, folder=folder)
            b_add_file = True

        if b_add_file:
            file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(filepath)
            if file_format_type not in [mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()]:
                resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)
            # this should assign a logical file object to this new file
            # if this resource supports logical file
Ejemplo n.º 10
def rename_irods_file_or_folder_in_django(resource, src_name, tgt_name):
    Rename file in Django DB after the file is renamed in Django side
    :param resource: the BaseResource object representing a HydroShare resource
    :param src_name: the file or folder full path name to be renamed
    :param tgt_name: the file or folder full path name to be renamed to

    Note: the need to copy and recreate the file object was made unnecessary
    by the ResourceFile.set_storage_path routine, which always sets that
    correctly. Thus it is possible to move without copying. Thus, logical file
    relationships are preserved and no longer need adjustment.
    # checks src_name as a side effect.
    folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource, src_name,
        res_file_obj = ResourceFile.get(resource=resource, file=base, folder=folder)
        # checks tgt_name as a side effect.
        ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource, tgt_name,

    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        # src_name and tgt_name are folder names
        res_file_objs = ResourceFile.list_folder(resource, src_name)

        for fobj in res_file_objs:
            src_path = fobj.storage_path
            # naively replace src_name with tgt_name
            new_path = src_path.replace(src_name, tgt_name, 1)
    def test_create_aggregation_from_shp_file_required_3(self):
        # here we are using a shp file that exists in a folder
        # for setting it to Geo Feature file type which includes metadata extraction
        # The same folder contains another file that is not going to be part of the
        # geofeature aggregation a new folder should be created in this case to represent the
        # geofeature aggregation
        # location shp file before aggregation is created: my_folder/states.shp
        # location of another file before aggregation is created: my_folder/states_invalid.zip
        # location of shp file after aggregation is created: my_folder/states/states.shp
        # location of another file after aggregation is created: my_folder/states_invalid.zip


        new_folder = 'my_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the 3 required files to the resource at the above folder
        res_file = self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.states_shp_file,
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        res_file = self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.states_shx_file,
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        res_file = self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.states_dbf_file,
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)

        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 3)

        # add a file that is not related to aggregation
        res_file = self.add_file_to_resource(
            file_to_add=self.states_zip_invalid_file, upload_folder=new_folder)
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 4)
        # check that the resource file is not associated with any logical file
        self.assertEqual(res_file.has_logical_file, False)
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)
        # set the shp file to GeoFeatureLogicalFile type
        shp_res_file = [
            f for f in self.composite_resource.files.all()
            if f.extension == '.shp'
        GeoFeatureLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user,
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureLogicalFile.objects.count(), 1)
        base_shp_file_base_name, _ = os.path.splitext(shp_res_file.file_name)
        shp_res_file = [
            f for f in self.composite_resource.files.all()
            if f.extension == '.shp'
        logical_file = shp_res_file.logical_file
        self.assertEqual(logical_file.files.count(), 3)
        for res_file in logical_file.files.all():
            # test that the each resource file has the same folder - no new folder created
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 4)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_create_aggregation_from_nc_file_3(self):
        # here we are using a valid nc file for setting it
        # to NetCDF file type which includes metadata extraction
        # the nc file in this case is not at the root of the folder hierarchy but in a folder. The
        # same folder contains another file that's not going part of the aggregation
        # location nc file before aggregation is created: /my_folder/netcdf_valid.nc
        # location of another file before aggregation is created: /my_folder/netcdf_invalid.nc
        # location of nc file after aggregation is created:
        # /my_folder/netcdf_valid/netcdf_valid.nc
        # location of another file after aggregation is created: /my_folder/netcdf_invalid.nc

        new_folder = 'my_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the the nc file to the resource at the above folder
        self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.netcdf_file, upload_folder=new_folder)

        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 1)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()

        # check that the resource file is not associated with any logical file
        self.assertEqual(res_file.has_logical_file, False)

        # check that there is no NetCDFLogicalFile object
        self.assertEqual(NetCDFLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)
        # add another file to the same folder
        self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.netcdf_invalid_file, upload_folder=new_folder)
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 2)

        # set the nc file to NetCDF file type
        NetCDFLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user, res_file.id)
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 3)
        # test logical file/aggregation
        self.assertEqual(len(self.composite_resource.logical_files), 1)
        logical_file = self.composite_resource.logical_files[0]
        self.assertEqual(logical_file.files.count(), 2)
        base_nc_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(self.netcdf_file_name)
        expected_file_folder = '{0}/{1}'.format(new_folder, base_nc_file_name)
        for res_file in logical_file.files.all():
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, expected_file_folder)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(logical_file, NetCDFLogicalFile))
        self.assertTrue(logical_file.metadata, NetCDFLogicalFile)

        # test the location of the file that's not part of the netcdf aggregation
        other_res_file = None
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            if not res_file.has_logical_file:
                other_res_file = res_file
        self.assertEqual(other_res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_aggregation_folder_move(self):
        # test changes to aggregation name, aggregation metadata xml file path, and aggregation
        # resource map xml file path on aggregation folder move

        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        base_file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(res_file.file_name)
        aggregation_folder_name = base_file_name

        # create aggregation from the nc file
        NetCDFLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user, res_file.id)

        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 2)

        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, aggregation_folder_name)

        # create a folder to move the aggregation folder there
        parent_folder = 'parent_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, parent_folder)
        # move the aggregation folder to the parent folder
        src_path = 'data/contents/{}'.format(aggregation_folder_name)
        tgt_path = 'data/contents/{0}/{1}'.format(parent_folder, aggregation_folder_name)

        move_or_rename_file_or_folder(self.user, self.composite_resource.short_id, src_path,

        file_folder = '{0}/{1}'.format(parent_folder, aggregation_folder_name)
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, file_folder)

        # test aggregation name update
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        logical_file = res_file.logical_file
        self.assertEqual(logical_file.aggregation_name, res_file.file_folder)

        # test aggregation xml file paths
        expected_meta_file_path = '{0}/{1}/{2}_meta.xml'.format(parent_folder,
        self.assertEqual(logical_file.metadata_short_file_path, expected_meta_file_path)

        expected_map_file_path = '{0}/{1}/{2}_resmap.xml'.format(parent_folder,

        self.assertEqual(logical_file.map_short_file_path, expected_map_file_path)

    def test_create_aggregation_from_zip_file_required_2(self):
        # here we are using a zip file that has only the 3 required files for setting it
        # to Geo Feature file type which includes metadata extraction
        # the zip file that we are using to create an aggregation here is not at the root of the
        # folder hierarchy but in a folder - no new folder should be created as part of creating
        # this aggregation


        new_folder = 'geofeature_aggr'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the the zip file to the resource at the above folder

        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 1)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)

        # check that the resource file is not associated with any logical file type
        self.assertEqual(res_file.has_logical_file, False)
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)

        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        self.assertEqual(res_file.extension, '.zip')

        # set the zip file to GeoFeatureLogicalFile type
        GeoFeatureLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user,

        # test file type and file type metadata
        assert_geofeature_file_type_metadata(self, new_folder)

        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            # test that each resource file is part of an aggregation (logical file)
            # test that the each resource file has the same folder - no new folder was created
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)

        # there should not be any file level keywords
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        logical_file = res_file.logical_file
        self.assertEqual(logical_file.metadata.keywords, [])

        # there should be no GeoFeatureLogicalFile object at this point
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)
        # there should be no GeoFeatureFileMetaData object at this point
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureFileMetaData.objects.count(), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_create_aggregation_2(self):
        # here we are using a valid time series json file for setting it
        # to RefTimeSeries file type which includes metadata extraction
        # this resource file is in a folder

        self.res_title = "Untitled resource"
        new_folder = 'refts_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the the json file to the resource at the above folder

        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 1)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        # test resource file is in a folder
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        # check that the resource file is not associated with any logical file
        self.assertEqual(res_file.has_logical_file, False)

        # check that there is no RefTimeseriesLogicalFile object
        self.assertEqual(RefTimeseriesLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)

        # set the json file to RefTimeseries file type
                                               self.user, res_file.id)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        # check that there is one RefTimeseriesLogicalFile object
        self.assertEqual(RefTimeseriesLogicalFile.objects.count(), 1)
        # test resource file is in the same folder
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        # test extracted ref time series file type metadata

        # test that the content of the json file is same is what we have
        # saved in json_file_content field of the file metadata object
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        logical_file = res_file.logical_file

        # test resource file is in a folder
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)

Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_aggregation_folder_sub_folder_not_allowed(self):
        # test a folder can't be created inside a folder that represents an aggregation

        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, None)

        # create aggregation from the nc file
        NetCDFLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user, res_file.id)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        self.assertNotEqual(res_file.file_folder, None)
        # create a folder inside the aggregation folder
        new_folder = '{}/sub_folder'.format(res_file.file_folder)
        with self.assertRaises(DRF_ValidationError):
            ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)

    def test_create_aggregation_from_shp_file_required_2(self):
        # here we are using a shp file that exists in a folder
        # for setting it to Geo Feature file type which includes metadata extraction
        # no new folder should be created as part o creating this aggregation


        new_folder = 'geofeature_aggr'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the 3 required files to the resource at the above folder
        res_file = self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.states_shp_file,
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        res_file = self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.states_shx_file,
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        res_file = self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.states_dbf_file,
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)

        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 3)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()

        # check that the resource file is not associated with any logical file
        self.assertEqual(res_file.has_logical_file, False)
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)
        # set the shp file to GeoFeatureLogicalFile type
        shp_res_file = [
            f for f in self.composite_resource.files.all()
            if f.extension == '.shp'
        GeoFeatureLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user,
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureLogicalFile.objects.count(), 1)
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            # test that each resource file is part of an aggregation (logical file)
            # test that the each resource file has the same folder - no new folder created
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)

    def test_aggregation_file_rename(self):
        # test that a file can't renamed for any resource file
        # that's part of the GeoFeature logical file

        new_folder = 'my_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the 3 required files to the resource at the above folder
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        base_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(res_file.file_name)

        # create aggregation from the zip file
        GeoFeatureLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user,
        # test renaming of files that are associated with aggregation raises exception
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 3)

        src_path = 'data/contents/{}/states.shp'.format(new_folder)
        tgt_path = 'data/contents/{}/states-1.shp'.format(new_folder)
        with self.assertRaises(DRF_ValidationError):
                                          src_path, tgt_path)
        src_path = 'data/contents/{}/states.dbf'.format(new_folder)
        tgt_path = 'data/contents/{}/states-1.dbf'.format(new_folder)
        with self.assertRaises(DRF_ValidationError):
                                          src_path, tgt_path)

        src_path = 'data/contents/{}/states.shx'.format(new_folder)
        tgt_path = 'data/contents/{}/states-1.shx'.format(new_folder)
        with self.assertRaises(DRF_ValidationError):
                                          src_path, tgt_path)

Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_aggregation_folder_move_not_allowed(self):
        # test a folder is not allowed to be moved into a folder that represents an aggregation

        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        base_file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(res_file.file_name)
        aggregation_folder_name = base_file_name

        # create aggregation from the nc file
        NetCDFLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user, res_file.id)
        # create a folder to move the aggregation folder there
        new_folder = 'folder_to_move'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # move the new folder into the aggregation folder
        src_path = 'data/contents/{}'.format(new_folder)
        tgt_path = 'data/contents/{}'.format(aggregation_folder_name)
        with self.assertRaises(DRF_ValidationError):
            move_or_rename_file_or_folder(self.user, self.composite_resource.short_id, src_path,

Ejemplo n.º 20
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestFolderDownloadZip, self).setUp()
        self.group, _ = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='Hydroshare Author')
        self.user = create_account('*****@*****.**',

        self.res = create_resource(resource_type='CompositeResource',
                                   title='Test Resource',

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # create files
        self.n1 = "test1.txt"
        test_file = open(self.n1, 'w')
        test_file.write("Test text file in test1.txt")

        self.test_file = open(self.n1, "rb")
        add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.test_file, folder='foo')

        # copy refts file into new file to be added to the resource as an aggregation
        reft_data_file = open(
        refts_file = open('multi_sites_formatted_version1.0.refts.json', 'wb')
        self.refts_file = open('multi_sites_formatted_version1.0.refts.json',

        add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.refts_file)
        self.istorage = IrodsStorage()
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_fileset_create_delete(self):
        """Test that we can create a fileset aggregation from a folder that contains one file and delete the
        aggregation through the api"""

        new_folder = 'fileset_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the the txt file to the resource at the above folder
        self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.generic_file, upload_folder=new_folder)
        # there should be one resource file
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 1)
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        # file has a folder
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        # check that the resource file is not part of an aggregation
        self.assertEqual(res_file.has_logical_file, False)
        self.assertEqual(FileSetLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)
        # set folder to fileset logical file type (aggregation)

        set_type_url = reverse('set_file_type_public', kwargs={"pk": self.composite_resource.short_id,
                                                               "file_path": "",
                                                               "hs_file_type": "FileSet"})
        self.client.post(set_type_url, data={"folder_path": new_folder})
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        # file has the same folder
        self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)
        self.assertEqual(res_file.logical_file_type_name, self.logical_file_type_name)
        self.assertEqual(FileSetLogicalFile.objects.count(), 1)
        # aggregation dataset name should be same as the folder name
        self.assertEqual(res_file.logical_file.dataset_name, new_folder)

        delete_agg_url = reverse('delete_aggregation_public', kwargs={"resource_id": self.composite_resource.short_id,
                                                                      "file_path": new_folder,
                                                                      "hs_file_type": "FileSetLogicalFile"})
        self.assertEqual(FileSetLogicalFile.objects.count(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.all().count(), 0)

    def test_geofeature_file_type_folder_delete(self):
        # when  a file is set to geofeaturelogical file type
        # system automatically creates a folder using the name of the file
        # that was used to set the file type
        # Here we need to test that when that folder gets deleted, all files
        # in that folder gets deleted, the logicalfile object gets deleted and
        # the associated metadata objects get deleted

        new_folder = 'my_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the 3 required files to the resource at the above folder
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        base_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(res_file.file_name)

        # extract metadata from the zip file
        GeoFeatureLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user,
        # test that we have one logical file of type GeoFeatureLogicalFile type as a result
        # of metadata extraction
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureFileMetaData.objects.count(), 1)
        # should have one GeoFeatureFileMetadata object
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureFileMetaData.objects.count(), 1)

        # there should be 3 content files
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 3)
        # delete the folder for the logical file
        folder_path = "data/contents/{}".format(new_folder)
        remove_folder(self.user, self.composite_resource.short_id, folder_path)
        # there should be no content files
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 0)
        # there should not be any logical file or file metadata object as a result
        # of folder deletion
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureFileMetaData.objects.count(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(GeoFeatureFileMetaData.objects.count(), 0)
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestFolderDownloadZip, self).setUp()
        self.group, _ = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='Hydroshare Author')
        self.user = create_account(

        self.res = create_resource(resource_type='CompositeResource',
                                   title='Test Resource',

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # create files
        self.n1 = "test1.txt"
        test_file = open(self.n1, 'w')
        test_file.write("Test text file in test1.txt")

        self.test_file = open(self.n1, "r")
        add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.test_file, folder='foo')

        # copy refts file into new file to be added to the resource as an aggregation
        reft_data_file = open('hs_core/tests/data/multi_sites_formatted_version1.0.refts.json', 'r')
        refts_file = open('multi_sites_formatted_version1.0.refts.json', 'w')
        self.refts_file = open('multi_sites_formatted_version1.0.refts.json', 'r')

        add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.refts_file)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def add_file_to_resource(request, *args, **kwargs):
        shortkey = kwargs['shortkey']
    except KeyError:
        raise TypeError('shortkey must be specified...')

    res, _, _ = authorize(request,
    for f in request.FILES.getlist('files'):
        res.files.add(ResourceFile(content_object=res, resource_file=f))
    resource_modified(res, request.user)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META['HTTP_REFERER'])
Ejemplo n.º 25
def check_aggregations(resource, folders, res_files):
    A helper to support creating aggregations for a given composite resource when new folders
    or files are added to the resource
    Checks for aggregations in each folder first, then checks for aggregations in each file
    :param resource: resource object
    :param folders: list of folders as strings to check for aggregations creation
    :param res_files: list of ResourceFile objects to check for aggregations creation
    if resource.resource_type == "CompositeResource":
        from hs_file_types.utils import set_logical_file_type
        # check folders for aggregations
        for fol in folders:
            folder = fol
            if not fol.startswith(resource.file_path):
                # need absolute folder path to check if folder can be set to aggregation
                folder = os.path.join(resource.file_path, fol)
                # need relative folder path for creating aggregation from folder
                fol = fol[len(resource.file_path) + 1:]
            agg_type = resource.get_folder_aggregation_type_to_set(folder)

            if agg_type == 'TimeSeriesLogicalFile':
                # check if the folder (fol) contains a csv file
                res_files = ResourceFile.list_folder(resource=resource,
                # there can be only one file in the folder
                # if that file is a csv file - don't use the folder to create aggregation
                if res_files[0].extension.lower() == '.csv':

            if agg_type and agg_type != "FileSetLogicalFile":
                agg_type = agg_type.replace('LogicalFile', '')
        # check files for aggregation
        for res_file in res_files:
            if not res_file.has_logical_file or res_file.logical_file.is_fileset:
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def supports_zip(self, folder_to_zip):
        """check if the given folder can be zipped or not"""

        # find all the resource files in the folder to be zipped
        # this is being passed both qualified and unqualified paths!

        full_path = folder_to_zip
        if not full_path.startswith(self.file_path):
            full_path = os.path.join(self.file_path, full_path)
        # get all resource files at full_path and its sub-folders
        res_file_objects = ResourceFile.list_folder(self, full_path)

        # check any logical file associated with the resource file supports zip functionality
        for res_file in res_file_objects:
            if res_file.has_logical_file:
                if not res_file.logical_file.supports_zip:
                    return False
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def supports_delete_folder_on_zip(self, original_folder):
        """check if the specified folder can be deleted at the end of zipping that folder"""

        # find all the resource files in the folder to be deleted
        # this is being passed both qualified and unqualified paths!
        full_path = original_folder
        if not full_path.startswith(self.file_path):
            full_path = os.path.join(self.file_path, full_path)

        # get all resource files at full_path and its sub-folders
        res_file_objects = ResourceFile.list_folder(self, full_path)

        # check any logical file associated with the resource file supports deleting the folder
        # after its zipped
        for res_file in res_file_objects:
            if res_file.has_logical_file:
                if not res_file.logical_file.supports_delete_folder_on_zip:
                    return False
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 28
def check_aggregations(resource, folders, res_files):
    A helper to support creating aggregations for a given composite resource when new folders
    or files are added to the resource
    Checks for aggregations in each folder first, then checks for aggregations in each file
    :param resource: resource object
    :param folders: list of folders as strings to check for aggregations creation
    :param res_files: list of ResourceFile objects to check for aggregations creation
    if resource.resource_type == "CompositeResource":
        from hs_file_types.utils import set_logical_file_type
        # check folders for aggregations
        for fol in folders:
            folder = fol
            if not fol.startswith(resource.file_path):
                # need absolute folder path to check if folder can be set to aggregation
                folder = os.path.join(resource.file_path, fol)
                # need relative folder path for creating aggregation from folder
                fol = fol[len(resource.file_path) + 1:]
            agg_type = resource.get_folder_aggregation_type_to_set(folder)

            if agg_type == 'TimeSeriesLogicalFile':
                # check if the folder (fol) contains a csv file
                res_files = ResourceFile.list_folder(resource=resource, folder=fol,
                # there can be only one file in the folder
                # if that file is a csv file - don't use the folder to create aggregation
                if res_files[0].extension.lower() == '.csv':

            if agg_type and agg_type != "FileSetLogicalFile":
                agg_type = agg_type.replace('LogicalFile', '')
                set_logical_file_type(res=resource, user=None, file_id=None,
                                      hs_file_type=agg_type, folder_path=fol,
        # check files for aggregation
        for res_file in res_files:
            if not res_file.has_logical_file or res_file.logical_file.is_fileset:
                set_logical_file_type(res=resource, user=None, file_id=res_file.pk,
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def _recreate_xml_docs_for_folder(self,
        """Re-creates xml metadata and map documents associated with the specified folder.
        If the *folder* represents an aggregation then map and metadata xml documents are
        recreated only for that aggregation. Otherwise, xml documents are created for any
        aggregation that may exist in the specified folder and its sub-folders.

        :param  folder: folder for which xml documents need to be re-created
        :param  check_metadata_dirty: if true, then xml files will be created only if the
        aggregation metadata is dirty

        # first check if the the folder represents an aggregation
            aggregation = self.get_aggregation_by_name(folder)
            if check_metadata_dirty:
                if aggregation.metadata.is_dirty:
                # if we found an aggregation by the folder name that means this folder doesn't
                # have any sub folders as multi-file aggregation folder can't have sub folders
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            # create xml map and metadata xml documents for all aggregations that exist
            # in *folder* and its sub-folders
            if not folder.startswith(self.file_path):
                folder = os.path.join(self.file_path, folder)

            res_file_objects = ResourceFile.list_folder(self, folder)
            aggregations = []
            for res_file in res_file_objects:
                if res_file.has_logical_file and res_file.logical_file not in aggregations:

            if check_metadata_dirty:
                aggregations = [
                    aggr for aggr in aggregations if aggr.metadata.is_dirty
            for aggregation in aggregations:
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def add_resource_files_in_folder(self, resource, folder):
        A helper for creating aggregation. Makes all resource files in a given folder and its
        sub folders as part of the aggregation/logical file type
        :param  resource:  an instance of CompositeResource
        :param  folder: folder from which all files need to be made part of this aggregation

        # get all resource files that in folder *folder* and all its sub folders
        res_files = ResourceFile.list_folder(resource=resource, folder=folder, sub_folders=True)

        for res_file in res_files:
            if not res_file.has_logical_file:
            elif res_file.logical_file.is_fileset and not \
                # resource file that is part of a fileset aggregation where the fileset aggregation
                # is not a sub folder of *folder* needs to be made part of this new fileset
                # aggregation

        return res_files
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def add_resource_files_in_folder(self, resource, folder):
        A helper for creating aggregation. Makes all resource files in a given folder and its
        sub folders as part of the aggregation/logical file type
        :param  resource:  an instance of CompositeResource
        :param  folder: folder from which all files need to be made part of this aggregation

        # get all resource files that in folder *folder* and all its sub folders
        res_files = ResourceFile.list_folder(resource=resource,

        for res_file in res_files:
            if not res_file.has_logical_file:
            elif res_file.logical_file.is_fileset and not \
                # resource file that is part of a fileset aggregation where the fileset aggregation
                # is not a sub folder of *folder* needs to be made part of this new fileset
                # aggregation

        return res_files
Ejemplo n.º 32
def raster_file_validation(raster_file, resource, raster_folder=None):
    """ Validates if the relevant files are valid for raster aggregation or raster resource type

    :param  raster_file: a temp file (extension tif or zip) retrieved from irods and stored on temp
    dir in django
    :param  raster_folder: (optional) folder in which raster file exists on irods.
    :param  resource: an instance of CompositeResource or GeoRasterResource in which
    raster_file exits.

    :return A list of error messages and a list of file paths for all files that belong to raster

    error_info = []
    new_resource_files_to_add = []
    raster_resource_files = []
    create_vrt = True
    validation_results = {'error_info': error_info,
                          'new_resource_files_to_add': new_resource_files_to_add,
                          'raster_resource_files': raster_resource_files,
                          'vrt_created': create_vrt}
    file_name_part, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(raster_file))
    ext = ext.lower()

    if ext == '.tif' or ext == '.tiff':
        res_files = ResourceFile.list_folder(resource=resource, folder=raster_folder,

        # check if there is already a vrt file in that folder
        vrt_files = [f for f in res_files if f.extension.lower() == ".vrt"]
        tif_files = [f for f in res_files if f.extension.lower() == ".tif" or
                     f.extension.lower() == ".tiff"]
        if vrt_files:
            if len(vrt_files) > 1:
                error_info.append("More than one vrt file was found.")
                return validation_results
            create_vrt = False
        elif len(tif_files) != 1:
            # if there are more than one tif file and no vrt file, then we just use the
            # selected tif file to create the aggregation in case of composite resource
            if resource.resource_type == "CompositeResource":
                tif_files = [tif_file for tif_file in tif_files if
                # if there are more than one tif file, there needs to be one vrt file
                error_info.append("A vrt file is missing.")
                return validation_results


        if vrt_files:
            temp_dir = os.path.dirname(raster_file)
            temp_vrt_file = utils.get_file_from_irods(vrt_files[0], temp_dir)
            # create the .vrt file
                temp_vrt_file = create_vrt_file(raster_file)
            except Exception as ex:
                if os.path.isfile(temp_vrt_file):

    elif ext == '.zip':
            extract_file_paths = _explode_raster_zip_file(raster_file)
        except Exception as ex:
            if extract_file_paths:
        error_info.append("Invalid file mime type found.")

    if not error_info:
        if ext == ".zip":
            # in case of zip, there needs to be more than one file extracted out of the zip file
            if len(new_resource_files_to_add) < 2:
                error_info.append("Invalid zip file. Seems to contain only one file. "
                                  "Multiple tif files are expected.")
                return validation_results

            files_ext = [os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower() for path in new_resource_files_to_add]
            if files_ext.count('.vrt') > 1:
                error_info.append("Invalid zip file. Seems to contain multiple vrt files.")
                return validation_results
            elif files_ext.count('.vrt') == 0:
                error_info.append("Invalid zip file. No vrt file was found.")
                return validation_results
            elif files_ext.count('.tif') + files_ext.count('.tiff') < 1:
                error_info.append("Invalid zip file. No tif/tiff file was found.")
                return validation_results

            # check if there are files that are not raster related
            non_raster_files = [f_ext for f_ext in files_ext if f_ext
                                not in ('.tif', '.tiff', '.vrt')]
            if non_raster_files:
                error_info.append("Invalid zip file. Contains files that are not raster related.")
                return validation_results

            temp_vrt_file = new_resource_files_to_add[files_ext.index('.vrt')]

        # validate vrt file if we didn't create it
        if ext == '.zip' or not create_vrt:
            raster_dataset = gdal.Open(temp_vrt_file, GA_ReadOnly)
            if raster_dataset is None:
                error_info.append('Failed to open the vrt file.')
                return validation_results

            # check if the vrt file is valid
            except AttributeError:
                error_info.append('Raster size and band information are missing.')
                return validation_results

            # check if the raster file numbers and names are valid in vrt file
            with open(temp_vrt_file, 'r') as vrt_file:
                vrt_string = vrt_file.read()
                root = ET.fromstring(vrt_string)
                file_names_in_vrt = [file_name.text for file_name in root.iter('SourceFilename')]

            if ext == '.zip':
                file_names = [os.path.basename(path) for path in new_resource_files_to_add]
                file_names = [f.file_name for f in raster_resource_files]

            file_names = [f_name for f_name in file_names if not f_name.endswith('.vrt')]

            if len(file_names) > len(file_names_in_vrt):
                msg = 'One or more additional tif files were found which are not listed in ' \
                      'the provided {} file.'
                msg = msg.format(os.path.basename(temp_vrt_file))
                for vrt_ref_raster_name in file_names_in_vrt:
                    if vrt_ref_raster_name in file_names \
                            or (os.path.split(vrt_ref_raster_name)[0] == '.' and
                                os.path.split(vrt_ref_raster_name)[1] in file_names):
                    elif os.path.basename(vrt_ref_raster_name) in file_names:
                        msg = "Please specify {} as {} in the .vrt file, because it will " \
                              "be saved in the same folder with .vrt file in HydroShare."
                        msg = msg.format(vrt_ref_raster_name, os.path.basename(vrt_ref_raster_name))
                        msg = "The file {tif} which is listed in the {vrt} file is missing."
                        msg = msg.format(tif=os.path.basename(vrt_ref_raster_name),

    return validation_results
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def test_federated_folder_path_logic(self):
        """ a federated file in a subfolder has the proper state after state changes """

        # resource should not have any files at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 0,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # add one file to the resource
        hydroshare.add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.test_file_1, folder='foo')

        # resource should has only one file at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 1,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        # get the handle of the file created above
        resfile = self.res.files.all()[0]

        self.assertEqual(resfile.resource_file.name, os.path.join(self.res.short_id,
                                                                  "data", "contents",
                                                                  "foo", "file1.txt"))
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")

        # cheat: set a fake federated path to test path logic
        fedpath = "/myzone/home/myuser"
        self.res.resource_federation_path = fedpath
        resfile.set_storage_path('foo/file1.txt', test_exists=False)

        # determine where that file should live
        shortpath = os.path.join(fedpath, self.res.short_id, "data",
                                 "contents", "foo", "file1.txt")

        self.assertEqual(shortpath, resfile.storage_path)

        # this should result in an exact path
        resfile.set_storage_path(shortpath, test_exists=False)

        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        self.assertTrue(resfile.path_is_acceptable(shortpath, test_exists=False))

        # non-existent files should raise error
        otherpath = os.path.join(fedpath, self.res.short_id, "data", "contents", "foo", "file2.txt")
        resfile.path_is_acceptable(otherpath, test_exists=False)
        # This won't work because federation path is fake.
        # with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
        #     resfile.path_is_acceptable(otherpath, test_exists=True)

        # try setting to an unqualified name; should qualify it
        resfile.set_storage_path("foo/file1.txt", test_exists=False)
        # should match computed path
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # now try to change that path to what it is already
        resfile.set_storage_path(shortpath, test_exists=False)
        # should match computed path
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # now try to change that path to a good path to a non-existent object
        resfile.set_storage_path(otherpath, test_exists=False)

        # conclusion: unfederate the resource
        self.res.resource_federation_path = ""
        resfile.set_storage_path("foo/file1.txt", test_exists=False)

        # delete resources to clean up
def data_store_rename_file_or_folder(request, pk=None):
    Rename one file or folder in a resource file hierarchy.  It is invoked by an AJAX call

    :param request: a REST request
    :param pk: the short_id of a resource to modify, from REST URL.

    This is invoked by an AJAX call in the UI. It returns a json object that has the
    relative path of the target file or folder that has been renamed. The AJAX request
    must be a POST request with input data for source_path and target_path, where source_path
    and target_path are the relative paths (relative to path res_id/data/contents) for the
    source and target file or folder.

    This routine is **specifically** targeted at validating requests from the UI.
    Thus it is much more limiting than a general purpose REST responder.
    pk = request.POST.get('res_id', pk)
    if pk is None:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource id is not included',
    pk = str(pk).strip()
        resource, _, user = authorize(request, pk,
    except NotFound:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource not found', status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
    except PermissionDenied:
        return HttpResponse('Permission denied', status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

    src_path = resolve_request(request).get('source_path', None)
    tgt_path = resolve_request(request).get('target_path', None)
        src_path = _validate_path(src_path, 'src_path')
        tgt_path = _validate_path(tgt_path, 'tgt_path')
    except ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    src_folder, src_base = os.path.split(src_path)
    tgt_folder, tgt_base = os.path.split(tgt_path)

    if src_folder != tgt_folder:
        return HttpResponse('Rename: Source and target names must be in same folder',

    istorage = resource.get_irods_storage()

    # protect against stale data botches: source files should exist
    src_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, src_path)
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource,
    except ValidationError:
        return HttpResponse('Object to be renamed does not exist',

    if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, src_storage_path):
        try:  # Django record should exist for each file
            ResourceFile.get(resource, base, folder=folder)
        except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
            return HttpResponse('Object to be renamed does not exist',

    # check that the target doesn't exist
    tgt_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, tgt_path)
    tgt_short_path = tgt_path[len('data/contents/'):]
    if istorage.exists(tgt_storage_path):
        return HttpResponse('Desired name is already in use',
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource,
    except ValidationError:
        return HttpResponse('Poorly structured desired name {}'
        ResourceFile.get(resource, base, folder=tgt_short_path)
        return HttpResponse('Desired name {} is already in use'
    except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
        pass  # correct response

        rename_file_or_folder(user, pk, src_path, tgt_path)
    except SessionException as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.stderr, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
    except DRF_ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.detail, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    return_object = {'target_rel_path': tgt_path}

    return HttpResponse(
Ejemplo n.º 35
def add_file_to_resource(resource, f, folder=None, source_name='',
                         move=False, check_target_folder=False, add_to_aggregation=True):
    Add a ResourceFile to a Resource.  Adds the 'format' metadata element to the resource.
    :param  resource: Resource to which file should be added
    :param  f: File-like object to add to a resource
    :param  folder: folder at which the file will live
    :param  source_name: the logical file name of the resource content file for
                        federated iRODS resource or the federated zone name;
                        By default, it is empty. A non-empty value indicates
                        the file needs to be added into the federated zone, either
                        from local disk where f holds the uploaded file from local
                        disk, or from the federated zone directly where f is empty
                        but source_name has the whole data object
                        iRODS path in the federated zone
    :param  move: indicate whether the file should be copied or moved from private user
                 account to proxy user account in federated zone; A value of False
                 indicates copy is needed, a value of True indicates no copy, but
                 the file will be moved from private user account to proxy user account.
                 The default value is False.

    :param  check_target_folder: if true and the resource is a composite resource then uploading
    a file to the specified folder will be validated before adding the file to the resource
    :param  add_to_aggregation: if true and the resource is a composite resource then the file
    being added to the resource also will be added to a fileset aggregation if such an aggregation
    exists in the file path
    :return: The identifier of the ResourceFile added.

    # validate parameters
    if check_target_folder and resource.resource_type != 'CompositeResource':
        raise ValidationError("Resource must be a CompositeResource for validating target folder")

    if f:
        if check_target_folder and folder is not None:
                tgt_full_upload_path = os.path.join(resource.file_path, folder)
                if not resource.can_add_files(target_full_path=tgt_full_upload_path):
                    err_msg = "File can't be added to this folder which represents an aggregation"
                    raise ValidationError(err_msg)
        openfile = File(f) if not isinstance(f, UploadedFile) else f
        ret = ResourceFile.create(resource, openfile, folder=folder, source=None, move=False)
        if add_to_aggregation:
            if folder is not None and resource.resource_type == 'CompositeResource':
                aggregation = resource.get_fileset_aggregation_in_path(folder)
                if aggregation is not None:
                    # make the added file part of the fileset aggregation

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(f.name)

    elif source_name:
            # create from existing iRODS file
            ret = ResourceFile.create(resource, None, folder=folder, source=source_name, move=move)
        except SessionException as ex:
            except Exception:
            # raise the exception for the calling function to inform the error on the page interface
            raise SessionException(ex.exitcode, ex.stdout, ex.stderr)

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(source_name)

        raise ValueError('Invalid input parameter is passed into this add_file_to_resource() '

    # TODO: generate this from data in ResourceFile rather than extension
    if file_format_type not in [mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()]:
        resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 36
def add_file_to_resource(resource,
    Add a ResourceFile to a Resource.  Adds the 'format' metadata element to the resource.
    :param  resource: Resource to which file should be added
    :param  f: File-like object to add to a resource
    :param  folder: folder at which the file will live
    :param  source_name: the logical file name of the resource content file for
                        federated iRODS resource or the federated zone name;
                        By default, it is empty. A non-empty value indicates
                        the file needs to be added into the federated zone, either
                        from local disk where f holds the uploaded file from local
                        disk, or from the federated zone directly where f is empty
                        but source_name has the whole data object
                        iRODS path in the federated zone
    :param  check_target_folder: if true and the resource is a composite resource then uploading
    a file to the specified folder will be validated before adding the file to the resource
    :param  add_to_aggregation: if true and the resource is a composite resource then the file
    being added to the resource also will be added to a fileset aggregation if such an aggregation
    exists in the file path
    :return: The identifier of the ResourceFile added.

    # validate parameters
    if check_target_folder and resource.resource_type != 'CompositeResource':
        raise ValidationError(
            "Resource must be a CompositeResource for validating target folder"

    if f:
        if check_target_folder and folder is not None:
            tgt_full_upload_path = os.path.join(resource.file_path, folder)
            if not resource.can_add_files(
                err_msg = "File can't be added to this folder which represents an aggregation"
                raise ValidationError(err_msg)
        openfile = File(f) if not isinstance(f, UploadedFile) else f
        ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,
        if add_to_aggregation:
            if folder is not None and resource.resource_type == 'CompositeResource':
                aggregation = resource.get_fileset_aggregation_in_path(folder)
                if aggregation is not None:
                    # make the added file part of the fileset aggregation

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(f.name)

    elif source_name:
            # create from existing iRODS file
            ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,
        except SessionException as ex:
            except Exception:
            # raise the exception for the calling function to inform the error on the page interface
            raise SessionException(ex.exitcode, ex.stdout, ex.stderr)

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(source_name)

        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid input parameter is passed into this add_file_to_resource() '

    # TODO: generate this from data in ResourceFile rather than extension
    if file_format_type not in [
            mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()
        resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def test_federated_folder_path_logic(self):
        """ a federated file in a subfolder has the proper state after state changes """

        # resource should not have any files at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 0,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # add one file to the resource
        hydroshare.add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.test_file_1, folder='foo')

        # resource should has only one file at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 1,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        # get the handle of the file created above
        resfile = self.res.files.all()[0]

        self.assertEqual(resfile.resource_file.name, os.path.join(self.res.short_id,
                                                                  "data", "contents",
                                                                  "foo", "file1.txt"))
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")

        # cheat: set a fake federated path to test path logic
        fedpath = "/myzone/home/myuser"
        self.res.resource_federation_path = fedpath
        resfile.set_storage_path('foo/file1.txt', test_exists=False)

        # determine where that file should live
        shortpath = os.path.join(fedpath, self.res.short_id, "data",
                                 "contents", "foo", "file1.txt")

        self.assertEqual(shortpath, resfile.storage_path)

        # this should result in an exact path
        resfile.set_storage_path(shortpath, test_exists=False)

        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        self.assertTrue(resfile.path_is_acceptable(shortpath, test_exists=False))

        # non-existent files should raise error
        otherpath = os.path.join(fedpath, self.res.short_id, "data", "contents", "foo", "file2.txt")
        resfile.path_is_acceptable(otherpath, test_exists=False)
        # This won't work because federation path is fake.
        # with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
        #     resfile.path_is_acceptable(otherpath, test_exists=True)

        # try setting to an unqualified name; should qualify it
        resfile.set_storage_path("foo/file1.txt", test_exists=False)
        # should match computed path
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # now try to change that path to what it is already
        resfile.set_storage_path(shortpath, test_exists=False)
        # should match computed path
        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, shortpath)

        # now try to change that path to a good path to a non-existent object
        resfile.set_storage_path(otherpath, test_exists=False)

        # conclusion: unfederate the resource
        self.res.resource_federation_path = ""
        resfile.set_storage_path("foo/file1.txt", test_exists=False)

        # delete resources to clean up
Ejemplo n.º 38
def copy_resource_files_and_AVUs(src_res_id, dest_res_id):
    Copy resource files and AVUs from source resource to target resource including both
    on iRODS storage and on Django database
    :param src_res_id: source resource uuid
    :param dest_res_id: target resource uuid
    avu_list = ['bag_modified', 'metadata_dirty', 'isPublic', 'resourceType']
    src_res = get_resource_by_shortkey(src_res_id)
    tgt_res = get_resource_by_shortkey(dest_res_id)

    # This makes the assumption that the destination is in the same exact zone.
    # Also, bags and similar attached files are not copied.
    istorage = src_res.get_irods_storage()

    # This makes an exact copy of all physical files.
    src_files = os.path.join(src_res.root_path, 'data')
    # This has to be one segment short of the source because it is a target directory.
    dest_files = tgt_res.root_path
    istorage.copyFiles(src_files, dest_files)

    src_coll = src_res.root_path
    tgt_coll = tgt_res.root_path
    for avu_name in avu_list:
        value = istorage.getAVU(src_coll, avu_name)

        # make formerly public things private
        if avu_name == 'isPublic':
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, 'false')

        # bag_modified AVU needs to be set to true for copied resource
        elif avu_name == 'bag_modified':
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, 'true')

        # everything else gets copied literally
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, value)

    # link copied resource files to Django resource model
    files = src_res.files.all()

    # if resource files are part of logical files, then logical files also need copying
    src_logical_files = list(set([f.logical_file for f in files if f.has_logical_file]))
    map_logical_files = {}
    for src_logical_file in src_logical_files:
        map_logical_files[src_logical_file] = src_logical_file.get_copy(tgt_res)

    for n, f in enumerate(files):
        folder, base = os.path.split(f.short_path)  # strips object information.
        new_resource_file = ResourceFile.create(tgt_res, base, folder=folder)

        # if the original file is part of a logical file, then
        # add the corresponding new resource file to the copy of that logical file
        if f.has_logical_file:
            tgt_logical_file = map_logical_files[f.logical_file]
            if f.logical_file.extra_data:
                tgt_logical_file.extra_data = copy.deepcopy(f.logical_file.extra_data)

    if src_res.resource_type.lower() == "collectionresource":
        # clone contained_res list of original collection and add to new collection
        # note that new collection resource will not contain "deleted resources"
        tgt_res.resources = src_res.resources.all()
Ejemplo n.º 39
def raster_file_validation(raster_file, resource, raster_folder=None):
    """ Validates if the relevant files are valid for raster aggregation or raster resource type

    :param  raster_file: a temp file (extension tif or zip) retrieved from irods and stored on temp
    dir in django
    :param  raster_folder: (optional) folder in which raster file exists on irods.
    :param  resource: an instance of CompositeResource or GeoRasterResource in which
    raster_file exits.

    :return A list of error messages and a list of file paths for all files that belong to raster

    error_info = []
    new_resource_files_to_add = []
    raster_resource_files = []
    create_vrt = True
    validation_results = {
        'error_info': error_info,
        'new_resource_files_to_add': new_resource_files_to_add,
        'raster_resource_files': raster_resource_files,
        'vrt_created': create_vrt
    file_name_part, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(raster_file))
    ext = ext.lower()

    if ext == '.tif' or ext == '.tiff':
        res_files = ResourceFile.list_folder(resource=resource,

        # check if there is already a vrt file in that folder
        vrt_files = [f for f in res_files if f.extension.lower() == ".vrt"]
        tif_files = [
            f for f in res_files
            if f.extension.lower() == ".tif" or f.extension.lower() == ".tiff"
        if vrt_files:
            if len(vrt_files) > 1:
                error_info.append("More than one vrt file was found.")
                return validation_results
            create_vrt = False
        elif len(tif_files) != 1:
            # if there are more than one tif file and no vrt file, then we just use the
            # selected tif file to create the aggregation in case of composite resource
            if resource.resource_type == "CompositeResource":
                tif_files = [
                    tif_file for tif_file in tif_files
                    if raster_file.endswith(tif_file.file_name)
                # if there are more than one tif file, there needs to be one vrt file
                error_info.append("A vrt file is missing.")
                return validation_results


        if vrt_files:
            temp_dir = os.path.dirname(raster_file)
            temp_vrt_file = utils.get_file_from_irods(vrt_files[0], temp_dir)
            # create the .vrt file
                temp_vrt_file = create_vrt_file(raster_file)
            except Exception as ex:
                if os.path.isfile(temp_vrt_file):

    elif ext == '.zip':
            extract_file_paths = _explode_raster_zip_file(raster_file)
        except Exception as ex:
            if extract_file_paths:
        error_info.append("Invalid file mime type found.")

    if not error_info:
        if ext == ".zip":
            # in case of zip, there needs to be more than one file extracted out of the zip file
            if len(new_resource_files_to_add) < 2:
                    "Invalid zip file. Seems to contain only one file. "
                    "Multiple tif files are expected.")
                return validation_results

            files_ext = [
                for path in new_resource_files_to_add
            if files_ext.count('.vrt') > 1:
                    "Invalid zip file. Seems to contain multiple vrt files.")
                return validation_results
            elif files_ext.count('.vrt') == 0:
                error_info.append("Invalid zip file. No vrt file was found.")
                return validation_results
            elif files_ext.count('.tif') + files_ext.count('.tiff') < 1:
                    "Invalid zip file. No tif/tiff file was found.")
                return validation_results

            # check if there are files that are not raster related
            non_raster_files = [
                f_ext for f_ext in files_ext
                if f_ext not in ('.tif', '.tiff', '.vrt')
            if non_raster_files:
                    "Invalid zip file. Contains files that are not raster related."
                return validation_results

            temp_vrt_file = new_resource_files_to_add[files_ext.index('.vrt')]

        # validate vrt file if we didn't create it
        if ext == '.zip' or not create_vrt:
            raster_dataset = gdal.Open(temp_vrt_file, GA_ReadOnly)
            if raster_dataset is None:
                error_info.append('Failed to open the vrt file.')
                return validation_results

            # check if the vrt file is valid
            except AttributeError:
                    'Raster size and band information are missing.')
                return validation_results

            # check if the raster file numbers and names are valid in vrt file
            with open(temp_vrt_file, 'r') as vrt_file:
                vrt_string = vrt_file.read()
                root = ET.fromstring(vrt_string)
                file_names_in_vrt = [
                    file_name.text for file_name in root.iter('SourceFilename')

            if ext == '.zip':
                file_names = [
                    for path in new_resource_files_to_add
                file_names = [f.file_name for f in raster_resource_files]

            file_names = [
                f_name for f_name in file_names if not f_name.endswith('.vrt')

            if len(file_names) > len(file_names_in_vrt):
                msg = 'One or more additional tif files were found which are not listed in ' \
                      'the provided {} file.'
                msg = msg.format(os.path.basename(temp_vrt_file))
                for vrt_ref_raster_name in file_names_in_vrt:
                    if vrt_ref_raster_name in file_names \
                            or (os.path.split(vrt_ref_raster_name)[0] == '.' and
                                os.path.split(vrt_ref_raster_name)[1] in file_names):
                    elif os.path.basename(vrt_ref_raster_name) in file_names:
                        msg = "Please specify {} as {} in the .vrt file, because it will " \
                              "be saved in the same folder with .vrt file in HydroShare."
                        msg = msg.format(vrt_ref_raster_name,
                        msg = "The file {tif} which is listed in the {vrt} file is missing."
                        msg = msg.format(

    return validation_results
def data_store_move_to_folder(request, pk=None):
    Move a list of files and/or folders to another folder in a resource file hierarchy.

    :param request: a REST request
    :param pk: the short_id of a resource to modify, from REST URL.

    It is invoked by an AJAX call and returns a json object that has the relative paths of
    the target files or folders to which files have been moved. The AJAX request must be a POST
    request with input data passed in for source_paths and target_path where source_paths
    and target_path are the relative paths for the source and target file or folder in the
    res_id file directory.

    This routine is **specifically** targeted at validating requests from the UI.
    Thus it is much more limiting than a general purpose REST responder.
    pk = request.POST.get('res_id', pk)
    if pk is None:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource id is not included',

    # whether to treat request as atomic: skip overwrites for valid request
    atomic = request.POST.get('atomic', 'false') == 'true'  # False by default

    pk = str(pk).strip()
        resource, _, user = authorize(
            request, pk, needed_permission=ACTION_TO_AUTHORIZE.EDIT_RESOURCE)
    except NotFound:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource not found',
    except PermissionDenied:
        return HttpResponse('Permission denied',

    tgt_path = resolve_request(request).get('target_path', None)
    src_paths = resolve_request(request).get('source_paths', None)
    if src_paths is None or tgt_path is None:
        return HttpResponse(
            'Bad request - src_paths or tgt_path is not included',

    tgt_path = str(tgt_path).strip()
    if not tgt_path:
        return HttpResponse('Target directory not specified',

    # protect against common hacking attacks
    if not tgt_path.startswith('data/contents/'):
        return HttpResponse(
            'Target directory path must start with data/contents/',
    if tgt_path.find('/../') >= 0 or tgt_path.endswith('/..'):
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - tgt_path cannot contain /../',

    istorage = resource.get_irods_storage()

    # strip trailing slashes (if any)
    tgt_path = tgt_path.rstrip('/')
    tgt_short_path = tgt_path[len('data/contents/'):]
    tgt_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, tgt_path)

    if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, tgt_storage_path):
        return HttpResponse('Target of move is not an existing folder',

    src_paths = json.loads(src_paths)

    for i in range(len(src_paths)):
        src_paths[i] = str(src_paths[i]).strip().rstrip('/')

    # protect against common hacking attacks
    for src_path in src_paths:

        if not src_path.startswith('data/contents/'):
            return HttpResponse(
                'Paths to be moved must start with data/contents/',

        if src_path.find('/../') >= 0 or src_path.endswith('/..'):
            return HttpResponse('Paths to be moved cannot contain /../',

    valid_src_paths = []
    skipped_tgt_paths = []

    for src_path in src_paths:
        src_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, src_path)
        src_short_path = src_path[len('data/contents/'):]

        # protect against stale data botches: source files should exist
            folder, file = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(
                resource, src_storage_path, test_exists=True)
        except ValidationError:
            return HttpResponse(
                'Source file {} does not exist'.format(src_short_path),

        if not irods_path_is_directory(
                istorage, src_storage_path):  # there is django record
                ResourceFile.get(resource, file, folder=folder)
            except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
                return HttpResponse(
                    'Source file {} does not exist'.format(src_short_path),

        # protect against inadvertent overwrite
        base = os.path.basename(src_storage_path)
        tgt_overwrite = os.path.join(tgt_storage_path, base)
        if not istorage.exists(tgt_overwrite):
                src_path)  # partly qualified path for operation
        else:  # skip pre-existing objects
            skipped_tgt_paths.append(os.path.join(tgt_short_path, base))

    if skipped_tgt_paths:
        if atomic:
            message = 'move would overwrite {}'.format(
                ', '.join(skipped_tgt_paths))
            return HttpResponse(message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    # if not atomic, then try to move the files that don't have conflicts
    # stop immediately on error.

        move_to_folder(user, pk, valid_src_paths, tgt_path)
    except SessionException as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.stderr,
    except DRF_ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.detail, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    return_object = {'target_rel_path': tgt_path}

    if skipped_tgt_paths:  # add information on skipped steps
        message = '[Warn] skipped move to existing {}'.format(
            ', '.join(skipped_tgt_paths))
        return_object['additional_status'] = message

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(return_object),
def data_store_move_to_folder(request, pk=None):
    Move a list of files and/or folders to another folder in a resource file hierarchy.

    :param request: a REST request
    :param pk: the short_id of a resource to modify, from REST URL.

    It is invoked by an AJAX call and returns a json object that has the relative paths of
    the target files or folders to which files have been moved. The AJAX request must be a POST
    request with input data passed in for source_paths and target_path where source_paths
    and target_path are the relative paths (relative to path res_id/data/contents) for the source
    and target file or folder in the res_id file directory.

    This routine is **specifically** targeted at validating requests from the UI.
    Thus it is much more limiting than a general purpose REST responder.
    pk = request.POST.get('res_id', pk)
    if pk is None:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource id is not included',

    # whether to treat request as atomic: skip overwrites for valid request
    atomic = request.POST.get('atomic', 'false') == 'true'  # False by default

    pk = str(pk).strip()
        resource, _, user = authorize(request, pk,
    except NotFound:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource not found', status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
    except PermissionDenied:
        return HttpResponse('Permission denied', status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

    tgt_path = resolve_request(request).get('target_path', None)
    src_paths = resolve_request(request).get('source_paths', None)

        tgt_path = _validate_path(tgt_path, 'tgt_path', check_path_empty=False)
    except ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    istorage = resource.get_irods_storage()

    tgt_short_path = tgt_path[len('data/contents/'):]
    tgt_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, tgt_path)

    if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, tgt_storage_path):
        return HttpResponse('Target of move is not an existing folder',

    src_paths = json.loads(src_paths)

    # protect against common hacking attacks
    for index, src_path in enumerate(src_paths):
            src_paths[index] = _validate_path(src_path, 'src_paths')
        except ValidationError as ex:
            return HttpResponse(ex.message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    valid_src_paths = []
    skipped_tgt_paths = []

    for src_path in src_paths:
        src_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, src_path)
        src_short_path = src_path[len('data/contents/'):]

        # protect against stale data botches: source files should exist
            folder, file = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource,
        except ValidationError:
            return HttpResponse('Source file {} does not exist'.format(src_short_path),

        if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, src_storage_path):  # there is django record
                ResourceFile.get(resource, file, folder=folder)
            except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
                return HttpResponse('Source file {} does not exist'.format(src_short_path),

        # protect against inadvertent overwrite
        base = os.path.basename(src_storage_path)
        tgt_overwrite = os.path.join(tgt_storage_path, base)
        if not istorage.exists(tgt_overwrite):
            valid_src_paths.append(src_path)  # partly qualified path for operation
        else:  # skip pre-existing objects
            skipped_tgt_paths.append(os.path.join(tgt_short_path, base))

    if skipped_tgt_paths:
        if atomic:
            message = 'move would overwrite {}'.format(', '.join(skipped_tgt_paths))
            return HttpResponse(message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    # if not atomic, then try to move the files that don't have conflicts
    # stop immediately on error.

        move_to_folder(user, pk, valid_src_paths, tgt_path)
    except SessionException as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.stderr, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
    except DRF_ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.detail, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    return_object = {'target_rel_path': tgt_path}

    if skipped_tgt_paths:  # add information on skipped steps
        message = '[Warn] skipped move to existing {}'.format(', '.join(skipped_tgt_paths))
        return_object['additional_status'] = message

    return HttpResponse(
Ejemplo n.º 42
def add_file_to_resource(resource,
    Add a ResourceFile to a Resource.  Adds the 'format' metadata element to the resource.
    :param resource: Resource to which file should be added
    :param f: File-like object to add to a resource
    :param source_name: the logical file name of the resource content file for
                        federated iRODS resource or the federated zone name;
                        By default, it is empty. A non-empty value indicates
                        the file needs to be added into the federated zone, either
                        from local disk where f holds the uploaded file from local
                        disk, or from the federated zone directly where f is empty
                        but source_name has the whole data object
                        iRODS path in the federated zone
    :param source_size: the size of the reference file in source_name if is_file_reference is True; otherwise, it is
                        set to 0 and useless.
    :param move: indicate whether the file should be copied or moved from private user
                 account to proxy user account in federated zone; A value of False
                 indicates copy is needed, a value of True indicates no copy, but
                 the file will be moved from private user account to proxy user account.
                 The default value is False.
    :param is_file_reference: indicate whether the file being added is a reference to an external
                              file stored in an external zone or URL. source_name will hold
                              the reference file path or url
    :return: The identifier of the ResourceFile added.

    # importing here to avoid circular import
    from hs_file_types.models import GenericLogicalFile

    if f:

        openfile = File(f) if not isinstance(f, UploadedFile) else f
        ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(f.name)

    elif source_name:
            # create from existing iRODS file
            ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,
        except SessionException as ex:
            except Exception:
            # raise the exception for the calling function to inform the error on the page interface
            raise SessionException(ex.exitcode, ex.stdout, ex.stderr)

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(source_name)

        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid input parameter is passed into this add_file_to_resource() '

    # TODO: generate this from data in ResourceFile rather than extension
    if file_format_type not in [
            mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()
        resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)

    # if a file gets added successfully to composite resource, then better to set the generic
    # logical file here
    if resource.resource_type == "CompositeResource":
        logical_file = GenericLogicalFile.create()
        ret.logical_file_content_object = logical_file

    return ret
    def test_aggregation_folder_move(self):
        # test changes to aggregation name, aggregation metadata xml file path, and aggregation
        # resource map xml file path on aggregation folder move

        new_folder = 'my_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the 3 required files to the resource at the above folder
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()

        # create aggregation from the zip file
        GeoFeatureLogicalFile.set_file_type(self.composite_resource, self.user,
        self.assertEqual(self.composite_resource.files.count(), 3)
        base_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(res_file.file_name)
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, new_folder)

        # test aggregation name
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        logical_file = res_file.logical_file
        shp_file_path = get_path_with_no_file_extension(
        # test aggregation xml file paths
        expected_meta_file_path = '{0}{1}'.format(shp_file_path,

        expected_map_file_path = '{0}{1}'.format(shp_file_path,

        # create a folder to move the aggregation folder there
        parent_folder = 'parent_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, parent_folder)
        # move the aggregation folder to the parent folder
        src_path = 'data/contents/{}'.format(new_folder)
        tgt_path = 'data/contents/{}/{}'.format(parent_folder, new_folder)

                                      src_path, tgt_path)

        file_folder = '{}/{}'.format(parent_folder, new_folder)
        for res_file in self.composite_resource.files.all():
            self.assertEqual(res_file.file_folder, file_folder)

        # test aggregation name update
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        logical_file = res_file.logical_file
        shp_file_path = get_path_with_no_file_extension(

        # test aggregation xml file paths
        expected_meta_file_path = '{0}{1}'.format(shp_file_path,

        expected_map_file_path = '{0}{1}'.format(shp_file_path,

Ejemplo n.º 44
def copy_resource_files_and_AVUs(src_res_id, dest_res_id):
    Copy resource files and AVUs from source resource to target resource including both
    on iRODS storage and on Django database
    :param src_res_id: source resource uuid
    :param dest_res_id: target resource uuid
    avu_list = ['bag_modified', 'metadata_dirty', 'isPublic', 'resourceType']
    src_res = get_resource_by_shortkey(src_res_id)
    tgt_res = get_resource_by_shortkey(dest_res_id)

    # This makes the assumption that the destination is in the same exact zone.
    # Also, bags and similar attached files are not copied.
    istorage = src_res.get_irods_storage()

    # This makes an exact copy of all physical files.
    src_files = os.path.join(src_res.root_path, 'data')
    # This has to be one segment short of the source because it is a target directory.
    dest_files = tgt_res.root_path
    istorage.copyFiles(src_files, dest_files)

    src_coll = src_res.root_path
    tgt_coll = tgt_res.root_path
    for avu_name in avu_list:
        value = istorage.getAVU(src_coll, avu_name)

        # make formerly public things private
        if avu_name == 'isPublic':
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, 'false')

        # bag_modified AVU needs to be set to true for copied resource
        elif avu_name == 'bag_modified':
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, 'true')

        # everything else gets copied literally
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, value)

    # link copied resource files to Django resource model
    files = src_res.files.all()

    # if resource files are part of logical files, then logical files also need copying
    src_logical_files = list(
        set([f.logical_file for f in files if f.has_logical_file]))
    map_logical_files = {}
    for src_logical_file in src_logical_files:
        map_logical_files[src_logical_file] = src_logical_file.get_copy()

    for n, f in enumerate(files):
        folder, base = os.path.split(
            f.short_path)  # strips object information.
        new_resource_file = ResourceFile.create(tgt_res, base, folder=folder)

        # if the original file is part of a logical file, then
        # add the corresponding new resource file to the copy of that logical file
        if f.has_logical_file:
            tgt_logical_file = map_logical_files[f.logical_file]

    if src_res.resource_type.lower() == "collectionresource":
        # clone contained_res list of original collection and add to new collection
        # note that new collection resource will not contain "deleted resources"
        tgt_res.resources = src_res.resources.all()
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def test_aggregation_metadata_CRUD(self):
        # here we are using a valid nc file for creating a NetCDF file type (aggregation)
        # then testing with metadata CRUD actions for the  aggregation

        new_folder = 'nc_folder'
        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.composite_resource, new_folder)
        # add the the nc file to the resource at the above folder
        self.add_file_to_resource(file_to_add=self.netcdf_file, upload_folder=new_folder)
        # make the netcdf file part of the NetCDFLogicalFile
        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        self.assertEqual(NetCDFFileMetaData.objects.count(), 0)
        netcdf_logical_file = NetCDFLogicalFile.create(self.composite_resource)
        self.assertEqual(NetCDFFileMetaData.objects.count(), 1)

        res_file = self.composite_resource.files.first()
        self.assertEqual(res_file.logical_file_type_name, 'NetCDFLogicalFile')
        self.assertEqual(netcdf_logical_file.files.count(), 1)

        # create keywords - note it is possible to have duplicate keywords
        # appropriate view functions need to disallow duplicate keywords
        keywords = ['key-1', 'key-1', 'key-2']
        netcdf_logical_file.metadata.keywords = keywords
        self.assertEqual(len(keywords), len(netcdf_logical_file.metadata.keywords))
        for keyword in keywords:
            self.assertIn(keyword, netcdf_logical_file.metadata.keywords)

        # create OriginalCoverage element
        self.assertEqual(netcdf_logical_file.metadata.original_coverage, None)
        coverage_data = {'northlimit': 121.345, 'southlimit': 42.678, 'eastlimit': 123.789,
                         'westlimit': 40.789, 'units': 'meters'}
        netcdf_logical_file.metadata.create_element('OriginalCoverage', value=coverage_data)
        self.assertNotEqual(netcdf_logical_file.metadata.original_coverage, None)

        # test updating OriginalCoverage element
        orig_coverage = netcdf_logical_file.metadata.original_coverage
        coverage_data = {'northlimit': 111.333, 'southlimit': 42.678, 'eastlimit': 123.789,
                         'westlimit': 40.789, 'units': 'meters'}
        netcdf_logical_file.metadata.update_element('OriginalCoverage', orig_coverage.id,

        # trying to create a 2nd OriginalCoverage element should raise exception
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            netcdf_logical_file.metadata.create_element('OriginalCoverage', value=coverage_data)

        # trying to update bounding box values with non-numeric values
        # (e.g., 'north_limit' key with a non-numeric value) should raise exception
        coverage_data = {'northlimit': '121.345a', 'southlimit': 42.678, 'eastlimit': 123.789,
                         'westlimit': 40.789, 'units': 'meters'}
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
            netcdf_logical_file.metadata.update_element('OriginalCoverage', orig_coverage.id,
        # test creating spatial coverage
        # there should not be any spatial coverage for the netcdf file type
        self.assertEqual(netcdf_logical_file.metadata.spatial_coverage, None)
        coverage_data = {'projection': 'WGS 84 EPSG:4326', 'northlimit': 41.87,
                         'southlimit': 41.863,
                         'eastlimit': -111.505,
                         'westlimit': -111.511, 'units': 'meters'}
        # create spatial coverage
        netcdf_logical_file.metadata.create_element('Coverage', type="box", value=coverage_data)
        spatial_coverage = netcdf_logical_file.metadata.spatial_coverage
        self.assertEqual(float(spatial_coverage.value['northlimit']), 41.87)

        # test updating spatial coverage
        coverage_data = {'projection': 'WGS 84 EPSG:4326', 'northlimit': 41.87706,
                         'southlimit': 41.863,
                         'eastlimit': -111.505,
                         'westlimit': -111.511, 'units': 'meters'}
        netcdf_logical_file.metadata.update_element('Coverage', element_id=spatial_coverage.id,
                                                    type="box", value=coverage_data)
        spatial_coverage = netcdf_logical_file.metadata.spatial_coverage
        self.assertEqual(float(spatial_coverage.value['northlimit']), 41.87706)

        # create Variable element
        self.assertEqual(netcdf_logical_file.metadata.variables.count(), 0)
        variable_data = {'name': 'variable_name', 'type': 'Int', 'unit': 'deg F',
                         'shape': 'variable_shape'}
        netcdf_logical_file.metadata.create_element('Variable', **variable_data)
        self.assertEqual(netcdf_logical_file.metadata.variables.count(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(netcdf_logical_file.metadata.variables.first().name, 'variable_name')

        # test that multiple Variable elements can be created
        variable_data = {'name': 'variable_name_2', 'type': 'Int', 'unit': 'deg F',
                         'shape': 'variable_shape_2'}
        netcdf_logical_file.metadata.create_element('Variable', **variable_data)
        self.assertEqual(netcdf_logical_file.metadata.variables.count(), 2)

        # test update Variable element
        variable = netcdf_logical_file.metadata.variables.first()
        variable_data = {'name': 'variable_name_updated', 'type': 'Int', 'unit': 'deg F',
                         'shape': 'variable_shape'}
        netcdf_logical_file.metadata.update_element('Variable', variable.id, **variable_data)
        variable = netcdf_logical_file.metadata.variables.get(id=variable.id)
        self.assertEqual(variable.name, 'variable_name_updated')

Ejemplo n.º 46
    def test_unfederated_folder_path_checks(self):
        """ an unfederated file in a subfolder has the proper state after state changes """
        # resource should not have any files at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 0,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # should succeed without errors
        check_irods_files(self.res, stop_on_error=True)

        # add one file to the resource
        hydroshare.add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.test_file_1, folder='foo')

        # should succeed without errors
        check_irods_files(self.res, stop_on_error=True)

        # resource should has only one file at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 1,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        # get the handle of the file created above
        resfile = self.res.files.all()[0]

        # determine where that file should live
        fullpath = os.path.join(self.res.short_id, "data",
                                "contents", "foo", "file1.txt")

        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, fullpath)

        # now try to intentionally corrupt it

        # should raise exception
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
            check_irods_files(self.res, stop_on_error=True)

        # now don't raise exception and read error
        errors, ecount = check_irods_files(self.res, return_errors=True, log_errors=False)

            'data/contents/fuzz.txt does not exist in iRODS'))
            'data/contents/foo/file1.txt in iRODs does not exist in Django'))
            "type is GenericResource, title is 'My Test Resource'"))

        # now try to clean it up
        errors, ecount = check_irods_files(self.res, return_errors=True, log_errors=False,
                                           clean_irods=True, clean_django=True)
            'data/contents/fuzz.txt does not exist in iRODS (DELETED FROM DJANGO)'))
            'data/contents/foo/file1.txt in iRODs does not exist in Django (DELETED FROM IRODS)'))
            "type is GenericResource, title is 'My Test Resource'"))

        # resource should not have any files at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 0,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        # now check should succeed
        errors, ecount = check_irods_files(self.res, stop_on_error=True, log_errors=False)
        self.assertEqual(ecount, 0)

        # delete resources to clean up
def data_store_rename_file_or_folder(request, pk=None):
    Rename one file or folder in a resource file hierarchy.  It is invoked by an AJAX call

    :param request: a REST request
    :param pk: the short_id of a resource to modify, from REST URL.

    This is invoked by an AJAX call in the UI. It returns a json object that has the
    relative path of the target file or folder that has been renamed. The AJAX request
    must be a POST request with input data for source_path and target_path, where source_path
    and target_path are the relative paths for the source and target file or folder.

    This routine is **specifically** targeted at validating requests from the UI.
    Thus it is much more limiting than a general purpose REST responder.
    pk = request.POST.get('res_id', pk)
    if pk is None:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource id is not included',
    pk = str(pk).strip()
        resource, _, user = authorize(
            request, pk, needed_permission=ACTION_TO_AUTHORIZE.EDIT_RESOURCE)
    except NotFound:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource not found',
    except PermissionDenied:
        return HttpResponse('Permission denied',

    src_path = resolve_request(request).get('source_path', None)
    tgt_path = resolve_request(request).get('target_path', None)
    if src_path is None or tgt_path is None:
        return HttpResponse('Source or target name is not specified',

    if not src_path or not tgt_path:
        return HttpResponse('Source or target name is empty',

    src_path = str(src_path).strip()
    tgt_path = str(tgt_path).strip()
    src_folder, src_base = os.path.split(src_path)
    tgt_folder, tgt_base = os.path.split(tgt_path)

    if src_folder != tgt_folder:
        return HttpResponse(
            'Rename: Source and target names must be in same folder',

    if not src_path.startswith('data/contents/'):
        return HttpResponse(
            'Rename: Source path must start with data/contents/',

    if src_path.find('/../') >= 0 or src_path.endswith('/..'):
        return HttpResponse('Rename: Source path cannot contain /../',

    if not tgt_path.startswith('data/contents/'):
        return HttpResponse(
            'Rename: Target path must start with data/contents/',

    if tgt_path.find('/../') >= 0 or tgt_path.endswith('/..'):
        return HttpResponse('Rename: Target path cannot contain /../',

    istorage = resource.get_irods_storage()

    # protect against stale data botches: source files should exist
    src_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, src_path)
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(
            resource, src_storage_path, test_exists=True)
    except ValidationError:
        return HttpResponse('Object to be renamed does not exist',

    if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, src_storage_path):
        try:  # Django record should exist for each file
            ResourceFile.get(resource, base, folder=folder)
        except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
            return HttpResponse('Object to be renamed does not exist',

    # check that the target doesn't exist
    tgt_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, tgt_path)
    tgt_short_path = tgt_path[len('data/contents/'):]
    if istorage.exists(tgt_storage_path):
        return HttpResponse('Desired name is already in use',
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(
            resource, tgt_storage_path, test_exists=False)
    except ValidationError:
        return HttpResponse(
            'Poorly structured desired name {}'.format(tgt_short_path),
        ResourceFile.get(resource, base, folder=tgt_short_path)
        return HttpResponse(
            'Desired name {} is already in use'.format(tgt_short_path),
    except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
        pass  # correct response

        rename_file_or_folder(user, pk, src_path, tgt_path)
    except SessionException as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.stderr,
    except DRF_ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.detail, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    return_object = {'target_rel_path': tgt_path}

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(return_object),
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def test_unfederated_folder_path_checks(self):
        """ an unfederated file in a subfolder has the proper state after state changes """
        # resource should not have any files at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 0,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        ResourceFile.create_folder(self.res, 'foo')

        # should succeed without errors

        # add one file to the resource
        hydroshare.add_resource_files(self.res.short_id, self.test_file_1, folder='foo')

        # should succeed without errors

        # resource should has only one file at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 1,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        # get the handle of the file created above
        resfile = self.res.files.all()[0]

        # determine where that file should live
        fullpath = os.path.join(self.res.short_id, "data",
                                "contents", "foo", "file1.txt")

        self.assertEqual(resfile.file_folder, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(resfile.storage_path, fullpath)

        # now try to intentionally corrupt it

        # should raise exception
        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):

        # now don't raise exception and read error
        errors, ecount = self.res.check_irods_files(return_errors=True, log_errors=False)

             'data/contents/fuzz.txt does not exist in iRODS'))
            'data/contents/foo/file1.txt in iRODs does not exist in Django'))
            "type is GenericResource, title is 'My Test Resource'"))

        # now try to clean it up
        errors, ecount = self.res.check_irods_files(return_errors=True, log_errors=False,
                                                    clean_irods=True, clean_django=True)
             'data/contents/fuzz.txt does not exist in iRODS (DELETED FROM DJANGO)'))
            'data/contents/foo/file1.txt in iRODs does not exist in Django (DELETED FROM IRODS)'))
            "type is GenericResource, title is 'My Test Resource'"))

        # resource should not have any files at this point
        self.assertEqual(self.res.files.all().count(), 0,
                         msg="resource file count didn't match")

        # now check should succeed
        errors, ecount = self.res.check_irods_files(stop_on_error=True, log_errors=False)
        self.assertEqual(ecount, 0)

        # delete resources to clean up
Ejemplo n.º 49
def add_file_to_resource(resource, f, folder=None, source_name='', move=False):
    Add a ResourceFile to a Resource.  Adds the 'format' metadata element to the resource.
    :param resource: Resource to which file should be added
    :param f: File-like object to add to a resource
    :param source_name: the logical file name of the resource content file for
                        federated iRODS resource or the federated zone name;
                        By default, it is empty. A non-empty value indicates
                        the file needs to be added into the federated zone, either
                        from local disk where f holds the uploaded file from local
                        disk, or from the federated zone directly where f is empty
                        but source_name has the whole data object
                        iRODS path in the federated zone
    :param move: indicate whether the file should be copied or moved from private user
                 account to proxy user account in federated zone; A value of False
                 indicates copy is needed, a value of True indicates no copy, but
                 the file will be moved from private user account to proxy user account.
                 The default value is False.

    :return: The identifier of the ResourceFile added.
    if f:

        openfile = File(f) if not isinstance(f, UploadedFile) else f
        ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(f.name)

    elif source_name:
            # create from existing iRODS file
            ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,
        except SessionException as ex:
            except Exception:
            # raise the exception for the calling function to inform the error on the page interface
            raise SessionException(ex.exitcode, ex.stdout, ex.stderr)

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(source_name)

        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid input parameter is passed into this add_file_to_resource() '

    # TODO: generate this from data in ResourceFile rather than extension
    if file_format_type not in [
            mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()
        resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)

    return ret