Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _check_IOL(self):
        """Check the presence of all grism images."""
        IOL_list = []

        # go over all inputs
        for one_input in self.axe_inputs:
            if one_input['objcat'] in IOL_list:

            # check the prism image
            if not os.path.isfile(config_util.getDATA(one_input['objcat'])):
                raise aXeError("{0:s}: The direct image: '{1:s}' does not "
            # load the IOL to check its format
                _log.info("reading {}".format(
            except IORegistryError:
                raise aXeError("{0:s} is not in a known format".format(
            # put the IOL to the list
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _check_dpps(self, back=False):
        # go over all inputs
        for one_input in self.axe_inputs:
            # load the config file and get the extension information
            conf = configfile.ConfigFile(
            ext_info = config_util.get_ext_info(
                config_util.getDATA(one_input['grisim']), conf)

            # derive the aXe names
            axe_names = config_util.get_axe_names(one_input['grisim'],
            # check the DPP file
            if not os.path.isfile(config_util.getOUTPUT(axe_names['DPP'])):
                # error and out
                err_msg = (
                    f"{self.taskname}: The DPP file: {config_util.getOUTPUT(axe_names['DPP'])}"
                    f" does not exist!")

                raise aXeError(err_msg)

            # check for the background DPP file
            if back and not os.path.isfile(
                # error and out
                err_msg = (
                    f"{self.taskname}: The DPP file: {config_util.getOUTPUT(axe_names['BCK_DPP'])}"
                    f" does not exist!")
                raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def check_axedrizzle(self, infwhm, outfwhm, back=False):
        """Comprises all file and file format checks for AXEDRIZZLE"""

        # check the DPP files

        # make sure that fabs(infwhm) and fabs(outfwhm) > 0.0
        if ((math.fabs(infwhm) == 0.0) or (math.fabs(outfwhm) == 0.0)):
            err_msg = (
                "{0:s}: fabs(infwhm) AND fabs(outfwhm) must be larger "
                "than 0.0, but infwhm={1:0.1f} and outfwhm={2:0.1f}!".format(
                    self.taskname, infwhm, outfwhm))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # make sure that fabs(infwhm) > fabs(outfwhm)
        if (math.fabs(infwhm) < math.fabs(outfwhm)):
            err_msg = ("{0:s}: fabs(infwhm) MUST be larger than fabs(outfwhm),"
                       " but infwhm={1:0.1f} and outfwhm={2:0.1f}!".format(
                           self.taskname, infwhm, outfwhm))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # make sure that infwhm and outfwhm
        # have consistent sign
        if ((infwhm * outfwhm) < 0.0):
            err_msg = ("{0:s}: infwhm={1:0.1f} and outfwhm={2:0.1f} must BOTH"
                       "be either positive or negative!".format(
                           self.taskname, infwhm, outfwhm))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __setitem__(self, index, obj):
        """Setindex method for the class

        The operator method which is called
        when the index of a class instance is
        set to a value.
        kkk[0] = test

        index: int
            the index to address
        obj: list
            description of the object content
        # check whether the index exists
        if index > len(self.kvallist) - 1:
            # raise an exception
            err_msg = 'Index ' + str(index) + ' does not exist!'
            raise aXeError(err_msg)
        # check whether the input type is correct
        elif not (isinstance(type(self[0]), obj)):
            # raise an exception
            err_msg = ("Object: {0:s} has wrong type: {1:s}!".format(
                str(obj), str(type(obj))))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # set the index to the input object
        self.kvallist[index] = obj
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _set_coefficients(self):
        """Extracts the drizzle coefficients."""
            self.imwcs = HSTWCS(self.image, ext=self.detector)
            #self.xcoeffs, self.ycoeffs = coeff_converter.sip2idc(self.imwcs)
        except ValueError:
            raise aXeError(
                "Could not determine distorsion coefficients from header.")

        # dictionary with the fixed names for the orders
        fixed_orders = {
            1: 'constant',
            2: 'linear',
            3: 'quadratic',
            4: 'cubic',
            5: 'quintic'
        self.xcoeffs = np.array([[0.0], [1.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0],
                                 [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0]])
        self.ycoeffs = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0],
                                 [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0]])

        # return the order
        # for HST the a and b orders should always match
        # sip.ap_order is the inverse
        # if (self.imwcs.sip.a_order != self.imwcs.sip.b_order):
        #     raise aXeError("SIP a and b orders don't match!")
        # self.order = fixed_orders[self.imwcs.sip.a_order]
            self.order = fixed_orders[len(self.xcoeffs) / 2]
        except KeyError:
            raise aXeError(
                f'Coefficient order not available: {self.order} in {fixed_orders}'
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _validate_columns(self):
        """Identify columns according to the Input Image List format"""

        columns = self._inimlist.colnames

        # check for number of columns
        if len(columns) < 2:
            err_msg = ("Expected at least 2 columns in {self._inimlist}!")
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        name = columns.pop()
        if ((np.issubsctype(self._inimlist[name], np.str))
                and ('fits' in self._inimlist[name][0])):
            self._inimlist.rename_column(name, 'grisim')
            err_msg = (f"Column 1 should be the names of the grism"
                       " fits files: {self._inimlist}")
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # check whether second column has type string
        name = columns.pop()
        if np.issubsctype(self._inimlist[name], np.str):
            self._inimlist.rename_column(name, 'objcat')
            err_msg = ("Column 2 should be the names of the object catalogs"
            raise aXeError(err_msg)
        # do a check on the first object catalog to make sure it's a format
        # that we can read
            _temp_cat = self._inimlist[0]['objcat'].split(',')[0]
            __ = Table.read(config_util.getDATA(_temp_cat),
        except IORegistryError:
            raise aXeError(
                "Catalog format not recognized , checked for: {0:s}".format(

        # go over all remaining rows to find DMAG and DIRIM
        while columns:
            name = columns.pop()

            # assume if it's a number it's DMAG
            if np.issubsctype(self._inimlist[name], np.float):
                self._inimlist.rename_column(name, 'dmag')
            # assume if it's a string its the direct image
            elif np.issubsctype(self._inimlist.columns[0], np.str):
                if '.fits' in self._inimlist.columns[0][0]:
                    self._inimlist.rename_column(name, 'dirim')
                err_msg = ("Problem identifying last columns in: {0}".format(
                raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _extend_asciidata(self):
        """Extend the table to one data set per line.

        This is where the association of files, catalogs, and configs for
        instruments that that contain more than one
        science chip in a file is done. The table is expanded so that each row
        has one file, one configuration, and one catalog associated with it. The rest
        of aXe is run based on no comma delimited lists.

        new_inimlist = deepcopy(self._inimlist)
        for row in self._inimlist:
            clist = row['config'].split(',')
            olist = row['objcat'].split(',')

            if len(olist) > 1:
                if (len(clist) != len(olist)):
                    err_msg = ("Number of object cats in {0:s} "
                               "is different from number of "
                               "configs in {1:s}".format(
                                   row['objcat'], row['config']))
                    raise aXeError(err_msg)
                olist = olist * len(
                    clist)  # there can be one cat and multiple config

            if 'fringe' in row.colnames:
                flist = row['fringe'].split(',')
                if (len(clist) != len(flist)):
                    err_msg = (f"Number of fringe configs "
                               f"is different from number of aXe configs "
                               f"in {row['config']}")
                    raise aXeError(err_msg)
                new_inimlist[row.index]['fringe'] = flist.pop()

            new_inimlist[row.index]['config'] = clist.pop()
            new_inimlist[row.index]['objcat'] = olist.pop()

            if 'fringe' in row.colnames:
                for conf, objcat, fringe in zip(clist, olist, flist):
                    new_row = [
                        row['grisim'], objcat, row['dirim'], conf, row['dmag'],
                for conf, objcat in zip(clist, olist):
                    new_row = [
                        row['grisim'], objcat, row['dirim'], conf, row['dmag']
            self._inimlist = deepcopy(new_inimlist)
        del new_inimlist
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _check_global_backsub(self):
        """Check for global background subtraction"""
        # go over all inputs
        for one_input in self.axe_inputs:

            # load the config file and get the extension information
            conf = configfile.ConfigFile(
            ext_info = config_util.get_ext_info(
                config_util.getDATA(one_input['grisim']), conf)

            # open the fits image
            gri_fits = fits.open(config_util.getDATA(one_input['grisim']),

            # go to the correct header
            act_header = gri_fits[ext_info['fits_ext']].header

            # make sure a sky background value is set
            if 'SKY_CPS' in act_header and act_header['SKY_CPS'] >= 0.0:
                # close the fits
                # close fits, complain and out
                err_msg = (
                    "{0:s}: The grism image: \n{1:s}\nhas no keyword "
                    "SKY_CPS>=0.0 in the extension {2:d}. This means "
                    "it had NO global\nsky subtraction, which is "
                    "required for the CRR version of aXedrizzle!".format(
                raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _transfer_coos(self):
        """Transfer coordinates from the IOL to the GOL"""
        # compose the WCS-term for the direct and grism images
        dir_term = getDATA("{0:s} [{1:d}]".format(
            self.dirname, self.dirname_extinfo['fits_ext']))
        gri_term = getDATA("{0:s} [{1:d}]".format(
            self.grisim, self.grism_extinfo['fits_ext']))

        # generate the WCS objects
        dir_wcs = wcsutil.WCSObject(dir_term)
        gri_wcs = wcsutil.WCSObject(gri_term)

        # go over each row in the catalog
        for row in self.gol:

            # make a position tuple
                xy_direct = (row['X_IMAGE'], row['Y_IMAGE'])
            except KeyError:
                # self._treat_NULL_table
                raise aXeError("No coordinate columns in catalog, empty?")

            # convert to RADEC using the direct image
            radec_pos = dir_wcs.xy2rd(xy_direct)

            # convert to XY on grism image
            xy_grism = gri_wcs.rd2xy(radec_pos)

            # store projected vals in the GOL
            row['X_IMAGE'] = float(xy_grism[0])
            row['Y_IMAGE'] = float(xy_grism[1])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """Getindex method for the class

        The operator method which is called
        when an index is requested on a
        class instace
        test = kkk[0]

        index: int
            the index to address

        obj: float
            the indexed object
        # check whether the index exists
        if index > len(self.kvallist) - 1:
            # raise an exception
            err_msg = 'Index: ' + str(index) + ' does not exist!'
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # return the indexed object
        return self.kvallist[index]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _check_gfiles(self):
        """Checks whether all files exist

        The method checks whether the files whose names
        are within the class data do exist or not.
        An error is reported in case that the files
        do not exist.
        # list of the root of all
        # global keys indicating a file
        fkeys = ['FFNAME']

        # go over all file keywords
        for key in fkeys:

            # identify the keyword in the list
            index = self._get_gkey_index(key)

            # check for existence
            if index > -1:

                # extract the keyvalue
                kvalue = self.gkeys[index].keyvalue

                # if the keyvalue is NOT None but the file does not exist
                if ((kvalue.upper() is not 'NONE')
                        and (not os.path.isfile(config_util.getCONF(kvalue)))):
                    # report an error
                    err_msg = ("The file: {0:s} does not exist!".format(
                    raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _get_indims(self, fcube_info):
        """Get the dimensions of the image

        @param fcube_info: the fluxcube info
        @type fcube_info: dict

        @return: the image dimension
        @rtype: [int,int]
        # make sure the fits image exists
        if not os.path.isfile(fcube_info['fits']):
            msg = "Image: {0:s} does not exist!".format(fcube_info['fits'])
            raise aXeError(msg)

        # open the image and get the header
        in_img = fits.open(fcube_info['fits'], 'readonly')
        in_head = in_img[fcube_info['ext_nam'], fcube_info['ext_ver']].header

        # extract the keywords for the image size from
        # the header
        dims = [in_head['NAXIS1'], in_head['NAXIS2']]

        # close the image

        # return the list with the image dimension
        return dims
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        """Getindex method for the class

        The operator method which is called
        when an index is requested on a
        class instace
        test = kkk[0]

        index: int
            the index to address
        key : ConfListKey
            the indexed object
        # check whether the index exists
        if index > len(self.twodkeys) - 1:
            # raise an exception
            err_msg = "Index: {0:s} does not exist!".format(str(index))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # return the indexed object
        return self.twodkeys[index]
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _check_gain_correction(self):
        """Check whether the gain correction had already been applied

        msg = ("AXEPREP: Non-NICMOS images such as: {self.grisim} usually are "
               "already gain corrected!")
        raise aXeError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, drizzle_image, input_cat, dim_term):
        drizzle_image: str
            the name of the drizzled image
        input_cat: str
            the name of the input catalogue made
            from the mosaic drizzled image, the master catalog
            description of the additional rows/column for the
            Input Object Lists


        Basic checks on the input is done. The existence of the images is
        checked, also the data type of the various real
        or integer numbers.
        self.iol_list = []
        self.dim_info = []

        # check whether the drizzled image exists,
        # store the name if it exists
        if not os.path.isfile(drizzle_image):
            err_msg = "File: {0:s} does not exist!".format(drizzle_image)
            raise aXeError(err_msg)
            self.drizzle_image = drizzle_image

        # check whether the input catalogue exists,
        # store the name if it exists
        if not os.path.isfile(input_cat):
            err_msg = 'File: ' + input_cat + ' does not exist!'
            raise aXeError(err_msg)
            self.input_cat = Table.read(input_cat, format='ascii.sextractor')

        # resolve and get the dimension information

        # create the list of Input Object Instances
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _check_low_skyfrac(self, frac):
        """Check for a low fraction of background pixels"""

        msg = (
            f"\nAXEPREP Image {self.grisim}: Only {frac*100.0} percent of the pixels "
            "were used in the background scaling!")

        raise aXeError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _make_fluxim(self, img_name, wav_pivot, zeropoint, AB_zero):
        """Generate a flux image"""
        # check whether the first item is the name of an existing file
        if not os.path.isfile(img_name):
            raise aXeError("File {0:s} does not exist!".format(img_name))

        # check whether the second item is a float
        if self._toFloat(wav_pivot) is None:
            raise aXeError("Expression {} must be a float!".format(wav_pivot))

        # check whether the third item is a float
        if self._toFloat(zeropoint) is None:
            err_msg = 'Expression: ' + zeropoint + ' must be float!'
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # create a new fluximage and return it
        return FluxImage(img_name, float(wav_pivot), float(zeropoint), AB_zero)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _check_second_normalization(self):
        """Check whether the data is already normalized.

        msg = (
            f"AXEPREP: Image {self.grisim} has already been normalized! Will not renormalize"
        raise aXeError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _check_second_gaincorr(self):
        """Check whether the gain correction had already been applied.

        msg = (
            f"AXEPREP: Image: {self.grisim} has already been gain corrected! Will not reapply."
        raise aXeError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def check_axeprep(self, backgr, backims):
        """Comprises all file and file format checks for AXEPREP"""

        # check for background subtraction
        if backgr:
            if not backims:
                err_msg = ("{0:s}: A background image must be given for the "
                           "background subtraction!".format(self.taskname))
                raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _check_grisms(self):
     """Check the existence of the grism files."""
     # go over all rows in the list
     for row in self._inimlist:
         # check the existence of the Input Image List
         if not os.path.isfile(row['grisim']):
             err_msg = ("Grism image: {0:s} does not exist!".format(
             raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _validate_columns(self):
        """Validate all required columns"""
        # the list of mandatory columns
        mand_colnames = [
            "NUMBER", "X_IMAGE", "Y_IMAGE", "A_IMAGE", "B_IMAGE",
            "THETA_IMAGE", "X_WORLD", "Y_WORLD", "A_WORLD", "B_WORLD",

        # the list of optional columns
        # opt_colnames = ["MODSPEC", "MODIMAGE"]

        # go over all mandatory columns
        for colname in mand_colnames:
            if colname not in self.catalog.colnames:
                err_msg = ("Input Object List: {0:s} does not contain column "
                           "{1:s}".format(self.filename, colname))
                raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # check for the MAG_AUTO-column
        mauto_col = "MAG_AUTO" in self.catalog.colnames

        # get the columns with an encoded wavelength
        wav_cols = self.search_mcols()

        # check whether there is no mag-column
        if ((not mauto_col) and (len(wav_cols) == 0)):
            # complain and out
            err_msg = ("Catalogue: {0:s} does not contain any magnitude "
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # check whether there is only MAG_AUTO
        elif ((mauto_col) and (len(wav_cols) == 0)):
            wav_cols = [{'name': 'MAG_AUTO', 'lambda': None}]

        # check whether there is MAG_AUTO and magval columns
        elif ((mauto_col) and (len(wav_cols) > 1)):
            err_msg = ("Catalogue: {0:s} contains 'MAG_AUTO' and {1:i} other "
                       "magnitude columns!".format(self.filename,
            raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _check_subarray(self):
        """ check for and reject subarray images """
        # go over all rows in the list
        for row in self._inimlist:

            # check the existence of the Input Image List
            image = config_util.getDATA(row['grisim'])
            subarray = fits.getval(image, "SUBARRAY", ext=0)
            if subarray:
                err_msg = ("Grism image: {0:s} is a subarray"
                           " which is not supported".format(image))
                raise aXeError(err_msg)

            if 'dirim' in self._inimlist.colnames:
                image = config_util.getDATA(row['dirim'])
                subarray = fits.getval(image, "SUBARRAY", ext=0)
                if subarray:
                    err_msg = ("Direct image: {0:s} is a subarray"
                               " which is not supported".format(image))
                    raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _check_files(self, dpp_list):
        """check for the existence of all DPP's"""

        for one_dpp in dpp_list:
            # make the full path name
            full_path = config_util.getOUTPUT(one_dpp)

            # check for existence
            if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
                # complain and out
                err_msg = 'Can not find the DPP file: %s!' % full_path
                raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def getCONF(name=None):
    fullpath = __user_paths['AXE_CONFIG_PATH']
    if fullpath in name:
        return name
    if name is None:
        raise aXeError("No name passed to getCONF")
    if len(name.split(',')) > 1:
        newstring = [os.path.join(i,j) for i,j in zip([fullpath]*len(namesplit), namesplit) if fullpath not in j]
        return ','.join(newstring)
        return  os.path.join(__user_paths['AXE_CONFIG_PATH'], name)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def _force_dirim(self):
        # go over all inputs
        for one_input in self.axe_inputs:

            # check whether there is a direct image
            if one_input['DIRIM'] is None:
                # error and out
                err_msg = ("{0:s}: The grism image: {1:s} does NOT have an "
                           "associated direct image!".format(
                raise aXeError(err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def check_axecrr(self, back):
        Comprises all checks for the CRR version of AXEDRIZZLE
        # make sure that background drizzling is off
        if back:
            err_msg = ("{0:s}: Background drizzling is NOT possible in the CRR"
                       "version of aXedrizzle!".format(self.taskname))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # check for global background subtraction
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def _get_dirname_information(self,
        """Determine the direct image information.

        dirname : str
            Diretory name
        config : str
            The name of the config file
        grisim : str
            The name of the grisim image
        grism_extinfo : dict
            Dictionary of header information
        dir_hdu :  fits.HDU
            FITS header data unit

        A tuple of the direct image name and a dictionary of
        extension information

        # check whether ANY direct image information exists
        if ((dirname is None) and (dir_hdu is None)):
            # set the grism image as direct image
            dirname = grisim
            dirname_extinfo = grism_extinfo

        elif ((dirname is not None) and (dir_hdu is None)):
            # load the configuration file;
            # determine the extension information
            conf = configfile.ConfigFile(getCONF(config))
            dirname_extinfo = get_ext_info(getDATA(grisim), conf)
            del conf

        elif ((dirname is not None) and (dir_hdu is not None)):
            # make by hand the extension information
            dirname_extinfo = {'axe_ext': dir_hdu, 'fits_ext': dir_hdu - 1}

            # error and out
            err_msg = ("Specifying NO direct image but a direct image HDU: "
                       "{0:d} makrs NO sense!".format(dir_hdu))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # return the name and the extension info
        return dirname, dirname_extinfo
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def _set_dimension_info(self, dimension_term):
        """Get the dimension information"""
        # initialize the array

        # check the dimension input
        dim_entries = dimension_term.split(',')

        # is the number of items correct?
        if len(dim_entries) != 4:
            err_msg = ("There must be 4 entries in the term: {0:s},"
                       "not {1:d}!".format(dimension_term, len(dim_entries)))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        # check whether each item is an integer
        for item in dim_entries:
                int_item = int(item.strip())
            except ValueError:
                raise aXeError("Item: {} must be integer!".format(item))

            # store the item
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def _resolve_list_names(self,
        """Determine the lists for input and output.

        dirname : str
            The direct image name
        dirname_extinfo : dict
            A dictionary that contains the direct
            header and data information
        grisim : str
            The name of the grisim image
        grism_extinfo : dict
            A dictionary that contains the grism
            header and data information
        in_sex : str
            The name of the source extractor catalog
            that goes with the direct image
        out_sex : str
            The name of the output grism object list
            that is created using the input catalog

        A tuple of the names of the input and output catalog names
        # compose the default name
        if in_sex is None:
            # compose the filename from the direct image name
            in_sex = dirname.replace(
                ".fits", "_{0:d}.cat".format(dirname_extinfo['axe_ext']))

        # check whether the explicitly given filename exists
        if not os.path.isfile(in_sex):
            err_msg = (
                "The Input Object List: {0:s}  does not exist!".format(in_sex))
            raise aXeError(err_msg)

        if out_sex is None:
            # compose the name for the output GOL
            out_sex = os.path.basename(grisim).replace(
                ".fits", "_{0:d}.cat".format(grism_extinfo['axe_ext']))

        # return the IOL and the GOL names
        return in_sex, out_sex