Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test(self):
        main = TestedProgram('main')

        out = main.get_output()
        if out != '':
            return wrong('')


        out = main.get_output()
        if out != "Test\n":
            return wrong('')


        out = main.get_output()
        if out != "Test\nTest\n":
            return wrong('')

        if not main.is_finished():
            return wrong("")

        return correct()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test(self):
        pr = TestedProgram('main')

        out1 = pr.start()
        if out1 != "Server started!\n":
            return wrong("")

        out1 = pr.execute("main")
        if out1 != "S1: main\n":
            return wrong("")

        return correct()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test(self):
        if '123.txt' in os.listdir('.'):
            if open('123.txt').read() == '12345':
                return correct()

        return wrong(
            'There should be a file named "123.txt" with content "12345"')
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test(self):
        pr = TestedProgram('main')

        out1 = pr.start()
        if out1 != "Program started!\n":
            return wrong("")

        out3 = pr.execute("input1")
        if out3 != "S1: input1\n":
            return wrong("")

        out5 = pr.execute("input2")
        if out5 != "S2: input2\n":
            return wrong("")

        return correct()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test1(self):
        pr = TestedProgram('main')

        pr2 = TestedProgram('main2')
        pr2.start("--second", "main")

        return wrong('')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test(self):
        pr = TestedProgram('main')

        out1 = pr.start()
        if out1 != "Server started!\n":
            return wrong("")

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test1(self):
        pr2 = TestedProgram('main2')
        pr2.start("--second", "main")

        pr = TestedProgram('main')
        pr.start("-in", "123", "-out", "234")

        return wrong('')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test(self):
        main = TestedProgram('main')

        out = main.start()
        if len(out) != 0:
            return wrong("Output should be empty")

        out = main.get_output()
        if out != "Initial text\n":
            return wrong("Output is wrong")

        for i in range(2):
            if len(main.execute('')) != 0:
                return wrong("Output should be empty")

        out = main.get_output()
        if out != "1 to 2\n2 to 3\n":
            return wrong("Output is wrong")


        if main.execute("") != "3 to 4\n":
            return wrong("Output should not be empty")

        if len(main.get_output()) != 0:
            return wrong(
                "get_output() should return an empty string at the end")

        return correct()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test(self):
        server = TestedProgram('main')


        out = server.get_output()
        if out != "Server started!\n":
            return wrong("")


        out = server.get_output()
        if out != "S1\n":
            return wrong("")


        out = server.get_output()
        if out != "S2\nS3\n":
            return wrong("")

        return correct()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def check(self, reply: str, attach: Any) -> CheckResult:
     if "Server stopped!\n" in reply:
         return correct()
     return wrong('')
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def generate(self) -> List[TestCase]:
     return [TestCase(stdin=[lambda x: wrong("Wrong")])]
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test(self):
     main = TestedProgram('main')
     main.start("123", "234", "345")
     return wrong("")
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test2(self):
     return wrong('')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def check(self, reply: str, attach: Any) -> CheckResult:
        reply = self._fix_reply(reply)
        lines = reply.splitlines()
        useful_lines = [
            i for i in reply.splitlines() if not ("play" in i and "exit" in i)

        if len(lines) == len(useful_lines):
            return wrong(
                'Your output should contain at least such line, found 0: \n'
                '\'Type "play" to play the game, "exit" to quit: \'')

        reply = '\n'.join(useful_lines)

        tries = [i.strip() for i in reply.split('\n\n') if len(i.strip())][1:]

        if len(tries) == 0:
            return wrong(
                "Seems like you didn't print the game or not separated output properly"
                "(there need to be an empty line between guessing attempts)")

        full_blocks = [try_ for try_ in tries if len(try_.splitlines()) > 1]
        blocks = [block.splitlines()[0].strip() for block in full_blocks]

        for full_block, block in zip(full_blocks, blocks):
            if ' ' in block:
                return wrong('Cannot parse this block - it contains spaces '
                             'in the first line, but shouldn\'t\n\n'

        survived = 'You survived!'
        hanged = 'You are hanged!'

        is_survived = survived in full_blocks[-1]
        is_hanged = hanged in full_blocks[-1]

        no_such_letter = 'No such letter in the word'
        already_typed = 'You already typed this letter'
        not_ascii = 'It is not an ASCII lowercase letter'
        print_single = 'You should print a single letter'

        if is_hanged:
            if (no_such_letter not in full_blocks[-1]):
                return wrong(
                    f'Last block contains "{hanged}" '
                    f'but doesn\'t contain "{no_such_letter}". '
                    f'Check the first example. These texts '
                    f'should be within the same block. Your last block:\n\n'

        lengths = set(len(i) for i in blocks)

        str_lengths = []
        for i, curr_len in enumerate(lengths, 1):
            for curr_block in blocks:
                if curr_len == len(curr_block):
                    str_lengths += [f'{i}. {curr_block}']

        str_lengths = '\n'.join(str_lengths)

        if len(lengths) > 1:
            return wrong(
                f'Every line with guessed letters should be the same length as others.\n'
                f'Found lines with guessed letters:\n{str_lengths}')

        correct = '-' * len(blocks[0])

        if blocks[0] != correct:
            return wrong(f'The first guess should only contain dashes: \n'
                         f'Your first guess:\n'

        wrong_count = 0
        typed_letters = set()
        inputs = ''

        if is_hanged:
            blocks += [blocks[-1]]
            full_blocks += [full_blocks[-1]]

        for letter, prev, next, prev_full, next_full in zip(
                attach, blocks[0:], blocks[1:], full_blocks[0:],

            # ---
            detect_not_one = len(letter) != 1

            if detect_not_one and print_single not in prev_full:
                return wrong(
                    f'Before: {prev}\n'
                    f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                    f'After : {next}\n\n'
                    f'There is no \"{print_single}\" message, but should be')
            elif not detect_not_one and print_single in prev_full:
                return wrong(
                    f'Before: {prev}\n'
                    f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                    f'After : {next}\n\n'
                    f'There is \"{print_single}\" message, but shouldn\'t be')

            if detect_not_one:

            # ---
            detect_not_ascii = letter not in ascii_lowercase

            if detect_not_ascii and not_ascii not in prev_full:
                return wrong(
                    f'Before: {prev}\n'
                    f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                    f'After : {next}\n\n'
                    f'There is no \"{not_ascii}\" message, but should be')
            elif not detect_not_ascii and not_ascii in prev_full:
                return wrong(
                    f'Before: {prev}\n'
                    f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                    f'After : {next}\n\n'
                    f'There is \"{not_ascii}\" message, but shouldn\'t be')

            if detect_not_ascii:

            inputs += '\n' + letter

            # ---
            detect_typed_letter = letter in typed_letters

            if detect_typed_letter and already_typed not in prev_full:
                return wrong(
                    f'Before: {prev}\n'
                    f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                    f'After : {next}\n\n'
                    f'There is no \"{already_typed}\" message, but should be\n'
                    f'Input letters: {inputs}')
            elif not detect_typed_letter and already_typed in prev_full:
                return wrong(
                    f'Before: {prev}\n'
                    f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                    f'After : {next}\n\n'
                    f'There is \"{already_typed}\" message, but shouldn\'t be'
                    f'Input letters: {inputs}')

            if detect_typed_letter:

            # ---
            detect_no_such_letter = ((letter not in prev)
                                     and (letter not in next)
                                     and (next == prev)
                                     and not detect_typed_letter)

            if detect_no_such_letter and no_such_letter not in prev_full:
                return wrong(
                    f'Before: {prev}\n'
                    f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                    f'After : {next}\n\n'
                    f'There is no \"{no_such_letter}\" message, but should be')
            elif not detect_no_such_letter and no_such_letter in prev_full:
                return wrong(
                    f'Before: {prev}\n'
                    f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                    f'After : {next}\n\n'
                    f'There is \"{no_such_letter}\" message, but shouldn\'t be'

            if detect_no_such_letter:
                wrong_count += 1

            typed_letters |= {letter}

            cond1 = ((letter not in prev) and (letter in next)
                     and (set(next) - set(prev) != set(letter)))

            cond2 = ((letter not in prev) and (letter not in next)
                     and (next != prev))

            cond3 = ((letter in prev) and (letter in next) and (next != prev))

            if cond1 or cond2 or cond3:
                return wrong(f'This transition is incorrect:\n'
                             f'Before: {prev}\n'
                             f'Letter: {letter}\n'
                             f'After : {next}')

        if is_survived and is_hanged:
            return wrong(
                f'Looks like your output contains both \"{survived}\"'
                f' and \"{hanged}\". You should output only one of them.')

        if not is_survived and not is_hanged:
            return wrong(
                f'Looks like your output doesn\'t contain neither \"{survived}\"'
                f' nor \"{hanged}\". You should output one of them.')

        if is_hanged:
            if wrong_count != 8:
                return wrong(
                    f'User was hanged after {wrong_count} wrong guesses, but should after 8'
                return accept()

        if is_survived:
            if wrong_count >= 8:
                return wrong(
                    f'User survived but have {wrong_count} wrong guesses. He should be hanged'
                return accept()
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def check(self, reply: str, attach: Any) -> CheckResult:
     return wrong("")
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test1(self):
     pr = TestedProgram('main')
     pr.start("-in", "123", "-out", "234")
     return wrong('')
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test(self):
        server = TestedProgram('main')

        return wrong('')
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test15(self):
     return wrong(f'x == {self.x}')