def crawl(url): """crawl the links of the same given domain""" global links links = [] try: result, URL = html.getHTML(url, lastURL=True) except: return None if result: # get only domain name domain = 'http://' + '/'.join(URL.split('/')[2:-1]) + '/' if len( URL.split('/')) >= 4 else URL.rstrip('/') + '/' for link in re.findall('<a href="(.*?)"', result): #|aspx|jsp)?query=1 if'(.*?)(.php\?|.asp\?|.apsx\?|.jsp\?)(.*?)=(.*?)', link): if parameterControl(link) == True: if link.startswith( ("http", "www")) or domain in urlparse(link).path: links.append(link) else: links.append(domain + link if link.startswith("/") else domain + link) return links
def __getServerInfo(url): """get server name and version of given domain""" url = urlparse(url).netloc if urlparse(url).netloc != '' else urlparse(url).path.split("/")[0] info = [] # to store server info url = "" + url try: result = html.getHTML(url) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt try: soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(result, "lxml") except: return ['', ''] if soup.findAll('p', {"class" : "err"}): return ['', ''] for row in soup.findAll('tr'): if row.findAll('td', {"class": "title"}): info.append(row.findAll('td')[1].text.rstrip('\r')) return info
def getPlayers(playerID): html = getHTML("" % (playerID)) if html is None: print("Failed for %s" % (playerID)) return [] # Find the type of event (online, LAN, etc) playerName = re.findall('Complete statistics for.*</a>', html) if len(playerName) < 1: return [] playerCountry = re.findall('class=\"flag\" title=\".*\"> ', html) if len(playerCountry) < 1: return [] # print teamName if len(playerName) > 0: playerName[0] = (playerName[0].replace("Complete statistics for ", "")).replace("</a>", "") else: playerName.append(0) # print teamCountry if len(playerCountry) > 0: playerCountry[0] = (playerCountry[0].replace("class=\"flag\" title=\"", "")).replace("\"> ", "") else: playerCountry.append(0) # Make an array for to process array = [] array.append(playerName[0]) array.append(playerCountry[0]) array.append(playerID) return array
def scan(url): """check SQL injection vulnerability""" domain = url.split("?")[0] # domain with path without queries queries = urlparse(url).query.split("&") # no queries in url if not any(queries): return False for query in range(len(queries)): queries_temp = queries[:] # copy queries for temp queries_temp[query] = queries_temp[query] + "'" website = domain + "?" for each in queries_temp: if each != queries_temp[-1]: website += each + "&" else: website += each result = html.getHTML(website) if result and sqlerrors.check(result): return True return False
def getTeams(teamID): html = getHTML("" % (teamID)) if html is None: print("Failed for %s" % (teamID)) return [] # Find the type of event (online, LAN, etc) teamName = re.findall('<div><span class=\"subjectname\">.*</span><br><i', html) if len(teamName) < 1: return [] teamCountry = re.findall('fa fa-map-marker\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>.*<', html) if len(teamCountry) < 1: teamCountry = re.findall('fa fa-map-marker\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>.*</div>', html) if len(teamCountry) < 1: return [] # print teamName if len(teamName) > 0: teamName[0] = (teamName[0].replace("<div><span class=\"subjectname\">", "")).replace("</span><br><i", "") else: teamName.append(0) # print teamCountry if len(teamCountry) > 0: teamCountry[0] = (teamCountry[0].replace("fa fa-map-marker\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i> ", "")).split("<", 1)[0] else: teamCountry.append(0) # Make an array for to process array = [] array.append(teamName[0]) array.append(teamCountry[0]) array.append(teamID) return array
def getMatchLineups(matchID): # Set some vars for later html = getHTML("" % (matchID)) if html is None: print("Failed for %s" % (matchID)) return [] playerIDs = re.findall('<a href=\"/player/.*/', html) # Give up if no team names found if len(playerIDs) < 1: print("%s failed, no players detected" % (matchID)) return [] for i in range(0, len(playerIDs)): playerIDs[i] = (playerIDs[i].split("/"))[2].split("/")[0] # print(playerIDs)c # print(playerIDs[0:5] + playerIDs[10:15]) # Make an array for to process if len(playerIDs) > 15: players = [] players.append(playerIDs[0]) players.append(playerIDs[1]) players.append(playerIDs[2]) players.append(playerIDs[3]) players.append(playerIDs[4]) players.append(playerIDs[5]) players.append(playerIDs[6]) players.append(playerIDs[7]) players.append(playerIDs[8]) players.append(playerIDs[9]) players.append(matchID) return players else: print("HLTV altered lineup layout for %s" % (matchID)) return []
def findMatchIDsAtURL(url): # Get the HTML using getHTML() html = getHTML(url) # Create an array of all of the Match URLs on the page matchIDs = re.findall('"(.*?000"><a href="/matches/.*?)"', html) # Loop through the messy array and removes the pesky parts for i in range(0, len(matchIDs)): matchIDs[i] = matchIDs[i].split('/', 2)[-1] return matchIDs
def getNewIterableItems(page, startID): # Iterate through unique IDs until we get the last one, then return them to a list print("Checking for new %ss. This may take awhile." % (page)) check = True array = [] while check: startID += 1 html = getHTML("" % (page, startID)) if html is None: check = False else: sys.stdout.write('\r' + "New %s found: %s" % (page, startID)) sys.stdout.flush() array.append(startID) print("\nFound %s new %ss." % (len(array), page)) return array
def __checkSQLi(url): """check SQL injection vulnerability""" io.stdout("scanning {}".format(url), end="") domain = url.split("?")[0] # domain with path without queries queries = urlparse(url).query.split("&") # no queries in url if not any(queries): return False website = domain + "?" + ("&".join([param + "'" for param in queries])) result = html.getHTML(website) if result and sqlerrors.check(result): io.showsign(" vulnerable") return True print "" # move cursor to new line return False
def getMatchEvents(matchID): html = getHTML("" % (matchID)) if html is None: print("Failed for %s" % (matchID)) return [] # Find the type of event (online, LAN, etc) eventName = re.findall('\"/events/.*/', html) if len(eventName) < 1: print("Failed %s" % (matchID)) return [] # print eventType if len(eventName) > 1: eventName[0] = (eventName[0].replace("\"/events/", "")).split("/", 1)[0] else: eventName.append(0) # Make an array for to process array = [] array.append(matchID) array.append(eventName[0]) return array
def getEventNames(eventID): html = getHTML("" % (eventID)) if html is None: print("Failed for %s" % (eventID)) return [] # Find the type of event (online, LAN, etc) eventType = re.findall(' <div class=\".*text-ellipsis\">', html) if len(eventType) < 1: return [] eventNames = re.findall('text-ellipsis\">.*<', html) eventEndDate = re.findall('class="standard-headline">.*<', html) # print eventType if len(eventType) > 0: eventType[0] = (eventType[0].replace(" <div class=\"", "")).replace(" text-ellipsis\">", "") else: eventType.append(0) # print eventNames if len(eventNames) > 0: eventNames[0] = (eventNames[0].replace("text-ellipsis\">", "")).replace("<", "") else: eventNames.append(0) # print eventEndDate if len(eventEndDate) > 0: eventEndDate[0] = (eventEndDate[0].replace("class=\"standard-headline\">", "")).replace("<", "") else: eventEndDate.append(0) # Make an array for to process result = [] result.append(eventType[0]) result.append(eventNames[0]) result.append(eventEndDate[0]) result.append(eventID) return result
try: while True: @@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ def callback(result, url=url): pool.join() for url, result in results.items(): if result[0] == True: vulnerables.append((url, result[1])) return vulnerables def __sqli(url): """check SQL injection vulnerability""" io.stdout("scanning {}".format(url), end="") @@ -59,10 +59,12 @@ def __checkSQLi(url): return False website = domain + "?" + ("&".join([param + "'" for param in queries])) source = html.getHTML(website) if source: vulnerable, db = sqlerrors.check(source) if vulnerable and db != None: io.showsign(" vulnerable") return True, db print "" # move cursor to new line return False, None
def getPlayerStats(matchID): html = getHTML("" % (matchID)) if html is None: print("Failed for %s" % (matchID)) return [] # Get maps maps = re.findall('<div class=\"stats-content\" id=\".*-content\">', html) if len(maps) > 0: for i in range(0, len(maps)): maps[i] = (maps[i].replace("<div class=\"stats-content\" id=\"", "")).replace("-content\">", "").translate({ord(k): None for k in digits}) maps.remove(maps[0]) else: print("No player stats for %s" % (matchID)) return [] # Get Player IDs players = re.findall('href=\"/player/.*/', html) if len(players) > 0: for i in range(0, len(players)): players[i] = (players[i].replace("href=\"/player/", "")).replace("/", "") else: print("No player IDs for %s" % (matchID)) return [] # Find player KDs kd = re.findall('<td class=\"kd text-center\">.*</td>', html) kills = [] deaths = [] if len(kd) > 0: for i in range(0, len(kd)): kd[i] = (kd[i].replace("<td class=\"kd text-center\">", "")).replace("</td>", "") # Clean up the hyphenated numbers kills.append(kd[i][0:kd[i].find('-')]) deaths.append(kd[i][kd[i].find('-')+1:len(kd[i])]) else: print("No player K/D for %s" % (matchID)) return [] # Remove unnecessary instances of D deaths[:] = [x for x in deaths if x != 'D'] # Remove unnecessary instances of K kills[:] = [x for x in kills if x != 'K'] # Find player ADR adr = re.findall('<td class=\"adr text-center \">.*</td>', html) if len(adr) > 0: for i in range(0, len(adr)): adr[i] = (adr[i].replace("<td class=\"adr text-center \">", "")).replace("</td>", "") else: print("No player ADR for %s" % (matchID)) adr = [""] * 70 # Find player KAST% kast = re.findall('<td class=\"kast text-center\">.*</td>', html) if len(kast) > 0: for i in range(0, len(kast)): kast[i] = (kast[i].replace("<td class=\"kast text-center\">", "")).replace("%</td>", "") else: print("No player KAST ratio for %s" % (matchID)) kast = [""] * 70 # Find player rating rating = re.findall('<td class=\"rating text-center\">.*</td>', html) if len(rating) > 0: for i in range(0, len(rating)): rating[i] = (rating[i].replace("<td class=\"rating text-center\">", "")).replace("</td>", "") else: print("No player Rating for %s" % (matchID)) return [] # Remove unnecessary instances of 'Rating' rating[:] = [x for x in rating if x != 'Rating'] # Handle array building masterArray = [] for i in range(0, len(maps)): # Arrays have data for multiple matches, so this offsets us by the amount to get each map separately offset = 10 * (i+1) for b in range(0, 5): playerArray = [] playerArray.append(maps[i]) playerArray.append(players[b+offset]) playerArray.append(kills[b+offset]) playerArray.append(deaths[b+offset]) playerArray.append(adr[b+offset]) playerArray.append(kast[b+offset]) playerArray.append(rating[b+offset]) playerArray.append(matchID) masterArray.append(playerArray) for b in range(5, 10): playerArray = [] playerArray.append(maps[i]) playerArray.append(players[b+offset]) playerArray.append(kills[b+offset]) playerArray.append(deaths[b+offset]) playerArray.append(adr[b+offset]) playerArray.append(kast[b+offset]) playerArray.append(rating[b+offset]) playerArray.append(matchID) masterArray.append(playerArray) return masterArray
def getMatchInfo(matchID): html = getHTML("" % (matchID)) if html is None: print("Failed for %s" % (matchID)) return [] # Search variables data-unix=" date = re.findall('data-unix=\".*\"', html) teamIDs = re.findall('src=\"*\" class', html) teamNames = re.findall('class=\"logo\" title=\".*\">', html) map = re.findall('<div class=\"mapname\">.*</div>', html) scores = re.findall('<div class=\"results\"><span class=\".*</span><span>', html) # Give up if no team names found if len(teamNames) < 1: return [] # Find the match date if len(date) > 0: date[0] = (date[0].replace("data-unix=\"", "")).replace("\"", "")[:-3] date[0] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(date[0])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: date.append(0) # Find the Teams respective IDs if len(teamIDs) > 0: teamIDs[0] = (teamIDs[0].replace("src=\"", "")).replace("\" class", "") teamIDs[1] = (teamIDs[1].replace("src=\"", "")).replace("\" class", "") else: teamIDs.append(0) # Find the map(s) that the match was played on if len(map) == 1: map[0] = (map[0].replace("<div class=\"mapname\">", "")).replace("</div>", "") elif len(map) > 1: for i in range(0, len(map)): map[i] = (map[i].replace("<div class=\"mapname\">", "")).replace("</div>", "") else: map.append(0) # Find the team standing and half sides sides = [] if len(scores) == 1: if re.findall('\"t\"|\"ct\"', scores[0])[0] == '\"t\"': sides.append("T") sides.append("CT") else: sides.append("CT") sides.append("T") elif len(scores) > 1: for i in range(0, len(scores)): if re.findall('\"t\"|\"ct\"', scores[i])[0] == "\"t\"": sides.append("T") sides.append("CT") else: sides.append("CT") sides.append("T") else: return [] # Find the scores if there is only one map if len(map) == 1: scores[0] = re.findall('\d+', scores[0]) # Find the scores if there are multiple maps elif len(map) > 1: for i in range(0, len(scores)): scores[i] = re.findall('\d+', scores[i]) else: scores.append(0) for i in range(0, len(scores)): # If there was no overtime, make the OT value 0 if len(scores[i]) == 6: scores[i].append(0) scores[i].append(0) elif len(scores[i]) > 6: # Do nothing, because OT scores are already calculated pass else: print("HLTV altered score layout for %s" % (matchID)) return [] # Make an array for to process result = [] if len(map) > 1: for i in range(0, len(scores)): # Create a temp array so that each map's stats are each contained in their own array tempArray = [] tempArray.append(date[0]) tempArray.append(map[i]) tempArray.append(teamIDs[0]) tempArray.append(sides[0]) tempArray.append(scores[i][0]) tempArray.append(scores[i][2]) tempArray.append(scores[i][4]) tempArray.append(scores[i][6]) tempArray.append(teamIDs[1]) tempArray.append(sides[1]) tempArray.append(scores[i][1]) tempArray.append(scores[i][3]) tempArray.append(scores[i][5]) tempArray.append(scores[i][7]) tempArray.append(matchID) result.append(tempArray) else: result.append(date[0]) result.append(map[0]) result.append(teamIDs[0]) result.append(sides[0]) result.append(scores[0][0]) result.append(scores[0][2]) result.append(scores[0][4]) result.append(scores[0][6]) result.append(teamIDs[1]) result.append(sides[1]) result.append(scores[0][1]) result.append(scores[0][3]) result.append(scores[0][5]) result.append(scores[0][7]) result.append(matchID) return result