Ejemplo n.º 1
def getSingleTemplate():
    single_span = SPAN(dclass="songtitle",
                       content="${SINGLE_TITLE}") + BR() + SPAN(
                           dclass="subtitle", content="${SINGLE_SUBTITLE}")
    prev_link = A(href="${PREVID}.html",
                              alt="previous single",
                              title="previous single"))
    next_link = A(href="${NEXTID}.html",
                              alt="next single",
                              title="next single"))
    title_bar = DIV(dclass="single_title",
                            TD(content=prev_link, dclass="left_arrow") +
                            TD(dclass="songtitle", content=single_span) +
                            TD(content=next_link, dclass="right_arrow"))))
    issues = DIV(content="${ISSUES}")

    return Template(
            PAGE_TITLE="Elton John Single: ${SINGLE_TITLE}",
            PAGE_CONTENT=title_bar + issues + title_bar,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getImportIndex():
    return Template(
            PAGE_TITLE="Elton John Unauthorized CDs",
                "${TITLE}", "${DESCR}", "${NAVBAR}", "${ALBUMS}", "${NAVBAR}"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getGuestIndex():
    return Template(
            PAGE_TITLE="Elton John Guest Apperances",
                "${TITLE}", "${DESCR}", "${NAVBAR}", "${ALBUMS}", "${NAVBAR}"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse_guest_appearances():
    records = 0
    picpath = location.docroot + "albums/appearances/pix/"
    guestAlbums = ET.parse(location.dbroot + 'guest.xml').getroot()
    index_rows = []
    for album in guestAlbums:
        if album.tag == 'description':
            guest_description = ET.tostring(album)

        if album.get('private'): continue
        records += 1
        if album.tag == "single":
            title = SPAN(dclass="title", content="[single]")
        if album.tag == "album":
            title = SPAN(dclass="title", content=album.get('title'))
        artist = SPAN(dclass="gartist",
                      content="(" + album.get('artist') + ")")
        if not artist: print "missing artist for album", album.get('title')
        if not title: print "missing title for album by", artist
        year = "(" + album.get('year')[:4] + ")"
        if not year: year = "(unknown)"

        pic = album.get('pic')
        if not pic:
            picTD = TD(dclass="missing_sleeve",
                       content="[photo not available]")
            print title, "missing guest pic", artist
            pic = "NA"
        picfile = picpath + pic
        if os.path.isfile(picfile):
            (type, width, height) = getImageInfo(picfile)
            picTD = TD(dclass="single_sleeve",
                                   src="pix/" + pic,
            picTD = TD(dclass="missing_sleeve",
                       content="[photo not available]")
            print "ERROR: can't find guest picture:", title, album.get(

        amazon = album.get('amazon')
        if amazon: amazon = templates.getAmazonButton(amazon)
        else: amazon = ""
        trackrows = []
        notes = []

        for track in album:
            if track.tag == 'issue': continue
            if track.tag == 'note':
            length = track.get('length') or "#:##"
            containsTD = TD(dclass="top", content="contains:")
            textTD = TD(dclass="track", content=linkTrack(track))
            trackrows.append(TR(containsTD + textTD))

        tracktable = TABLE("\n".join(trackrows))
        detailsText = " ".join([title, artist])
        detailsText += BR() + year + BR() + amazon + BR() + BR().join(notes)
        detailsTD = TD(dclass="guest_text",
                       content=detailsText + BR() + tracktable)
        guest_entry = TABLE(TR(picTD + detailsTD))
        index_rows.append(DIV(dclass="bubble", content=guest_entry))

    # figure out how many index pages we need to create
    max_rows_per_index = 20
    total_index_pages = len(index_rows) / max_rows_per_index
    if len(index_rows) % max_rows_per_index > 0: total_index_pages += 1

    # chop away at the index_rows list, moving them into the current index page
    guestroot = location.docroot + "albums/appearances/"
    for page in range(total_index_pages):
        my_rows = index_rows[:
                             max_rows_per_index]  # grab the rows that go into this index page
        del index_rows[:max_rows_per_index]  # clean up as we go
        guest_index_text = templates.getGuestIndex().substitute(
            TITLE=DIV(dclass="heading padded10",
                      content="Elton John Guest Appearances"),
            DESCR=DIV(dclass="description", content=guest_description),
            ALBUMS=DIV(dclass="full_width", content="\n\n".join(my_rows)),
            #NAVBAR = DIV(content=DIV(content=" ".join(navDots))),
            NAVBAR=templates.getDotsDiv(page, total_index_pages),
        suffix = str(page + 1)
        if page == 0: suffix = ""
        with open(guestroot + "index" + suffix + ".html", "w") as guestindex:
    return records
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generate_session_albums():
    totalAlbums = 0
    loadTracks(location.dbroot + "album_tracks.xml")
    sessionroot = location.docroot + "albums/sessions/"
    picroot = sessionroot + "pix/"
    root = XML.parse(location.dbroot + 'sessionwork.xml').getroot()
    totalrecords = 0

    description = root.find('description')
    #description = description.text
    description = XML.tostring(description)
    index_rows = []
    songrows = []

            TD(B(U("released"))) + TD(B(U("title"))) +
            TD(B(U("original artist")))))
    for song in root.findall('listing/song'):
        year = song.get('date')[:4]
        month = song.get('date')[5:7]
        month = monthAbbreviation[month]
        eltonvocals = song.get('elton', default="lead vocals")
        eltonvocals = " [" + eltonvocals + "]"
        songrow = TR(
            TD(month + " " + year) +
            TD(B(U(song.get('title'))) + eltonvocals) + TD(song.get('artist')))
    songtable = DIV(dclass="bubble",
                                  dclass="left small"))
    description += songtable

    for category in root.findall('category'):
        if category.get('private'): continue
        format = category.get('format')
        categoryname = category.get('format')

        for issue in category:
            if issue.get('private'): continue
            #if issue.get('pic') == None: continue
            totalrecords += 1
            title = issue.get('title')
            if title == None: title = ""
            if format == "7": title = "7-inch single"
            if format == "CD5": title = "CD single"
            catalog = issue.get('catalog')
            if catalog == None:
                print "no catalog for", title

            pic = issue.get('pic')
            if pic == None:
                picTD = TD(dclass="missing_sleeve", content="[no sleeve]")
                picfile = picroot + pic
                if os.path.isfile(picfile):
                    (type, width, height) = getImageInfo(picfile)
                    picTD = TD(dclass="single_sleeve",
                                           src="pix/" + pic,
                    picTD = TD(dclass="missing_sleeve",
                               content="[photo not available]")
                    print "ERROR: can't find session picture:", title, catalog

            year = issue.get('year', default="")
            if len(year): year = " (" + year[:4] + ")"
            trackrows = []
            for track in issue.findall('track'):
                if track.get('artist') == "anonymous":
                        LI(dclass="anonymous", content=track.get('title')))
                        LI(dclass="track", content=linkTrack(track)))

            reftracks = []
            for element in issue:
                if element.tag == 'tracks':
                    reftracks = reftracks + alltracks[element.get('id')]
            for track in reftracks:
                trackrows.append(LI(dclass="track", content=linkTrack(track)))

            prefix = issue.get('discs', "")
            iconfile = "/pix/" + prefix + format + ".gif"
            (type, width, height) = getImageInfo(location.docroot + iconfile)
            icon = IMG(dclass="padded10",

            notes = ""
            for note in issue.findall('note'):
                notes += BR() + note.text

            tracktable = OL("\n".join(trackrows))
            title = DIV(dclass="large bold", content=title)
            detailsText = icon + title + catalog + year + notes
            detailsTD = TD(dclass="guest_text",
                           content=detailsText + BR() + tracktable)
            session_issue = TABLE(TR(picTD + detailsTD))
            index_rows.append(DIV(dclass="bubble", content=session_issue))

        session_index_text = templates.getSessionIndex().substitute(
            TITLE=DIV(dclass="heading padded10",
                      content="Elton John as a Session Musician"),
            DESCR=DIV(dclass="description", content=description),
            ALBUMS=DIV(dclass="full_width", content="\n\n".join(index_rows)),
        with open(sessionroot + "index.html", "w") as sessionindex:

    return totalrecords
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getSessionIndex():
    return Template(
            PAGE_TITLE="Elton John as a Session Musician",
            PAGE_CONTENT=BR().join(["${TITLE}", "${DESCR}", "${ALBUMS}"])))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_singles():

  singles_root = location.docroot + "singles/"

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Collect href information for albums, to verify album linking. Dictionary is
  # fileID -> title_string
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #album_ids = {}
  #albums = ET.parse(location.dbroot+'category_albums.xml').getroot()
  #for album in albums:
  #  album_ids[album.get('id')] = album.get('title')
  #albums = ET.parse(location.dbroot+'other_albums.xml').getroot()
  #for album in albums:
  #  album_ids[album.get('id')] = album.get('title')

  xmldoc = ET.parse(location.dbroot+'singles.xml').getroot()     # load singles from file

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Set the id/prev/next links as XML attributes.
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  prevsingle = None
  for single in xmldoc:
    if single.get('artist') : continue           # some other artist single
    if single.get('private') : continue          # not for public website
    if single.tag == 'description':
      description = single.text
    if single.tag == 'break' : continue
    if single.tag == 'single' :                  # get the id from the title
      id = re.sub(' ', '_', single.get('title')).lower()
      id = re.sub('\(', '', id)
      id = re.sub('\)', '', id)
      id = re.sub('\/',' ', id)
      id = re.sub('\'', "", id)
      single.set('id', re.sub(' ', '_', id))
    if single.tag == 'miscellaneous' :
      single.set('id', re.sub(' ','_',single.get('country').lower()))
    if prevsingle != None:
      prevsingle.set('nextid',single.get('id'))  # forward link
      single.set('previd',prevsingle.get('id'))  # backward link
    else :
      firstsingle = single                       # save first for linnking with last
    prevsingle = single
  single.set('nextid', firstsingle.get('id'))    # fully cycled double linked-list
  firstsingle.set('previd', single.get('id'))    # fully cycled double linked-list

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Store each single as its own HTML file with listing of issues.  Also
  # generate index pages.
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  picpath = singles_root + "pix/"
  flagpath = location.docroot + "/pix/flags/"
  index_rows = []                                # prepare list for index page
  total_issues = 0                               # prepare info for index page
  total_pages = 0
  for single in xmldoc:
    if single.tag == 'description': continue     # already got this
    if single.get('artist'): continue            # ignore singles by non-Elton artists
    if single.get('private'): continue           # ignore singles not intended for public
    total_pages += 1
    icon=None                                    # should be populated later
    if single.tag == 'single':
      title = single.get('title')
      subtitle = '('+single.get('release')[0:4] + ')'
      (type,width,height) = getImageInfo(picpath+'icons/'+single.get('icon'))
      single_icon=IMG(src="pix/icons/"+single.get('icon'), width=width, height=height, alt=title, dclass="single_icon")
    elif single.tag == 'break':
      index_rows.append(DIV(dclass="bubble description", content=single.text))
    elif single.tag == 'miscellaneous' :
      title = single.get('country')+" unique singles"
      subtitle = "(miscellaneous releases)"
      flag = re.sub(' ','_',single.get('country').lower()) + ".gif"
      if not os.path.isfile(flagpath+flag): print "ERROR missing flag for",country
      (type,width,height) = getImageInfo(flagpath+flag)
      single_icon = IMG(src="/pix/flags/"+flag, width=width, height=height, alt=title, dclass="single_icon")

    #print "parsing",title
    # TBD...
    #if single.get('album') :
    #  album_href = "/albums/"+single.get('album')+".html"
    #  album_title = album_ids.get(single.get('album'))
    #  albumlink = "From the album " + A(href=album_href, content=album_title)
    #  #subtitle += '<br/>('+albumlink+')'

    issues = []
    for issue in single:
      if issue.get('private'): continue          # not for website
      if issue.get('format') == "CS": continue   # not for website yet
      total_issues += 1                          # info for index page
      country = issue.get('country')
      if country == None: print "ERROR missing country"
      count = single.get('count')
      if count: count = int(count)+1
      else: count = 1

      # detect flag GIF based on country
      flag = re.sub(' ','_',country.lower()) + ".gif"
      if not os.path.isfile(flagpath+flag): print "ERROR missing flag for",country
      (type,width,height) = getImageInfo(flagpath+flag)
      flagpic = IMG(src="/pix/flags/"+flag, width=width, height=height, alt=country, title=country)
      if single.tag == 'miscellaneous': flagpic="" # flag for misc issues is redundant

      format = issue.get('format')
      if format == None: print "ERROR missing format"
      if format == 'postcard': continue  # ignore Polish cards for now
      year = issue.get('year')
      if year == 'unknown': year = ""
      if year == None: print "ERROR missing year"
      catalog = issue.get('catalog')
      if catalog == None: print "ERROR missing catalog"
      promo = ""
      if issue.get('promo'): promo = '[promo]'
      discs = ""
      if issue.get('discs'): discs = '[' + issue.get('discs') + ' discs]'
      note = ""
      if issue.get('note') : note = '[' + issue.get('note') + ']'
      if not issue.get('ps'):
        sleeve = ""
        picTD = TD(dclass="missing_sleeve", content="(no sleeve)")
        if issue.get('ps') == 'true' : sleeve = "[picture sleeve]"
        else : sleeve = '[' + issue.get('ps') + ']'
        pic = re.sub('/','',catalog).upper()
        pic = '/'.join([format,country,pic])
        if issue.get('pic'): pic = "/".join([format,issue.get('pic')])
        pic = re.sub(' ','_',pic)
        pic = re.sub('-','',pic)
        pic = re.sub('\.','',pic)
        if issue.get('pic') : pic = '/'.join([format,issue.get('pic')])
        picfile = None
        if os.path.isfile(picpath+pic+".jpg"): picfile = "pix/"+pic+".jpg"
        elif os.path.isfile(picpath+pic+".gif"): picfile = "pix/"+pic+".gif"

        if picfile:
          (type,width,height) = getImageInfo(singles_root + picfile)
          picTD = TD(dclass="single_sleeve",
              content=IMG(dclass="sleeve", src=picfile, width=width, height=height) + BR() + sleeve)
          picTD = TD(dclass="missing_sleeve", content="[sleeve photo not available]")
          if issue.get('pic') != "NA":
            print "ERROR: can't find picture:",issue.get('pic'), title, format, country, year, catalog

      if os.path.isfile(singles_root + "pix/"+format+".gif"):
        icon = IMG(src="pix/"+format+".gif")  # use graphical icon
      else: icon = format                     # use text name

      country = "("+country+")"
      if single.tag == 'miscellaneous': country = ""
      issueheader = TR(TD(dclass="single_details", colspan=2, content=" ".join([icon,year,catalog,country,discs,promo,note])))
      trackrows = []
      for track in issue:
        tracktime = TD(dclass="time", content=track.get('length'))
        tracktext = TD(dclass="track", content=linkTrack(track))
        trackrows.append(TR(tracktime + tracktext))
      tracktable = TABLE("\n".join(trackrows))
      detailsTD = TD(tracktable)
      issues.append(DIV(dclass="bubble", content=TABLE(dclass="single_issue", content=TR(picTD + detailsTD))))

    page_template = templates.getSingleTemplate()
    single_text = page_template.substitute(
      NEXTID          = single.get('nextid'),
      PREVID          = single.get('previd'),
      SINGLE_TITLE    = '"'+title+'"',
      SINGLE_SUBTITLE = subtitle,
      ISSUES          = "\n".join(issues)

    target = single.get('id')+".html"
    with open(singles_root+target, "w") as singlefile:
    count = single.get('count')
    suffix = ""
    if count > 1: suffix = "s"
    subtitle = SPAN(dclass="single_count",content=subtitle + BR()+'(' + count + '&nbsp;pressing'+suffix+')')
    iconTD = TD(dclass="single_icon", content=A(href=target, content=single_icon))
    textTD = TD(dclass="single_index", content=SPAN(dclass="single_index", content=A(href=target, content=title)) + subtitle)
    index_rows.append(DIV(dclass="bubble", content=TABLE(TR(iconTD + textTD))))

  #TBD index_rows.append(TR(TD("total worldwide pressings: " + str(total_issues))))

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Now write set of index pages that links to all the other single pages.
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  max_rows_per_index = 30;
  total_index_pages = len(index_rows)/max_rows_per_index
  if len(index_rows) % max_rows_per_index > 0: total_index_pages += 1

  for page in range(total_index_pages) :
    for link in range(total_index_pages) :
      suffix = str(link+1)
      if link == 0: suffix = ""
      if link == page:
        navDots.append(IMG(dclass="navdots", src="/pix/white_dot.gif"))
        navDots.append(A(href="index"+suffix+".html", alt="page "+suffix, content=IMG(dclass="noborder navdots", border="0", src="/pix/green_dot.gif")))

    my_rows = index_rows[:max_rows_per_index]
    del index_rows[:max_rows_per_index]
    single_index_text = templates.getSingleIndex().substitute(
      TITLE = DIV(dclass='heading padded10', content="Elton John Singles"),
      DESCR = DIV(dclass='description', content=description),
      ISSUES = "\n".join(my_rows),
      NAVBAR = DIV(content=DIV(content=" ".join(navDots))),
    suffix = str(page+1)
    if page == 0: suffix = ""
    with open(singles_root+"index"+suffix+".html", "w") as singleindex:

  return total_issues