Ejemplo n.º 1
def showVirtualApplianceDialog(title, images, description, tarball, minimum_hd, minimum_ram):
        with dialogbox.messagebox.open(gui.res.string_get_detail):
            image_url = images[0]["url"] if images != None and len(images) > 0 and "url" in images[0] else None

            if image_url != None: 
                rst = http_client.nonblockHttpGet(image_url)
                image = pygame.image.load(io.BytesIO(rst)).convert_alpha()
                image = None

            contentLength = None
            if tarball != None:
                headers = http_client.nonblockingHttpHead(tarball)
                if "content-length" in headers:
                    contentLength = headers["content-length"]
    except http_client.Cancelled:
        return False
    except http_client.CurlException as e:
        dialogbox.messagebox.execute(gui.res.string_comm_error % (e.getError(), e.getURL()), None, gui.res.caution_sign)
        return False

    buttons = []
    if tarball != None: buttons.append({ "id":"download", "icon":gui.res.icon_ok, "text":gui.res.string_domain_download })
    buttons.append({ "id":"cancel", "icon":gui.res.icon_cancel, "text":string_cancel})
    specs = []
    if contentLength != None: specs.append(gui.res.string_download_capacity % (float(contentLength) / 1024 / 1024))
    if minimum_hd != None: specs.append(gui.res.string_capacity_atleast % minimum_hd)
    if minimum_ram != None: specs.append(gui.res.string_minimum_ram % minimum_ram)

    vad = VirtualApplianceDescription(title, image, description, " ".join(specs))

    return dialogbox.DialogBox(vad, buttons).execute() == "download"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def showVirtualApplianceDialog(title, images, description, tarball, minimum_hd,
        with dialogbox.messagebox.open(gui.res.string_get_detail):
            image_url = images[0]["url"] if images != None and len(
                images) > 0 and "url" in images[0] else None

            if image_url != None:
                rst = http_client.nonblockHttpGet(image_url)
                image = pygame.image.load(io.BytesIO(rst)).convert_alpha()
                image = None

            contentLength = None
            if tarball != None:
                headers = http_client.nonblockingHttpHead(tarball)
                if "content-length" in headers:
                    contentLength = headers["content-length"]
    except http_client.Cancelled:
        return False
    except http_client.CurlException as e:
            gui.res.string_comm_error % (e.getError(), e.getURL()), None,
        return False

    buttons = []
    if tarball != None:
            "id": "download",
            "icon": gui.res.icon_ok,
            "text": gui.res.string_domain_download
        "id": "cancel",
        "icon": gui.res.icon_cancel,
        "text": string_cancel
    specs = []
    if contentLength != None:
        specs.append(gui.res.string_download_capacity %
                     (float(contentLength) / 1024 / 1024))
    if minimum_hd != None:
        specs.append(gui.res.string_capacity_atleast % minimum_hd)
    if minimum_ram != None:
        specs.append(gui.res.string_minimum_ram % minimum_ram)

    vad = VirtualApplianceDescription(title, image, description,
                                      " ".join(specs))

    return dialogbox.DialogBox(vad, buttons).execute() == "download"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create():
    code = dialogbox.inputbox.TextInputBox(gui.res.string_app_code, "", 5, 32, "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ").execute()
    if code == None: return None
    json_url = "http://goo.gl/" + code # e.g. lLj8Q

        with dialogbox.messagebox.open(gui.res.string_app_code_check):
            rst = http_client.nonblockHttpGet(json_url)
            app = json.loads(rst)
            for key in ["id", "title","type"]: 
                if not key in app: raise ValueError("Invalid data")
            if app["type"] != "app":
                raise ValueError("type must be app")
    except ValueError:
        dialogbox.messagebox.execute(gui.res.string_code_invalid, None, gui.res.caution_sign)
        return None
    except http_client.Cancelled:
        return None
    except http_client.CurlException as e:
        dialogbox.messagebox.execute(gui.res.string_app_comm_error % (e.getError(), e.getURL()), None, gui.res.caution_sign)
        return None

    images = app["images"] if "images" in app else None
    tarball = app["tarball"] if "tarball" in app else None
    minimum_hd = app["minimum_hd"] if "minimum_hd" in app else None
    title = app["title"] if "title" in app else None
    description = app["description"] if "description" in app else None

    s = system.getSystem()
    if not s.checkIfArchitectureIsSupported(app["arch"] if "arch" in app else "i686"):
         dialogbox.messagebox.execute(gui.res.string_app_not_supported % s.getArchitectureString(), None, gui.res.caution_sign)
         return False

        with dialogbox.messagebox.open(gui.res.string_apps_details):
            image_url = images[0]["url"] if images != None and len(images) > 0 and "url" in images[0] else None

            if image_url != None: 
                rst = http_client.nonblockHttpGet(image_url)
                image = pygame.image.load(io.BytesIO(rst)).convert_alpha()
                image = None

            contentLength = None
            if tarball != None:
                headers = http_client.nonblockingHttpHead(tarball)
                if "content-length" in headers:
                    contentLength = headers["content-length"]
    except http_client.Cancelled:
        return False
    except http_client.CurlException as e:
        dialogbox.messagebox.execute(gui.res.string_app_comm_error % (e.getError(), e.getURL()), None, gui.res.caution_sign)
        return False

    buttons = []
    if tarball != None: buttons.append({ "id":"download", "icon":gui.res.icon_ok, "text":gui.res.string_app_download })
    buttons.append({ "id":"cancel", "icon":gui.res.icon_cancel, "text":gui.res.string_app_can})
    specs = []
    if contentLength != None: specs.append(gui.res.string_downl_capacity % (float(contentLength) / 1024 / 1024))
    if minimum_hd != None: specs.append(gui.res.string_app_minimum_hd % minimum_hd)

    apd = domain.create.VirtualApplianceDescription(title, image, description, " ".join(specs))

    if dialogbox.DialogBox(apd, buttons).execute() != "download": return False

    if exists(app["id"]):
        dialogbox.messagebox.execute(gui.res.string_app_exists % app["id"], None, gui.res.caution_sign)
        return False

    vgname = None

    while vgname == None:
        options = []
        for vg in volume.list_vgs():
            options.append({"id":vg["name"], "label":vg["name"]})
        vgname = gui.selectbox.execute(gui.res.string_app__select_area, options)
        if vgname == None: return False

        lvname = app["id"]
            device_name = s.createLogicalVolumeInMB(vgname, lvname, int(minimum_hd), "@wbapp")
        except Exception, e:
            dialogbox.messagebox.execute(gui.res.string_app_area_creation_failed_desc, None, gui.res.caution_sign)
            vgname = None