Ejemplo n.º 1
def login(username, password, opener=my_opener):
    resp = http_tool.http_request_get(URL_BASE + 'index.jsp', opener)
    # soup = Soup(resp, BEAUTIFUL_SOUP_FEATURES)
    # print(soup)
    data = {'j_username': username, 'j_password': password, 'button1': '登 录'}
    resp = http_tool.http_request_post(URL_BASE + 'j_acegi_security_check', data, opener)
    soup = Soup(resp, BEAUTIFUL_SOUP_FEATURES)
    err = soup.select('#error')
    if len(err) > 0:
        raise Exception(err[0].string)
def obtain_teaching_evaluate_tasks(opener=my_opener):
    resp = http_tool.http_request_get(URL_BASE + 'stuMission.do', opener)
    soup = Soup(resp, BEAUTIFUL_SOUP_FEATURES)
    datatable = soup.select('#datatable')[1].tbody.contents[2::2]
    tasks = []
    for data in datatable:
        a = data.contents[9].contents[1].a
        if a is None:
        task = urllib.parse.quote(a['href'], safe='?=&')
    return tasks
Ejemplo n.º 3
def teaching_evaluate(url, opener=my_opener):
    resp = http_tool.http_request_get(URL_BASE + url, opener)
    soup = Soup(resp, BEAUTIFUL_SOUP_FEATURES)
    inputs = soup.find_all(['input', 'textarea'])
    data = {}
    for i in inputs:
        if i.has_attr('type') and i['type'] == 'button':
        if i.name == 'textarea':
            i['value'] = '上课讲的很好'
        elif len(i['value']) == 0 and i['name'].startswith('itemid'):
            i['value'] = '95'
        data[i['name']] = i['value']
    resp = http_tool.http_request_post(URL_BASE + 'eva/index/putresult.jsdo', data, opener)
def teaching_evaluate(url, opener=my_opener):
    url_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(urllib.parse.urlsplit(url).query)

    resp = http_tool.http_request_get(
        URL_BASE + url, opener,
        {'Referer': ''})
    soup = Soup(resp, BEAUTIFUL_SOUP_FEATURES)
    token_str = soup.select('#tokenStr')[0]['value']

    resp = http_tool.http_request_post(URL_BASE + 'getGread.do?',
                                       {'contentId': url_params['tcid'][0]},
                                       opener, {'Referer': URL_BASE + url})
    gread = json.loads(
        resp.decode("utf-8").split('p~p')[4].replace('\'', '\"'))[1:]

    mark_str = ''
    standard_id = ''
    for item in gread:
        standard_id += item['id'] + '~'
        mark_str += '5~'

    post_params = {
        'tokenStr': token_str,
        'skid': url_params['skid'][0],
        'standardid': standard_id,
        'markStr': mark_str,
        'comment': '--------请在这里填写您的建议--------',
        'totalMark': 100,
        'gmodel': 1,
        'courseid': url_params['courseid'][0],
        'cname': url_params['cname'][0],
        'teacherid': url_params['teacherid'][0],
        'tname': url_params['tname'][0],
        'ctid': url_params['contentid'][0],
        'ctype': 1
    resp = http_tool.http_request_post(URL_BASE + 'stuPgAjax.do?', post_params,
                                       opener, {'Referer': URL_BASE + url})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def teaching_evaluate_list(opener=my_opener):
    resp = http_tool.http_request_get(URL_BASE + 'accessModule.do?moduleId=508&groupId=', opener)
    soup = Soup(resp, BEAUTIFUL_SOUP_FEATURES)
    infolist = soup.select('.infolist_common')
    return infolist