async def test_proxy_tunneling_http2(): """ Send an HTTP/2 request via a proxy. """ network_backend = HTTP1ThenHTTP2Backend( [ # The initial response to the proxy CONNECT b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n", # The actual response from the remote server hyperframe.frame.SettingsFrame().serialize(), hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=1, data=hpack.Encoder().encode([ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ]), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.DataFrame(stream_id=1, data=b"Hello, world!", flags=["END_STREAM"]).serialize(), ], ) async with AsyncHTTPProxy( proxy_url="http://localhost:8080/", network_backend=network_backend, http2=True, ) as proxy: # Sending an intial request, which once complete will return to the pool, IDLE. async with"GET", "") as response: info = [repr(c) for c in proxy.connections] assert info == [ "<AsyncTunnelHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/2, ACTIVE, Request Count: 1]>" ] await response.aread() assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" info = [repr(c) for c in proxy.connections] assert info == [ "<AsyncTunnelHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/2, IDLE, Request Count: 1]>" ] assert proxy.connections[0].is_idle() assert proxy.connections[0].is_available() assert not proxy.connections[0].is_closed() # A connection on a tunneled proxy can only handle HTTPS requests to the same origin. assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"http", b"", 80)) assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"http", b"", 80)) assert proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"https", b"", 443)) assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"https", b"", 443))
async def test_socks5_request(): """ Send an HTTP request via a SOCKS proxy. """ network_backend = AsyncMockBackend([ # The initial socks CONNECT # v5 NOAUTH b"\x05\x00", # v5 SUC RSV IP4 127 .0 .0 .1 :80 b"\x05\x00\x00\x01\xff\x00\x00\x01\x00\x50", # The actual response from the remote server b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncSOCKSProxy( proxy_url="socks5://localhost:8080/", network_backend=network_backend, ) as proxy: # Sending an intial request, which once complete will return to the pool, IDLE. async with"GET", "") as response: info = [repr(c) for c in proxy.connections] assert info == [ "<AsyncSocks5Connection ['', HTTP/1.1, ACTIVE, Request Count: 1]>" ] await response.aread() assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" info = [repr(c) for c in proxy.connections] assert info == [ "<AsyncSocks5Connection ['', HTTP/1.1, IDLE, Request Count: 1]>" ] assert proxy.connections[0].is_idle() assert proxy.connections[0].is_available() assert not proxy.connections[0].is_closed() # A connection on a tunneled proxy can only handle HTTPS requests to the same origin. assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"http", b"", 80)) assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"http", b"", 80)) assert proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"https", b"", 443)) assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"https", b"", 443))
async def test_http2_connection(): origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) network_backend = AsyncMockBackend( [ hyperframe.frame.SettingsFrame().serialize(), hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=1, data=hpack.Encoder().encode([ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ]), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.DataFrame(stream_id=1, data=b"Hello, world!", flags=["END_STREAM"]).serialize(), ], http2=True, ) async with AsyncHTTPConnection(origin=origin, network_backend=network_backend, http2=True) as conn: response = await conn.request("GET", "") assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" assert response.extensions["http_version"] == b"HTTP/2"
async def test_http2_connection(): origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = AsyncMockStream([ hyperframe.frame.SettingsFrame().serialize(), hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=1, data=hpack.Encoder().encode([ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ]), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.DataFrame(stream_id=1, data=b"Hello, world!", flags=["END_STREAM"]).serialize(), ]) async with AsyncHTTP2Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream, keepalive_expiry=5.0) as conn: response = await conn.request("GET", "") assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" assert conn.is_idle() assert conn.is_available() assert not conn.is_closed() assert not conn.has_expired() assert ( == "'', HTTP/2, IDLE, Request Count: 1") assert ( repr(conn) == "<AsyncHTTP2Connection ['', IDLE, Request Count: 1]>" )
async def test_http11_connection_with_local_protocol_error(): """ If a local protocol error occurs, then no response will be returned, and the connection will not be reusable. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = AsyncMockStream([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncHTTP11Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: with pytest.raises(LocalProtocolError) as exc_info: await conn.request("GET", "", headers={"Host": "\0"}) assert str(exc_info.value) == "Illegal header value b'\\x00'" assert not conn.is_idle() assert conn.is_closed() assert not conn.is_available() assert not conn.has_expired() assert ( repr(conn) == "<AsyncHTTP11Connection ['', CLOSED, Request Count: 1]>" )
def test_http2_connection_attempt_close(): """ A connection can only be closed when it is idle. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = MockStream( [ hyperframe.frame.SettingsFrame().serialize(), hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=1, data=hpack.Encoder().encode( [ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ] ), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.DataFrame( stream_id=1, data=b"Hello, world!", flags=["END_STREAM"] ).serialize(), ] ) with HTTP2Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: with"GET", "") as response: assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" conn.close() with pytest.raises(ConnectionNotAvailable): conn.request("GET", "")
async def test_http11_connection_unread_response(): """ If the client releases the response without reading it to termination, then the connection will not be reusable. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = AsyncMockStream([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncHTTP11Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: async with"GET", "") as response: assert response.status == 200 assert not conn.is_idle() assert conn.is_closed() assert not conn.is_available() assert not conn.has_expired() assert ( repr(conn) == "<AsyncHTTP11Connection ['', CLOSED, Request Count: 1]>" )
def test_http2_connection_post_request(): origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = MockStream( [ hyperframe.frame.SettingsFrame().serialize(), hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=1, data=hpack.Encoder().encode( [ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ] ), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.DataFrame( stream_id=1, data=b"Hello, world!", flags=["END_STREAM"] ).serialize(), ] ) with HTTP2Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: response = conn.request( "POST", "", headers={b"content-length": b"17"}, content=b'{"data": "upload"}', ) assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!"
def test_proxy_tunneling(): """ Send an HTTPS request via a proxy. """ network_backend = MockBackend([ # The initial response to the proxy CONNECT b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n", # The actual response from the remote server b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) with HTTPProxy( proxy_url="http://localhost:8080/", network_backend=network_backend, ) as proxy: # Sending an intial request, which once complete will return to the pool, IDLE. with"GET", "") as response: info = [repr(c) for c in proxy.connections] assert info == [ "<TunnelHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/1.1, ACTIVE, Request Count: 1]>" ] assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" info = [repr(c) for c in proxy.connections] assert info == [ "<TunnelHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/1.1, IDLE, Request Count: 1]>" ] assert proxy.connections[0].is_idle() assert proxy.connections[0].is_available() assert not proxy.connections[0].is_closed() # A connection on a tunneled proxy can only handle HTTPS requests to the same origin. assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"http", b"", 80)) assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"http", b"", 80)) assert proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"https", b"", 443)) assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"https", b"", 443))
def test_http2_connection_with_flow_control(): origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = MockStream( [ hyperframe.frame.SettingsFrame().serialize(), # Available flow: 65,535 hyperframe.frame.WindowUpdateFrame( stream_id=0, window_increment=10_000 ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.WindowUpdateFrame( stream_id=1, window_increment=10_000 ).serialize(), # Available flow: 75,535 hyperframe.frame.WindowUpdateFrame( stream_id=0, window_increment=10_000 ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.WindowUpdateFrame( stream_id=1, window_increment=10_000 ).serialize(), # Available flow: 85,535 hyperframe.frame.WindowUpdateFrame( stream_id=0, window_increment=10_000 ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.WindowUpdateFrame( stream_id=1, window_increment=10_000 ).serialize(), # Available flow: 95,535 hyperframe.frame.WindowUpdateFrame( stream_id=0, window_increment=10_000 ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.WindowUpdateFrame( stream_id=1, window_increment=10_000 ).serialize(), # Available flow: 105,535 hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=1, data=hpack.Encoder().encode( [ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ] ), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.DataFrame( stream_id=1, data=b"100,000 bytes received", flags=["END_STREAM"] ).serialize(), ] ) with HTTP2Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: response = conn.request( "POST", "", content=b"x" * 100_000, ) assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"100,000 bytes received"
def test_http2_request_to_incorrect_origin(): """ A connection can only send requests to whichever origin it is connected to. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = MockStream([]) with HTTP2Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): conn.request("GET", "")
async def test_proxy_forwarding(): """ Send an HTTP request via a proxy. """ network_backend = AsyncMockBackend([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncHTTPProxy( proxy_url="http://localhost:8080/", max_connections=10, network_backend=network_backend, ) as proxy: # Sending an intial request, which once complete will return to the pool, IDLE. async with"GET", "") as response: info = [repr(c) for c in proxy.connections] assert info == [ "<AsyncForwardHTTPConnection ['http://localhost:8080', HTTP/1.1, ACTIVE, Request Count: 1]>" ] await response.aread() assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" info = [repr(c) for c in proxy.connections] assert info == [ "<AsyncForwardHTTPConnection ['http://localhost:8080', HTTP/1.1, IDLE, Request Count: 1]>" ] assert proxy.connections[0].is_idle() assert proxy.connections[0].is_available() assert not proxy.connections[0].is_closed() # A connection on a forwarding proxy can handle HTTP requests to any host. assert proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"http", b"", 80)) assert proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"http", b"", 80)) assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"https", b"", 443)) assert not proxy.connections[0].can_handle_request( Origin(b"https", b"", 443))
async def test_request_to_incorrect_origin(): """ A connection can only send requests whichever origin it is connected to. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) network_backend = AsyncMockBackend([]) async with AsyncHTTPConnection(origin=origin, network_backend=network_backend) as conn: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): await conn.request("GET", "")
def test_http2_connection_with_remote_protocol_error(): """ If a remote protocol error occurs, then no response will be returned, and the connection will not be reusable. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = MockStream([b"Wait, this isn't valid HTTP!", b""]) with HTTP2Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: with pytest.raises(RemoteProtocolError): conn.request("GET", "")
async def test_http11_connection_attempt_close(): """ A connection can only be closed when it is idle. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = AsyncMockStream([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncHTTP11Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: async with"GET", "") as response: await response.aread() assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!"
async def test_http11_connection_handles_one_active_request(): """ Attempting to send a request while one is already in-flight will raise a ConnectionNotAvailable exception. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = AsyncMockStream([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncHTTP11Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: async with"GET", ""): with pytest.raises(ConnectionNotAvailable): await conn.request("GET", "")
async def test_uds_connections(): # We're not actually testing Unix Domain Sockets here, because we're just # using a mock backend, but at least we're covering the UDS codepath # in `` which we may as well do. origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) network_backend = AsyncMockBackend([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncHTTPConnection(origin=origin, network_backend=network_backend, uds="/mock/example") as conn: response = await conn.request("GET", "") assert response.status == 200
async def test_http11_connection_with_remote_protocol_error(): """ If a remote protocol error occurs, then no response will be returned, and the connection will not be reusable. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = AsyncMockStream([b"Wait, this isn't valid HTTP!", b""]) async with AsyncHTTP11Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: with pytest.raises(RemoteProtocolError): await conn.request("GET", "") assert not conn.is_idle() assert conn.is_closed() assert not conn.is_available() assert not conn.has_expired() assert ( repr(conn) == "<AsyncHTTP11Connection ['', CLOSED, Request Count: 1]>" )
def test_http2_connection_with_goaway(): """ If a stream reset occurs, then no response will be returned, but the connection will remain reusable for other requests. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = MockStream( [ hyperframe.frame.SettingsFrame().serialize(), hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=1, data=hpack.Encoder().encode( [ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ] ), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), # Connection is closed midway through the first response... hyperframe.frame.GoAwayFrame(stream_id=0, error_code=0).serialize(), # ...We'll never get to this second response. hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=3, data=hpack.Encoder().encode( [ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ] ), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.DataFrame( stream_id=3, data=b"Hello, world!", flags=["END_STREAM"] ).serialize(), b"", ] ) with HTTP2Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: with pytest.raises(RemoteProtocolError): conn.request("GET", "") with pytest.raises(RemoteProtocolError): conn.request("GET", "")
async def test_concurrent_requests_not_available_on_http11_connections(): """ Attempting to issue a request against an already active HTTP/1.1 connection will raise a `ConnectionNotAvailable` exception. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) network_backend = AsyncMockBackend([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncHTTPConnection(origin=origin, network_backend=network_backend, keepalive_expiry=5.0) as conn: async with"GET", ""): with pytest.raises(ConnectionNotAvailable): await conn.request("GET", "")
def test_http11_connection(): origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = MockStream([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) with HTTP11Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream, keepalive_expiry=5.0) as conn: response = conn.request("GET", "") assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" assert conn.is_idle() assert not conn.is_closed() assert conn.is_available() assert not conn.has_expired() assert ( repr(conn) == "<HTTP11Connection ['', IDLE, Request Count: 1]>" )
async def test_http_connection(): origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) network_backend = AsyncMockBackend([ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ]) async with AsyncHTTPConnection(origin=origin, network_backend=network_backend, keepalive_expiry=5.0) as conn: assert not conn.is_idle() assert not conn.is_closed() assert not conn.is_available() assert not conn.has_expired() assert repr(conn) == "<AsyncHTTPConnection [CONNECTING]>" async with"GET", "") as response: assert ( repr(conn) == "<AsyncHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/1.1, ACTIVE, Request Count: 1]>" ) await response.aread() assert response.status == 200 assert response.content == b"Hello, world!" assert conn.is_idle() assert not conn.is_closed() assert conn.is_available() assert not conn.has_expired() assert ( repr(conn) == "<AsyncHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/1.1, IDLE, Request Count: 1]>" )
async def test_http2_connection_with_rst_stream(): """ If a stream reset occurs, then no response will be returned, but the connection will remain reusable for other requests. """ origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) stream = AsyncMockStream([ hyperframe.frame.SettingsFrame().serialize(), hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=1, data=hpack.Encoder().encode([ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ]), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), # Stream is closed midway through the first response... hyperframe.frame.RstStreamFrame(stream_id=1, error_code=8).serialize(), # ...Which doesn't prevent the second response. hyperframe.frame.HeadersFrame( stream_id=3, data=hpack.Encoder().encode([ (b":status", b"200"), (b"content-type", b"plain/text"), ]), flags=["END_HEADERS"], ).serialize(), hyperframe.frame.DataFrame(stream_id=3, data=b"Hello, world!", flags=["END_STREAM"]).serialize(), b"", ]) async with AsyncHTTP2Connection(origin=origin, stream=stream) as conn: with pytest.raises(RemoteProtocolError): await conn.request("GET", "") response = await conn.request("GET", "") assert response.status == 200
async def test_connection_retries(): origin = Origin(b"https", b"", 443) content = [ b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", b"Content-Type: plain/text\r\n", b"Content-Length: 13\r\n", b"\r\n", b"Hello, world!", ] network_backend = NeedsRetryBackend(content) async with AsyncHTTPConnection(origin=origin, network_backend=network_backend, retries=3) as conn: response = await conn.request("GET", "") assert response.status == 200 network_backend = NeedsRetryBackend(content) async with AsyncHTTPConnection( origin=origin, network_backend=network_backend, ) as conn: with pytest.raises(ConnectError): await conn.request("GET", "")