def request(self, httxreq):
        Send the L{HttxRequest} httxreq to the specified server inside the request
        It does get a connection or create one and relay the request down to it, taking
        into account the HTTP keepalive timeout
        @param httxreq: Request or url to be executed
        @type httxreq: L{HttxRequest} or url (string)
        @return: sock
        @rtype: opaque type for the caller (a Python sock)
        with self.lock:
                httxconn = self.httxconnque.pop()
                # Check if the HTTP keepalive timeout has been exceeded
                if (tclock() - httxconn.timestamp) >= self.options.keepalive:
                    # Simulate that no connection was available
                    raise IndexError
                # The connection is no longer in any container, it will be discarded
            except IndexError:
                # use self.url and not the request url ... to be able to proxy connections
                httxconn = HttxConnection(self.url, options=self.options)

            # keep a copy of this dangling connecion in a set to avoid missing it if
            # we are cloning an object and some threads find themselves issuing requests

            sock = httxconn.request(httxreq)
            # let it be reused
            with self.lock:
                # no longer in operation
                # back to conn queue
            # let the exception propagate

        # Remove the cache from the in-operation cache and place it in the
        # cache for connections with pending network activity
        with self.lock:
            self.httxconncache[sock] = httxconn

        return sock
    def createconnection(self, url, sock=None, plaintunnel=False):
        Helper function to enable delayed creation of the underlying connection
        if needed. Called from the L{__init__} and from L{request} in order
        to ensure an underlying connection is created or recreated if tunneling

        It initializes the member variables: I{url}, I{parsed}, L{conn}, I{clock}

        In the case of https connections it will also set variables in the
        underlying connection object to ensure certificates and validation
        are used if requested and appropriate for the domain

        @param url: url to open a connection to
        @type url: str
        @param sock: socket for a tunneled connection
        @type sock: socket (Default: None)
        @param plaintunnel: if tunnel should not be sslized
                            (connections are fake that do nothing or ssl_wrap)
        @type plaintunnel: bool (Default: False)
        if not url:
            self.conn = None

        self.url = url
        self.parsed = urlsplit(self.url)

        if not sock:
            self.conn = self.connFactory[self.parsed.scheme](self.parsed.hostname, self.parsed.port, timeout=self.options.timeout)
            self.conn = self.tunnelFactory[self.parsed.scheme](sock, self.parsed.hostname, self.parsed.port, timeout=self.options.timeout)

        if not sock or not plaintunnel:

        self.timestamp = tclock()
                url = httxreq.get_full_url()
                # use the short version of the url (less problematic if not proxying)
                url = httxreq.get_selector()

            # Execute the request
                self.conn.request(httxreq.get_method(), url, httxreq.body, httxreq.allheaders)
            except SocketError, e:
                raise SocketException(*e.args)

            # If no exception, we may save the request to be used by getresponse
            self.lastreq = httxreq

        # Update the timestamp
        self.timestamp = tclock()

        # Async applications need something to wait on. Return our socket
        return self.conn.sock

    def getresponse(self, sock):
        Recover a L{HttxResponse}

        The sock parameter is not used but the function follows the abstract
        definition of L{HttxBase} and the implementations of L{HttxManager}
        and L{HttxNetLocation}

        Checks for authentication requests or redirectionare made. If the
        options allow to process those requests, new requests (with potentially