Ejemplo n.º 1
import optparse
import yaml
import dynamixel_network
import numpy as np

#hubo-ach stuff
import hubo_ach as ha
import ach
from ctypes import *

#define joints

# feed-forward will now be refered to as "state"
state = ha.HUBO_STATE()
# encoder channel will be refered to as "encoder"
encoder = ha.HUBO_ENC()
# feed-back will now be refered to as "ref"
ref = ha.HUBO_REF()
# Get the current feed-forward (state)
r = ach.Channel(ha.HUBO_CHAN_REF_NAME)
[statuss, framesizes] = r.get(ref, wait=False, last=True)

def rad2dyn(rad):
    return np.int(np.floor((rad + np.pi) / (2.0 * np.pi) * 4096))

def dyn2rad(en):
    return ((en * 2.0 * np.pi) / 1024) - np.pi

Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(settings):
    # Open Hubo-Ach feed-forward and feed-back (reference and state) channels
    s = ach.Channel(ha.HUBO_CHAN_STATE_NAME)
    e = ach.Channel(ha.HUBO_CHAN_ENC_NAME)
    r = ach.Channel(ha.HUBO_CHAN_REF_NAME)

    # feed-forward will now be refered to as "state"
    state = ha.HUBO_STATE()

    # encoder channel will be refered to as "encoder"
    encoder = ha.HUBO_ENC()

    # feed-back will now be refered to as "ref"
    ref = ha.HUBO_REF()

    # Get the current feed-forward (state)
    [statuss, framesizes] = s.get(state, wait=False, last=True)
    [statuss, framesizes] = e.get(encoder, wait=False, last=True)

    portName = settings['port']
    baudRate = settings['baudRate']
    highestServoId = settings['highestServoId']

    # Establish a serial connection to the dynamixel network.
    # This usually requires a USB2Dynamixel
    serial = dynamixel.SerialStream(port=portName,
    net = dynamixel.DynamixelNetwork(serial)

    # Ping the range of servos that are attached
    print "Scanning for Dynamixels..."
    net.scan(1, highestServoId)

    myActuators = []

    for dyn in net.get_dynamixels():
        print dyn.id

    if not myActuators:
        print 'No Dynamixels Found!'
        print "...Done"

    for actuator in myActuators:
        actuator.moving_speed = 50
        actuator.synchronized = True
        actuator.torque_enable = True
        actuator.torque_limit = 800
        actuator.max_torque = 800

    # Randomly vary servo position within a small range
    print myActuators
    print "Hubo-Ach neck server active"
    #    print "Servo \tPosition"
    while True:
        # Get the current feed-forward (state)
        [statuss, framesizes] = s.get(state, wait=False, last=True)
        for actuator in myActuators:
            if (actuator.id == 1):
                actuator.goal_position = rad2dyn(state.joint[ha.NKY].ref)
            if (actuator.id == 2):
                actuator.goal_position = rad2dyn(state.joint[ha.NK1].ref)
            if (actuator.id == 3):
                actuator.goal_position = rad2dyn(state.joint[ha.NK2].ref)

        for actuator in myActuators:
            if (actuator.id == 1):
                encoder.enc[ha.NKY] = dyn2rad(actuator.current_position)
            if (actuator.id == 2):
                encoder.enc[ha.NK1] = dyn2rad(actuator.current_position)
            if (actuator.id == 3):
                encoder.enc[ha.NK2] = dyn2rad(actuator.current_position)

#	print encoder.enc[ha.NKY], " : ", encoder.enc[ha.NK1], " : ", encoder.enc[ha.NK2]