Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_update_assignments(self):
        '''It should correctly update the set of country assignments.'''
        cm1 = TestCommittees.new_committee(name='CM1').id
        cm2 = TestCommittees.new_committee(name='CM2').id
        ct1 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT1').id
        ct2 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT2').id
        ct3 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT3').id
        s1 = TestSchools.new_school(name='S1').id
        s2 = TestSchools.new_school(name='S2').id

            Assignment(committee_id=cm, country_id=ct, school_id=s1)
            for ct in [ct1, ct2]
            for cm in [cm1, cm2]

        # TODO: Also assert on delegate deletion.
        updates = [
            (cm1, ct1, s1),
            (cm1, ct2, s1),
            (cm1, ct3, s1),   # ADDED
            # (cm2, ct1, s1), # DELETED
            (cm2, ct2, s2),   # UPDATED
            (cm2, ct3, s2),   # ADDED

        new_assignments = [a[1:] for a in Assignment.objects.all().values_list()]

        self.assertEquals(set(updates), set(new_assignments))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def load(self, request):
        '''Loads new Assignments.'''
        assignments = request.FILES
        reader = csv.reader(assignments['csv'])

        def get_model(model, name, cache):
            if not name in cache:
                cache[name] = model.objects.get(name=name)
            return cache[name]

        def generate_assigments(reader):
            committees = {}
            countries = {}
            schools = {}
            for row in reader:
                if (row[0] == 'School' and row[1] == 'Committee'
                        and row[2] == 'Country'):
                    continue  # skip the first row if it is a header
                committee = get_model(Committee, row[1], committees)
                country = get_model(Country, row[2], countries)
                school = get_model(School, row[0], schools)
                if len(row) < 4:
                    rejected = False  # allow for the rejected field to be null
                    rejected = (
                        row[3].lower() == 'true'
                    )  # use the provided value if admin provides it
                yield (committee.id, country.id, school.id, rejected)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_update_assignments(self):
        '''It should correctly update the set of country assignments.'''
        cm1 = TestCommittees.new_committee(name='CM1').id
        cm2 = TestCommittees.new_committee(name='CM2').id
        ct1 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT1').id
        ct2 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT2').id
        ct3 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT3').id
        s1 = TestSchools.new_school(name='S1').id
        s2 = TestSchools.new_school(name='S2').id

            Assignment(committee_id=cm, country_id=ct, school_id=s1)
            for ct in [ct1, ct2]
            for cm in [cm1, cm2]

        # TODO: Also assert on delegate deletion.
        updates = [
            (cm1, ct1, s1, False),
            (cm1, ct2, s1, False),
            (cm1, ct3, s1, False),   # ADDED
            # (cm2, ct1, s1), # DELETED
            (cm2, ct2, s2, False),   # UPDATED
            (cm2, ct3, s2, False),   # ADDED

        new_assignments = [a[1:] for a in Assignment.objects.all().values_list()]

        self.assertEquals(set(updates), set(new_assignments))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def load(self, request):
        """Loads new Assignments."""
        assignments = request.FILES
        reader = csv.reader(assignments["csv"])

        def get_model(model, name, cache):
            if not name in cache:
                cache[name] = model.objects.get(name=name)
            return cache[name]

        def generate_assigments(reader):
            committees = {}
            countries = {}
            schools = {}
            for row in reader:
                if row[0] == "School" and row[1] == "Committee" and row[2] == "Country":
                    continue  # skip the first row if it is a header
                committee = get_model(Committee, row[1], committees)
                country = get_model(Country, row[2], countries)
                school = get_model(School, row[0], schools)
                if len(row) < 4:
                    rejected = False  # allow for the rejected field to be null
                    rejected = row[3].lower() == "true"  # use the provided value if admin provides it
                yield (committee.id, country.id, school.id, rejected)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("admin:core_assignment_changelist"))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_update_assignments(self):
        '''It should correctly update the set of country assignments.'''
        cm1 = models.new_committee(name='CM1')
        cm2 = models.new_committee(name='CM2')
        ct1 = models.new_country(name='CT1')
        ct2 = models.new_country(name='CT2')
        ct3 = models.new_country(name='CT3')
        s1 = models.new_school(name='S1')
        r1 = models.new_registration(school=s1)
        s2 = models.new_school(name='S2')
        r2 = models.new_registration(school=s2)

                       registration_id=r1.id) for ct in [ct1, ct2]
            for cm in [cm1, cm2]

        a = Assignment.objects.get(committee_id=cm2.id, country_id=ct2.id)
        d1 = models.new_delegate(school=s1, assignment=a)
        d2 = models.new_delegate(school=s1, assignment=a)

        # TODO: Also assert on delegate deletion.
        updates = [
            (cm1, ct1, s1, False),
            (cm1, ct2, s1, False),
            (cm1, ct3, s1, False),  # ADDED
            # (cm2, ct1, s1), # DELETED
            (cm2, ct2, s2, False),  # UPDATED
            (cm2, ct3, s2, False),  # ADDED

        all_assignments = [
            (cm1.id, ct1.id, r1.id, False),
            (cm1.id, ct2.id, r1.id, False),
            (cm1.id, ct3.id, r1.id, False),
            (cm2.id, ct2.id, r2.id, False),
            (cm2.id, ct3.id, r2.id, False),
            (cm2.id, ct1.id, r1.id, False),

        assignments = [a[1:-1] for a in Assignment.objects.all().values_list()]
        delegates = Delegate.objects.all()
        self.assertEquals(set(all_assignments), set(assignments))
        self.assertEquals(len(delegates), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_update_assignments(self):
        '''It should correctly update the set of country assignments.'''
        cm1 = models.new_committee(name='CM1')
        cm2 = models.new_committee(name='CM2')
        ct1 = models.new_country(name='CT1')
        ct2 = models.new_country(name='CT2')
        ct3 = models.new_country(name='CT3')
        s1 = models.new_school(name='S1')
        r1 = models.new_registration(school=s1)
        s2 = models.new_school(name='S2')
        r2 = models.new_registration(school=s2)

                committee_id=cm.id, country_id=ct.id, registration_id=r1.id)
            for ct in [ct1, ct2] for cm in [cm1, cm2]

        a = Assignment.objects.get(committee_id=cm2.id, country_id=ct2.id)
        d1 = models.new_delegate(school=s1, assignment=a)
        d2 = models.new_delegate(school=s1, assignment=a)

        # TODO: Also assert on delegate deletion.
        updates = [
            (cm1, ct1, s1, False),
            (cm1, ct2, s1, False),
            (cm1, ct3, s1, False),  # ADDED
            # (cm2, ct1, s1), # DELETED
            (cm2, ct2, s2, False),  # UPDATED
            (cm2, ct3, s2, False),  # ADDED

        all_assignments = [
            (cm1.id, ct1.id, r1.id, False),
            (cm1.id, ct2.id, r1.id, False),
            (cm1.id, ct3.id, r1.id, False),
            (cm2.id, ct2.id, r2.id, False),
            (cm2.id, ct3.id, r2.id, False),
            (cm2.id, ct1.id, r1.id, False),

        assignments = [a[1:-1] for a in Assignment.objects.all().values_list()]
        delegates = Delegate.objects.all()
        self.assertEquals(set(all_assignments), set(assignments))
        self.assertEquals(len(delegates), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def load(self, request):
        '''Loads new Assignments.'''
        assignments = request.FILES
        reader = csv.reader(

        def get_model(model, name, cache):
            name = name.strip()
            if not name in cache:
                    cache[name] = model.objects.get(name=name)
                except model.DoesNotExist:
                    cache[name] = name
            return cache[name]

        def generate_assignments(reader):
            committees = {}
            countries = {}
            schools = {}

            for row in reader:
                if len(row) == 0:

                if (row[0] == 'School' and row[1] == 'Committee'
                        and row[2] == 'Country'):
                    continue  # skip the first row if it is a header

                while len(row) < 3:
                    )  # extend the row to have the minimum proper num of columns

                if len(row) < 4:
                    rejected = False  # allow for the rejected field to be null
                    rejected = (
                        row[3].lower() == 'true'
                    )  # use the provided value if admin provides it

                committee = get_model(Committee, row[1], committees)
                country = get_model(Country, row[2], countries)
                school = get_model(School, row[0], schools)
                yield (committee, country, school, rejected)

        failed_rows = Assignment.update_assignments(
        if failed_rows:
            # Format the message with HTML to put each failed assignment on a new line
                    'Assignment upload aborted. These assignments failed:<br/>'
                    + '<br/>'.join(failed_rows)))

        return HttpResponseRedirect(
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def load(self, request):
        '''Loads new Assignments.'''
        assignments = request.FILES
        reader = csv.reader(assignments['csv'])

        def get_model(model, name, cache):
            if not name in cache:
                cache[name] = model.objects.get(name=name)
            return cache[name]

        def generate_assigments(reader):
            committees = {}
            countries = {}
            schools = {}
            for row in reader:
                if (len(row[4]) < 2): #ignore the first row because of headers
                    committee = get_model(Committee, row[2], committees)
                    country = get_model(Country, row[3], countries)
                    school = get_model(School, row[0], schools)
                    yield (committee.id, country.id, school.id)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:core_assignment_changelist'))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_update_assignments(self):
        '''It should correctly update the set of country assignments.'''
        cm1 = TestCommittees.new_committee(name='CM1')
        cm2 = TestCommittees.new_committee(name='CM2')
        ct1 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT1')
        ct2 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT2')
        ct3 = TestCountries.new_country(name='CT3')
        s1 = TestSchools.new_school(name='S1')
        s2 = TestSchools.new_school(name='S2')

            Assignment(committee_id=cm.id, country_id=ct.id, school_id=s1.id)
            for ct in [ct1, ct2]
            for cm in [cm1, cm2]

        a = Assignment.objects.get(committee_id=cm2.id, country_id=ct2.id)
        d1 = TestDelegates.new_delegate(school=s1, assignment=a)
        d2 = TestDelegates.new_delegate(school=s1, assignment=a)

        # TODO: Also assert on delegate deletion.
        updates = [
            (cm1, ct1, s1, False),
            (cm1, ct2, s1, False),
            (cm1, ct3, s1, False),   # ADDED
            # (cm2, ct1, s1), # DELETED
            (cm2, ct2, s2, False),   # UPDATED
            (cm2, ct3, s2, False),   # ADDED

        new_assignments = [a[1:] for a in Assignment.objects.all().values_list()]
        delegates = Delegate.objects.all()
        updates = [(cm.id, ct.id, s.id, rej) for cm, ct, s, rej in updates]
        self.assertEquals(set(updates), set(new_assignments))
        self.assertEquals(len(delegates), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def load(self, request):
        '''Loads new Assignments.'''
        assignments = request.FILES
        reader = csv.reader(assignments['csv'])

        def get_model(model, name, cache):
            name = name.strip()
            if not name in cache:
                    cache[name] = model.objects.get(name=name)
                except model.DoesNotExist:
                    cache[name] = name
            return cache[name]

        def generate_assignments(reader):
            committees = {}
            countries = {}
            schools = {}

            for row in reader:
                if (row[0]=='School' and row[1]=='Committee' and row[2]=='Country'):
                    continue # skip the first row if it is a header

                while len(row) < 3:
                    row.append("") # extend the row to have the minimum proper num of columns

                if len(row) < 4:
                    rejected = False # allow for the rejected field to be null
                    rejected = (row[3].lower() == 'true') # use the provided value if admin provides it

                committee = get_model(Committee, row[1], committees)
                country = get_model(Country, row[2], countries)
                school = get_model(School, row[0], schools)
                yield (committee, country, school, rejected)

        failed_rows = Assignment.update_assignments(generate_assignments(reader))
        if failed_rows:
            # Format the message with HTML to put each failed assignment on a new line
                html.format_html('Assignment upload aborted. These assignments failed:<br/>' + '<br/>'.join(failed_rows)))

        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('admin:core_assignment_changelist'))