Ejemplo n.º 1
def part1():
    Calculates various statistics about the Pokemon dataset using
    the implementation in Part 1.
    print('=== Starting Part 1 ===')
    data = hw2_pandas.parse(DATA)

    print('Number of species:', hw2_pandas.species_count(data))
    print('Highest level pokemon:', hw2_pandas.max_level(data))
    print('Low-level Pokemon', hw2_pandas.filter_range(data, 1, 9))
    print('Average attack for fire types',
          hw2_pandas.mean_attack_for_type(data, 'fire'))
    print('Count of each Pokemon type:')
    print('Highest stage for each Pokemon type')
    print('Average attack for each Pokemon type')
Ejemplo n.º 2
from cse163_utils import assert_equals
# Don't worry about this import syntax, we will talk about it later

import hw2_manual
import hw2_pandas

data1 = hw2_manual.parse('pokemon_test.csv', ['id', 'level', 'atk', 'def',
                         'hp', 'stage'])
data2 = hw2_pandas.parse('pokemon_test.csv')
data3 = hw2_manual.parse('pokemon_box.csv', ['id', 'level', 'atk', 'def',
                         'hp', 'stage'])
data4 = hw2_pandas.parse('pokemon_box.csv')
data5 = hw2_manual.parse('pokemon_test2.csv', ['id', 'level', 'atk', 'def',
                         'hp', 'stage'])
data6 = hw2_pandas.parse('pokemon_test2.csv')

# This file is left blank for you to fill in with your tests!
def test_species_count():
    Test the function species_count
    print('Testing species_count')

    assert_equals(3, hw2_manual.species_count(data1))
    assert_equals(3, hw2_pandas.species_count(data2))
    assert_equals(82, hw2_manual.species_count(data3))
    assert_equals(82, hw2_pandas.species_count(data4))
    assert_equals(8, hw2_manual.species_count(data5))
    assert_equals(8, hw2_pandas.species_count(data6))
from cse163_utils import assert_equals
# Don't worry about this import syntax, we will talk about it later

import hw2_manual
import hw2_pandas

# Parse .csv files into dataframes using parse function from Part 1 - Pandas
NUMERICAL_COLS = ['id', 'level', 'atk', 'def', 'hp', 'stage']
data_m1 = hw2_manual.parse('pokemon_test.csv', NUMERICAL_COLS)
data_m2 = hw2_manual.parse('pokemon_box.csv', NUMERICAL_COLS)

# Parse .csv files into dataframes using parse function from Part 1 - Pandas
data_p1 = hw2_pandas.parse('pokemon_test.csv')
data_p2 = hw2_pandas.parse('pokemon_box.csv')

def test_species_count():
    Tests the output of both versions of species_count() function.

    # Test Part 0 - Manual
    print('Test species_count from Part 0 - Manual')

    assert_equals(3, hw2_manual.species_count(data_m1))
    assert_equals(82, hw2_manual.species_count(data_m2))

    # Test Part 1 - Pandas
    print('Test species_count from Part 1 - Pandas')

    assert_equals(3, hw2_pandas.species_count(data_p1))
Ejemplo n.º 4
from cse163_utils import assert_equals
# Don't worry about this import syntax, we will talk about it later

import hw2_manual
import hw2_pandas

# This file is left blank for you to fill in with your tests!
DATA = hw2_pandas.parse('pokemon_test.csv')
DATA2 = hw2_pandas.parse('pokemon_jay.csv')

NUMERICAL_COLS = ['id', 'level', 'atk', 'def', 'hp', 'stage']

parsed_data = hw2_manual.parse('pokemon_test.csv', NUMERICAL_COLS)
parsed_data2 = hw2_manual.parse('pokemon_jay.csv', NUMERICAL_COLS)

def test_species_count():
    Test spcies_count funciton.
    assert_equals(3, hw2_manual.species_count(parsed_data))
    assert_equals(74, hw2_manual.species_count(parsed_data2))
    assert_equals(3, hw2_pandas.species_count(DATA))
    assert_equals(74, hw2_pandas.species_count(DATA2))

def test_max_level():
Ejemplo n.º 5
from cse163_utils import assert_equals
# Don't worry about this import syntax, we will talk about it later

import hw2_manual
import hw2_pandas

# This file is left blank for you to fill in with your tests!
DATA1 = 'pokemon_test.csv'
DATA2 = 'pokemon_test_by_yw.csv'
integer_cols = ['id', 'level', 'atk', 'def', 'hp', 'stage']

data1 = hw2_manual.parse(DATA1, integer_cols)
data2 = hw2_pandas.parse(DATA1)
data3 = hw2_manual.parse(DATA2, integer_cols)
data4 = hw2_pandas.parse(DATA2)

def test_species_count():
    Tests the function: species_count
    print('Testing species_count')

    # Cases from the made up "spec" for this problem
    assert_equals(3, hw2_manual.species_count(data1))
    assert_equals(3, hw2_pandas.species_count(data2))
    # Additional two cases
    assert_equals(7, hw2_manual.species_count(data3))
    assert_equals(7, hw2_pandas.species_count(data4))