Ejemplo n.º 1
def cast_integer(self, sigOrVal, toType):
    isVal = isinstance(sigOrVal, Value)
    if toType == BOOL:
        if isVal:
            v = int(bool(sigOrVal.val))
            return HBoolVal(v, BOOL,

    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if isVal:
            _v = sigOrVal.val
            w = toType.bit_length()
            assert _v.bit_length() <= w,\
                "%d can not fit into %d bits" % (_v, w)
            v = toType.fromPy(_v)

            v.updateTime = sigOrVal.updateTime

            v._dtype = toType
            if not sigOrVal.vldMask:
                v.vldMask = 0
            return v
            return Operator.withRes(AllOps.IntToBits, [sigOrVal], toType)

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, sigOrVal, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def convertBits__val(self: Bits, val: "BitVal", toType: HdlType):
    if toType == BOOL:
        return val != self.getValueCls().from_py(self, 0)
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.signed != toType.signed:
            if self.strict_sign and bool(self.signed) != bool(toType.signed):
                raise TypeConversionErr(self, toType)
            val = val._convSign__val(toType.signed)

        w_from, w_to = self.bit_length(), toType.bit_length()
        if w_from != w_to:
            if self.strict_width:
                raise TypeConversionErr(self, toType)
            if w_from > w_to:
                # cut off some bits from value
                new_m = val.vld_mask & toType.all_mask()
                # w_from < w_to, extend the value to some bit length
                extra_mask_bits = mask(w_to - w_from)
                new_m = set_bit_range(val.vld_mask, w_from, w_to - w_from,
            val = toType.from_py(val.val, new_m)

        if val._dtype != toType:
            # sign and width checked, only name, strict_* flags can be different
            val = toType.from_py(val.val, val.vld_mask)
        return val
    elif toType == INT:
        return INT.getValueCls()(INT, val.val, int(val._is_full_valid()))

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, val, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reinterpretBits__val(self, val, toType):
    if isinstance(toType, HStruct):
        return reinterpret_bits_to_hstruct(val, toType)
    elif isinstance(toType, HUnion):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    elif isinstance(toType, HArray):
        return reinterpret_bits_to_harray(val, toType)

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, val, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def cast_hbool(self, sigOrVal, toType):
    if toType == BIT:
        if isinstance(sigOrVal, Value):
            v = BIT.getValueCls()(int(sigOrVal.val), BIT, sigOrVal.vldMask,
            return v
            return sigOrVal._ternary(BIT.fromPy(1), BIT.fromPy(0))

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, sigOrVal, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def convertSimBits__val(self, sigOrVal, toType):
    if toType == INT or toType == SIM_INT:
        if self.signed:
            raise NotImplementedError()
            fullMask = self._allMask
            return INT.getValueCls()(sigOrVal.val, INT,
                                     sigOrVal.vldMask == fullMask,

    # other conversions should be akreadt done
    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, sigOrVal, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def convertBits__val(self, val, toType):
    if isinstance(toType, HBool):
        return val._eq(self.getValueCls().fromPy(1, self))
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        return val._convSign__val(toType.signed)
    elif toType == INT:
        return INT.getValueCls()(val.val,

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, val, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def reinterpretBits__val(self: Bits, val, toType: HdlType):
    if isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.signed != toType.signed:
            val = val._convSign__val(toType.signed)
        return fitTo_t(val, toType)
    elif isinstance(toType, HStruct):
        return reinterpret_bits_to_hstruct(val, toType)
    elif isinstance(toType, HUnion):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    elif isinstance(toType, HArray):
        return reinterpret_bits_to_harray(val, toType)

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, val, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def convertBits(self: Bits, sigOrVal, toType: HdlType):
    Cast Bit subtypes, (integers, bool, ...)
    if isinstance(sigOrVal, Value):
        return convertBits__val(self, sigOrVal, toType)
    elif toType == BOOL:
        if self.bit_length() == 1:
            v = 0 if sigOrVal._dtype.negated else 1
            return sigOrVal._eq(self.getValueCls().from_py(self, v))
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.bit_length() == toType.bit_length():
            return sigOrVal._convSign(toType.signed)

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, sigOrVal, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def convertBits(self, sigOrVal, toType):
    Cast signed-unsigned, to int or bool
    if isinstance(sigOrVal, Value):
        return convertBits__val(self, sigOrVal, toType)
    elif isinstance(toType, HBool):
        if self.bit_length() == 1:
            v = 0 if sigOrVal._dtype.negated else 1
            return sigOrVal._eq(self.getValueCls().fromPy(v, self))
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.bit_length() == toType.bit_length():
            return sigOrVal._convSign(toType.signed)
    elif toType == INT:
        return Operator.withRes(AllOps.BitsToInt, [sigOrVal], toType)

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, sigOrVal, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def reinterpretBits(self, sigOrVal, toType):
    Cast object of same bit size between to other type
    (f.e. bits to struct, union or array)
    if isinstance(sigOrVal, Value):
        return reinterpretBits__val(self, sigOrVal, toType)
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        return fitTo_t(sigOrVal, toType)
    elif sigOrVal._dtype.bit_length() == toType.bit_length():
        if isinstance(toType, HStruct):
            raise reinterpret_bits_to_hstruct(sigOrVal, toType)
        elif isinstance(toType, HUnion):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        elif isinstance(toType, HArray):
            reinterpret_bits_to_harray(sigOrVal, toType)

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, sigOrVal, toType)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def convertBits__val(self: Bits, val: "BitVal", toType: HdlType):
    if toType == BOOL:
        return val != self.getValueCls().from_py(self, 0)
    elif isinstance(toType, Bits):
        if self.signed != toType.signed:
            if self.strict_sign and bool(self.signed) != bool(toType.signed):
                raise TypeConversionErr(self, toType)
            val = val._convSign__val(toType.signed)

        if self.bit_length() != toType.bit_length():
            if self.strict_width:
                raise TypeConversionErr(self, toType)
            val = toType.from_py(val.val, val.vld_mask & toType.all_mask())
        if val._dtype != toType:
            # sign and width checked, only name, strict_* flags can be different
            val = toType.from_py(val.val, val.vld_mask)
        return val
    elif toType == INT:
        return INT.getValueCls()(INT, val.val, int(val._is_full_valid()))

    return default_auto_cast_fn(self, val, toType)