Ejemplo n.º 1
def qtable_to_html(qtable, header):
    'QTableWidget Bool -> String\n   Consumes a QTableWidget qtable and if header is true\n   produces a string with that table in HTML'

    def first_row():
        return (1 if header else 0)

    def parse_rows(qtable, row, cols):
        'QTableWidget Int Int -> String\n    Consumes a QTableWidget, the current of the row and number of columns,\n    iterates over its rows and produces the rows in html'
        return ((((('\n    <tr>' + parse_cols(qtable, row, cols)) +
                   '\n    </tr>') if
                  ('' != parse_cols(qtable, row, cols)) else '') if
                 (row == first_row()) else
                 ((((parse_rows(qtable, dec(row), cols) + '\n    <tr>') +
                    parse_cols(qtable, row, cols)) + '\n    </tr>') if
                  ('' != parse_cols(qtable, row, cols)) else
                  (parse_rows(qtable, dec(row), cols) +
                   parse_cols(qtable, row, cols)))) if
                ((not header) or (qtable.used_row_count() > 1)) else '')

    def parse_cols(qtable, row, col):
        'QTableWidget Int Int -> String\n    Consumes a QTableWidget, the current of row and column,\n    iterates over its rows and produces the rows in html'
        return (parse_item(qtable, row, col) if is_zero(col) else
                (parse_cols(qtable, row, dec(col)) +
                 parse_item(qtable, row, col)))

    def parse_item(qtable, row, col):
        'QTableWidget Int Int -> String\n    Consumes a QTableWidget, the current of row and column,\n    produces the row in html'
        item = qtable.item(row, col)
        return ((('\n      <td>' + item.text()) + '</td>') if
                (item != None) else '\n      <td></td>')

    def parse_headercols(qtable, row, col):
        'QTableWidget Int Int -> String\n    Consumes a QTableWidget, the current of row and column,\n    iterates over the header rows and produces the row in html'
        return (parse_headeritem(qtable, row, col) if is_zero(col) else
                (parse_headercols(qtable, row, dec(col)) +
                 parse_headeritem(qtable, row, col)))

    def parse_headeritem(qtable, row, col):
        'QTableWidget Int Int -> String\n    Consumes a QTableWidget, the current of row and column,\n    produces the header row in html'
        item = qtable.item(row, col)
        return ((('\n      <th>' + item.text()) + '</th>') if
                (item != None) else '\n      <th></th>')

    return (
        '' if (is_zero(qtable.used_column_count())
               or is_zero(qtable.used_row_count())) else
        (((('<table>\n' +
            ((('  <thead>\n    <tr>' +
               parse_headercols(qtable, 0, dec(qtable.used_column_count()))) +
              '\n    </tr>\n  </thead>\n') if first_row() else '')) +
           '  <tbody>') + parse_rows(qtable, dec(qtable.used_row_count()),
                                     dec(qtable.used_column_count()))) +
         '\n  </tbody>\n</table>'))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _hy_anon_fn_7():
     input_len = len(d)
     self.m = (11L if is_zero(input_len) else (input_len * 2L))
     self.n = input_len
     self.data = [None for range in 0L]
     for k in d.keys():
         self[k] = d[k]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def parse_headercols(qtable, row, col):
     'QTableWidget Int Int -> String\n    Consumes a QTableWidget, the current of row and column,\n    iterates over the header rows and produces the row in html'
     return (parse_headeritem(qtable, row, col) if is_zero(col) else
             (parse_headercols(qtable, row, dec(col)) +
              parse_headeritem(qtable, row, col)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def is_even(x):
    return is_zero(mod(x, 2))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def factorial(n):
    from hy.contrib.loop import __trampoline__

    def _;recur_fn|1236(cnt, acc):
        return acc if is_zero(cnt) else _;recur_fn|1236(dec(cnt), acc * cnt)