Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_hopp_calc(Site, scenario_description, bos_details, total_hybrid_plant_capacity_mw, solar_size_mw, wind_size_mw,
                    nameplate_mw, interconnection_size_mw, load_resource_from_file,
                    ppa_price, results_dir):
    """ run_hopp_calc Establishes sizing models, creates a wind or solar farm based on the desired sizes,
     and runs SAM model calculations for the specified inputs.
     save_outputs contains a dictionary of all results for the hopp calculation.

    :param scenario_description: Project scenario - 'greenfield' or 'solar addition'.
    :param bos_details: contains bos details including type of analysis to conduct (cost/mw, json lookup, HybridBOSSE).
    :param total_hybrid_plant_capacity_mw: capacity in MW of hybrid plant.
    :param solar_size_mw: capacity in MW of solar component of plant.
    :param wind_size_mw: capacity in MW of wind component of plant.
    :param nameplate_mw: nameplate capacity of total plant.
    :param interconnection_size_mw: interconnection size in MW.
    :param load_resource_from_file: flag determining whether resource is loaded directly from file or through
     interpolation routine.
    :param ppa_price: PPA price in USD($)
    :return: collection of outputs from SAM and hybrid-specific calculations (includes e.g. AEP, IRR, LCOE),
     plus wind and solar filenames used
    # Get resource data
    # sample_site['lat'] = Site['Lat']
    # sample_site['lon'] = Site['Lon']
    # # site = SiteInfo(sample_site, solar_resource_file=Site['resource_filename_solar'],
    # #                 wind_resource_file=Site['resource_filename_wind'])
    if load_resource_from_file:
        Site['resource_filename_solar'] = ""  # Unsetting resource filename to force API download of wind resource
        Site['resource_filename_wind'] = ""  # Unsetting resource filename to force API download of solar resource

    site = SiteInfo(Site)

    if 'roll_tz' in Site.keys():
        site.solar_resource.roll_timezone(Site['roll_tz'], Site['roll_tz'])

    # Set up technology and cost model info
    technologies = {'solar': solar_size_mw,          # mw system capacity
                    'wind': wind_size_mw            # mw system capacity

    # Create model
    hybrid_plant = HybridSimulation(technologies, site, interconnect_kw=interconnection_size_mw * 1000)

    # hybrid_plant.setup_cost_calculator(create_cost_calculator(bos_cost_source='boslookup', interconnection_mw=interconnection_size_mw))
                                                              modify_costs=bos_details['Modify Costs'],

    hybrid_plant.ppa_price = ppa_price
    hybrid_plant.discount_rate = 6.4
    hybrid_plant.solar.system_capacity_kw = solar_size_mw * 1000
    hybrid_plant.wind.rotor_diameter = 100
    # Modify Wind Turbine Coordinates
    Nx = 8
    Ny = 5
    spacing = hybrid_plant.wind.row_spacing
    turbine_x = np.linspace(0, (Nx * spacing) - spacing, Nx)
    turbine_y = np.linspace(0, (Ny * spacing) - spacing, Ny)
    turbX = np.zeros(Nx * Ny)
    turbY = np.zeros(Nx * Ny)
    count = 0
    for i in range(Nx):
        for j in range(Ny):
            turbX[count] = turbine_x[i]
            turbY[count] = turbine_y[j]
            count = count + 1
    hybrid_plant.wind.modify_coordinates(list(turbX), list(turbY))
    hybrid_plant.wind.system_capacity_by_num_turbines(wind_size_mw * 1000)
    actual_solar_pct = hybrid_plant.solar.system_capacity_kw / \
                       (hybrid_plant.solar.system_capacity_kw + hybrid_plant.wind.system_capacity_kw)

    logger.info("Run with solar percent {}".format(actual_solar_pct))
    outputs = hybrid_plant.hybrid_outputs()
    for k, v in outputs.items():
        outputs[k] = [v]

    return outputs, site.wind_resource.filename, site.solar_resource.filename
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_hopp_calc(Site, scenario_description, bos_details,
                  total_hybrid_plant_capacity_mw, solar_size_mw, wind_size_mw,
                  nameplate_mw, interconnection_size_mw,
                  load_resource_from_file, ppa_price, results_dir):
    """ run_hopp_calc Establishes sizing models, creates a wind or solar farm based on the desired sizes,
     and runs SAM model calculations for the specified inputs.
     save_outputs contains a dictionary of all results for the hopp calculation.

    :param scenario_description: Project scenario - 'greenfield' or 'solar addition'.
    :param bos_details: contains bos details including type of analysis to conduct (cost/mw, json lookup, HybridBOSSE).
    :param total_hybrid_plant_capacity_mw: capacity in MW of hybrid plant.
    :param solar_size_mw: capacity in MW of solar component of plant.
    :param wind_size_mw: capacity in MW of wind component of plant.
    :param nameplate_mw: nameplate capacity of total plant.
    :param interconnection_size_mw: interconnection size in MW.
    :param load_resource_from_file: flag determining whether resource is loaded directly from file or through
     interpolation routine.
    :param ppa_price: PPA price in USD($)
    :return: collection of outputs from SAM and hybrid-specific calculations (includes e.g. AEP, IRR, LCOE),
     plus wind and solar filenames used
    # Get resource data
    if load_resource_from_file:
            'resource_filename_solar'] = ""  # Unsetting resource filename to force API download of wind resource
            'resource_filename_wind'] = ""  # Unsetting resource filename to force API download of solar resource

    site = SiteInfo(Site,

    #TODO: Incorporate this in SiteInfo
    # if 'roll_tz' in Site.keys():
    #     site.solar_resource.roll_timezone(Site['roll_tz'], Site['roll_tz'])

    # Set up technology and cost model info
    technologies = {
        'solar': solar_size_mw,  # mw system capacity
        'wind': wind_size_mw,  # mw system capacity
        'grid': interconnection_size_mw
    }  # mw interconnect

    # Create model
    hybrid_plant = HybridSimulation(technologies,
                                    interconnect_kw=interconnection_size_mw *

                               bos_details['BOSSource'], scenario_description))

    hybrid_plant.ppa_price = ppa_price
    hybrid_plant.discount_rate = 6.4
    hybrid_plant.solar.system_capacity_kw = solar_size_mw * 1000
    hybrid_plant.wind.system_capacity_by_num_turbines(wind_size_mw * 1000)
    actual_solar_pct = hybrid_plant.solar.system_capacity_kw / \
                       (hybrid_plant.solar.system_capacity_kw + hybrid_plant.wind.system_capacity_kw)

    logger.info("Run with solar percent {}".format(actual_solar_pct))
    outputs = hybrid_plant.hybrid_outputs()
    for k, v in outputs.items():
        outputs[k] = [v]

    return outputs, site.wind_resource.filename, site.solar_resource.filename
Ejemplo n.º 3
interconnection_size_mw = 20

technologies = {'solar': solar_size_mw,  # mw system capacity
                'wind': wind_size_mw,  # mw system capacity
                'grid': interconnection_size_mw}

# Get resource
lat = flatirons_site['lat']
lon = flatirons_site['lon']
site = SiteInfo(flatirons_site)

# Create model
hybrid_plant = HybridSimulation(technologies, site, interconnect_kw=interconnection_size_mw * 1000)

# Setup cost model
hybrid_plant.solar.system_capacity_kw = solar_size_mw * 1000
hybrid_plant.wind.system_capacity_by_num_turbines(wind_size_mw * 1000)
hybrid_plant.ppa_price = 0.1

# Save the outputs
annual_energies = hybrid_plant.annual_energies
wind_plus_solar_npv = hybrid_plant.net_present_values.wind + hybrid_plant.net_present_values.solar
npvs = hybrid_plant.net_present_values

wind_installed_cost = hybrid_plant.wind.financial_model.SystemCosts.total_installed_cost
solar_installed_cost = hybrid_plant.solar.financial_model.SystemCosts.total_installed_cost
hybrid_installed_cost = hybrid_plant.grid.financial_model.SystemCosts.total_installed_cost

print("Wind Installed Cost: {}".format(wind_installed_cost))