Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _watch_batch(self,
                     batch: Batch,
                     timeout: int = 10800,
                     interval: Union[int, float] = 60) -> Batch:
        tqdm = get_tqdm_progress_bar()
        iterations_until_timeout = math.ceil(timeout / interval)
        bar_format = '{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{postfix[0]}]'
        with tqdm(total=len(batch),
                  postfix=[f'timeout in {timeout} s']) as progress_bar:
            for ii in range(iterations_until_timeout):
                batch = self.refresh(batch)

                counts = batch._count_statuses()
                complete = counts['SUCCEEDED'] + counts['FAILED']

                progress_bar.postfix = [
                    f'timeout in {timeout - ii * interval}s'
                # to control n/total manually; update is n += value
                progress_bar.n = complete

                if batch.complete():
                    return batch
        raise HyP3Error(f'Timeout occurred while waiting for {batch}')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_batch_len():
    batch = Batch()
    assert len(batch) == 0

    batch = Batch([])
    assert len(batch) == 0

    batch = Batch([Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB), Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)])
    assert len(batch) == 2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_getitem(get_mock_job):
    unexpired_time = (datetime.now(tz=tz.UTC) + timedelta(days=7)).isoformat(timespec='seconds')
    j0 = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    j1 = Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    j2 = get_mock_job(status_code='SUCCEEDED', expiration_time=unexpired_time,
                      files=[{'url': 'https://foo.com/file', 'size': 0, 'filename': 'file'}])
    batch = Batch([j0, j1, j2])

    assert j0 == batch[0]
    assert j1 == batch[1]
    assert j2 == batch[2]

    assert Batch([j1, j2]) == batch[1:]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_batch_iadd():
    a = Batch([Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)])
    b = Batch([Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)])
    j = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    j.status_code = 'RUNNING'

    a += b
    assert len(a) == 2
    assert a.jobs[0].succeeded()
    assert a.jobs[1].failed()

    a += j
    assert len(a) == 3
    assert a.jobs[0].succeeded()
    assert a.jobs[1].failed()
    assert a.jobs[2].running()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_batch_add():
    a = Batch([Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)])
    b = Batch([Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)])
    j = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    j.status_code = 'RUNNING'

    c = a + b
    assert len(c) == 2
    assert c.jobs[0].succeeded()
    assert c.jobs[1].failed()

    d = c + j
    assert len(d) == 3
    assert d.jobs[0].succeeded()
    assert d.jobs[1].failed()
    assert d.jobs[2].running()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_batch_any_expired():
    job1 = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    job1.expiration_time = datetime.now(tz.UTC) + timedelta(days=7)

    job2 = copy(job1)
    job2.expiration_time = datetime.now(tz.UTC) + timedelta(days=2)

    batch = Batch([job1, job2])
    assert not batch.any_expired()

    # ignore jobs without expiration times
    job3 = Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    batch += job3
    assert not batch.any_expired()

    job4 = copy(job1)
    job4.expiration_time = datetime.now(tz.UTC) - timedelta(days=2)
    batch += job4
    assert batch.any_expired()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_batch_download_expired(tmp_path, get_mock_job):
    expired_time = (datetime.now(tz=tz.UTC) - timedelta(days=7)).isoformat(timespec='seconds')
    unexpired_time = (datetime.now(tz=tz.UTC) + timedelta(days=7)).isoformat(timespec='seconds')
    batch = Batch([
        get_mock_job(status_code='SUCCEEDED', expiration_time=unexpired_time,
                     files=[{'url': 'https://foo.com/file1', 'size': 0, 'filename': 'file1'}]),
        get_mock_job(status_code='SUCCEEDED', expiration_time=expired_time,
                     files=[{'url': 'https://foo.com/file2', 'size': 0, 'filename': 'file2'}]),
        get_mock_job(status_code='SUCCEEDED', expiration_time=unexpired_time,
                     files=[{'url': 'https://foo.com/file3', 'size': 0, 'filename': 'file3'}])
    responses.add(responses.GET, 'https://foo.com/file1', body='foobar1')
    responses.add(responses.GET, 'https://foo.com/file2', body='foobar2')
    responses.add(responses.GET, 'https://foo.com/file3', body='foobar3')

    paths = batch.download_files(tmp_path)
    contents = [path.read_text() for path in paths]
    assert len(paths) == 2
    assert set(paths) == {tmp_path / 'file1', tmp_path / 'file3'}
    assert set(contents) == {'foobar1', 'foobar3'}
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_contains(get_mock_job):
    unexpired_time = (datetime.now(tz=tz.UTC) + timedelta(days=7)).isoformat(timespec='seconds')
    j1 = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    j2 = Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    j3 = get_mock_job(status_code='SUCCEEDED', expiration_time=unexpired_time,
                      files=[{'url': 'https://foo.com/file', 'size': 0, 'filename': 'file'}])

    a = Batch([j1, j2])

    assert j1 in a
    assert j2 in a
    assert j3 not in a
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_batch_complete_succeeded():
    batch = Batch([Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB), Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)])
    assert batch.complete()
    assert batch.succeeded()

    batch += Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    assert batch.complete()
    assert not batch.succeeded()

    running = Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    running.status_code = 'RUNNING'
    batch += running
    assert not batch.complete()
    assert not batch.succeeded()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_reverse(get_mock_job):
    unexpired_time = (datetime.now(tz=tz.UTC) + timedelta(days=7)).isoformat(timespec='seconds')
    j0 = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    j1 = Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    j2 = get_mock_job(status_code='SUCCEEDED', expiration_time=unexpired_time,
                      files=[{'url': 'https://foo.com/file', 'size': 0, 'filename': 'file'}])

    batch = Batch([j0, j1, j2])

    batch_reversed = reversed(batch)
    assert next(batch_reversed) == j2
    assert next(batch_reversed) == j1
    assert next(batch_reversed) == j0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_batch_filter_jobs():
    succeeded_job = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    succeeded_job.expiration_time = datetime.now(tz.UTC) + timedelta(days=7)

    expired_job = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    expired_job.expiration_time = datetime.now(tz.UTC) - timedelta(days=7)

    running_job = Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    running_job.status_code = 'RUNNING'

    pending_job = Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    pending_job.status_code = 'PENDING'

    batch = Batch([succeeded_job, running_job, expired_job, pending_job, Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)])

    not_failed = batch.filter_jobs()
    assert len(not_failed) == 4
    assert not_failed.jobs[0].succeeded() and not not_failed.jobs[0].expired()
    assert not_failed.jobs[1].running()
    assert not_failed.jobs[2].succeeded() and not_failed.jobs[2].expired()
    assert not_failed.jobs[3].running()

    not_failed_or_expired = batch.filter_jobs(include_expired=False)
    assert len(not_failed_or_expired) == 3
    assert not_failed_or_expired.jobs[0].succeeded() and not not_failed_or_expired.jobs[0].expired()
    assert not_failed_or_expired.jobs[1].running()
    assert not_failed_or_expired.jobs[2].running()

    succeeded = batch.filter_jobs(running=False)
    assert len(succeeded) == 2
    assert succeeded.jobs[0].succeeded() and not succeeded.jobs[0].expired()
    assert succeeded.jobs[1].succeeded() and succeeded.jobs[1].expired()

    running = batch.filter_jobs(succeeded=False)
    assert len(running) == 2
    assert running.jobs[0].running()
    assert running.jobs[1].running()

    failed = batch.filter_jobs(succeeded=False, running=False, failed=True)
    assert len(failed) == 1
    assert failed.jobs[0].failed()

    everything = batch.filter_jobs(failed=True)
    assert len(everything) == len(batch)
    for ii, job in enumerate(everything.jobs):
        assert job.status_code == batch.jobs[ii].status_code
        if job.succeeded():
            assert job.expired() == batch.jobs[ii].expired()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_delitem():
    j0 = Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB)
    j1 = Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)
    batch = Batch([j0, j1])

    assert j0 in batch
    assert j1 in batch

    del batch[1]

    assert j0 in batch
    assert j1 not in batch

    batch += j1
    del batch[0]

    assert j0 not in batch
    assert j1 in batch
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def find_jobs(self,
                  start: Optional[datetime] = None,
                  end: Optional[datetime] = None,
                  status_code: Optional[str] = None,
                  name: Optional[str] = None,
                  job_type: Optional[str] = None) -> Batch:
        """Gets a Batch of jobs from HyP3 matching the provided search criteria

            start: only jobs submitted after given time
            end: only jobs submitted before given time
            status_code: only jobs matching this status (SUCCEEDED, FAILED, RUNNING, PENDING)
            name: only jobs with this name
            job_type: only jobs with this job_type

            A Batch object containing the found jobs
        params = {}
        for param_name in ('start', 'end', 'status_code', 'name', 'job_type'):
            param_value = locals().get(param_name)
            if param_value is not None:
                if isinstance(param_value, datetime):
                    if param_value.tzinfo is None:
                        param_value = param_value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                    param_value = param_value.isoformat(timespec='seconds')

                params[param_name] = param_value

        response = self.session.get(urljoin(self.url, '/jobs'), params=params)
        jobs = [Job.from_dict(job) for job in response.json()['jobs']]

        while 'next' in response.json():
            next_url = response.json()['next']
            response = self.session.get(next_url)
                [Job.from_dict(job) for job in response.json()['jobs']])

        return Batch(jobs)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def submit_prepared_jobs(self, prepared_jobs: Union[dict,
                                                        List[dict]]) -> Batch:
        """Submit a prepared job dictionary, or list of prepared job dictionaries

            prepared_jobs: A prepared job dictionary, or list of prepared job dictionaries

            A Batch object containing the submitted job(s)
        if isinstance(prepared_jobs, dict):
            payload = {'jobs': [prepared_jobs]}
            payload = {'jobs': prepared_jobs}

        response = self.session.post(urljoin(self.url, '/jobs'), json=payload)

        batch = Batch()
        for job in response.json()['jobs']:
            batch += Job.from_dict(job)
        return batch
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _refresh_batch(self, batch: Batch):
     jobs = []
     for job in batch.jobs:
     return Batch(jobs)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_batch_iter():
    defined_jobs = [Job.from_dict(SUCCEEDED_JOB), Job.from_dict(FAILED_JOB)]
    batch = Batch(defined_jobs)
    for batch_job, defined_job in zip(batch, defined_jobs):
        assert batch_job == defined_job