def nn_init(self, layer, initializer_option): if initializer_option is None: return if type(initializer_option) == pyparsing.ParseResults and type( initializer_option[0]) == hypergan.parser.Pattern: args = [initializer_option[0].layer_name ] + initializer_option[0].args options = hc.Config(initializer_option[0].options) else: args = [initializer_option] options = hc.Config({}) layer_data = if args[0] == "uniform": a = float(args[1]) b = float(args[2]) nn.init.uniform_(layer_data, a, b) elif args[0] == "normal": mean = float(args[1]) std = float(args[2]) nn.init.normal_(layer_data, mean, std) elif args[0] == "constant": val = float(args[1]) nn.init.constant_(layer_data, val) elif args[0] == "ones": nn.init.ones_(layer_data) elif args[0] == "zeros": nn.init.zeros_(layer_data) elif args[0] == "eye": nn.init.eye_(layer_data) elif args[0] == "dirac": nn.init.dirac_(layer_data) elif args[0] == "xavier_uniform": gain = nn.init.calculate_gain(options.gain or "relu") nn.init.xavier_uniform_(layer_data, gain=gain) elif args[0] == "xavier_normal": gain = nn.init.calculate_gain(options.gain or "relu") nn.init.xavier_normal_(layer_data, gain=gain) elif args[0] == "kaiming_uniform": a = 0 #TODO wrong nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(layer_data, mode=(options.mode or "fan_in"), nonlinearity=options.gain or "relu") elif args[0] == "kaiming_normal": a = 0 #TODO wrong nn.init.kaiming_normal_(layer_data, mode=(options.mode or "fan_in"), nonlinearity=options.gain or "relu") elif args[0] == "orthogonal": if "gain" in options: gain = nn.init.calculate_gain(options["gain"]) else: gain = 1 nn.init.orthogonal_(layer_data, gain=gain) else: print("Warning: No initializer found for " + args[0]) if "gain" in options: layer_data.mul_(nn.init.calculate_gain(options["gain"])) return NoOp()
def __init__(self, gan, config, name=None, input=None, reuse=None, x=None, g=None, features=[], skip_connections=[]): self.layers = [] self.skip_connections = skip_connections self.layer_options = {} self.layer_ops = { "relational": self.layer_relational, "minibatch": self.layer_minibatch, "phase_shift": self.layer_phase_shift, "conv": self.layer_conv, "zeros": self.layer_zeros, "zeros_like": self.layer_zeros_like, "control": self.layer_controls, "linear": self.layer_linear, "identity": self.layer_identity, "double_resolution": self.layer_double_resolution, "attention": self.layer_attention, "adaptive_instance_norm": self.layer_adaptive_instance_norm, "subpixel": self.layer_subpixel, "pixel_norm": self.layer_pixel_norm, "gram_matrix": self.layer_gram_matrix, "unpool": self.layer_unpool, "crop": self.layer_crop, "resize_images": self.layer_resize_images, "concat_noise": self.layer_noise, "concat": self.layer_concat, "variational_noise": self.layer_variational_noise, "variational": self.layer_variational, "noise": self.layer_noise, "pad": self.layer_pad, "fractional_avg_pool": self.layer_fractional_avg_pool, "two_sample_stack": self.layer_two_sample_stack, "bicubic_conv": self.layer_bicubic_conv, "conv_double": self.layer_conv_double, "conv_reshape": self.layer_conv_reshape, "reshape": self.layer_reshape, "conv_dts": self.layer_conv_dts, "deconv": self.layer_deconv, "resize_conv": self.layer_resize_conv, "squash": self.layer_squash, "add": self.layer_add, "avg_pool": self.layer_avg_pool, "reference": self.layer_reference, "image_statistics": self.layer_image_statistics, "combine_features": self.layer_combine_features, "resnet": self.layer_resnet, "layer_filter": self.layer_filter, "turing_test": self.layer_turing_test, "activation": self.layer_activation, "knowledge_base": self.layer_knowledge_base, "const": self.layer_const, "progressive_replace": self.layer_progressive_replace } self.features = features self.controls = {} self.named_layers = {} if not hasattr(gan, "named_layers"): gan.named_layers = {} self.subnets = hc.Config(hc.Config(config).subnets or {})
def layer_resnet(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) config = self.config ops = self.ops depth = int(args[0]) activation_s = options.activation or self.ops.config_option("activation") activation = self.ops.lookup(activation_s) stride = options.stride or 1 stride = int(stride) shortcut = net initializer = None # default to global if self.ops.config_option("avg_pool"): net = ops.conv2d(net, 3, 3, 1, 1, depth, initializer=initializer) if stride != 1: ksize = [1,stride,stride,1] net = tf.nn.avg_pool(net, ksize=ksize, strides=ksize, padding='SAME') else: net = ops.conv2d(net, 3, 3, stride, stride, depth, initializer=initializer) net = activation(net) net = ops.conv2d(net, 3, 3, 1, 1, depth, initializer=initializer) if ops.shape(net)[-1] != ops.shape(shortcut)[-1] or stride != 1: if self.ops.config_option("avg_pool"): shortcut = ops.conv2d(shortcut, 3, 3, 1, 1, depth, initializer=initializer) if stride != 1: ksize = [1,stride,stride,1] shortcut = tf.nn.avg_pool(shortcut, ksize=ksize, strides=ksize, padding='SAME') else: shortcut = ops.conv2d(shortcut, 3, 3, stride, stride, depth, initializer=initializer) net = shortcut + net net = activation(net) return net
def __init__(self, component, args, options): super(ResizableStack, self).__init__(component, args, options) self.size = LayerShape(component.gan.channels(), component.gan.height(), component.gan.width()) self.max_channels = options.max_channels or 256 self.segment_channels = options.segment_channels or 5 = or "w" layers = [] sizes = self.sizes(component.current_size.height, component.current_size.width, component.gan.height(), component.gan.width(), self.segment_channels * 2 * component.gan.channels()) print("SIZES", sizes) for i, size in enumerate(sizes[1:]): c = min(size.channels, self.max_channels) upsample = hg.layers.Upsample(component, [], hc.Config({"w": size.width, "h": size.height})) component.current_size = upsample.output_size() #TODO abstract input_size if options.normalize != False: _, add = component.parse_layer("add self (ez_norm initializer=(xavier_normal) style=" + + ")") _, conv = component.parse_layer("conv2d " + str(size.channels) + " padding=0 initializer=(xavier_normal)") if options.normalize == False: layers += [upsample, conv] else: layers += [upsample, add, conv] if i < len(sizes) - 2: layers += [nn.ReLU()] layers += [hg.layers.SegmentSoftmax(component, [component.gan.channels()], {})] self.layers = nn.ModuleList(layers)
def test_run(self): with self.test_session(): gan = mock_gan() args = hc.Config({"size": "1"}) cli = hg.CLI(gan, args) self.assertEqual(cli.gan, gan)
def layer_reference(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) obj = self if "src" in options: obj = getattr(self.gan, options.src) return obj.layer(
def __init__(self, gan=None, config=None, trainer=None, name="ProgressCompressTrainHook"): super().__init__(config=config, gan=gan, trainer=trainer, name=name) d_loss = [] self.x = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(gan.inputs.x)) self.g = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(gan.generator.sample)) stacked = tf.concat([self.gan.inputs.x, self.gan.generator.sample], axis=0) self.assign_x = tf.assign(self.x, gan.inputs.x) self.assign_g = tf.assign(self.g, gan.generator.sample) self.re_init_d = [d.initializer for d in gan.discriminator.variables()] gan.hack = self.g self.assign_knowledge_base = [] bs = gan.batch_size() real = gan.discriminator.named_layers['knowledge_base_target']#tf.reshape(gan.loss.sample[:2], [2,-1]) _inputs = hc.Config({'x':real}) inner_gan = KBGAN(config=self.config.knowledge_base, inputs=_inputs, x=real, latent=stacked) self.kb_loss = inner_gan.loss self.kb = inner_gan.generator self.trainer = inner_gan.trainer variables = inner_gan.variables() #variables += self.kb.variables() for c in gan.components: if hasattr(c, 'knowledge_base'): for name, net in c.knowledge_base: assign = self.kb.named_layers[name] if self.ops.shape(assign)[0] > self.ops.shape(net)[0]: assign = tf.slice(assign,[0 for i in self.ops.shape(net)] , [self.ops.shape(net)[0]]+self.ops.shape(assign)[1:]) self.assign_knowledge_base.append(tf.assign(net, assign)) self.gan.add_metric('d_kb', self.kb_loss.sample[0]) self.gan.add_metric('g_kb', self.kb_loss.sample[1])
def __init__(self, config={}, device="/gpu:0"): config = hc.Config(config) dtype = config.dtype or "float32" initializer = config.initializer or 'orthogonal' orthogonal_gain = config.orthogonal_gain or 1.0 random_stddev = config.random_stddev or 0.02 self.dtype = self.parse_dtype(dtype) self.scope_count = 0 self.description = '' self.weights = [] self.biases = [] self.device = config.device self.initialized = False self._reuse = False self.reuse_scope_count = 0 self.reuse_context = 0 self.config = config if initializer == 'orthogonal': self.initializer = self.orthogonal_initializer(orthogonal_gain) elif initializer == 'he_normal': self.initializer = self.he_normal_initializer() elif initializer == 'xavier': self.initializer = self.xavier_initializer() else: self.initializer = self.random_initializer(random_stddev)
def layer_linear(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) shape = [int(x) for x in str(args[0]).split("*")] bias = True if options.bias == False: bias = False output_size = 1 for dim in shape: output_size *= dim layers = [] if len(self.current_size.dims) != 1: layers += [nn.Flatten()] layers += [ nn.Linear(options.input_size or self.current_size.size(), output_size, bias=bias) ] self.nn_init(layers[-1], options.initializer) self.current_size = LayerShape(*list(reversed(shape))) if len(shape) != 1: layers.append(Reshape(*self.current_size.dims)) if self.is_latent: self._latent_parameters += [layers[0].weight] self.is_latent = False return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def layer_conv3d(self, net, args, options): if len(args) > 0: channels = args[0] else: channels = self.current_size.channels options = hc.Config(options) stride = options.stride or 1 fltr = options.filter or 3 dilation = 1 padding = options.padding or 1 #self.get_same_padding(self.current_width, self.current_width, stride, dilation) if options.padding0: padding = [options.padding0, padding, padding] if options.stride0: stride = [options.stride0, stride, stride] else: stride = [stride, stride, stride] layers = [ nn.Conv3d(options.input_channels or self.current_size.channels, channels, fltr, stride, padding=padding) ] self.nn_init(layer, options.initializer) self.current_size = LayerShape( frames, channels, self.current_size.height // stride[1], self.current_size.width // stride[2] ) #TODO this doesn't work, what is frames? Also chw calculation like conv2d return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def layer_conv1d(self, net, args, options): if len(args) > 0: channels = args[0] else: channels = self.current_size.channels print("Options:", options) options = hc.Config(options) stride = options.stride or 1 fltr = options.filter or 3 dilation = 1 padding = 1 if options.padding is not None: padding = options.padding layers = [ nn.Conv1d(options.input_channels or self.current_size.channels, channels, fltr, stride, padding=padding) ] self.nn_init(layers[-1], options.initializer) h, _ = self.conv_output_shape( (self.current_size.height, self.current_size.height), options.filter or 3, stride, padding, 1) self.current_size = LayerShape(channels, h) return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def layer_conv2d(self, net, args, options): if len(args) > 0: channels = args[0] else: channels = self.current_size.channels options = hc.Config(options) stride = 1 if options.stride is not None: stride = options.stride filter = 3 if options.filter is not None: filter = options.filter padding = 1 if options.padding is not None: padding = options.padding dilation = 1 layer = nn.Conv2d(options.input_channels or self.current_size.channels, channels, filter, stride, padding=(padding, padding)) self.nn_init(layer, options.initializer) h, w = self.conv_output_shape( (self.current_size.height, self.current_size.width), filter, stride, padding, dilation) self.current_size = LayerShape(channels, h, w) return layer
def layer_two_sample_stack(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) def _slice(_net): s = self.ops.shape(_net) s[0] = s[0] // 2 _net1 = tf.slice(_net, [0, 0, 0, 0], s) _net2 = tf.slice(_net, [s[0], 0, 0, 0], s) return _net1, _net2 net1, net2 = _slice(net) net1a, net1b = _slice(net1) net2a, net2b = _slice(net2) if options.mixup: alpha = tf.random_uniform([1], 0, 1) t1 = alpha * net1a + (1 - alpha) * net1b t2 = alpha * net2a + (1 - alpha) * net2b t1 = tf.reshape(t1, self.ops.shape(net1b)) t2 = tf.reshape(t2, self.ops.shape(net2b)) else: t1 = tf.concat([net1a, net1b], axis=3) t2 = tf.concat([net2a, net2b], axis=3) # hack fixes shape expectations #t1 = tf.concat([t1,t1], axis=0) #t2 = tf.concat([t2,t2], axis=0) target = tf.concat([t1, t2], axis=0) s = self.ops.shape(net) return target
def layer_subpixel(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) depth = int(args[0]) config = self.config activation = options.activation or config.defaults.activation r = options.r or 2 r = int(r) def _PS(X, r, n_out_channel): if n_out_channel >= 1: bsize, a, b, c = X.get_shape().as_list() bsize = tf.shape(X)[ 0] # Handling Dimension(None) type for undefined batch dim Xs = tf.split(X, r, 3) #b*h*w*r*r Xr = tf.concat(Xs, 2) #b*h*(r*w)*r X = tf.reshape( Xr, (bsize, r * a, r * b, n_out_channel)) # b*(r*h)*(r*w)*c return X args[0] = depth * (r**2) if (activation == 'crelu' or activation == 'double_sided'): args[0] //= 2 y1 = self.layer_conv(net, args, options) ps = _PS(y1, r, depth) return ps
def __init__(self, gan, args={}): self.samples = 0 self.steps = 0 self.gan = gan args = hc.Config(args) self.args = args crop = self.args.crop self.config_name = self.args.config or 'default' self.method = args.method or 'test' self.total_steps = args.steps or -1 self.sample_every = self.args.sample_every or 100 self.sampler = CLI.sampler_for(args.sampler)(self.gan) self.validate() if self.args.save_file: self.save_file = self.args.save_file else: default_save_path = os.path.abspath("saves/"+self.config_name) self.save_file = default_save_path + "/model.ckpt" self.create_path(self.save_file) title = "[hypergan] " + self.config_name GlobalViewer.title = title GlobalViewer.enabled = self.args.viewer
def layer_layer(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) if "src" in options: obj = getattr(self.gan, options.src) else: obj = self return obj.layer(args[0])
def layer_conv_reshape(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) config = self.config ops = self.ops activation_s = options.activation or config.defaults.activation activation = self.ops.lookup(activation_s) stride = options.stride or config.defaults.stride or [1, 1] fltr = options.filter or config.defaults.filter or [3, 3] if type(fltr) == type(""): fltr = [int(fltr), int(fltr)] if type(stride) == type(""): stride = [int(stride), int(stride)] depth = int(args[0]) initializer = None # default to global trainable = True if options.trainable == 'false': trainable = False net = ops.conv2d(net, fltr[0], fltr[1], stride[0], stride[1], depth * 4, initializer=initializer, trainable=trainable) s = ops.shape(net) net = tf.reshape(net, [s[0], s[1] * 2, s[2] * 2, depth]) if activation: #net = self.layer_regularizer(net) net = activation(net) return net
def create_trainer(self, cycloss, z_cycloss, encoder, generator, encoder_loss, standard_loss, standard_discriminator, encoder_discriminator): metrics = [] metrics.append(standard_loss.metrics) d_vars = standard_discriminator.variables() g_vars = generator.variables() + encoder.variables() print("D_VARS", d_vars) print("G_VARS", g_vars) #d_loss = standard_loss.d_loss #g_loss = standard_loss.g_loss + cycloss loss1 = ("g_loss", standard_loss.g_loss) loss2 = ("d_loss", standard_loss.d_loss) loss = hc.Config({ 'sample': [standard_loss.d_loss, standard_loss.g_loss], 'metrics': { 'g_loss': loss1[1], 'd_loss': loss2[1] } }) trainer = ConsensusTrainer(self, self.config.trainer, loss=loss, g_vars=g_vars, d_vars=d_vars) return trainer
def __init__(self, gan, args={}): self.samples = 0 self.steps = 0 self.gan = gan if gan is not None: self.gan.cli = self args = hc.Config(args) self.args = args crop = self.args.crop self.config_name = self.args.config or 'default' self.method = args.method or 'test' self.total_steps = args.steps or -1 self.sample_every = self.args.sample_every or 100 self.sampler_name = args.sampler self.sampler = None self.validate() if self.args.save_file: self.save_file = self.args.save_file else: default_save_path = os.path.abspath("saves/" + self.config_name) self.save_file = default_save_path + "/model.ckpt" self.create_path(self.save_file) if self.gan is not None: self.gan.save_file = self.save_file title = "[hypergan] " + self.config_name GlobalViewer.enable_menu = GlobalViewer.title = title GlobalViewer.viewer_size = self.args.viewer_size GlobalViewer.enabled = self.args.viewer GlobalViewer.zoom = self.args.zoom
def layer_pad(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) s = self.ops.shape(net) sizew = s[1]//2 sizeh = s[2]//2 net,_,_ = tf.pad(net, [[0,0],[ sizew,sizew],[ sizeh,sizeh],[ 0,0]]) return net
def lookup(self, symbol): if symbol == None: return None if type(symbol) == type([]): return [self.lookup(k) for k in symbol] if type(symbol) == type({}) or type(symbol) == hc.Config: return hc.Config( {k: self.lookup(symbol[k]) for k in symbol.keys()}) if type(symbol) != type(""): return symbol if symbol.startswith('function:'): return self.lookup_function(symbol) if symbol.startswith('class:'): return self.lookup_class(symbol) if symbol == 'tanh': return tf.nn.tanh if symbol == 'sigmoid': return tf.nn.sigmoid if symbol == 'batch_norm': return layer_regularizers.batch_norm_1 if symbol == 'layer_norm': return layer_regularizers.layer_norm_1 if symbol == "crelu": return tf.nn.crelu if symbol == "prelu": return self.prelu() if symbol == "selu": return selu if symbol == "lrelu": return lrelu if symbol == "relu": return tf.nn.relu if symbol == 'square': return tf.square if symbol == 'reduce_mean': return tf.reduce_mean if symbol == 'reduce_min': return tf.reduce_min if symbol == 'reduce_sum': return tf.reduce_sum if symbol == 'reduce_logsumexp': return tf.reduce_logsumexp if symbol == 'reduce_linear': return self.reduce_linear() if symbol == 'l1_distance': return l1_distance if symbol == 'l2_distance': return l2_distance return symbol
def parse_layer(self, layer_defn): print("Parsing layer:", layer_defn) parsed = self.parser.parse_string(layer_defn) parsed.parsed_options = hc.Config(parsed.options) parsed.layer_defn = layer_defn print("Parsed layer:", parsed.to_list()) layer = self.build_layer(parsed.layer_name, parsed.args, parsed.parsed_options) return parsed, layer
def get_array(self, name, shape=None): if shape: shape = [int(x) for x in shape] connections = hc.Config(self.connections) if name in connections: conns = connections[name] else: conns = [] return [con[1] for con in conns if shape is None or con[0] == shape]
def parse_opts(self, opts): options = {} for opt in opts.split(","): if opt == "": continue name, val = opt.split("=") value = self.configurable_param(val) options[name]=value return hc.Config(options)
def layer_resize_images(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) if len(args) == 0: w = self.gan.width() h = self.gan.height() else: w = int(args[0]) h = int(args[1]) method = options.method or 1 return tf.image.resize_images(net, [w, h], method=method)
def layer_reference(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) obj = self if "src" in options: obj = getattr(self.gan, options.src) if "resize_images" in options: return self.layer_resize_images(getattr(obj,, options["resize_images"].split("*"), options) else: return obj.layer(
def parse_args(self, strs): options = hc.Config({}) args = [] for x in strs: if '=' in x: lhs, rhs = x.split('=') options[lhs] = rhs else: args.append(x) return args, options
def forward_loss(self): losses = [] for d_real, d_fake in zip(d_reals, d_fakes): loss = self.create_component(config.loss, discriminator=d, split=len(d_terms)) d_loss, g_loss = loss.forward(d_real, d_fake) d_loss = [self.configurable_param(config.term_gammas[i]) * d_loss, self.configurable_param(config.term_gammas[i]) * g_loss] losses += [[d_loss, g_loss]] self.loss = hc.Config({ 'sample': [sum([l.sample[0] for l in losses]), sum([l.sample[1] for l in losses])] })
def layer_zeros(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) config = self.config ops = self.ops self.ops.activation_name = options.activation_name reshape = [ops.shape(net)[0]] + [int(x) for x in args[0].split("*")] size = reduce(operator.mul, reshape) net = tf.zeros(reshape) return net
def layer_const(self, net, args, options): options = hc.Config(options) s = [1] + [int(x) for x in args[0].split("*")] trainable = True if "trainable" in options and options["trainable"] == "false": trainable = False initializer = None if "initializer" in options and options["initializer"] is not None: initializer = self.ops.lookup_initializer(options["initializer"], options) with tf.variable_scope(self.ops.generate_name(), reuse=self.ops._reuse): return tf.tile(self.ops.get_weight(s, name='const', trainable=trainable, initializer=initializer), [self.gan.batch_size(), 1,1,1])