Ejemplo n.º 1
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')

    # Get stats for last 30 days
    today = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    #today -= datetime.timedelta(days=365) #debug
    # the upper boundary is excluded in the search, add one day
    end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    begin_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=32)

    store = get_store(request)
    mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn)
    if mlist is None:
        raise Http404("No archived mailing-list by that name.")
    threads_result = store.get_threads(
            list_name=mlist.name, start=begin_date, end=end_date)

    threads = []
    participants = set()
    for thread_obj in threads_result:
        # Votes
        set_thread_votes(thread_obj, request.user)
        thread = Thread(thread_obj.thread_id, thread_obj.subject,
                        thread_obj.participants, len(thread_obj),
                        thread_obj.likes, thread_obj.dislikes,
                        get_category_widget(None, thread_obj.category)[0],
                        is_thread_unread(request, mlist.name, thread_obj),
        # Statistics on how many participants and threads this month

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.length, reverse=True)

    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # Top posters
    top_posters = []
    for poster in store.get_top_participants(list_name=mlist.name,
                start=begin_date, end=end_date, limit=5):
        top_posters.append({"name": poster[0], "email": poster[1],
                            "count": poster[2]})

    # Popular threads
    pop_threads = sorted([ t for t in threads if t.likes - t.dislikes > 0 ],
                         key=lambda t: t.likes - t.dislikes,

    # Threads by category
    threads_by_category = {}
    for thread in active_threads:
        if not thread.category:
        # don't use defaultdict, use .setdefault():
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764110/django-template-cant-loop-defaultdict
        if len(threads_by_category.setdefault(thread.category, [])) >= 5:

    # List activity
    # Use get_messages and not get_threads to count the emails, because
    # recently active threads include messages from before the start date
    emails_in_month = store.get_messages(list_name=mlist.name,
                                         start=begin_date, end=end_date)
    # graph
    dates = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # no activity by default
    # populate with all days before adding data.
    for single_date in daterange(begin_date, end_date):
        dates[single_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] = 0

    for email in emails_in_month:
        date_str = email.date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        dates[date_str] = dates[date_str] + 1
    days = dates.keys()
    evolution = [dates[d] for d in days]
    if not evolution:
    archives_baseurl = reverse("archives_latest",
                               kwargs={'mlist_fqdn': mlist.name})
    archives_baseurl = archives_baseurl.rpartition("/")[0]

    context = {
        'view_name': 'overview',
        'mlist' : mlist,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:5],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:5],
        'top_author': authors,
        'top_posters': top_posters,
        'pop_threads': pop_threads[:5],
        'threads_by_category': threads_by_category,
        'months_list': get_months(store, mlist.name),
        'evolution': evolution,
        'days': days,
        'archives_baseurl': archives_baseurl,
        'num_threads': len(threads),
        'num_participants': len(participants),
    return render(request, "overview.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')

    # Get stats for last 30 days
    today = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    #today -= datetime.timedelta(days=365) #debug
    # the upper boundary is excluded in the search, add one day
    end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    begin_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=32)

    store = get_store(request)
    mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn)
    if mlist is None:
        raise Http404("No archived mailing-list by that name.")
    threads_result = store.get_threads(
            list_name=mlist.name, start=begin_date, end=end_date)

    threads = []
    participants = set()
    for thread_obj in threads_result:
        # Votes
        set_thread_votes(thread_obj, request.user)
        thread = Thread(thread_obj.thread_id, thread_obj.subject,
                        thread_obj.participants, len(thread_obj),
                        thread_obj.likes, thread_obj.dislikes,
                        get_category_widget(None, thread_obj.category)[0],
                        is_thread_unread(request, mlist.name, thread_obj),
        # Statistics on how many participants and threads this month

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.length, reverse=True)

    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # Top posters
    top_posters = []
    for poster in store.get_top_participants(list_name=mlist.name,
                start=begin_date, end=end_date, limit=5):
        top_posters.append({"name": poster[0], "email": poster[1],
                            "count": poster[2]})

    # Popular threads
    pop_threads = sorted([ t for t in threads if t.likes - t.dislikes > 0 ],
                         key=lambda t: t.likes - t.dislikes,

    # Threads by category
    threads_by_category = {}
    for thread in active_threads:
        if not thread.category:
        # don't use defaultdict, use .setdefault():
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764110/django-template-cant-loop-defaultdict
        if len(threads_by_category.setdefault(thread.category, [])) >= 5:

    # List activity
    # Use get_messages and not get_threads to count the emails, because
    # recently active threads include messages from before the start date
    emails_in_month = store.get_messages(list_name=mlist.name,
                                         start=begin_date, end=end_date)
    # graph
    dates = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # no activity by default
    # populate with all days before adding data.
    for single_date in daterange(begin_date, end_date):
        dates[single_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] = 0

    for email in emails_in_month:
        date_str = email.date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        dates[date_str] = dates[date_str] + 1
    days = dates.keys()
    evolution = [dates[d] for d in days]
    if not evolution:
    archives_baseurl = reverse("archives_latest",
                               kwargs={'mlist_fqdn': mlist.name})
    archives_baseurl = archives_baseurl.rpartition("/")[0]

    context = {
        'view_name': 'overview',
        'mlist' : mlist,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:5],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:5],
        'top_author': authors,
        'top_posters': top_posters,
        'pop_threads': pop_threads[:5],
        'threads_by_category': threads_by_category,
        'months_list': get_months(store, mlist.name),
        'evolution': evolution,
        'days': days,
        'archives_baseurl': archives_baseurl,
        'num_threads': len(threads),
        'num_participants': len(participants),
    return render(request, "overview.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')
    mlist = get_object_or_404(MailingList, name=mlist_fqdn)
    threads = []
    for thread_obj in mlist.recent_threads:
        thread_obj.category_widget = get_category_widget(
                None, thread_obj.category)[0]

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.emails_count, reverse=True)

    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # Popular threads
    pop_threads = []
    for t in threads:
        votes = t.get_votes()
        if votes["likes"] - votes["dislikes"] > 0:
    def _get_thread_vote_result(t):
        votes = t.get_votes()
        return votes["likes"] - votes["dislikes"]
    pop_threads.sort(key=_get_thread_vote_result, reverse=True)

    # Threads by category
    threads_by_category = {}
    for thread in active_threads:
        if not thread.category:
        # don't use defaultdict, use .setdefault():
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764110/django-template-cant-loop-defaultdict
        if len(threads_by_category.setdefault(thread.category, [])) >= 5:

    # Personalized discussion groups: flagged/favorited threads and threads by user
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        favorites = [ f.thread for f in Favorite.objects.filter(
            thread__mailinglist=mlist, user=request.user) ]
        mm_user_id = request.user.hyperkitty_profile.get_mailman_user_id()
        threads_posted_to = []
        if mm_user_id is not None:
            for thread in threads:
                senders = set([e.sender.mailman_id for e in thread.emails.all()])
                if mm_user_id in senders:
        favorites = []
        threads_posted_to = []

    # Empty messages # TODO: translate this
    empty_messages = {
        "flagged": 'You have not flagged any discussions (yet).',
        "posted": 'You have not posted to this list (yet).',
        "active": 'No discussions this month (yet).',
        "popular": 'No vote has been cast this month (yet).',

    context = {
        'view_name': 'overview',
        'mlist' : mlist,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:20],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:20],
        'top_author': authors,
        'pop_threads': pop_threads[:20],
        'threads_by_category': threads_by_category,
        'months_list': get_months(mlist),
        'flagged_threads': favorites,
        'threads_posted_to': threads_posted_to,
        'empty_messages': empty_messages,
    return render(request, "hyperkitty/overview.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')
    mlist = get_object_or_404(MailingList, name=mlist_fqdn)
    threads = mlist.recent_threads

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.emails_count, reverse=True)
    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if getattr(settings, 'USE_MOCKUPS', False):
        from hyperkitty.lib.mockup import generate_top_author
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # Popular threads
    pop_threads = []
    for t in threads:
        votes = t.get_votes()
        if votes["likes"] - votes["dislikes"] > 0:

    def _get_thread_vote_result(t):
        votes = t.get_votes()
        return votes["likes"] - votes["dislikes"]

    pop_threads.sort(key=_get_thread_vote_result, reverse=True)

    # Threads by category
    threads_by_category = {}
    for thread in active_threads:
        if not thread.category:
        # don't use defaultdict, use .setdefault():
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764110/django-template-cant-loop-defaultdict
        if len(threads_by_category.setdefault(thread.category, [])) >= 5:

    # Personalized discussion groups: flagged/favorited threads and threads by
    # user.
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        favorites = [
            for f in Favorite.objects.filter(thread__mailinglist=mlist,
        mm_user_id = get_mailman_user_id(request.user)
        threads_posted_to = []
        if mm_user_id is not None:
            for thread in threads:
                senders = set(
                    [e.sender.mailman_id for e in thread.emails.all()])
                if mm_user_id in senders:
        favorites = []
        threads_posted_to = []

    # Empty messages # TODO: translate this
    empty_messages = {
        "flagged": 'You have not flagged any discussions (yet).',
        "posted": 'You have not posted to this list (yet).',
        "active": 'No discussions this month (yet).',
        "popular": 'No vote has been cast this month (yet).',

    # Export button
    recent_dates = [d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for d in mlist.get_recent_dates()]
    recent_url = "%s?start=%s&end=%s" % (reverse(
            "mlist_fqdn": mlist.name,
            "filename": "%s-%s-%s" %
            (mlist.name, recent_dates[0], recent_dates[1])
        }), recent_dates[0], recent_dates[1])
    today = datetime.date.today()
    month_dates = get_display_dates(today.year, today.month, None)
    month_url = "%s?start=%s&end=%s" % (reverse(
            "mlist_fqdn": mlist.name,
            "filename": "%s-%s" % (mlist.name, today.strftime("%Y-%m"))
        }), month_dates[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
    export = {"recent": recent_url, "month": month_url}

    context = {
        'view_name': 'overview',
        'mlist': mlist,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:20],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:20],
        'top_author': authors,
        'pop_threads': pop_threads[:20],
        'threads_by_category': threads_by_category,
        'months_list': get_months(mlist),
        'flagged_threads': favorites,
        'threads_posted_to': threads_posted_to,
        'empty_messages': empty_messages,
        'export': export,
    return render(request, "hyperkitty/overview.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')

    store = get_store(request)
    mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn)
    if mlist is None:
        raise Http404("No archived mailing-list by that name.")
    begin_date, end_date = mlist.get_recent_dates()
    threads_result = store.get_threads(
            list_name=mlist.name, start=begin_date, end=end_date)

    threads = []
    for thread_obj in threads_result:
        # Votes
        thread_obj.category_widget = get_category_widget(
                None, thread_obj.category)[0]
        thread_obj.unread = is_thread_unread(request, mlist.name, thread_obj)

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: len(t), reverse=True)

    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # Top posters
    top_posters = []
    for poster in store.get_top_participants(list_name=mlist.name,
                start=begin_date, end=end_date, limit=5):
        top_posters.append({"name": poster[0], "email": poster[1],
                            "count": poster[2]})

    # Popular threads
    pop_threads = sorted([ t for t in threads if t.likes - t.dislikes > 0 ],
                         key=lambda t: t.likes - t.dislikes,

    # Threads by category
    threads_by_category = {}
    for thread in active_threads:
        if not thread.category:
        # don't use defaultdict, use .setdefault():
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764110/django-template-cant-loop-defaultdict
        if len(threads_by_category.setdefault(thread.category, [])) >= 5:

    context = {
        'view_name': 'overview',
        'mlist' : mlist,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:5],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:5],
        'top_author': authors,
        'top_posters': top_posters,
        'pop_threads': pop_threads[:5],
        'threads_by_category': threads_by_category,
        'months_list': get_months(store, mlist.name),
    return render(request, "overview.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')
    search_form = SearchForm(auto_id=False)

    # Get stats for last 30 days
    today = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    # the upper boundary is excluded in the search, add one day
    end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    begin_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=32)

    store = get_store(request)
    mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn)
    threads_result = store.get_threads(list_name=mlist.name, start=begin_date,

    threads = []
    Thread = namedtuple('Thread', ["thread_id", "subject", "participants",
                                   "length", "date_active"])
    participants = set()
    for thread_obj in threads_result:
        thread = Thread(thread_obj.thread_id, thread_obj.subject,
                        thread_obj.participants, len(thread_obj),
        # Statistics on how many participants and threads this month

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.length, reverse=True)

    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # List activity
    # Use get_messages and not get_threads to count the emails, because
    # recently active threads include messages from before the start date
    emails_in_month = store.get_messages(list_name=mlist.name,
                                         start=begin_date, end=end_date)
    dates = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # no activity by default
    # populate with all days before adding data.
    for single_date in daterange(begin_date, end_date):
        dates[single_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] = 0

    for email in emails_in_month:
        date_str = email.date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        dates[date_str] = dates[date_str] + 1
    days = dates.keys()
    evolution = [dates[d] for d in days]
    if not evolution:
    archives_baseurl = reverse("archives_latest",
                               kwargs={'mlist_fqdn': mlist.name})
    archives_baseurl = archives_baseurl.rpartition("/")[0]

    # threads per category is the top thread titles in each category
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        threads_per_category = generate_thread_per_category()
        threads_per_category = {}

    context = {
        'mlist' : mlist,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:5],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:5],
        'top_author': authors,
        'threads_per_category': threads_per_category,
        'months_list': get_months(store, mlist.name),
        'evolution': evolution,
        'days': days,
        'archives_baseurl': archives_baseurl,
    return render(request, "recent_activities.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')
    mlist = get_object_or_404(MailingList, name=mlist_fqdn)
    threads = []
    for thread_obj in mlist.recent_threads:
        thread_obj.category_widget = get_category_widget(
            None, thread_obj.category)[0]

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.emails_count, reverse=True)

    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # Popular threads
    pop_threads = []
    for t in threads:
        votes = t.get_votes()
        if votes["likes"] - votes["dislikes"] > 0:

    def _get_thread_vote_result(t):
        votes = t.get_votes()
        return votes["likes"] - votes["dislikes"]

    pop_threads.sort(key=_get_thread_vote_result, reverse=True)

    # Threads by category
    threads_by_category = {}
    for thread in active_threads:
        if not thread.category:
        # don't use defaultdict, use .setdefault():
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764110/django-template-cant-loop-defaultdict
        if len(threads_by_category.setdefault(thread.category, [])) >= 5:

    # Personalized discussion groups: flagged/favorited threads and threads by user
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        favorites = [
            for f in Favorite.objects.filter(thread__mailinglist=mlist,
        mm_user_id = request.user.hyperkitty_profile.get_mailman_user_id()
        threads_posted_to = []
        if mm_user_id is not None:
            for thread in threads:
                senders = set(
                    [e.sender.mailman_id for e in thread.emails.all()])
                if mm_user_id in senders:
        favorites = []
        threads_posted_to = []

    # Empty messages # TODO: translate this
    empty_messages = {
        "flagged": 'You have not flagged any discussions (yet).',
        "posted": 'You have not posted to this list (yet).',
        "active": 'No discussions this month (yet).',
        "popular": 'No vote has been cast this month (yet).',

    context = {
        'view_name': 'overview',
        'mlist': mlist,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:20],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:20],
        'top_author': authors,
        'pop_threads': pop_threads[:20],
        'threads_by_category': threads_by_category,
        'months_list': get_months(mlist),
        'flagged_threads': favorites,
        'threads_posted_to': threads_posted_to,
        'empty_messages': empty_messages,
    return render(request, "hyperkitty/overview.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')
    mlist = get_object_or_404(MailingList, name=mlist_fqdn)
    threads = mlist.recent_threads

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.emails_count, reverse=True)
    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if getattr(settings, 'USE_MOCKUPS', False):
        from hyperkitty.lib.mockup import generate_top_author
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # Popular threads
    pop_threads = []
    for t in threads:
        votes = t.get_votes()
        if votes["likes"] - votes["dislikes"] > 0:
    def _get_thread_vote_result(t):
        votes = t.get_votes()
        return votes["likes"] - votes["dislikes"]
    pop_threads.sort(key=_get_thread_vote_result, reverse=True)

    # Threads by category
    threads_by_category = {}
    for thread in active_threads:
        if not thread.category:
        # don't use defaultdict, use .setdefault():
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764110/django-template-cant-loop-defaultdict
        if len(threads_by_category.setdefault(thread.category, [])) >= 5:

    # Personalized discussion groups: flagged/favorited threads and threads by user
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        favorites = [ f.thread for f in Favorite.objects.filter(
            thread__mailinglist=mlist, user=request.user) ]
        mm_user_id = request.user.hyperkitty_profile.get_mailman_user_id()
        threads_posted_to = []
        if mm_user_id is not None:
            for thread in threads:
                senders = set([e.sender.mailman_id for e in thread.emails.all()])
                if mm_user_id in senders:
        favorites = []
        threads_posted_to = []

    # Empty messages # TODO: translate this
    empty_messages = {
        "flagged": 'You have not flagged any discussions (yet).',
        "posted": 'You have not posted to this list (yet).',
        "active": 'No discussions this month (yet).',
        "popular": 'No vote has been cast this month (yet).',

    # Export button
    recent_dates = [
        d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for d in mlist.get_recent_dates() ]
    recent_url = "%s?start=%s&end=%s" % (
        reverse("hk_list_export_mbox", kwargs={
                "mlist_fqdn": mlist.name,
                "filename": "%s-%s-%s" % (
                    mlist.name, recent_dates[0], recent_dates[1])}),
        recent_dates[0], recent_dates[1])
    today = datetime.date.today()
    month_dates = get_display_dates(today.year, today.month, None)
    month_url = "%s?start=%s&end=%s" % (
        reverse("hk_list_export_mbox", kwargs={
                "mlist_fqdn": mlist.name,
                "filename": "%s-%s" % (mlist.name, today.strftime("%Y-%m"))}),
    export = {"recent": recent_url, "month": month_url}

    context = {
        'view_name': 'overview',
        'mlist' : mlist,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:20],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:20],
        'top_author': authors,
        'pop_threads': pop_threads[:20],
        'threads_by_category': threads_by_category,
        'months_list': get_months(mlist),
        'flagged_threads': favorites,
        'threads_posted_to': threads_posted_to,
        'empty_messages': empty_messages,
        'export': export,
    return render(request, "hyperkitty/overview.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')
    search_form = SearchForm(auto_id=False)

    # Get stats for last 30 days
    today = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    # the upper boundary is excluded in the search, add one day
    end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    begin_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=32)

    store = get_store(request)
    mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn)
    threads_result = store.get_threads(list_name=mlist.name,

    threads = []
    Thread = namedtuple(
        ["thread_id", "subject", "participants", "length", "date_active"])
    participants = set()
    for thread_obj in threads_result:
        thread = Thread(thread_obj.thread_id,
                        thread_obj.subject, thread_obj.participants,
                        len(thread_obj), thread_obj.date_active)
        # Statistics on how many participants and threads this month

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.length, reverse=True)

    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # List activity
    # Use get_messages and not get_threads to count the emails, because
    # recently active threads include messages from before the start date
    emails_in_month = store.get_messages(list_name=mlist.name,
    dates = defaultdict(lambda: 0)  # no activity by default
    # populate with all days before adding data.
    for single_date in daterange(begin_date, end_date):
        dates[single_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] = 0

    for email in emails_in_month:
        date_str = email.date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        dates[date_str] = dates[date_str] + 1
    days = dates.keys()
    evolution = [dates[d] for d in days]
    if not evolution:
    archives_baseurl = reverse("archives_latest",
                               kwargs={'mlist_fqdn': mlist.name})
    archives_baseurl = archives_baseurl.rpartition("/")[0]

    # threads per category is the top thread titles in each category
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        threads_per_category = generate_thread_per_category()
        threads_per_category = {}

    context = {
        'mlist': mlist,
        'search_form': search_form,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:5],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:5],
        'top_author': authors,
        'threads_per_category': threads_per_category,
        'months_list': get_months(store, mlist.name),
        'evolution': evolution,
        'days': days,
        'archives_baseurl': archives_baseurl,
    return render(request, "recent_activities.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def overview(request, mlist_fqdn=None):
    if not mlist_fqdn:
        return redirect('/')

    store = get_store(request)
    mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn)
    if mlist is None:
        raise Http404("No archived mailing-list by that name.")
    begin_date, end_date = mlist.get_recent_dates()
    threads_result = store.get_threads(
            list_name=mlist.name, start=begin_date, end=end_date)

    threads = []
    for thread_obj in threads_result:
        thread_obj.category_widget = get_category_widget(
                None, thread_obj.category)[0]
        thread_obj.unread = is_thread_unread(request, mlist.name, thread_obj)

    # top threads are the one with the most answers
    top_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: len(t), reverse=True)

    # active threads are the ones that have the most recent posting
    active_threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t: t.date_active, reverse=True)

    # top authors are the ones that have the most kudos.  How do we determine
    # that?  Most likes for their post?
    if settings.USE_MOCKUPS:
        authors = generate_top_author()
        authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda author: author.kudos)
        authors = []

    # Top posters
    top_posters = []
    for poster in store.get_top_participants(list_name=mlist.name,
                start=begin_date, end=end_date, limit=5):
        top_posters.append({"name": poster[0], "email": poster[1],
                            "count": poster[2]})

    # Popular threads
    pop_threads = sorted([ t for t in threads if t.likes - t.dislikes > 0 ],
                         key=lambda t: t.likes - t.dislikes,

    # Threads by category
    threads_by_category = {}
    for thread in active_threads:
        if not thread.category:
        # don't use defaultdict, use .setdefault():
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4764110/django-template-cant-loop-defaultdict
        if len(threads_by_category.setdefault(thread.category, [])) >= 5:

    context = {
        'view_name': 'overview',
        'mlist' : mlist,
        'top_threads': top_threads[:5],
        'most_active_threads': active_threads[:5],
        'top_author': authors,
        'top_posters': top_posters,
        'pop_threads': pop_threads[:5],
        'threads_by_category': threads_by_category,
        'months_list': get_months(store, mlist.name),
    return render(request, "overview.html", context)