Ejemplo n.º 1
def array_dtypes(
    subtype_strategy=scalar_dtypes(),  # type: st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
    min_size=1,  # type: int
    max_size=5,  # type: int
    allow_subarrays=False,  # type: bool
    # type: (...) -> st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
    """Return a strategy for generating array (compound) dtypes, with members
    drawn from the given subtype strategy."""
    order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size)
    # Field names must be native strings and the empty string is weird; see #1963.
    if PY2:
        field_names = st.binary(min_size=1)
        field_names = st.text(min_size=1)
    elements = st.tuples(field_names, subtype_strategy)
    if allow_subarrays:
        elements |= st.tuples(
            field_names, subtype_strategy, array_shapes(max_dims=2, max_side=2)
    return st.lists(
        unique_by=lambda d: d[0],
Ejemplo n.º 2
def combaination(draw):
    from wifi.config import Config
    packets = draw(integers(min_value=0, max_value=64))
    rate = draw(sampled_from([6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54]))
    conf = Config.from_data_rate(rate)
    lim = packets * conf.coded_bits_per_ofdm_symbol
    data = draw(binary(min_size=lim, max_size=lim))
    data = bitstr.from_bytes(data)
    return data, conf.coded_bits_per_ofdm_symbol, conf.coded_bits_per_carrier_symbol
Ejemplo n.º 3
def from_dtype(dtype):
    # type: (np.dtype) -> st.SearchStrategy[Any]
    """Creates a strategy which can generate any value of the given dtype."""
    check_type(np.dtype, dtype, "dtype")
    # Compound datatypes, eg 'f4,f4,f4'
    if dtype.names is not None:
        # mapping np.void.type over a strategy is nonsense, so return now.
        return st.tuples(*[from_dtype(dtype.fields[name][0]) for name in dtype.names])

    # Subarray datatypes, eg '(2, 3)i4'
    if dtype.subdtype is not None:
        subtype, shape = dtype.subdtype
        return arrays(subtype, shape)

    # Scalar datatypes
    if dtype.kind == u"b":
        result = st.booleans()  # type: SearchStrategy[Any]
    elif dtype.kind == u"f":
        if dtype.itemsize == 2:
            result = st.floats(width=16)
        elif dtype.itemsize == 4:
            result = st.floats(width=32)
            result = st.floats()
    elif dtype.kind == u"c":
        if dtype.itemsize == 8:
            float32 = st.floats(width=32)
            result = st.builds(complex, float32, float32)
            result = st.complex_numbers()
    elif dtype.kind in (u"S", u"a"):
        # Numpy strings are null-terminated; only allow round-trippable values.
        # `itemsize == 0` means 'fixed length determined at array creation'
        result = st.binary(max_size=dtype.itemsize or None).filter(
            lambda b: b[-1:] != b"\0"
    elif dtype.kind == u"u":
        result = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2 ** (8 * dtype.itemsize) - 1)
    elif dtype.kind == u"i":
        overflow = 2 ** (8 * dtype.itemsize - 1)
        result = st.integers(min_value=-overflow, max_value=overflow - 1)
    elif dtype.kind == u"U":
        # Encoded in UTF-32 (four bytes/codepoint) and null-terminated
        result = st.text(max_size=(dtype.itemsize or 0) // 4 or None).filter(
            lambda b: b[-1:] != u"\0"
    elif dtype.kind in (u"m", u"M"):
        if "[" in dtype.str:
            res = st.just(dtype.str.split("[")[-1][:-1])
            res = st.sampled_from(TIME_RESOLUTIONS)
        result = st.builds(dtype.type, st.integers(-(2 ** 63), 2 ** 63 - 1), res)
        raise InvalidArgument(u"No strategy inference for {}".format(dtype))
    return result.map(dtype.type)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def array_dtypes(
        subtype_strategy=scalar_dtypes(),  # type: st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
        min_size=1,  # type: int
        max_size=5,  # type: int
        allow_subarrays=False,  # type: bool
    # type: (...) -> st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
    """Return a strategy for generating array (compound) dtypes, with members
    drawn from the given subtype strategy."""
    order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size)
    native_strings = st.text()  # type: SearchStrategy[Any]
    if text_type is not str:  # pragma: no cover
        native_strings = st.binary()
    elements = st.tuples(native_strings, subtype_strategy)
    if allow_subarrays:
        elements |= st.tuples(native_strings, subtype_strategy,
                              array_shapes(max_dims=2, max_side=2))
    return st.lists(
        unique_by=lambda d: d[0],
Ejemplo n.º 5
        assume(bitstr.is_divisible(data, by=4))
        data = [bit for i, bit in enumerate(data) if (i % 4) != 3]
    elif coding_rate == '3/4':
        # throw out each 3. and 4. bit groups of 6 bits
        assume(bitstr.is_divisible(data, by=6))
        data = [bit for i, bit in enumerate(data) if (i % 6) != 3 and (i % 6) != 4]

    return bitstr.merge(data)

def undo(data: bits, coding_rate='1/2') -> bits:
    # un-puncturing process i.e. add 'X' bits, which are basically just ignored by the conv decoder
    if coding_rate == '3/4':
        data = [d[:3] + '??' + d[3] for d in bitstr.split(data, 4)]
    elif coding_rate == '2/3':
        data = [d + '?' for d in bitstr.split(data, 3)]
    return bitstr.merge(data)

@given(binary(), sampled_from(['1/2', '2/3', '3/4']))
def test_hypothesis(data, coding_rate):
    data = bits(data)

    # cant test equality because 'do' throws away data
    do1 = do(data, coding_rate)
    undo1 = undo(do1, coding_rate)
    assert len(undo1) == len(data)

    do2 = do(undo1, coding_rate)
    assert do1 == do2
Ejemplo n.º 6
def is_divisible(x: bits, by: int) -> bool:
    return len(x) != 0 and len(x) % by == 0

def test_int(i):
    assert to_int(from_int(i, 32)) == i

def test_hex(i):
    i = hex(i)
    assert to_hex(from_hex(i)) == i

def test_bytes(i):
    assert to_bytes(from_bytes(i)) == i

def test_fill():
    assert from_int(0, 3) == '000'

def test_split_merge():
    b = from_hex('0x12')
    s = split(b, 4)
    assert s == ['0001', '0010']

    m = merge(s)
    assert m == b
Ejemplo n.º 7
def random_packet(draw):
    elements = draw(integers(min_value=0, max_value=(2**12) - 1))
    data = draw(binary(min_size=elements, max_size=elements))
    data = bitstr.from_bytes(data)
    rate = draw(sampled_from([6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54]))
    return data, rate
Ejemplo n.º 8
from hypothesis._strategies import binary, sampled_from

from wifi import bits, bitstr
import numpy as np

def do(data: bits, data_bits_per_ofdm_symbol: int) -> Tuple[bits, int]:
    service = '0' * 16
    tail = '0' * 6
    data = service + data + tail

    n_symbols = int(np.ceil(len(data) / data_bits_per_ofdm_symbol))
    n_data = n_symbols * data_bits_per_ofdm_symbol
    n_pad = int(n_data - len(data))
    pad = '0' * n_pad

    data = data + pad
    return data, n_pad

def undo(data: bits, length_bytes: int) -> bits:
    return data[16:16 + length_bytes * 8]

@given(binary(), sampled_from([48, 96, 192, 288]))
def test_hypothesis(data, data_bits_per_ofdm_symbol):
    data = bitstr.from_bytes(data)

    done_data, n_pad = do(data, data_bits_per_ofdm_symbol)
    assert undo(done_data, len(data) // 8) == data
Ejemplo n.º 9
    # test reverse
    rev = undo(symbols, bits_per_symbol=4)
    assert rev == input

def test_i144():
    # Table I-9—SIGNAL field bits after interleaving
    input = bits('100101001101000000010100100000110010010010010100')

    # Table I-10—Frequency domain representation of SIGNAL field
    expected = [(1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j),
                (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j),
                (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j),
                (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j),
                (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j),
                (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j), (-1 + 0j)]

    symbols = do(input, bits_per_symbol=1)
    np.testing.assert_equal(expected, np.round(symbols, 3))

    # test reverse
    rev = undo(symbols, bits_per_symbol=1)
    assert rev == input

@given(binary(), sampled_from([1, 2, 4, 6]))
def test_hypothesis(data, bits_per_symbol):
    data = bitstr.from_bytes(data)
    assert undo(do(data, bits_per_symbol), bits_per_symbol) == data