Ejemplo n.º 1
def normalize(
    """Attempt to ensure that this test function successfully normalizes - i.e.
    whenever it declares a test case to be interesting, we are able
    to shrink that to the same interesting test case (which logically should
    be the shortlex minimal interesting test case, though we may not be able
    to detect if it is).

    Will run until we have seen ``required_successes`` many interesting test
    cases in a row normalize to the same value.

    If ``allowed_to_update`` is True, whenever we fail to normalize we will
    learn a new DFA-based shrink pass that allows us to make progress. Any
    learned DFAs will be written back into the learned DFA file at the end
    of this function. If ``allowed_to_update`` is False, this will raise an
    error as soon as it encounters a failure to normalize.

    Additionally, if more than ``max_dfas` DFAs are required to normalize
    this test function, this function will raise an error - it's essentially
    designed for small patches that other shrink passes don't cover, and
    if it's learning too many patches then you need a better shrink pass
    than this can provide.
    # Need import inside the function to avoid circular imports
    from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.engine import BUFFER_SIZE, ConjectureRunner

    runner = ConjectureRunner(

    seen = set()

    dfas_added = 0

    found_interesting = False
    consecutive_successes = 0
    failures_to_find_interesting = 0
    while consecutive_successes < required_successes:
        attempt = runner.cached_test_function(b"", extend=BUFFER_SIZE)
        if attempt.status < Status.INTERESTING:
            failures_to_find_interesting += 1
            assert (found_interesting or failures_to_find_interesting <= 1000
                    ), "Test function seems to have no interesting test cases"

        found_interesting = True

        target = attempt.interesting_origin

        def shrinking_predicate(d):
            return d.status == Status.INTERESTING and d.interesting_origin == target

        if target not in seen:
            runner.shrink(attempt, shrinking_predicate)

        previous = fully_shrink(runner, runner.interesting_examples[target],
        current = fully_shrink(runner, attempt, shrinking_predicate)

        if current.buffer == previous.buffer:
            consecutive_successes += 1

        consecutive_successes = 0

        if not allowed_to_update:
            raise FailedToNormalise(
                "Shrinker failed to normalize %r to %r and we are not allowed to learn new DFAs."
                % (previous.buffer, current.buffer))

        if dfas_added >= max_dfas:
            raise FailedToNormalise(
                "Test function is too hard to learn: Added %d DFAs and still not done."
                % (dfas_added, ))

        dfas_added += 1

        new_dfa = learn_a_new_dfa(runner, previous.buffer, current.buffer,

        name = (base_name + "-" +

        # If there is a name collision this DFA should already be being
        # used for shrinking, so we should have already been able to shrink
        # v further.
        assert name not in SHRINKING_DFAS
        SHRINKING_DFAS[name] = new_dfa

    if dfas_added > 0:
        # We've learned one or more DFAs in the course of normalising, so now
        # we update the file to record those for posterity.