Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_neg_metagraph_split_neg():
    Test that the negative metagraph tracks the number of negative edges
    between PCCs through label-changing split operations
    from ibeis.algo.graph import demo
    from ibeis.algo.graph.state import (POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV,
                                        UNKWN)  # NOQA
    # Create a graph with 4 CCs, with 3-pos-redun, and no negative edges
    infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=4,
    nmg = infr.neg_metagraph
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() != infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes()
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 0
    # remove all positive edges
    for edge in list(infr.pos_graph.edges()):
        infr.add_feedback(edge, NEGTV)
    # metagraph should not be isomorphic to infr.neg_graph
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes()
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() > 0
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_edges()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_neg_metagraph_split_incomp():
    from ibeis.algo.graph import demo
    from ibeis.algo.graph.state import (POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV,
                                        UNKWN)  # NOQA
    infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=4,
    nmg = infr.neg_metagraph
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() < infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes()
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 0
    # remove all positive edges
    for edge in list(infr.pos_graph.edges()):
        infr.add_feedback(edge, INCMP)
    # metagraph should not be isomorphic to infr.neg_graph
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes()
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_pos_neg():
    infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=0)
    # Make 3 inconsistent CCs
    infr.add_feedback((1, 2), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((2, 3), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((3, 4), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((4, 1), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((1, 3), NEGTV)
    # -----
    infr.add_feedback((11, 12), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((12, 13), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((13, 11), NEGTV)
    # -----
    infr.add_feedback((21, 22), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((22, 23), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((23, 21), NEGTV)
    # -----
    # Fix inconsistency
    infr.add_feedback((23, 21), POSTV)
    # Merge inconsistent CCS
    infr.add_feedback((1, 11), POSTV)
    # Negative edge within an inconsistent CC
    infr.add_feedback((2, 13), NEGTV)
    # Negative edge external to an inconsistent CC
    infr.add_feedback((12, 21), NEGTV)
    # -----
    # Make inconsistency from positive
    infr.add_feedback((31, 32), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((33, 34), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((31, 33), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((32, 34), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((31, 34), POSTV)
    # Fix everything
    infr.add_feedback((1, 3), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((2, 4), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((32, 34), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((31, 33), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((13, 11), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((23, 21), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((1, 11), NEGTV)
    print('Final state:')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_incomp_inference():
    infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=0)
    # Make 2 consistent and 2 inconsistent CCs
    infr.add_feedback((1, 2), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((2, 3), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((3, 4), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((4, 1), POSTV)
    # -----
    infr.add_feedback((11, 12), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((12, 13), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((13, 14), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((14, 11), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((12, 14), NEGTV)
    # -----
    infr.add_feedback((21, 22), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((22, 23), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((23, 21), NEGTV)
    # -----
    infr.add_feedback((31, 32), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((32, 33), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((33, 31), POSTV)
    infr.add_feedback((2, 32), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((3, 33), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((12, 21), NEGTV)
    # -----
    # Incomparable within CCs
    infr.add_feedback((1, 3), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((1, 4), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((1, 2), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((11, 13), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((11, 14), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((11, 12), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((1, 31), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((2, 32), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((12, 21), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((23, 21), INCMP)
    infr.add_feedback((12, 14), INCMP)
    print('Final state:')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_neg_metagraph_simple_add_remove():
    Test that the negative metagraph tracks the number of negative edges
    between PCCs through non-label-changing operations
    from ibeis.algo.graph import demo
    from ibeis.algo.graph.state import (POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV,
                                        UNKWN)  # NOQA

    # Create a graph with 5-sized CCs, with 3-pos-redun, and no negative edges
    infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=2,
    cc_a, cc_b, cc_c, cc_d = infr.positive_components()
    a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = cc_a
    b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = cc_b

    nmg = infr.neg_metagraph

    # Check there are 4 meta-nodes and no edges
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 0
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4

    # Should add 1 edge to the negative metagraph
    u, v = a1, b1
    infr.add_feedback((u, v), NEGTV)
    nid1, nid2 = infr.node_labels(u, v)
    assert nmg.edges[nid1, nid2]['weight'] == 1
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 1
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4

    # Adding a second time should do nothing
    edge = a1, b1
    infr.add_feedback(edge, NEGTV)
    name_edge = infr.node_labels(*edge)
    assert nmg.edges[name_edge]['weight'] == 1
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 1
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4

    # But adding a second between different nodes will increase the weight
    edge = a1, b2
    infr.add_feedback(edge, NEGTV)
    name_edge = infr.node_labels(*edge)
    assert nmg.edges[name_edge]['weight'] == 2
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 1
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4

    infr.add_feedback((u, v), NEGTV)
    assert nmg.edges[name_edge]['weight'] == 2

    # Removing or relabeling the edge will decrease the weight
    infr.add_feedback((a1, b2), INCMP)
    assert nmg.edges[name_edge]['weight'] == 1

    # And removing all will remove the negative edge
    infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), INCMP)
    assert not nmg.has_edge(*name_edge)

Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_neg_metagraph_merge():
    Test that the negative metagraph tracks the number of negative edges
    between PCCs through label-changing merge operations
    from ibeis.algo.graph import demo
    from ibeis.algo.graph.state import (POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV,
                                        UNKWN)  # NOQA
    # Create a graph with 4 CCs, with 3-pos-redun, and no negative edges
    infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=4,
    cc_a, cc_b, cc_c, cc_d = infr.positive_components()
    a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = cc_a
    b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = cc_b
    c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = cc_c
    d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 = cc_d

    nmg = infr.neg_metagraph

    # Add three negative edges between a and b
    # one between (a, c), (b, d), (a, d), and (c, d)
    A, B, C, D = infr.node_labels(a1, b1, c1, d1)

    infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((a2, b2), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((a3, b3), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((a4, c4), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((b4, d4), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((c1, d1), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((a4, d4), NEGTV)

    assert nmg.edges[(A, B)]['weight'] == 3
    assert nmg.edges[(A, C)]['weight'] == 1
    assert (B, C) not in nmg.edges
    assert nmg.edges[(A, D)]['weight'] == 1
    assert nmg.edges[(B, D)]['weight'] == 1
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 5
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4

    # Now merge A and B
    infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), POSTV)
    AB = infr.node_label(a1)

    # The old meta-nodes should not be combined into AB
    assert infr.node_label(b1) == AB
    assert A != B
    assert A == AB or A not in nmg.nodes
    assert B == AB or B not in nmg.nodes

    # Should have combined weights from (A, D) and (B, D)
    # And (A, C) should be brought over as-is
    assert nmg.edges[(AB, D)]['weight'] == 2
    assert nmg.edges[(AB, C)]['weight'] == 1

    # should not have a self-loop weight weight 2
    # (it decreased because we changed a previously neg edge to pos)
    assert nmg.edges[(AB, AB)]['weight'] == 2
    assert len(list(nmg.selfloop_edges())) == 1

    # nothing should change between C and D
    assert nmg.edges[(C, D)]['weight'] == 1

    # Should decrease number of nodes and edges
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 3
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 4


    # Additional merge
    infr.add_feedback((c2, d2), POSTV)
    CD = infr.node_label(c1)

    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 2
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 3

    assert nmg.edges[(CD, CD)]['weight'] == 1
    assert nmg.edges[(AB, CD)]['weight'] == 3
    assert nmg.edges[(AB, AB)]['weight'] == 2

    # Yet another merge
    infr.add_feedback((a1, c1), POSTV)
    ABCD = infr.node_label(c1)
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 1
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 1
    nmg.edges[(ABCD, ABCD)]['weight'] = 6
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_neg_metagraph_split_and_merge():
    Test that the negative metagraph tracks the number of negative edges
    between PCCs through label-changing split and merge operations
    from ibeis.algo.graph import demo
    from ibeis.algo.graph.state import (POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV,
                                        UNKWN)  # NOQA
    # Create a graph with 4 CCs, with 3-pos-redun, and no negative edges
    infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=4,
    cc_a, cc_b, cc_c, cc_d = infr.positive_components()
    a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = cc_a
    b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = cc_b
    c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = cc_c
    d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 = cc_d

    nmg = infr.neg_metagraph

    # Add three negative edges between a and b
    # one between (a, c), (b, d), (a, d), and (c, d)
    A, B, C, D = infr.node_labels(a1, b1, c1, d1)

    infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((a2, b2), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((a3, b3), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((a4, c4), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((b4, d4), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((c1, d1), NEGTV)
    infr.add_feedback((a4, d4), NEGTV)

    assert nmg.edges[(A, B)]['weight'] == 3
    assert nmg.edges[(A, C)]['weight'] == 1
    assert (B, C) not in nmg.edges
    assert nmg.edges[(A, D)]['weight'] == 1
    assert nmg.edges[(B, D)]['weight'] == 1
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 5
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4

    # merge A and B
    infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), POSTV)
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 4
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 3
    AB = infr.node_label(a1)
    assert nmg.edges[(AB, AB)]['weight'] == 2

    # split A and B
    # the number of nodes should increase, but the edges should stay the
    # same because we added an incmp edge
    infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), INCMP)
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 5
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4
    assert nmg.edges[(A, B)]['weight'] == 2

    # remove all positive edges
    for edge in list(infr.pos_graph.edges()):
        infr.add_feedback(edge, INCMP)

    # metagraph should not be isomorphic to infr.neg_graph
    assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes()
    assert nmg.number_of_edges() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_edges()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def demo_refresh():
        python -m ibeis.algo.graph.refresh demo_refresh \
                --num_pccs=40 --size=2 --show

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.graph.refresh import *  # NOQA
        >>> demo_refresh()
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    from ibeis.algo.graph import demo
    demokw = ut.argparse_dict({'num_pccs': 50, 'size': 4})
    refreshkw = ut.argparse_funckw(RefreshCriteria)
    # make an inference object
    infr = demo.demodata_infr(size_std=0, **demokw)
    edges = list(infr.dummy_verif.find_candidate_edges(K=100))
    scores = np.array(infr.dummy_verif.predict_edges(edges))
    sortx = scores.argsort()[::-1]
    edges = ut.take(edges, sortx)
    scores = scores[sortx]
    ys = infr.match_state_df(edges)[POSTV].values
    y_remainsum = ys[::-1].cumsum()[::-1]
    # Do oracle reviews and wait to converge
    refresh = RefreshCriteria(**refreshkw)
    xdata = []
    pprob_any = []
    rfrac_any = []
    for count, (edge, y) in enumerate(zip(edges, ys)):
        refresh.add(y, user_id='user:oracle')
        rfrac_any.append(y_remainsum[count] / y_remainsum[0])
        xdata.append(count + 1)
        if refresh.check():
    xdata = xdata
    ydatas = ut.odict([
        ('Est. probability any remain', pprob_any),
        ('Fraction remaining', rfrac_any),

    import plottool_ibeis as pt
    from ibeis.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC
    import matplotlib as mpl
        xdata, ydatas, xlabel='# manual reviews', rcParams=TMP_RC, marker='',
        ylim=(0, 1), use_legend=False,
    demokw = ut.map_keys({'num_pccs': '#PCC', 'size': 'PCC size'},
    thresh = refreshkw.pop('thresh')
    refreshkw['span'] = refreshkw.pop('window')
    pt.relative_text((.02, .58 + .0), ut.get_cfg_lbl(demokw, sep=' ')[1:],
    pt.relative_text((.02, .68 + .0), ut.get_cfg_lbl(refreshkw, sep=' ')[1:],
    legend = pt.gca().legend()
    pt.plt.plot([xdata[0], xdata[-1]], [thresh, thresh], 'g--', label='thresh')