Ejemplo n.º 1
    def ls(self, table=None, verbose=False):
        Queries the database for a list of 'users' and/or 'dataset-types' and/or 'subjects' fields

        :param table: the table (s) to query among: 'dataset-types','users'
         and 'subjects'; if empty or None assumes all tables
        :type table: str, list
        :param verbose: [False] prints the list in the current window
        :type verbose: bool

        :return: list of names to query, list of full raw output in json serialized format
        :rtype: list, list
        tlist = ('dataset-types', 'users', 'subjects')
        field = ('name', 'username', 'nickname')
        if not table:
            table = tlist
        table = [table] if isinstance(table, str) else table
        full_out = []
        list_out = []
        for ind, tab in enumerate(tlist):
            if tab in table:
                full_out.append(self._alyxClient.get('/' + tab))
                list_out.append([f[field[ind]] for f in full_out[-1]])
        if verbose:
        if len(table) == 1:
            return list_out[0], full_out[0]
            return list_out, full_out
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _ls(self, table=None, verbose=False):
        Queries the database for a list of 'users' and/or 'dataset-types' and/or 'subjects' fields

        :param table: the table (s) to query among: 'dataset-types','users'
         and 'subjects'; if empty or None assumes all tables
        :type table: str
        :param verbose: [False] prints the list in the current window
        :type verbose: bool

        :return: list of names to query, list of full raw output in json serialized format
        :rtype: list, list
        assert (isinstance(table, str))
        table_field_names = {
            'dataset-types': 'name',
            'datasets': 'name',
            'users': 'username',
            'subjects': 'nickname',
            'labs': 'name'
        if not table or table not in list(set(_ENDPOINTS.keys())):
            raise KeyError("The attribute/endpoint: " + table +
                           " doesn't exist \n" + "possible values are " +

        field_name = table_field_names[_ENDPOINTS[table]]
        full_out = self.alyx.get('/' + _ENDPOINTS[table])
        list_out = [f[field_name] for f in full_out]
        if verbose:
        return list_out, full_out
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def rest(self, url=None, action=None, id=None, data=None, **kwargs):
        alyx_client.rest(): lists endpoints
        alyx_client.rest(endpoint): lists actions for endpoint
        alyx_client.rest(endpoint, action): lists fields and URL

        Example with a rest endpoint with all actions

        >>> alyx.client.rest('subjects', 'list')
            alyx.client.rest('subjects', 'list', field_filter1='filterval')
            alyx.client.rest('subjects', 'create', data=sub_dict)
            alyx.client.rest('subjects', 'read', id='nickname')
            alyx.client.rest('subjects', 'update', id='nickname', data=sub_dict)
            alyx.client.rest('subjects', 'partial_update', id='nickname', data=sub_ict)
            alyx.client.rest('subjects', 'delete', id='nickname')

        :param url: endpoint name
        :param action: 'list', 'create', 'read', 'update', 'partial_update', 'delete'
        :param id: lookup string for actions 'read', 'update', 'partial_update', and 'delete'
        :param data: data dictionary for actions 'update', 'partial_update' and 'create'
        :param ``**kwargs``: filter as per the REST documentation
        :return: list of queried dicts ('list') or dict (other actions)
        # if endpoint is None, list available endpoints
        if not url:
                k for k in self._rest_schemes.keys()
                if not k.startswith('_') and k
        # remove beginning slash if any
        if url.startswith('/'):
            url = url[1:]
        # and split to the next slash or question mark
        endpoint = re.findall("^/*[^?/]*", url)[0].replace('/', '')
        # make sure the queryied endpoint exists, if not throw an informative error
        if endpoint not in self._rest_schemes.keys():
            av = [
                k for k in self._rest_schemes.keys()
                if not k.startswith('_') and k
            raise ValueError('REST endpoint "' + endpoint +
                             '" does not exist. Available ' +
                             'endpoints are \n       ' + '\n       '.join(av))
        endpoint_scheme = self._rest_schemes[endpoint]
        # on a filter request, override the default action parameter
        if '?' in url:
            action = 'list'
        # if action is None, list available actions for the required endpoint
        if not action:
        # make sure the the desired action exists, if not throw an informative error
        if action not in endpoint_scheme.keys():
            raise ValueError('Action "' + action + '" for REST endpoint "' +
                             endpoint + '" does ' +
                             'not exist. Available actions are: ' +
                             '\n       ' +
                             '\n       '.join(endpoint_scheme.keys()))
        # the actions below require an id in the URL, warn and help the user
        if action in ['read', 'update', 'partial_update', 'delete'] and not id:
            logger_.warning('REST action "' + action +
                            '" requires an ID in the URL: ' +
        # the actions below require a data dictionary, warn and help the user with fields list
        if action in ['create', 'update', 'partial_update'] and not data:
            for act in endpoint_scheme[action]['fields']:
                print("'" + act['name'] + "': ...,")
            logger_.warning('REST action "' + action +
                            '" requires a data dict with above keys')

        if action == 'list':
            # list doesn't require id nor
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'get')
            # add to url data if it is a string
            if id:
                url = url + id
            # otherwise, look for a dictionary of filter terms
            elif kwargs:
                for k in kwargs.keys():
                    if isinstance(kwargs[k], str):
                        query = kwargs[k]
                    elif isinstance(kwargs[k], list):
                        query = ','.join(kwargs[k])
                    url = url + f"?&{k}=" + query
            return self.get('/' + url)
        if action == 'read':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'get')
            return self.get('/' + endpoint + '/' + id.split('/')[-1])
        elif action == 'create':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'post')
            return self.post('/' + endpoint, data=data)
        elif action == 'delete':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'delete')
            return self.delete('/' + endpoint + '/' + id.split('/')[-1])
        elif action == 'partial_update':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'patch')
            return self.patch('/' + endpoint + '/' + id.split('/')[-1],
        elif action == 'update':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'put')
            return self.put('/' + endpoint + '/' + id.split('/')[-1],
Ejemplo n.º 4
from ibllib.misc import pprint
from oneibl.one import ONE

one = ONE(base_url='https://test.alyx.internationalbrainlab.org')

# list all water administrations
wa = one.alyx.rest('water-administrations', 'list')

# to list administrations for one subject, it is better to use the subjects endpoint
sub_info = one.alyx.rest('subjects', 'read', 'ZM_346')

# this is how to programmatically create a water administration

wa_ = {
    'subject': 'ZM_346',
    'date_time': '2018-11-25T12:34',
    'water_administered': 25,
    'water_type': 'Water 10% Sucrose',
    'user': '******',
    'session': 'f4b13ba2-1308-4673-820e-0e0a3e0f2d73',
    'adlib': True

# do not use the example on anything else than alyx-dev
if one.alyx._base_url != 'https://dev.alyx.internationalbrainlab.org':
    rep = one.alyx.rest('water-administrations', 'create', wa_)
Ejemplo n.º 5
## Init
from oneibl.one import ONE
from ibllib.misc import pprint

one = ONE(base_url='https://test.alyx.internationalbrainlab.org',

## Find an experiment
eid = one.search(users='olivier', date_range=['2018-08-24', '2018-08-24'])

## List dataset types for a session
eid = 'cf264653-2deb-44cb-aa84-89b82507028a'

## List #1

## Load #1
dataset_types = [
    'clusters.templateWaveforms', 'clusters.probes', 'clusters.depths'
eid = 'cf264653-2deb-44cb-aa84-89b82507028a'
wf, pr, d = one.load(eid, dataset_types=dataset_types)

## Load #2
my_data = one.load(eid, dataset_types=dataset_types, dclass_output=True)
from ibllib.misc import pprint
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def rest(self, url=None, action=None, data=None, **kwargs):
        lab_info = alyx_client.rest('labs', 'read', 'mainenlab')
        lab_info = alyx_client.rest('labs', 'read',

        :param url:
        :param action:
        :param data:
        # if endpoint is None, list available endpoints
        if not url:
                k for k in self._rest_schemes.keys()
                if not k.startswith('_') and k
        # remove beginning slash if any
        if url.startswith('/'):
            url = url[1:]
        # and split to the next slash or question mark
        endpoint = re.findall("^/*[^?/]*", url)[0].replace('/', '')
        # make sure the queryied endpoint exists, if not throw an informative error
        if endpoint not in self._rest_schemes.keys():
            av = [
                k for k in self._rest_schemes.keys()
                if not k.startswith('_') and k
            raise ValueError('REST endpoint "' + endpoint +
                             '" does not exist. Available ' +
                             'endpoints are \n       ' + '\n       '.join(av))
        endpoint_scheme = self._rest_schemes[endpoint]
        # on a filter request, override the default action parameter
        if '?' in url:
            action = 'list'
        # if action is None, list available actions for the required endpoint
        if not action:
        # make sure the the desired action exists, if not throw an informative error
        if action not in endpoint_scheme.keys():
            raise ValueError('Action "' + action + '" for REST endpoint "' +
                             endpoint + '" does ' +
                             'not exist. Available actions are: ' +
                             '\n       ' +
                             '\n       '.join(endpoint_scheme.keys()))
        # if there is no data (except for list), show the user a list of fields
        if action != 'list' and not data:
            for act in endpoint_scheme[action]['fields']:
                print("'" + act['name'] + "': ...,")
        if action == 'list':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'get')
            # add to url data if it is a string
            if data:
                url = url + data
            # otherwise, look for a dictionary of filter terms
            elif kwargs:
                for k in kwargs.keys():
                    if isinstance(kwargs[k], str):
                        query = kwargs[k]
                    elif isinstance(kwargs[k], list):
                        query = ','.join(kwargs[k])
                    url = url + f"?&{k}=" + query
            return self.get('/' + url)
        if action == 'read':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'get')
            return self.get('/' + endpoint + '/' + data.split('/')[-1])
        elif action == 'create':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'post')
            return self.post('/' + endpoint, data)
        elif action == 'delete':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'delete')
            return self.delete('/' + endpoint + '/' + data.split('/')[-1])
        elif action == 'partial_update':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'patch')
            return self.patch('/' + url, data)
        elif action == 'update':
            assert (endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'put')
            return self.put('/' + url, data)
Print water administration values from behavior data downloaded via ONE.
#  Author: Olivier Winter

from ibllib.misc import pprint
from oneibl.one import ONE

one = ONE(base_url='https://dev.alyx.internationalbrainlab.org')

# -- Get saved water administration --
# List all water administrations
wa = one.alyx.rest('water-administrations', 'list')

# To list administrations for one subject, it is better to use the subjects endpoint
subject_details = one.alyx.rest('subjects', 'read', 'ZM_346')
       [0:2])  # Print the first 2 water admin.
Ejemplo n.º 8
## More Info about a session
d = one.session_data_info(eid)

## Load #1
dataset_types = [
    'clusters.templateWaveforms', 'clusters.probes', 'clusters.depths'
eid = '86e27228-8708-48d8-96ed-9aa61ab951db'
wf, pr, d = one.load(eid, dataset_types=dataset_types)

## Load #2
my_data = one.load(eid, dataset_types=dataset_types, dclass_output=True)
from ibllib.misc import pprint

## Load everything
eid, ses_info = one.search(subject='flowers')
my_data = one.load(eid[0])

## Load
eid = '86e27228-8708-48d8-96ed-9aa61ab951db'
dataset_types = [
    'clusters.probes', 'thisDataset.IveJustMadeUp', 'clusters.depths'
t, empty, cl = one.load(eid, dataset_types=dataset_types)

## List #1
Ejemplo n.º 9
Print water administration values from behavior data downloaded via ONE.
#  Author: Olivier Winter

from ibllib.misc import pprint
from oneibl.one import ONE

one = ONE(base_url='https://test.alyx.internationalbrainlab.org')

# -- Get saved water administration --
# List all water administrations
wa = one.alyx.rest('water-administrations', 'list')

# To list administrations for one subject, it is better to use the subjects endpoint
subject_details = one.alyx.rest('subjects', 'read', 'ZM_346')