Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_credential_process_returns_error(self):
        config = ('[profile processcreds]\n'
                  'credential_process = %s --raise-error\n')
        config = config % self.credential_process
        with temporary_file('w') as f:
            self.environ['AWS_CONFIG_FILE'] = f.name

            session = Session(profile='processcreds')

            # This regex validates that there is no substring: b'
            # The reason why we want to validate that is that we want to
            # make sure that stderr is actually decoded so that in
            # exceptional cases the error is properly formatted.
            # As for how the regex works:
            # `(?!b').` is a negative lookahead, meaning that it will only
            # match if it is not followed by the pattern `b'`. Since it is
            # followed by a `.` it will match any character not followed by
            # that pattern. `((?!hede).)*` does that zero or more times. The
            # final pattern adds `^` and `$` to anchor the beginning and end
            # of the string so we can know the whole string is consumed.
            # Finally `(?s)` at the beginning makes dots match newlines so
            # we can handle a multi-line string.
            reg = r"(?s)^((?!b').)*$"
            with self.assertRaisesRegexp(CredentialRetrievalError, reg):
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_public_apis_will_not_be_signed():
    session = Session()

    # Mimic the scenario that user does not have aws credentials setup
    session.get_credentials = mock.Mock(return_value=None)

    for service_name in PUBLIC_API_TESTS:
        client = session.create_client(service_name, REGIONS[service_name])
        for operation_name in PUBLIC_API_TESTS[service_name]:
            kwargs = PUBLIC_API_TESTS[service_name][operation_name]
            method = getattr(client, xform_name(operation_name))
            yield (_test_public_apis_will_not_be_signed, method, kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_honors_aws_shared_credentials_file_env_var(self):
        with temporary_file('w') as f:
            os.environ['AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE'] = f.name
            s = Session()
            credentials = s.get_credentials()

            self.assertEqual(credentials.access_key, 'custom1')
            self.assertEqual(credentials.secret_key, 'custom2')