Ejemplo n.º 1
def lidarFilesInRange(lidarDict, lidarFolder, startFrame, stopFrame):
    '''Fetch only lidar files for the given frame range. Do that as follows.
       For each ortho frame in [startFrame, stopFrame], find the lidar
       file with the closest timestamp. Collect them all.
       Add the two neighboring ones, to help with finding lidar pairs later.'''

    lidarList = []
    for frame in sorted(lidarDict.keys()):

    # If we requested all frames, also get all the lidar files.
    if ((startFrame == icebridge_common.getSmallestFrame())
            and (stopFrame == icebridge_common.getLargestFrame())):

        minLidarIndex = 0
        maxLidarIndex = len(lidarList) - 1


        minLidarIndex = len(lidarList)
        maxLidarIndex = 0

        # Build up a list of lidar files that match the requested input frames
        orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(
        orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
         orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)
        for frame in sorted(orthoFrameDict.keys()):
            if ((frame < startFrame) or (frame > stopFrame)): continue
            orthoFrame = orthoFrameDict[frame]
                matchingLidar = icebridge_common.findMatchingLidarFileFromList(
                    orthoFrame, lidarList)
                # Some image files don't have a matching lidar file, just keep going.

            for index in range(len(lidarList)):
                if lidarList[index] == matchingLidar:
                    if minLidarIndex > index:
                        minLidarIndex = index
                    if maxLidarIndex < index:
                        maxLidarIndex = index

        # We will fetch neighboring lidar files as well
        if minLidarIndex > 0:
            minLidarIndex = minLidarIndex - 1
        if maxLidarIndex + 1 < len(lidarList):
            maxLidarIndex = maxLidarIndex + 1

    lidarsToFetch = set()
    if lidarList:
        for index in range(minLidarIndex, maxLidarIndex +
                           1):  # Fetch only the requested lidar files.

    return lidarsToFetch
def lidarFilesInRange(lidarDict, lidarFolder, startFrame, stopFrame):
    '''Fetch only lidar files for the given frame range. Do that as follows.
       For each ortho frame in [startFrame, stopFrame], find the lidar
       file with the closest timestamp. Collect them all.
       Add the two neighboring ones, to help with finding lidar pairs later.'''
    lidarList = []
    for frame in sorted(lidarDict.keys()):

    # If we requested all frames, also get all the lidar files.
    if ((startFrame == icebridge_common.getSmallestFrame()) and
        (stopFrame  == icebridge_common.getLargestFrame() )    ):

        minLidarIndex = 0
        maxLidarIndex = len(lidarList)-1


        minLidarIndex = len(lidarList)
        maxLidarIndex = 0

        # Build up a list of lidar files that match the requested input frames
        orthoFolder    = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(os.path.dirname(lidarFolder))
        orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
        (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)
        for frame in sorted(orthoFrameDict.keys()):
            if ((frame < startFrame) or (frame > stopFrame) ): continue
            orthoFrame = orthoFrameDict[frame]
                matchingLidar = icebridge_common.findMatchingLidarFileFromList(orthoFrame, lidarList)
                # Some image files don't have a matching lidar file, just keep going.

            for index in range(len(lidarList)):
                if lidarList[index] == matchingLidar:
                    if minLidarIndex > index:
                        minLidarIndex = index
                    if maxLidarIndex < index:
                        maxLidarIndex = index

        # We will fetch neighboring lidar files as well
        if minLidarIndex > 0:
            minLidarIndex = minLidarIndex -1
        if maxLidarIndex + 1 < len(lidarList):
            maxLidarIndex = maxLidarIndex + 1

    lidarsToFetch = set()
    if lidarList:
        for index in range(minLidarIndex, maxLidarIndex+1): # Fetch only the requested lidar files.

    return lidarsToFetch
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def allSourceDataFetched(self, noNav, verbose=False):
        '''Return true if all the required source data has been downloaded'''

        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Old file collections use a different naming scheme
        altIndexName = 'image_index.html.csv'

        # Verify these input folders
        subFolders = [

        for folder in subFolders:

            # Make sure all the files specified in the parsed index file are present
            indexFile = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(folder)
            if not os.path.exists(indexFile):
                # See if the older naming scheme was used
                altPath = os.path.join(folder, altIndexName)
                if os.path.exists(altPath):
                    indexFile = altPath

            (fileDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(indexFile)
            logger.info("Checking all files listed in: " + indexFile)
            num = len(fileDict.keys())
            count = 0
            for f in fileDict.itervalues():

                # Add the progress, as this operation can be terribly slow
                # when the filesystem is not doing too well, especially on mfe.
                count = count + 1
                if (count - 1) % 1000 == 0:
                    logger.info('Progress: ' + str(count) + '/' + str(num))

                path = os.path.join(folder, f)
                if not os.path.exists(path):
                    logger.error('Missing file ' + path)
                    return False

        if not noNav:
            # Simple nav file check
            navFiles = os.listdir(self.getNavFolder())
            navFiles = [x for x in navFiles if '.out' in navFiles]
            if (len(navFiles) == 0) or (len(navFiles) > 2):
                logger.error('Wrong number of nav files detected!')
                return False

        return True  # Success!
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def getFrameRange(self):
        '''Return the min and max frame currently stored for the run'''

        jpegFolder = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(self.getFolder())
        jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
            raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " + jpegIndexPath + ".")
        (jpegFrameDict, jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath)

        frames = sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys())

        if len(frames) == 0:
            raise Exception("Empty folder: " + jpegFolder)

        return (frames[0], frames[-1])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def allSourceDataFetched(self, noNav, verbose=False):
        '''Return true if all the required source data has been downloaded'''
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Old file collections use a different naming scheme    
        altIndexName = 'image_index.html.csv'

        # Verify these input folders
        subFolders = [self.getJpegFolder(), self.getLidarFolder(), self.getOrthoFolder()]
        for folder in subFolders:
            # Make sure all the files specified in the parsed index file are present
            indexFile = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(folder)
            if not os.path.exists(indexFile):
                # See if the older naming scheme was used
                altPath = os.path.join(folder, altIndexName)
                if os.path.exists(altPath):
                    indexFile = altPath
            (fileDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(indexFile)
            logger.info("Checking all files listed in: " + indexFile)
            num = len(fileDict.keys())
            count = 0
            for f in fileDict.itervalues():

                # Add the progress, as this operation can be terribly slow
                # when the filesystem is not doing too well, especially on mfe.
                count = count + 1
                if (count - 1) % 1000 == 0:
                    logger.info('Progress: ' + str(count) + '/' + str(num))
                path = os.path.join(folder, f)
                if not os.path.exists(path):
                    logger.error('Missing file ' + path)
                    return False

        if not noNav:
            # Simple nav file check
            navFiles = os.listdir(self.getNavFolder())
            navFiles = [x for x in navFiles if '.out' in navFiles]
            if (len(navFiles) == 0) or (len(navFiles) > 2):
                logger.error('Wrong number of nav files detected!')
                return False
        return True # Success!
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def massRename(self, startFrame, stopFrame, logger):
        '''We changed how the timestamp for images and cameras is computed.
        Make all existing converted images, cameras, nav cameras, and aligned cameras conform.'''

        logger.info("Renaming files with timestamp. This is slow.")

        # Need to do a mass rename for incorrect timestamp for:
        # converted images, nav cameras, cameras, and bundle aligned cameras
        outputFolder = self.getFolder()
        cameraFolder = icebridge_common.getCameraFolder(outputFolder)
        imageFolder = icebridge_common.getImageFolder(outputFolder)
        jpegFolder = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(outputFolder)
        orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(outputFolder)
        processedFolder = icebridge_common.getProcessedFolder(outputFolder)
        navFolder = icebridge_common.getNavFolder(outputFolder)
        navCameraFolder = icebridge_common.getNavCameraFolder(outputFolder)

        # Need the orthos to get the timestamp
        orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(
        orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
            raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " +
                            orthoIndexPath + ".")
         orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,

        logger.info('Renaming camera files...')
        self.massRenameByGlob(startFrame, stopFrame, orthoFrameDict,
                              os.path.join(cameraFolder, '*DMS*tsai'), logger)

        logger.info('Renaming nav camera files...')
        self.massRenameByGlob(startFrame, stopFrame, orthoFrameDict,
                              os.path.join(navCameraFolder, '*DMS*tsai'),

        logger.info('Renaming converted images...')
        self.massRenameByGlob(startFrame, stopFrame, orthoFrameDict,
                              os.path.join(imageFolder, '*DMS*tif'), logger)

        logger.info('Renaming aligned cameras...')
            startFrame, stopFrame, orthoFrameDict,
            os.path.join(processedFolder, 'batch*',
                         icebridge_common.alignedBundleStr() + '*DMS*tsai'),
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def getFrameRange(self):
        '''Return the min and max frame currently stored for the run'''

        jpegFolder = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(self.getFolder())
        jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
            raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " +
                            jpegIndexPath + ".")
         jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath)

        frames = sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys())

        if len(frames) == 0:
            raise Exception("Empty folder: " + jpegFolder)

        return (frames[0], frames[-1])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def massRename(self, startFrame, stopFrame, logger):
        '''We changed how the timestamp for images and cameras is computed.
        Make all existing converted images, cameras, nav cameras, and aligned cameras conform.'''

        logger.info("Renaming files with timestamp. This is slow.")
        # Need to do a mass rename for incorrect timestamp for:
        # converted images, nav cameras, cameras, and bundle aligned cameras
        outputFolder    = self.getFolder()
        cameraFolder    = icebridge_common.getCameraFolder(outputFolder)
        imageFolder     = icebridge_common.getImageFolder(outputFolder)
        jpegFolder      = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(outputFolder)
        orthoFolder     = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(outputFolder)
        processedFolder = icebridge_common.getProcessedFolder(outputFolder)
        navFolder       = icebridge_common.getNavFolder(outputFolder)
        navCameraFolder = icebridge_common.getNavCameraFolder(outputFolder)
        # Need the orthos to get the timestamp
        orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(os.path.dirname(jpegFolder))
        orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
            raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath + ".")
        (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,
                                                                        prependFolder = True)

        logger.info('Renaming camera files...')
        self.massRenameByGlob(startFrame, stopFrame, orthoFrameDict, 
                              os.path.join(cameraFolder, '*DMS*tsai'), logger)

        logger.info('Renaming nav camera files...')
        self.massRenameByGlob(startFrame, stopFrame, orthoFrameDict, 
                              os.path.join(navCameraFolder, '*DMS*tsai'), logger)

        logger.info('Renaming converted images...')
        self.massRenameByGlob(startFrame, stopFrame, orthoFrameDict, 
                              os.path.join(imageFolder, '*DMS*tif'), logger)

        logger.info('Renaming aligned cameras...')
        self.massRenameByGlob(startFrame, stopFrame, orthoFrameDict, 
                              os.path.join(processedFolder, 'batch*',
                                           icebridge_common.alignedBundleStr() + '*DMS*tsai'),
Ejemplo n.º 9
def lidarFilesInRange(lidarDict, lidarFolder, startFrame, stopFrame):
    '''Fetch only lidar files for the given frame range. Do that as follows.   '''
    '''For each ortho frame in [startFrame, stopFrame], find the lidar         '''
    '''file with the closest timestamp. Collect them all.                      '''
    '''Add the two neighboring ones, to help with finding lidar pairs later.   '''

    lidarList = []
    for frame in sorted(lidarDict.keys()):

    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(os.path.dirname(lidarFolder))
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
     orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)
    minLidarIndex = len(lidarList)
    maxLidarIndex = 0
    for frame in sorted(orthoFrameDict.keys()):
        if ((frame < startFrame) or (frame > stopFrame)): continue
        orthoFrame = orthoFrameDict[frame]
        matchingLidar = icebridge_common.findMatchingLidarFileFromList(
            orthoFrame, lidarList)

        for index in range(len(lidarList)):
            if lidarList[index] == matchingLidar:
                if minLidarIndex > index:
                    minLidarIndex = index
                if maxLidarIndex < index:
                    maxLidarIndex = index

    # We will fetch neighboring lidar files as well
    if minLidarIndex > 0:
        minLidarIndex = minLidarIndex - 1
    if maxLidarIndex + 1 < len(lidarList):
        maxLidarIndex = maxLidarIndex + 1

    lidarsToFetch = set()
    for index in range(minLidarIndex, maxLidarIndex + 1):

    return lidarsToFetch
def convertJpegs(jpegFolder, imageFolder, startFrame, stopFrame, skipValidate,
                 cameraMounting, logger):
    '''Convert jpeg images from RGB to single channel.
       Returns false if any files failed.'''

    badFiles = False
    logger.info('Converting input images to grayscale...')

    os.system('mkdir -p ' + imageFolder)

    # Loop through all the input images

    jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " + jpegIndexPath + ".")
    (jpegFrameDict, jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,
                                                                  prependFolder = True)
    # Need the orthos to get the timestamp
    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(os.path.dirname(jpegFolder))
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath + ".")
    (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,
                                                                  prependFolder = True)
    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(os.path.dirname(jpegFolder),
                                                         startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
    # Fast check for missing images. This is fragile, as maybe it gets
    # the wrong file with a similar name, but an honest check is very slow.
    imageFiles = icebridge_common.getTifs(imageFolder, prependFolder = True)
    imageFrameDict = {}
    for imageFile in imageFiles:
        frame = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(imageFile)
        if frame < startFrame or frame > stopFrame: continue
        imageFrameDict[frame] = imageFile
    for frame in sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys()):

        inputPath = jpegFrameDict[frame]
        # Only deal with frames in range
        if not ( (frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame) ):

        if frame in imageFrameDict.keys() and skipValidate:
            # Fast, hackish check

        if frame not in orthoFrameDict:
            logger.info("Error: Could not find ortho image for jpeg frame: " + str(frame))
            # Don't want to throw here. Just ignore the missing ortho
        # Make sure the timestamp and frame number are in the output file name
            outputPath = icebridge_common.jpegToImageFile(inputPath, orthoFrameDict[frame])
        except Exception as e:
            logger.info("Removing bad file: " + inputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            badFiles = True
        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # very verbose
                validFilesSet.add(inputPath) # Must have this
            if icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath) # verbose
                if not skipValidate:
                    # Mark both the input and the output as validated
        # Use ImageMagick tool to convert from RGB to grayscale
        # - Some image orientations are rotated to make stereo processing easier.
        rotateString = ''
        if cameraMounting == 2: # Flight direction towards top of image
            rotateString = '-rotate 90 '
        if cameraMounting == 3: # Flight direction towards bottom of image
            rotateString = '-rotate -90 '
        cmd = ('%s %s -colorspace Gray %s%s') % \
              (asp_system_utils.which('convert'), inputPath, rotateString, outputPath)

        # Run command and fetch its output
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
        output, error = p.communicate()
        if p.returncode != 0:
            badFiles = True
            logger.error("Command failed.")
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " + outputPath + '\n'
                         + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw

        if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
            badFiles = True
            logger.error('Failed to convert jpeg file: ' + inputPath)
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " + outputPath + '\n'
                         + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw

        # Check for corrupted files
        if error is not None:
            output += error
        m = re.match("^.*?premature\s+end", output, re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
        if m:
            badFiles = True
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " + outputPath + '\n'
                         + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw

    if not skipValidate:
        # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
        # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
        # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
        # managers are running at the same time.
        numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
        if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
            validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList,
            icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
    if badFiles:
        logger.error("Converstion of JPEGs failed. If any files were corrupted, " +
                     "they were removed, and need to be re-fetched.")
    return (not badFiles)
def main(argsIn):

        # Sample usage:
        # python ~/projects/StereoPipeline/src/asp/IceBridge/blend_dems.py --site GR   \
        #   --yyyymmdd 20120315 --start-frame 2490 --stop-frame 2491 --bundle-length 2 \
        #   --num-threads 8 --num-processes 10
        usage = '''blend_dems.py <options>'''
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage)

        # Run selection
        parser.add_argument("--yyyymmdd",  dest="yyyymmdd", required=True,
                          help="Specify the year, month, and day in one YYYYMMDD string.")
        parser.add_argument("--site",  dest="site", required=True,
                          help="Name of the location of the images (AN, GR, or AL)")

        parser.add_argument("--output-folder",  dest="outputFolder", default=None,
                          help="Name of the output folder. If not specified, " + \
                          "use something like AN_YYYYMMDD.")

        # Processing options
        parser.add_argument('--bundle-length', dest='bundleLength', default=2,
                          type=int, help="The number of images to bundle adjust and process " + \
                          "in a single batch.")

        parser.add_argument('--start-frame', dest='startFrame', type=int,
                          help="Frame to start with.  Leave this and stop-frame blank to " + \
                          "process all frames.")
        parser.add_argument('--stop-frame', dest='stopFrame', type=int,
                          help='Frame to stop on. This frame will also be processed.')

        parser.add_argument("--processing-subfolder",  dest="processingSubfolder", default=None,
                          help="Specify a subfolder name where the processing outputs will go. "+\
                            "The default is no additional folder.")

        parser.add_argument("--compute-diff-to-prev-dem", action="store_true",
                            dest="computeDiffToPrev", default=False,
                            help="Compute the absolute difference between the current DEM " +
                            "and the one before it.")

        parser.add_argument("--blend-to-fireball-footprint", action="store_true",
                            dest="blendToFireball", default=False,
                            help="Create additional blended DEMs having the same " + \
                            "footprint as Fireball DEMs.")

        # Performance options  
        parser.add_argument('--num-processes', dest='numProcesses', default=1,
                          type=int, help='The number of simultaneous processes to run.')
        parser.add_argument('--num-threads', dest='numThreads', default=8,
                          type=int, help='The number of threads per process.')
        options = parser.parse_args(argsIn)

    except argparse.ArgumentError as msg:
    os.system("ulimit -c 0") # disable core dumps
    os.system("rm -f core.*") # these keep on popping up
    os.system("umask 022")   # enforce files be readable by others
    if len(options.yyyymmdd) != 8 and len(options.yyyymmdd) != 9:
        # Make an exception for 20100422a
        raise Exception("The --yyyymmdd field must have length 8 or 9.")

    if options.outputFolder is None:
        options.outputFolder = icebridge_common.outputFolder(options.site, options.yyyymmdd)
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + options.outputFolder)
    logLevel = logging.INFO # Make this an option??
    logger   = icebridge_common.setUpLogger(options.outputFolder, logLevel,

    (out, err, status) = asp_system_utils.executeCommand(['uname', '-a'],
                                                         suppressOutput = True)
    logger.info("Running on machine: " + out)
    processFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'processed')
    # Handle subfolder option.  This is useful for comparing results with different parameters!
    if options.processingSubfolder:
        processFolder = os.path.join(processFolder, options.processingSubfolder)
        logger.info('Reading from processing subfolder: ' + options.processingSubfolder)

    orthoFolder    = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(options.outputFolder)
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath + ".")
    (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)
    if options.blendToFireball:
        fireballFrameDict = icebridge_common.getCorrectedFireballDems(options.outputFolder)
    lidarFolder = icebridge_common.getLidarFolder(options.outputFolder)
    threadText = ''
    if options.numThreads:
        threadText = '--threads ' + str(options.numThreads)
    redo = False
    suppressOutput = True
    taskHandles    = []
    if options.numProcesses > 1:    
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(options.numProcesses)

    # Bound the frames
    sortedFrames = sorted(orthoFrameDict.keys())
    if len(sortedFrames) > 0:
        if options.startFrame < sortedFrames[0]:
            options.startFrame = sortedFrames[0]
        if options.stopFrame > sortedFrames[-1] + 1:
            options.stopFrame = sortedFrames[-1] + 1
        # No ortho files, that means nothing to do
        options.startFrame = 0
        options.stopFrame  = 0 

    for frame in range(options.startFrame, options.stopFrame):

        if not frame in orthoFrameDict:
            logger.info("Error: Missing ortho file for frame: " + str(frame) + ".")
        orthoFile = orthoFrameDict[frame]
            lidarFile = icebridge_common.findMatchingLidarFile(orthoFile, lidarFolder)
        except: # Skip if no lidar file matches this frame

        fireballDEM = ""
        if options.blendToFireball:
            if frame in fireballFrameDict:
                fireballDEM = fireballFrameDict[frame]
                logger.info("No fireball DEM for frame: " + str(frame))
        args = (frame, processFolder, lidarFile, fireballDEM, options, threadText,
                redo, suppressOutput)

        # Run things sequentially if only one process, to make it easy to debug
        if options.numProcesses > 1:
            taskHandles.append(pool.apply_async(runBlend, args))
    if options.numProcesses > 1:
        icebridge_common.waitForTaskCompletionOrKeypress(taskHandles, logger, interactive = False, 
                                                         quitKey='q', sleepTime=20)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def pushByType(run, options, logger, dataType):

    # Fetch the ortho index from NSIDC if missing
    outputFolder = run.getFolder()
    logger.info("Output folder is " + outputFolder)
    os.system("mkdir -p " + outputFolder)

    # Current directory. It is important to go from /u to the real dir which is /nobackup...
    unpackDir = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())
    logger.info("Unpack directory is " + unpackDir)

    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(outputFolder)
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        fetchIndices(options, logger)

    logger.info("Reading ortho index: " + orthoIndexPath)
     orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)

    # Fetch unarchived folder if missing
    if dataType == 'DEM':
        unarchivedFolder = run.getAssemblyFolder()
    elif dataType == 'ORTHO':
        unarchivedFolder = run.getProcessFolder()
        raise Exception("Unknown data type: " + dataType)
    logger.info("Unarchived data folder is " + unarchivedFolder)

    # Especially for ortho, force-fetch each time, as there is no good way
    # of checking if we fetched well before.
    if not archive_functions.fetchProcessedByType(run, unpackDir, logger,
    stop_time("fetching archived data by type: " + dataType, logger)

    # Make the output directory at NSIDC
    m = re.match("(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)", options.yyyymmdd)
    if m:
        outDir = options.site + "_" + m.group(1) + "." + m.group(
            2) + "." + m.group(3)
        raise Exception("Could not parse: " + options.yyyymmdd)

    # Keep the output directory locally here
    localDirPath = os.path.join(outputFolder, dataType, outDir)
    os.system("mkdir -p " + localDirPath)

    logger.info("Storing the renamed " + dataType + " files in " +
    logger.info("Directory name at NSIDC: " + outDir)

    # Read the DEMs and orthos, and copy them to outDir according to the final convention
    if dataType == 'DEM':
        dataFiles = icebridge_common.getTifs(unarchivedFolder,
        dataFiles = glob.glob(
            os.path.join(unarchivedFolder, 'batch_*', 'out-ortho.tif'))

    for dataFile in dataFiles:

        # Here we use the convention from archive_functions.py for DEMs and from how we store orthos.
        if dataType == 'DEM':
            m = re.match("^.*?" + unarchivedFolder + "/F_(\d+)_\d+_" + dataType + \
                         "\.tif$", dataFile)
            if not m:
            frameNumber = int(m.group(1))
            m = re.match("^.*?" + unarchivedFolder + "/batch_(\d+)_\d+_\d+/" + \
                         "out-ortho.tif$", dataFile)
            if not m:
            frameNumber = int(m.group(1))

        if frameNumber < options.startFrame or frameNumber > options.stopFrame:

        # For each data file, copy from the ortho its meta info
        if not frameNumber in orthoFrameDict.keys():
            # Bugfix: Ortho fetching failed, try again
            fetchIndices(options, logger)
            logger.info("Re-reading ortho index: " + orthoIndexPath)
             orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)
            if not frameNumber in orthoFrameDict.keys():
                # This time there is nothing we can do
                raise Exception("Cannot find ortho for frame: " +

        orthoFile = orthoFrameDict[frameNumber]
        [dateString, timeString] = icebridge_common.parseTimeStamps(orthoFile)

        # It is always possible that the ortho file date will be the next day
        # after the current flight date, if the flight goes after midnight.
        # So it is not unreasonable that options.yyyymmdd != dateString.

        if dataType == 'DEM':
            outFile = ('IODEM3_%s_%s_%05d_DEM.tif' %
                       (dateString, timeString, frameNumber))
            # TODO: Need to think more of the naming convention.
            outFile = ('IODEM3_%s_%s_%05d_ORTHO.tif' %
                       (dateString, timeString, frameNumber))

        cmd = "/bin/cp -fv " + dataFile + " " + os.path.join(
            localDirPath, outFile)

    # Push the directory to NSIDC
    remoteDirPath = os.path.join(
    remoteDirPath = os.path.join('/incoming', 'Ames', remoteDirPath)
    logger.info("Storing at NSIDC in: " + remoteDirPath)

    cmd = 'lftp -e "mirror -P 20 -c -R -vvv --delete --delete-first ' + localDirPath + \
          ' ' + remoteDirPath + ' -i \'\.(tif)$\'; bye\" -u ' + options.loginInfo

    (output, err,
     status) = asp_system_utils.executeCommand(cmd, suppressOutput=True)
    #status = os.system(cmd)
    logger.info("LFTP output and error: " + output + ' ' + err)
    logger.info("LFTP status: " + str(status))
    #if status != 0:
    #    raise Exception("Problem pushing")

    stop_time("push to NSIDC", logger)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def convertLidarDataToCsv(lidarFolder, startFrame, stopFrame, skipValidate,
    '''Make sure all lidar data is available in a readable text format.
       Returns false if any files failed to convert.'''

    logger.info('Converting LIDAR files...')

    lidarIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(lidarFolder)
    (frameDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(lidarIndexPath)

    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(
            os.path.dirname(lidarFolder), startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
            validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    convDict = {}

    # Loop through all files in the folder
    badFiles = False
    for frame in sorted(frameDict.keys()):

        f = frameDict[frame]
        extension = icebridge_common.fileExtension(f)

        # Only interested in a few file types
        if (extension != '.qi') and (extension != '.hdf5') and (extension !=
            convDict[frame] = f  # these are already in plain text

        convDict[frame] = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '.csv'
        outputPath = os.path.join(lidarFolder, convDict[frame])

        # Handle paths
        fullPath = os.path.join(lidarFolder, f)
        if not os.path.exists(fullPath):
            logger.info("Cannot convert missing file: " + fullPath)

        # If the input is invalid, wipe both it, its xml, and the output
        # Hopefully there will be a subsquent fetch step where it will get
        # refetched.
        if not icebridge_common.hasValidChkSum(fullPath, logger):
            logger.info("Will wipe invalid file: " + fullPath)
            xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(fullPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + fullPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + xmlFile)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw
            badFiles = True

        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # verbose
            if icebridge_common.isValidLidarCSV(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath)

        # Call the conversion
        logger.info("Process " + fullPath)

        # Check the result
        if not icebridge_common.isValidLidarCSV(outputPath):
            logger.error('Failed to parse LIDAR file, will wipe: ' +
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw
            badFiles = True
            if not skipValidate:
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath)  # mark it as validated

    convLidarFile = icebridge_common.getConvertedLidarIndexFile(lidarFolder)

    willWriteConvFile = False
    if not os.path.exists(convLidarFile):
        willWriteConvFile = True
        # Bugfix: Sometimes the written converted file has the wrong size, maybe
        # something got interrupted earlier.
         dummyUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(convLidarFile)
        if lidarDictIn != convDict:
            willWriteConvFile = True

    if willWriteConvFile:
        logger.info("Writing: " + convLidarFile)
        icebridge_common.writeIndexFile(convLidarFile, convDict, {})

    if not skipValidate:
        # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
        # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
        # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
        # managers are running at the same time.
        numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
        if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
            validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
                validFilesList, validFilesSet)
            icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    return (not badFiles)
def correctFireballDems(fireballFolder, corrFireballFolder, startFrame, stopFrame, isNorth,
                        skipValidate, logger):
    '''Fix the header problem in Fireball DEMs'''

    logger.info('Correcting Fireball DEMs ...')

    # Read the existing DEMs
    fireballIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(fireballFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(fireballIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing fireball index file: " + fireballIndexPath + ".")
    (fireballFrameDict, fireballUrlDict) = \
                        icebridge_common.readIndexFile(fireballIndexPath, prependFolder = True)
    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(os.path.dirname(fireballFolder),
                                                         startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    # Loop through all the input images
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + corrFireballFolder)
    badFiles = False
    for frame in sorted(fireballFrameDict.keys()):

        # Skip if outside the frame range
        if not ( (frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame) ):

        inputPath = fireballFrameDict[frame]
        if not icebridge_common.isDEM(inputPath):

        outputPath = os.path.join(corrFireballFolder, os.path.basename(inputPath))

        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # very vebose
            if icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath)
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath) # mark it as validated
        # Run the correction script
        execPath = asp_system_utils.which('correct_icebridge_l3_dem')
        cmd = (('%s %s %s %d') %
               (execPath, inputPath, outputPath, isNorth))
        # TODO: Run this as a subprocess and check the return code
        # Check if the output file is good
        if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
            logger.error('Failed to convert dem file, wiping: ' + inputPath + ' ' + outputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw
            badFiles = True
            if not skipValidate:
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath) # mark it as validated
    if not skipValidate:
        # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
        # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
        # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
        # managers are running at the same time.
        numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
        if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
            validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList,
            icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    return (not badFiles)
def validateOrthosAndFireball(options, fileType, logger):
    '''Validate ortho and fireball files within the current frame range. This
    is expected to be in called in parallel for smaller chunks. Lidar files
    will be validated serially. Jpegs get validated when converted to tif.
    Return True if all is good.'''

    badFiles = False
    logger.info("Validating files of type: " + fileType)
    if fileType   == 'ortho':
        dataFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(options.outputFolder)
    elif fileType == 'fireball':
        dataFolder = icebridge_common.getFireballFolder(options.outputFolder)
        raise Exception("Unknown file type: " + fileType)

    indexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(dataFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(indexPath):
        # The issue of what to do when the index does not exist should
        # have been settled by now.
        return (not badFiles)

    # Fetch from disk the set of already validated files, if any
    validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(options.outputFolder,
                                                     options.startFrame, options.stopFrame)
    validFilesSet = set()
    validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
    numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
    (frameDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(indexPath, prependFolder = True)
    for frame in frameDict.keys():

        if frame < options.startFrame or frame > options.stopFrame:

        outputPath = frameDict[frame]
        xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(outputPath)

        if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath) and \
            xmlFile in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(xmlFile):
            #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath + ' ' + xmlFile)
            isGood = icebridge_common.hasValidChkSum(outputPath, logger)
            if not isGood:
                logger.info('Found invalid data. Will wipe: ' + outputPath + ' ' + xmlFile)
                os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw
                os.system('rm -f ' + xmlFile) # will not throw
                badFiles = True
                logger.info('Valid file: ' + outputPath)
        if fileType != 'fireball':

        # Also validate tfw
        tfwFile = icebridge_common.tfwFile(outputPath)
        xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(tfwFile)
        if tfwFile in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(tfwFile) and \
            xmlFile in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(xmlFile):
            #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + tfwFile + ' ' + xmlFile)
            isGood = icebridge_common.isValidTfw(tfwFile, logger)
            if not isGood:
                logger.info('Found invalid tfw. Will wipe: ' + tfwFile + ' ' + xmlFile)
                os.system('rm -f ' + tfwFile) # will not throw
                os.system('rm -f ' + xmlFile) # will not throw
                badFiles = True
                logger.info('Valid tfw file: ' + tfwFile)
    # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
    # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
    # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
    # managers are running at the same time.
    numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
    if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
        validFilesSet = \
                      icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    return (not badFiles)
def convertLidarDataToCsv(lidarFolder, startFrame, stopFrame, 
                          skipValidate, logger):
    '''Make sure all lidar data is available in a readable text format.
       Returns false if any files failed to convert.'''

    logger.info('Converting LIDAR files...')

    lidarIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(lidarFolder)
    (frameDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(lidarIndexPath)

    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(os.path.dirname(lidarFolder),
                                                         startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    convDict = {}
    # Loop through all files in the folder
    badFiles = False
    for frame in sorted(frameDict.keys()):

        f = frameDict[frame]
        extension = icebridge_common.fileExtension(f)
        # Only interested in a few file types
        if (extension != '.qi') and (extension != '.hdf5') and (extension != '.h5'):
            convDict[frame] = f # these are already in plain text

        convDict[frame] = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '.csv'
        outputPath = os.path.join(lidarFolder, convDict[frame])

        # Handle paths
        fullPath = os.path.join(lidarFolder, f)
        if not os.path.exists(fullPath):
            logger.info("Cannot convert missing file: " + fullPath)

        # If the input is invalid, wipe both it, its xml, and the output
        # Hopefully there will be a subsquent fetch step where it will get
        # refetched.
        if not icebridge_common.hasValidChkSum(fullPath, logger):
            logger.info("Will wipe invalid file: " + fullPath)
            xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(fullPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + fullPath) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + xmlFile) # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw
            badFiles = True

        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # verbose
            if icebridge_common.isValidLidarCSV(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath)
        # Call the conversion
        logger.info("Process " + fullPath)
        # Check the result
        if not icebridge_common.isValidLidarCSV(outputPath):
            logger.error('Failed to parse LIDAR file, will wipe: ' + outputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath) # will not throw            
            badFiles = True
            if not skipValidate:
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath) # mark it as validated
    convLidarFile = icebridge_common.getConvertedLidarIndexFile(lidarFolder)

    willWriteConvFile = False
    if not os.path.exists(convLidarFile):
        willWriteConvFile = True
        # Bugfix: Sometimes the written converted file has the wrong size, maybe
        # something got interrupted earlier.
        (lidarDictIn, dummyUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(convLidarFile)
        if lidarDictIn != convDict:
            willWriteConvFile = True
    if willWriteConvFile:
        logger.info("Writing: " + convLidarFile)
        icebridge_common.writeIndexFile(convLidarFile, convDict, {})
    if not skipValidate:
        # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
        # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
        # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
        # managers are running at the same time.
        numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
        if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
            validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList,
            icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    return (not badFiles)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def solveIntrinsics_Part1(options, jpegFolder, cameraFolder, navCameraFolder,
                          processedFolder, logger):
    '''Some preliminary work before solving for intrinsics. Here we
    look up the default calibration file, and generate an RPC
    approximation of its distortion model with polynomials of degree
    4. We will then create cameras and stereo DEMs using this initial
    camera file with RPC distortion.'''

    # Sanity checks
    if options.startFrame == icebridge_common.getSmallestFrame() or \
       options.stopFrame == icebridge_common.getLargestFrame():
        raise Exception(
            "When solving for intrinsics, must specify a frame range.")
    if options.bundleLength != 2:
        raise Exception(
            "When solving for intrinsics, we assume bundle length of 2.")
    if (options.stopFrame - options.startFrame) % 2 == 0:
        raise Exception(
            "When solving for intrinsics, must have an even number of frames, "
            + " so stopFrame - startFrame must be odd.")
    if options.processingSubfolder:
        raise Exception(
            "Processing subfolder not supported when solving for intrinsics.")

    # Generate extra data we will use later to float intrinsics
    options.stereoArgs += "  --num-matches-from-disp-triplets 10000 --unalign-disparity "  #  --enable-fill-holes "

    # Create separate directories for cameras and processed data,
    # as these will be distinct than what we will finally be
    # using to do the full run.
    suff = "_camgen"
    cameraFolder += suff
    navCameraFolder += suff
    processedFolder += suff

    # Get the input calibration file
    defaultCalibFile = ""
    for frame in range(options.startFrame, options.stopFrame + 1):
        currCalibFile = input_conversions.getCalibrationFileForFrame(
            options.cameraLookupFile, options.inputCalFolder, frame,
            options.yyyymmdd, options.site)
        if defaultCalibFile == "":
            defaultCalibFile = currCalibFile

        if defaultCalibFile != currCalibFile:
            # This is important, the calibration file must be unique
            raise Exception("Found two distinct calibration files: " + defaultCalibFile + \
                            " and " + currCalibFile)

    logger.info("Default calibration file: " + defaultCalibFile)
    if options.inputCalCamera != "":
        defaultCalibFile = options.inputCalCamera
        logger.info("Using instead the user-provided: " + defaultCalibFile)

    # Find the first image in the range
    jpegIndex = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
     jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndex,
    if options.startFrame not in jpegFrameDict.keys():
        raise Exception("Could not find jpeg image for frame: " +
    firstImage = jpegFrameDict[options.startFrame]

    # Create the RPC file before optimization
    rpcCalibFile = os.path.join(processedFolder,
    rpcCalibFile = rpcCalibFile.replace(".tsai", "_INIT_RPC.tsai")
    logger.info("Will approximate camera model " + defaultCalibFile + " with " + \
                options.outputModelType + " model " + rpcCalibFile)
    os.system("mkdir -p " + os.path.dirname(rpcCalibFile))
    cmd = "convert_pinhole_model --input-file " + firstImage + ' --camera-file '   +  \
          defaultCalibFile + ' --output-type ' + options.outputModelType           +  \
          ' --sample-spacing 50 -o ' + rpcCalibFile

    # Use this one from now on
    options.inputCalCamera = rpcCalibFile

    # Return the modified values
    return (options, cameraFolder, navCameraFolder, processedFolder)
def pushByType(run, options, logger, dataType):
    # Fetch the ortho index from NSIDC if missing
    outputFolder   = run.getFolder()
    logger.info("Output folder is " + outputFolder)
    os.system("mkdir -p " + outputFolder)
    # Current directory. It is important to go from /u to the real dir which is /nobackup...
    unpackDir = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())
    logger.info("Unpack directory is " + unpackDir)
    orthoFolder    = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(outputFolder)
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        fetchIndices(options, logger)
    logger.info("Reading ortho index: " + orthoIndexPath)
    (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)

    # Fetch unarchived folder if missing
    if dataType == 'DEM':
        unarchivedFolder = run.getAssemblyFolder()
    elif dataType == 'ORTHO':
        unarchivedFolder = run.getProcessFolder()
        raise Exception("Unknown data type: " + dataType)
    logger.info("Unarchived data folder is " + unarchivedFolder)
    # Especially for ortho, force-fetch each time, as there is no good way
    # of checking if we fetched well before.
    if not archive_functions.fetchProcessedByType(run, unpackDir, logger, dataType):
    stop_time("fetching archived data by type: " + dataType, logger)

    # Make the output directory at NSIDC
    m = re.match("(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)", options.yyyymmdd)
    if m:
        outDir = options.site + "_" + m.group(1) + "." + m.group(2) + "." + m.group(3)
        raise Exception("Could not parse: " + options.yyyymmdd)

    # Keep the output directory locally here
    localDirPath = os.path.join(outputFolder, dataType, outDir)
    os.system("mkdir -p " + localDirPath)

    logger.info("Storing the renamed " + dataType + " files in " + localDirPath)
    logger.info("Directory name at NSIDC: " + outDir)

    # Read the DEMs and orthos, and copy them to outDir according to the final convention
    if dataType == 'DEM':
        dataFiles = icebridge_common.getTifs(unarchivedFolder, prependFolder=True)
        dataFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(unarchivedFolder, 'batch_*', 'out-ortho.tif'))
    for dataFile in dataFiles:

        # Here we use the convention from archive_functions.py for DEMs and from how we store orthos.
        if dataType == 'DEM':
            m = re.match("^.*?" + unarchivedFolder + "/F_(\d+)_\d+_" + dataType + \
                         "\.tif$", dataFile)
            if not m:
            frameNumber = int(m.group(1))
            m = re.match("^.*?" + unarchivedFolder + "/batch_(\d+)_\d+_\d+/" + \
                         "out-ortho.tif$", dataFile)
            if not m:
            frameNumber = int(m.group(1))
        if frameNumber < options.startFrame or frameNumber > options.stopFrame:

        # For each data file, copy from the ortho its meta info
        if not frameNumber in orthoFrameDict.keys():
            # Bugfix: Ortho fetching failed, try again
            fetchIndices(options, logger)
            logger.info("Re-reading ortho index: " + orthoIndexPath)
            (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)
            if not frameNumber in orthoFrameDict.keys():
                # This time there is nothing we can do
                raise Exception("Cannot find ortho for frame: " + str(frameNumber))
        orthoFile = orthoFrameDict[frameNumber]
        [dateString, timeString] = icebridge_common.parseTimeStamps(orthoFile)

        # It is always possible that the ortho file date will be the next day
        # after the current flight date, if the flight goes after midnight.
        # So it is not unreasonable that options.yyyymmdd != dateString.

        if dataType == 'DEM':
            outFile = ('IODEM3_%s_%s_%05d_DEM.tif' % (dateString, timeString, frameNumber))
            # TODO: Need to think more of the naming convention.
            outFile = ('IODEM3_%s_%s_%05d_ORTHO.tif' % (dateString, timeString, frameNumber))
        cmd = "/bin/cp -fv " + dataFile + " " + os.path.join(localDirPath, outFile)

    # Push the directory to NSIDC
    remoteDirPath = os.path.join(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(localDirPath)),
    remoteDirPath = os.path.join('/incoming', 'Ames', remoteDirPath)
    logger.info("Storing at NSIDC in: " + remoteDirPath)

    cmd = 'lftp -e "mirror -P 20 -c -R -vvv --delete --delete-first ' + localDirPath + \
          ' ' + remoteDirPath + ' -i \'\.(tif)$\'; bye\" -u ' + options.loginInfo

    (output, err, status) = asp_system_utils.executeCommand(cmd,
                                                            suppressOutput = True)
    #status = os.system(cmd)
    logger.info("LFTP output and error: " + output + ' ' + err)
    logger.info("LFTP status: " + str(status))
    #if status != 0:
    #    raise Exception("Problem pushing")
    stop_time("push to NSIDC", logger)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def main(argsIn):

        # Sample usage:
        # python ~/projects/StereoPipeline/src/asp/IceBridge/gen_ortho.py --site GR   \
        #   --yyyymmdd 20120315 --start-frame 2490 --stop-frame 2491 --bundle-length 2 \
        #   --num-threads 8 --num-processes 3. 
        usage = '''gen_ortho.py <options>'''
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage)

        # Run selection
        parser.add_argument("--yyyymmdd",  dest="yyyymmdd", required=True,
                          help="Specify the year, month, and day in one YYYYMMDD string.")
        parser.add_argument("--site",  dest="site", required=True,
                          help="Name of the location of the images (AN, GR, or AL)")

        parser.add_argument("--output-folder",  dest="outputFolder", default=None,
                          help="Name of the output folder. If not specified, " + \
                          "use something like AN_YYYYMMDD.")

        # Processing options
        parser.add_argument('--bundle-length', dest='bundleLength', default=2,
                          type=int, help="The number of images to bundle adjust and process " + \
                          "in a single batch.")

        parser.add_argument('--start-frame', dest='startFrame', type=int,
                          help="Frame to start with.  Leave this and stop-frame blank to " + \
                          "process all frames.")
        parser.add_argument('--stop-frame', dest='stopFrame', type=int,
                          help='Frame to stop on. This frame will also be processed.')
        parser.add_argument('--camera-mounting', dest='cameraMounting',  default=0, type=int,
            help='0=right-forwards, 1=left-forwards, 2=top-forwards, 3=bottom-forwards.')

        parser.add_argument("--processing-subfolder",  dest="processingSubfolder", default=None,
                          help="Specify a subfolder name where the processing outputs will go. "+\
                            "The default is no additional folder.")

        # Performance options  
        parser.add_argument('--num-processes', dest='numProcesses', default=1,
                          type=int, help='The number of simultaneous processes to run.')
        parser.add_argument('--num-threads', dest='numThreads', default=8,
                          type=int, help='The number of threads per process.')
        options = parser.parse_args(argsIn)

    except argparse.ArgumentError as msg:
    if len(options.yyyymmdd) != 8 and len(options.yyyymmdd) != 9:
        # Make an exception for 20100422a
        raise Exception("The --yyyymmdd field must have length 8 or 9.")

    if options.outputFolder is None:
        options.outputFolder = icebridge_common.outputFolder(options.site, options.yyyymmdd)
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + options.outputFolder)
    logLevel = logging.INFO # Make this an option??
    logger   = icebridge_common.setUpLogger(options.outputFolder, logLevel,

    (out, err, status) = asp_system_utils.executeCommand(['uname', '-a'],
                                                         suppressOutput = True)
    logger.info("Running on machine: " + out)
    processFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'processed')
    # Handle subfolder option.  This is useful for comparing results with different parameters!
    if options.processingSubfolder:
        processFolder = os.path.join(processFolder, options.processingSubfolder)
        logger.info('Reading from processing subfolder: ' + options.processingSubfolder)

    jpegFolder    = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(options.outputFolder)
    jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " + jpegIndexPath + ".")
    (jpegFrameDict, jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,
                                                                  prependFolder = True)
    threadText = ''
    if options.numThreads:
        threadText = '--threads ' + str(options.numThreads)
    redo = False
    suppressOutput = True
    taskHandles  = []
    if options.numProcesses > 1:    
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(options.numProcesses)

    # Bound the frames
    sortedFrames = sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys())
    if len(sortedFrames) > 0:
        if options.startFrame < sortedFrames[0]:
            options.startFrame = sortedFrames[0]
        if options.stopFrame > sortedFrames[-1] + 1:
            options.stopFrame = sortedFrames[-1] + 1
        # No jpeg files, that means nothing to do
        options.startFrame = 0
        options.stopFrame  = 0 

    for frame in range(options.startFrame, options.stopFrame):

        if not frame in jpegFrameDict:
            logger.info("Error: Missing jpeg file for frame: " + str(frame) + ".")

        # Find the right image
        currImage = jpegFrameDict[frame]

        args = (frame, processFolder, currImage, options.bundleLength, 
                options.cameraMounting, threadText, redo, suppressOutput)

        # Run things sequentially if only one process, to make it easy to debug
        if options.numProcesses > 1:
            taskHandles.append(pool.apply_async(runOrtho, args))
    if options.numProcesses > 1:
        icebridge_common.waitForTaskCompletionOrKeypress(taskHandles, logger, interactive = False, 
                                                         quitKey='q', sleepTime=20)
def fetchAndParseIndexFile(options, isSouth, baseCurlCmd, outputFolder):
    '''Create a list of all files that must be fetched unless done already.'''

    # For AN 20091112, etc, some of the ortho images are stored at the
    # beginning of the next day's flight. Need to sort this out, and
    # it is tricky. More comments within the code. 
    fetchNextDay = True
    separateByLat = (options.type == 'ortho' and isInSeparateByLatTable(options.yyyymmdd))
    if separateByLat:
        # Here we won't fetch the next day, we will just separate by latitude within
        # a given day
        fetchNextDay = False

    orthoOrFireball = ( (options.type == 'ortho') or (options.type == 'fireball') )

    if fetchNextDay:
        # Normally we fetch for next day only for ortho or fireball. However,
        # for one single special flight, we do it for jpeg too, as then
        # the jpegs are also split. 
       if orthoOrFireball or \
          ((options.type == 'jpeg') and twoFlightsInOneDay(options.site, options.yyyymmdd)):
           fetchNextDay = True
           fetchNextDay = False
    # If we need to parse the next flight day as well, as expected in some runs,
    # we will fetch two html files, but create a single index out of them.
    dayVals = [0]
    if fetchNextDay:

    indexPath       = icebridge_common.htmlIndexFile(outputFolder)
    currIndexPath   = indexPath
    parsedIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(outputFolder)

    if options.refetchIndex:
        os.system('rm -f ' + indexPath)
        os.system('rm -f ' + parsedIndexPath)

    if icebridge_common.fileNonEmpty(parsedIndexPath):
        logger.info('Already have the index file ' + parsedIndexPath + ', keeping it.')
        return parsedIndexPath
    frameDict  = {}
    urlDict    = {}

    # We need the list of jpeg frames. Sometimes when fetching ortho images,
    # and we have to fetch from the next day, don't fetch unless
    # in the jpeg index.
    if len(dayVals) > 1 and options.type != 'jpeg':
        jpegFolder = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(os.path.dirname(outputFolder))
        jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
        (jpegFrameDict, jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath)

    orthoStamp = {}
    if options.type == 'fireball':
        # This is a bugfix. Ensure that the fireball DEM has not just
        # the same frame number, but also same timestamp as the ortho.
        orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(os.path.dirname(outputFolder))
        orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
        (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)
        for frame in sorted(orthoFrameDict.keys()):
            filename = orthoFrameDict[frame]
            [imageDateString, imageTimeString] = icebridge_common.parseTimeStamps(filename)
            orthoStamp[frame] = imageTimeString
    for dayVal in dayVals:

        if len(dayVals) > 1:
            currIndexPath = indexPath + '.day' + str(dayVal)
            if options.refetchIndex:
                os.system('rm -f ' + currIndexPath)
        # Find folderUrl which contains all of the files
        if options.type in LIDAR_TYPES:
            options.allFrames = True # For lidar, always get all the frames!
            # For lidar, the data can come from one of three sources.
            # Unfortunately sometimes there is more than one source, and then
            # we need to pick by latitude.
            folderUrls = []
            lidar_types = []
            for lidar in LIDAR_TYPES:
                folderUrl = getFolderUrl(options.yyyymmdd, options.year, options.month,
                                         options.day, dayVal, # note here the dayVal
                                         options.site, lidar)
                logger.info('Checking lidar URL: ' + folderUrl)
                if checkIfUrlExists(folderUrl, baseCurlCmd):
                    logger.info('Found match with lidar type: ' + lidar)

            if len(folderUrls) == 0:
                logger.info('WARNING: Could not find any lidar data for the given date!')

            elif len(folderUrls) == 1:
                # Unique solution
                folderUrl = folderUrls[0]
                options.type = lidar_types[0]

            elif len(folderUrls) >= 2:
                # Multiple solutions. Pick the good one by latitude.
                logger.info("Multiples URLs to search: " + " ".join(folderUrls))
                count = -1
                isGood = False
                for folderUrl in folderUrls:
                    count += 1
                    (localFrameDict, localUrlDict) = \
                                                               separateByLat, dayVal,
                                                               baseCurlCmd, folderUrl,
                    for frame in sorted(localFrameDict.keys()):
                        filename = localFrameDict[frame]
                        xmlFile  = icebridge_common.xmlFile(filename)
                        url      = os.path.join(folderUrl, xmlFile)
                        # Download the file
                        curlCmd = baseCurlCmd + ' ' + url + ' > ' + xmlFile
                        p = subprocess.Popen(curlCmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
                        os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)
                        latitude = icebridge_common.parseLatitude(xmlFile)
                        if os.path.exists(xmlFile): os.remove(xmlFile)

                        if hasGoodLat(latitude, isSouth):
                            isGood = True
                            options.type = lidar_types[count]
                            logger.info("Good latitude " + str(latitude) + ", will use " +
                                        folderUrl + " of type " + lidar_types[count])
                            logger.info("Bad latitude " + str(latitude) + ", will not use " +
                                        folderUrl + " of type " + lidar_types[count])
                        # Stop at first file no matter what

                    if isGood:

                if not isGood:
                    if options.type in LIDAR_TYPES and options.ignoreMissingLidar:
                        logger.info("No lidar. None of these URLs are good: " +
                                    " ".join(folderUrls))
                        raise Exception("None of these URLs are good: " +
                                        " ".join(folderUrls))
        else: # Other cases are simpler
            folderUrl = getFolderUrl(options.yyyymmdd, options.year, options.month,
                                     options.day, dayVal, # note here the dayVal
                                     options.site, options.type)

        logger.info('Fetching from URL: ' + folderUrl)
        (localFrameDict, localUrlDict) = \
                                                   separateByLat, dayVal,
                                                   baseCurlCmd, folderUrl,
                                                   currIndexPath, options.type)

        # Append to the main index
        for frame in sorted(localFrameDict.keys()):

            if options.type == 'fireball':
                # This is a bugfix. Ensure that the fireball DEM has not just
                # the same frame number, but also same timestamp as the ortho.
                # Otherwise we may accidentally getting one from next day.
                [imageDateString, imageTimeString] = \
                if frame not in orthoStamp:
                    #logger.info("Missing ortho for fireball: " + localFrameDict[frame])
                if abs(int(imageTimeString) - int(orthoStamp[frame])) > 1000:
                    # Apparently a tolerance is needed. Use 10 seconds, so the number 1000.
                    #logger.info("Will not use fireball DEM whose timestamp differs from ortho.")
                    #logger.info("Fireball is: " + localFrameDict[frame])
                    #logger.info("Ortho is:    " + orthoFrameDict[frame])
            # Fetch from next day, unless already have a value. And don't fetch
            # frames not in the jpeg index.
            if len(dayVals) > 1 and options.type != 'jpeg':
                if not frame in jpegFrameDict.keys(): continue
                if frame in frameDict.keys(): continue
            frameDict[frame] = localFrameDict[frame]
            urlDict[frame]   = localUrlDict[frame]
    # Write the combined index file
    icebridge_common.writeIndexFile(parsedIndexPath, frameDict, urlDict)
    return parsedIndexPath
Ejemplo n.º 21
def main(argsIn):

        # Sample usage:
        # python ~/projects/StereoPipeline/src/asp/IceBridge/gen_ortho.py --site GR   \
        #   --yyyymmdd 20120315 --start-frame 2490 --stop-frame 2491 --bundle-length 2 \
        #   --num-threads 8 --num-processes 3.
        usage = '''gen_ortho.py <options>'''

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage)

        # Run selection
            help="Specify the year, month, and day in one YYYYMMDD string.")
            help="Name of the location of the images (AN, GR, or AL)")

        parser.add_argument("--output-folder",  dest="outputFolder", default=None,
                          help="Name of the output folder. If not specified, " + \
                          "use something like AN_YYYYMMDD.")

        # Processing options
        parser.add_argument('--bundle-length', dest='bundleLength', default=2,
                          type=int, help="The number of images to bundle adjust and process " + \
                          "in a single batch.")

        parser.add_argument('--start-frame', dest='startFrame', type=int,
                          help="Frame to start with.  Leave this and stop-frame blank to " + \
                          "process all frames.")
            help='Frame to stop on. This frame will also be processed.')

            '0=right-forwards, 1=left-forwards, 2=top-forwards, 3=bottom-forwards.'

        parser.add_argument("--processing-subfolder",  dest="processingSubfolder", default=None,
                          help="Specify a subfolder name where the processing outputs will go. "+\
                            "The default is no additional folder.")

        # Performance options
            help='The number of simultaneous processes to run.')
                            help='The number of threads per process.')
        options = parser.parse_args(argsIn)

    except argparse.ArgumentError as msg:


    if len(options.yyyymmdd) != 8 and len(options.yyyymmdd) != 9:
        # Make an exception for 20100422a
        raise Exception("The --yyyymmdd field must have length 8 or 9.")

    if options.outputFolder is None:
        options.outputFolder = icebridge_common.outputFolder(
            options.site, options.yyyymmdd)

    os.system('mkdir -p ' + options.outputFolder)
    logLevel = logging.INFO  # Make this an option??
    logger = icebridge_common.setUpLogger(options.outputFolder, logLevel,

    (out, err, status) = asp_system_utils.executeCommand(['uname', '-a'],
    logger.info("Running on machine: " + out)

    processFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'processed')

    # Handle subfolder option.  This is useful for comparing results with different parameters!
    if options.processingSubfolder:
        processFolder = os.path.join(processFolder,
        logger.info('Reading from processing subfolder: ' +

    jpegFolder = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(options.outputFolder)
    jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " + jpegIndexPath +
     jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,

    threadText = ''
    if options.numThreads:
        threadText = '--threads ' + str(options.numThreads)

    redo = False
    suppressOutput = True
    taskHandles = []
    if options.numProcesses > 1:
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(options.numProcesses)

    # Bound the frames
    sortedFrames = sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys())
    if len(sortedFrames) > 0:
        if options.startFrame < sortedFrames[0]:
            options.startFrame = sortedFrames[0]
        if options.stopFrame > sortedFrames[-1] + 1:
            options.stopFrame = sortedFrames[-1] + 1
        # No jpeg files, that means nothing to do
        options.startFrame = 0
        options.stopFrame = 0

    for frame in range(options.startFrame, options.stopFrame):

        if not frame in jpegFrameDict:
            logger.info("Error: Missing jpeg file for frame: " + str(frame) +

        # Find the right image
        currImage = jpegFrameDict[frame]

        args = (frame, processFolder, currImage, options.bundleLength,
                options.cameraMounting, threadText, redo, suppressOutput)

        # Run things sequentially if only one process, to make it easy to debug
        if options.numProcesses > 1:
            taskHandles.append(pool.apply_async(runOrtho, args))

    if options.numProcesses > 1:
def fetchAllRunData(options, startFrame, stopFrame, 
                    jpegFolder, orthoFolder, fireballFolder, lidarFolder, navFolder):
    '''Download all data needed to process a run'''
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.info('Downloading data for the run...')

    baseCommand = (('--yyyymmdd %s --site %s --start-frame %d --stop-frame %d')
                   % (options.yyyymmdd, options.site, startFrame, stopFrame))

    if options.maxNumLidarToFetch is not None and options.maxNumLidarToFetch >= 0:
        baseCommand += ' --max-num-lidar-to-fetch ' + str(options.maxNumLidarToFetch)

    if options.refetchIndex:
        baseCommand += ' --refetch-index' # this was not right in older fetched runs
    if options.refetchNav:
        baseCommand += ' --refetch-nav' # sometimes this was corrupted
    if options.stopAfterIndexFetch:
        baseCommand += ' --stop-after-index-fetch' 
    if options.skipValidate:
        baseCommand += ' --skip-validate'
    if options.ignoreMissingLidar:
        baseCommand += ' --ignore-missing-lidar'
    if options.dryRun:
        baseCommand += ' --dry-run'

    jpegCommand      = baseCommand + ' ' + jpegFolder
    orthoCommand     = baseCommand + ' ' + orthoFolder
    fireballCommand  = baseCommand + ' ' + fireballFolder
    lidarCommand     = baseCommand + ' ' + lidarFolder
    navCommand       = baseCommand + ' ' + navFolder
    # Try to do all the downloads one after another
    # - On a failure the error message should already be printed.
    # - The fetching tool will not redownload existing data.
    if fetch_icebridge_data.main(jpegCommand.split()) < 0:
        return -1
    if fetch_icebridge_data.main(orthoCommand.split()) < 0:
        return -1
    if fetch_icebridge_data.main(fireballCommand.split()) < 0:
        logger.info('Fireball DEM data is optional, continuing run.')
    if not options.noNavFetch:
        if fetch_icebridge_data.main(navCommand.split()) < 0:
            return -1
    # Skip the lidar fetch if the user requested no lidar files
    if (options.maxNumLidarToFetch is None) or (options.maxNumLidarToFetch > 0):
        if fetch_icebridge_data.main(lidarCommand.split()) < 0:
            return -1

    # jpeg and ortho indices must be consistent
    if not options.skipValidate:
        logger.info("Check for consistency between raw and ortho images.")
        jpegIndex  = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
        orthoIndex = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
        (jpegFrameDict, jpegUrlDict)   = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndex)
        (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndex)
        for jpegFrame in jpegFrameDict.keys():
            if jpegFrame < startFrame or jpegFrame > stopFrame:
            if jpegFrame not in orthoFrameDict.keys():
                logger.info("Found jpeg frame missing from ortho: " + str(jpegFrame))
                #raise Exception ("Found jpeg frame missing from ortho:" + str(jpegFrame))

        for orthoFrame in orthoFrameDict.keys():

            if orthoFrame < startFrame or orthoFrame > stopFrame:
            if orthoFrame not in jpegFrameDict.keys():
                # This can happen, don't die because of it
                logger.info("Found ortho frame missing from jpeg: " + str(orthoFrame))
                #raise Exception ("Found ortho frame missing from jpeg:" + str(orthoFrame))

    # TODO: Wipe any ortho and jpeg images not in the index, or at least warn about it.
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 23
def fetchAndParseIndexFile(options, isSouth, baseCurlCmd, outputFolder):
    '''Create a list of all files that must be fetched unless done already.'''

    # For AN 20091112, etc, some of the ortho images are stored at the
    # beginning of the next day's flight. Need to sort this out, and
    # it is tricky. More comments within the code.
    fetchNextDay = True

    separateByLat = (options.type == 'ortho'
                     and isInSeparateByLatTable(options.yyyymmdd))
    if separateByLat:
        # Here we won't fetch the next day, we will just separate by latitude within
        # a given day
        fetchNextDay = False

    orthoOrFireball = ((options.type == 'ortho')
                       or (options.type == 'fireball'))

    if fetchNextDay:
        # Normally we fetch for next day only for ortho or fireball. However,
        # for one single special flight, we do it for jpeg too, as then
        # the jpegs are also split.
        if orthoOrFireball or \
           ((options.type == 'jpeg') and twoFlightsInOneDay(options.site, options.yyyymmdd)):
            fetchNextDay = True
            fetchNextDay = False

    # If we need to parse the next flight day as well, as expected in some runs,
    # we will fetch two html files, but create a single index out of them.
    dayVals = [0]
    if fetchNextDay:

    indexPath = icebridge_common.htmlIndexFile(outputFolder)

    currIndexPath = indexPath
    parsedIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(outputFolder)

    if options.refetchIndex:
        os.system('rm -f ' + indexPath)
        os.system('rm -f ' + parsedIndexPath)

    if icebridge_common.fileNonEmpty(parsedIndexPath):
        logger.info('Already have the index file ' + parsedIndexPath +
                    ', keeping it.')
        return parsedIndexPath

    frameDict = {}
    urlDict = {}

    # We need the list of jpeg frames. Sometimes when fetching ortho images,
    # and we have to fetch from the next day, don't fetch unless
    # in the jpeg index.
    if len(dayVals) > 1 and options.type != 'jpeg':
        jpegFolder = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(
        jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
         jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath)

    orthoStamp = {}
    if options.type == 'fireball':
        # This is a bugfix. Ensure that the fireball DEM has not just
        # the same frame number, but also same timestamp as the ortho.
        orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(
        orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
         orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)
        for frame in sorted(orthoFrameDict.keys()):
            filename = orthoFrameDict[frame]
             imageTimeString] = icebridge_common.parseTimeStamps(filename)
            orthoStamp[frame] = imageTimeString

    for dayVal in dayVals:

        if len(dayVals) > 1:
            currIndexPath = indexPath + '.day' + str(dayVal)
            if options.refetchIndex:
                os.system('rm -f ' + currIndexPath)

        # Find folderUrl which contains all of the files
        if options.type in LIDAR_TYPES:
            options.allFrames = True  # For lidar, always get all the frames!

            # For lidar, the data can come from one of three sources.
            # Unfortunately sometimes there is more than one source, and then
            # we need to pick by latitude.
            folderUrls = []
            lidar_types = []
            for lidar in LIDAR_TYPES:
                folderUrl = getFolderUrl(
                    dayVal,  # note here the dayVal
                logger.info('Checking lidar URL: ' + folderUrl)
                if checkIfUrlExists(folderUrl):
                    logger.info('Found match with lidar type: ' + lidar)

            if len(folderUrls) == 0:
                    'WARNING: Could not find any lidar data for the given date!'

            elif len(folderUrls) == 1:
                # Unique solution
                folderUrl = folderUrls[0]
                options.type = lidar_types[0]

            elif len(folderUrls) >= 2:
                # Multiple solutions. Pick the good one by latitude.
                logger.info("Multiples URLs to search: " +
                            " ".join(folderUrls))
                count = -1
                isGood = False
                for folderUrl in folderUrls:
                    count += 1
                    (localFrameDict, localUrlDict) = \
                                                               separateByLat, dayVal,
                                                               baseCurlCmd, folderUrl,
                    for frame in sorted(localFrameDict.keys()):
                        filename = localFrameDict[frame]
                        xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(filename)
                        url = os.path.join(folderUrl, xmlFile)

                        # Download the file
                        curlCmd = baseCurlCmd + ' ' + url + ' > ' + xmlFile
                        p = subprocess.Popen(curlCmd, shell=True)
                        os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)

                        latitude = icebridge_common.parseLatitude(xmlFile)
                        if os.path.exists(xmlFile): os.remove(xmlFile)

                        if hasGoodLat(latitude, isSouth):
                            isGood = True
                            options.type = lidar_types[count]
                            logger.info("Good latitude " + str(latitude) +
                                        ", will use " + folderUrl +
                                        " of type " + lidar_types[count])
                            logger.info("Bad latitude " + str(latitude) +
                                        ", will not use " + folderUrl +
                                        " of type " + lidar_types[count])

                        # Stop at first file no matter what

                    if isGood:

                if not isGood:
                    if options.type in LIDAR_TYPES and options.ignoreMissingLidar:
                        logger.info("No lidar. None of these URLs are good: " +
                                    " ".join(folderUrls))
                        raise Exception("None of these URLs are good: " +
                                        " ".join(folderUrls))

        else:  # Other cases are simpler
            folderUrl = getFolderUrl(
                dayVal,  # note here the dayVal

        logger.info('Fetching from URL: ' + folderUrl)
        (localFrameDict, localUrlDict) = \
                                                   separateByLat, dayVal,
                                                   baseCurlCmd, folderUrl,
                                                   currIndexPath, options.type)

        # Append to the main index
        for frame in sorted(localFrameDict.keys()):

            if options.type == 'fireball':
                # This is a bugfix. Ensure that the fireball DEM has not just
                # the same frame number, but also same timestamp as the ortho.
                # Otherwise we may accidentally getting one from next day.
                [imageDateString, imageTimeString] = \
                if frame not in orthoStamp:
                    #logger.info("Missing ortho for fireball: " + localFrameDict[frame])
                if abs(int(imageTimeString) - int(orthoStamp[frame])) > 1000:
                    # Apparently a tolerance is needed. Use 10 seconds, so the number 1000.
                    #logger.info("Will not use fireball DEM whose timestamp differs from ortho.")
                    #logger.info("Fireball is: " + localFrameDict[frame])
                    #logger.info("Ortho is:    " + orthoFrameDict[frame])

            # Fetch from next day, unless already have a value. And don't fetch
            # frames not in the jpeg index.
            if len(dayVals) > 1 and options.type != 'jpeg':
                if not frame in jpegFrameDict.keys(): continue
                if frame in frameDict.keys(): continue

            frameDict[frame] = localFrameDict[frame]
            urlDict[frame] = localUrlDict[frame]

    # Write the combined index file
    icebridge_common.writeIndexFile(parsedIndexPath, frameDict, urlDict)

    return parsedIndexPath
Ejemplo n.º 24
    (out, err, status) = asp_system_utils.executeCommand(['uname', '-a'],
    logger.info("Running on machine: " + out)

    processFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'processed')

    # Handle subfolder option.  This is useful for comparing results with different parameters!
    if options.processingSubfolder:
        processFolder = os.path.join(processFolder,
        logger.info('Reading from processing subfolder: ' +

    jpegFolder = icebridge_common.getJpegFolder(options.outputFolder)
    jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " + jpegIndexPath +
     jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,

    threadText = ''
    if options.numThreads:
        threadText = '--threads ' + str(options.numThreads)

    redo = False
    suppressOutput = True
    taskHandles = []
    if options.numProcesses > 1:
Ejemplo n.º 25
def validateOrthosAndFireball(options, fileType, logger):
    '''Validate ortho and fireball files within the current frame range. This
    is expected to be in called in parallel for smaller chunks. Lidar files
    will be validated serially. Jpegs get validated when converted to tif.
    Return True if all is good.'''

    badFiles = False
    logger.info("Validating files of type: " + fileType)

    if fileType == 'ortho':
        dataFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(options.outputFolder)
    elif fileType == 'fireball':
        dataFolder = icebridge_common.getFireballFolder(options.outputFolder)
        raise Exception("Unknown file type: " + fileType)

    indexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(dataFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(indexPath):
        # The issue of what to do when the index does not exist should
        # have been settled by now.
        return (not badFiles)

    # Fetch from disk the set of already validated files, if any
    validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(options.outputFolder,
    validFilesSet = set()
    validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
        validFilesList, validFilesSet)
    numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    (frameDict, urlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(indexPath,
    for frame in frameDict.keys():

        if frame < options.startFrame or frame > options.stopFrame:

        outputPath = frameDict[frame]
        xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(outputPath)

        if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath) and \
            xmlFile in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(xmlFile):
            #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath + ' ' + xmlFile)
            isGood = icebridge_common.hasValidChkSum(outputPath, logger)
            if not isGood:
                logger.info('Found invalid data. Will wipe: ' + outputPath +
                            ' ' + xmlFile)
                os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw
                os.system('rm -f ' + xmlFile)  # will not throw
                badFiles = True
                logger.info('Valid file: ' + outputPath)

        if fileType != 'fireball':

        # Also validate tfw
        tfwFile = icebridge_common.tfwFile(outputPath)
        xmlFile = icebridge_common.xmlFile(tfwFile)
        if tfwFile in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(tfwFile) and \
            xmlFile in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(xmlFile):
            #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + tfwFile + ' ' + xmlFile)
            isGood = icebridge_common.isValidTfw(tfwFile, logger)
            if not isGood:
                logger.info('Found invalid tfw. Will wipe: ' + tfwFile + ' ' +
                os.system('rm -f ' + tfwFile)  # will not throw
                os.system('rm -f ' + xmlFile)  # will not throw
                badFiles = True
                logger.info('Valid tfw file: ' + tfwFile)

    # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
    # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
    # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
    # managers are running at the same time.
    numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
    if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
        validFilesSet = \
                      icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    return (not badFiles)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def checkForImages(self, startFrame, stopFrame, logger):
        '''Return true if all the images have been converted from jpeg.'''

        logger.info("Checking if all jpegs have been converted.")
        jpegFolder = self.getJpegFolder()
        imageFolder = self.getImageFolder()
        orthoFolder = self.getOrthoFolder()
        if not os.path.exists(jpegFolder):
            logger.info("Missing: " + jpegFolder)
            return False
        if not os.path.exists(imageFolder):
            logger.info("Missing: " + imageFolder)
            return False

        jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
            logger.info("Missing: " + jpegIndexPath)
            return False
        (jpegFrameDict, jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,
                                                                  prependFolder = True)

        # Need the orthos to get the timestamp
        orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
            raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath + ".")
        (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,
                                                                        prependFolder = True)
        # Thorough check for missing images. It is very slow.
        num = len(jpegFrameDict.keys())
        allGood = True
        count = 0
        for frame in sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys()):

            if frame < startFrame or frame > stopFrame: continue
            # Add the progress, as this operation can be terribly slow
            # when the filesystem is not doing too well, especially on mfe.
            count = count + 1
            if (count - 1) % 1000 == 0:
                logger.info('Progress: ' + str(count) + '/' + str(num))
            inputPath = jpegFrameDict[frame]
            if not frame in orthoFrameDict:
                logger.info("Missing ortho for frame: " + frame)
            # Make sure the timestamp and frame number are in the output file name
                outputPath = icebridge_common.jpegToImageFile(inputPath, orthoFrameDict[frame])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.info("Removing bad file: " + inputPath)
                if os.path.exists(inputPath): os.remove(inputPath)

                allGood = False

            if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("Missing image file: " + outputPath)
                allGood = False
        return allGood
Ejemplo n.º 27
def fetchAllRunData(options, startFrame, stopFrame, jpegFolder, orthoFolder,
                    fireballFolder, lidarFolder, navFolder):
    '''Download all data needed to process a run'''

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.info('Downloading data for the run...')

    baseCommand = (
        ('--yyyymmdd %s --site %s --start-frame %d --stop-frame %d') %
        (options.yyyymmdd, options.site, startFrame, stopFrame))

    if options.maxNumLidarToFetch is not None and options.maxNumLidarToFetch >= 0:
        baseCommand += ' --max-num-lidar-to-fetch ' + str(

    if options.refetchIndex:
        baseCommand += ' --refetch-index'  # this was not right in older fetched runs
    if options.refetchNav:
        baseCommand += ' --refetch-nav'  # sometimes this was corrupted

    if options.stopAfterIndexFetch:
        baseCommand += ' --stop-after-index-fetch'
    if options.skipValidate:
        baseCommand += ' --skip-validate'
    if options.ignoreMissingLidar:
        baseCommand += ' --ignore-missing-lidar'
    if options.dryRun:
        baseCommand += ' --dry-run'

    jpegCommand = baseCommand + ' ' + jpegFolder
    orthoCommand = baseCommand + ' ' + orthoFolder
    fireballCommand = baseCommand + ' ' + fireballFolder
    lidarCommand = baseCommand + ' ' + lidarFolder
    navCommand = baseCommand + ' ' + navFolder

    # Try to do all the downloads one after another
    # - On a failure the error message should already be printed.
    # - The fetching tool will not redownload existing data.
    if fetch_icebridge_data.main(jpegCommand.split()) < 0:
        return -1
    if fetch_icebridge_data.main(orthoCommand.split()) < 0:
        return -1
    if fetch_icebridge_data.main(fireballCommand.split()) < 0:
        logger.info('Fireball DEM data is optional, continuing run.')
    if not options.noNavFetch:
        if fetch_icebridge_data.main(navCommand.split()) < 0:
            return -1
    # Skip the lidar fetch if the user requested no lidar files
    if (options.maxNumLidarToFetch is None) or (options.maxNumLidarToFetch >
        if fetch_icebridge_data.main(lidarCommand.split()) < 0:
            return -1

    # jpeg and ortho indices must be consistent
    if not options.skipValidate:
        logger.info("Check for consistency between raw and ortho images.")
        jpegIndex = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
        orthoIndex = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)

         jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndex)
         orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndex)

        for jpegFrame in jpegFrameDict.keys():

            if jpegFrame < startFrame or jpegFrame > stopFrame:

            if jpegFrame not in orthoFrameDict.keys():
                logger.info("Found jpeg frame missing from ortho: " +
                #raise Exception ("Found jpeg frame missing from ortho:" + str(jpegFrame))

        for orthoFrame in orthoFrameDict.keys():

            if orthoFrame < startFrame or orthoFrame > stopFrame:

            if orthoFrame not in jpegFrameDict.keys():
                # This can happen, don't die because of it
                logger.info("Found ortho frame missing from jpeg: " +
                #raise Exception ("Found ortho frame missing from jpeg:" + str(orthoFrame))

    # TODO: Wipe any ortho and jpeg images not in the index, or at least warn about it.

    return (jpegFolder, orthoFolder, fireballFolder, lidarFolder)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def checkForImages(self, startFrame, stopFrame, logger):
        '''Return true if all the images have been converted from jpeg.'''

        logger.info("Checking if all jpegs have been converted.")

        jpegFolder = self.getJpegFolder()
        imageFolder = self.getImageFolder()
        orthoFolder = self.getOrthoFolder()

        if not os.path.exists(jpegFolder):
            logger.info("Missing: " + jpegFolder)
            return False
        if not os.path.exists(imageFolder):
            logger.info("Missing: " + imageFolder)
            return False

        jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
            logger.info("Missing: " + jpegIndexPath)
            return False
         jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,

        # Need the orthos to get the timestamp
        orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
        if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
            raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " +
                            orthoIndexPath + ".")
         orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,

        # Thorough check for missing images. It is very slow.
        num = len(jpegFrameDict.keys())
        allGood = True
        count = 0
        for frame in sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys()):

            if frame < startFrame or frame > stopFrame: continue

            # Add the progress, as this operation can be terribly slow
            # when the filesystem is not doing too well, especially on mfe.
            count = count + 1
            if (count - 1) % 1000 == 0:
                logger.info('Progress: ' + str(count) + '/' + str(num))

            inputPath = jpegFrameDict[frame]

            if not frame in orthoFrameDict:
                logger.info("Missing ortho for frame: " + frame)

            # Make sure the timestamp and frame number are in the output file name
                outputPath = icebridge_common.jpegToImageFile(
                    inputPath, orthoFrameDict[frame])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.info("Removing bad file: " + inputPath)
                if os.path.exists(inputPath): os.remove(inputPath)

                allGood = False

            if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("Missing image file: " + outputPath)
                allGood = False

        return allGood
def solveIntrinsics_Part1(options, jpegFolder, cameraFolder, navCameraFolder, processedFolder,
    '''Some preliminary work before solving for intrinsics. Here we
    look up the default calibration file, and generate an RPC
    approximation of its distortion model with polynomials of degree
    4. We will then create cameras and stereo DEMs using this initial
    camera file with RPC distortion.'''

    # Sanity checks
    if options.startFrame == icebridge_common.getSmallestFrame() or \
       options.stopFrame == icebridge_common.getLargestFrame():
        raise Exception("When solving for intrinsics, must specify a frame range.")
    if options.bundleLength != 2:
        raise Exception("When solving for intrinsics, we assume bundle length of 2.")
    if (options.stopFrame - options.startFrame) % 2 == 0:
        raise Exception("When solving for intrinsics, must have an even number of frames, " +
                        " so stopFrame - startFrame must be odd.")
    if options.processingSubfolder:
        raise Exception("Processing subfolder not supported when solving for intrinsics.")

    # Generate extra data we will use later to float intrinsics
    options.stereoArgs += "  --num-matches-from-disp-triplets 10000 --unalign-disparity " #  --enable-fill-holes "

    # Create separate directories for cameras and processed data,
    # as these will be distinct than what we will finally be
    # using to do the full run.
    suff = "_camgen"
    cameraFolder    += suff
    navCameraFolder += suff
    processedFolder += suff

    # Get the input calibration file
    defaultCalibFile = ""
    for frame in range(options.startFrame, options.stopFrame+1):
        currCalibFile = input_conversions.getCalibrationFileForFrame(options.cameraLookupFile,
                                                                     frame, options.yyyymmdd,
                                                                     options.site, logger)
        if defaultCalibFile == "":
            defaultCalibFile = currCalibFile

        if defaultCalibFile != currCalibFile:
            # This is important, the calibration file must be unique
            raise Exception("Found two distinct calibration files: " + defaultCalibFile + \
                            " and " + currCalibFile)

    logger.info("Default calibration file: " + defaultCalibFile)
    if options.inputCalCamera != "":
        defaultCalibFile = options.inputCalCamera
        logger.info("Using instead the user-provided: " + defaultCalibFile)

    # Find the first image in the range
    jpegIndex  = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
    (jpegFrameDict, jpegUrlDict)   = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndex,
                                                                    prependFolder = True)
    if options.startFrame not in jpegFrameDict.keys():
        raise Exception("Could not find jpeg image for frame: " + options.startFrame)
    firstImage = jpegFrameDict[options.startFrame]

    # Create the RPC file before optimization
    rpcCalibFile = os.path.join(processedFolder, os.path.basename(defaultCalibFile))
    rpcCalibFile = rpcCalibFile.replace(".tsai", "_INIT_RPC.tsai")
    logger.info("Will approximate camera model " + defaultCalibFile + " with " + \
                options.outputModelType + " model " + rpcCalibFile)
    os.system("mkdir -p " + os.path.dirname(rpcCalibFile))
    cmd = "convert_pinhole_model --input-file " + firstImage + ' --camera-file '   +  \
          defaultCalibFile + ' --output-type ' + options.outputModelType           +  \
          ' --sample-spacing 50 -o ' + rpcCalibFile

    # Use this one from now on
    options.inputCalCamera = rpcCalibFile

    # Return the modified values
    return (options, cameraFolder, navCameraFolder, processedFolder)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def correctFireballDems(fireballFolder, corrFireballFolder, startFrame,
                        stopFrame, isNorth, skipValidate, logger):
    '''Fix the header problem in Fireball DEMs'''

    logger.info('Correcting Fireball DEMs ...')

    # Read the existing DEMs
    fireballIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(fireballFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(fireballIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing fireball index file: " +
                        fireballIndexPath + ".")

    (fireballFrameDict, fireballUrlDict) = \
                        icebridge_common.readIndexFile(fireballIndexPath, prependFolder = True)

    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(
            os.path.dirname(fireballFolder), startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
            validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    # Loop through all the input images
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + corrFireballFolder)
    badFiles = False
    for frame in sorted(fireballFrameDict.keys()):

        # Skip if outside the frame range
        if not ((frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame)):

        inputPath = fireballFrameDict[frame]
        if not icebridge_common.isDEM(inputPath):

        outputPath = os.path.join(corrFireballFolder,

        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # very vebose

            if icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath)
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath)  # mark it as validated

        # Run the correction script
        execPath = asp_system_utils.which('correct_icebridge_l3_dem')
        cmd = (('%s %s %s %d') % (execPath, inputPath, outputPath, isNorth))
        # TODO: Run this as a subprocess and check the return code

        # Check if the output file is good
        if not icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
            logger.error('Failed to convert dem file, wiping: ' + inputPath +
                         ' ' + outputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw
            badFiles = True
            if not skipValidate:
                validFilesSet.add(outputPath)  # mark it as validated

    if not skipValidate:
        # Write to disk the list of validated files, but only if new
        # validations happened.  First re-read that list, in case a
        # different process modified it in the meantime, such as if two
        # managers are running at the same time.
        numFinalValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)
        if numInitialValidFiles != numFinalValidFiles:
            validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
                validFilesList, validFilesSet)
            icebridge_common.writeValidFilesList(validFilesList, validFilesSet)

    return (not badFiles)
Ejemplo n.º 31
    (out, err, status) = asp_system_utils.executeCommand(['uname', '-a'],
    logger.info("Running on machine: " + out)

    processFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'processed')

    # Handle subfolder option.  This is useful for comparing results with different parameters!
    if options.processingSubfolder:
        processFolder = os.path.join(processFolder,
        logger.info('Reading from processing subfolder: ' +

    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(options.outputFolder)
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath +
     orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)

    if options.blendToFireball:
        fireballFrameDict = icebridge_common.getCorrectedFireballDems(

    lidarFolder = icebridge_common.getLidarFolder(options.outputFolder)

    threadText = ''
    if options.numThreads:
        threadText = '--threads ' + str(options.numThreads)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def convertJpegs(jpegFolder, imageFolder, startFrame, stopFrame, skipValidate,
                 cameraMounting, logger):
    '''Convert jpeg images from RGB to single channel.
       Returns false if any files failed.'''

    badFiles = False

    logger.info('Converting input images to grayscale...')

    os.system('mkdir -p ' + imageFolder)

    # Loop through all the input images

    jpegIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(jpegFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(jpegIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing jpeg index file: " + jpegIndexPath +
     jpegUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(jpegIndexPath,

    # Need the orthos to get the timestamp
    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(os.path.dirname(jpegFolder))
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath +
     orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,

    if not skipValidate:
        validFilesList = icebridge_common.validFilesList(
            os.path.dirname(jpegFolder), startFrame, stopFrame)
        validFilesSet = set()
        validFilesSet = icebridge_common.updateValidFilesListFromDisk(
            validFilesList, validFilesSet)
        numInitialValidFiles = len(validFilesSet)

    # Fast check for missing images. This is fragile, as maybe it gets
    # the wrong file with a similar name, but an honest check is very slow.
    imageFiles = icebridge_common.getTifs(imageFolder, prependFolder=True)
    imageFrameDict = {}
    for imageFile in imageFiles:
        frame = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(imageFile)
        if frame < startFrame or frame > stopFrame: continue
        imageFrameDict[frame] = imageFile

    for frame in sorted(jpegFrameDict.keys()):

        inputPath = jpegFrameDict[frame]

        # Only deal with frames in range
        if not ((frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame)):

        if frame in imageFrameDict.keys() and skipValidate:
            # Fast, hackish check

        if frame not in orthoFrameDict:
            logger.info("Error: Could not find ortho image for jpeg frame: " +
            # Don't want to throw here. Just ignore the missing ortho

        # Make sure the timestamp and frame number are in the output file name
            outputPath = icebridge_common.jpegToImageFile(
                inputPath, orthoFrameDict[frame])
        except Exception, e:
            logger.info("Removing bad file: " + inputPath)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            badFiles = True

        # Skip existing valid files
        if skipValidate:
            if os.path.exists(outputPath):
                logger.info("File exists, skipping: " + outputPath)
            if outputPath in validFilesSet and os.path.exists(outputPath):
                #logger.info('Previously validated: ' + outputPath) # very verbose
                validFilesSet.add(inputPath)  # Must have this

            if icebridge_common.isValidImage(outputPath):
                #logger.info("File exists and is valid, skipping: " + outputPath) # verbose
                if not skipValidate:
                    # Mark both the input and the output as validated

        # Use ImageMagick tool to convert from RGB to grayscale
        # - Some image orientations are rotated to make stereo processing easier.
        rotateString = ''
        if cameraMounting == 2:  # Flight direction towards top of image
            rotateString = '-rotate 90'
        if cameraMounting == 3:  # Flight direction towards bottom of image
            rotateString = '-rotate -90'
        cmd = ('%s %s -colorspace Gray %s %s') % \
              (asp_system_utils.which('convert'), inputPath, rotateString, outputPath)

        # Run command and fetch its output
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(" "),
        output, error = p.communicate()
        if p.returncode != 0:
            badFiles = True
            logger.error("Command failed.")
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " +
                         outputPath + '\n' + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw

        if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
            badFiles = True
            logger.error('Failed to convert jpeg file: ' + inputPath)
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " +
                         outputPath + '\n' + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw

        # Check for corrupted files
        if error is not None:
            output += error
        m = re.match("^.*?premature\s+end", output,
                     re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
        if m:
            badFiles = True
            logger.error("Wiping bad files: " + inputPath + " and " +
                         outputPath + '\n' + output)
            os.system('rm -f ' + inputPath)  # will not throw
            os.system('rm -f ' + outputPath)  # will not throw
def getImageSpacing(orthoFolder, availableFrames, startFrame, stopFrame, forceAllFramesInRange):
    '''Find a good image stereo spacing interval that gives us a good
       balance between coverage and baseline width.
       Also detect all frames where this is a large break after the current frame.'''

    logger.info('Computing optimal image stereo interval...')

    ## With very few cameras this is the only possible way to process them
    #if len(availableFrames) < 3 and not forceAllFramesInRange:
    #    return ([], {}) # No skip, no breaks

    # Retrieve a list of the ortho files
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath + ".")
    (orthoFrameDict, orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath,
                                                                    prependFolder = True)

    # From the dictionary create a sorted list of ortho files in the frame range
    breaks     = []
    largeSkips = {}
    orthoFiles = []
    for frame in sorted(orthoFrameDict.keys()):

        # Only process frames within the range
        if not ( (frame >= startFrame) and (frame <= stopFrame) ):

        orthoPath = orthoFrameDict[frame]
        frame     = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(orthoPath)
        if not forceAllFramesInRange:
            if frame not in availableFrames: # Skip frames we did not compute a camera for
    numOrthos = len(orthoFiles)

    # First load whatever boxes are there
    projectionIndexFile = icebridge_common.projectionBoundsFile(os.path.dirname(orthoFolder))
    logger.info("Reading: " + projectionIndexFile)
    boundsDict = icebridge_common.readProjectionBounds(projectionIndexFile)
    # Get the bounding box and frame number of each ortho image
    logger.info('Loading bounding boxes...')
    frames = []
    updatedBounds = False # will be true if some computation got done
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, numOrthos):

        # This can be slow, so add a progress dialong
        count = count + 1
        if (count - 1) % 1000 == 0:
            logger.info('Progress: ' + str(count) + '/' + str(numOrthos))

        thisFrame    = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(orthoFiles[i])
        if thisFrame not in boundsDict:
            imageGeoInfo   = asp_geo_utils.getImageGeoInfo(orthoFiles[i], getStats=False)
            thisBox        = imageGeoInfo['projection_bounds']
            boundsDict[thisFrame] = thisBox
            updatedBounds = True

    # Read this file again, in case some other process modified it in the meantime.
    # This won't happen in production mode, but can during testing with partial sequences.
    boundsDictRecent = icebridge_common.readProjectionBounds(projectionIndexFile)
    for frame in sorted(boundsDictRecent.keys()):
        if not frame in boundsDict.keys():
            boundsDict[frame] = boundsDictRecent[frame]
            updatedBounds = True

    # Save the bounds. There is always the danger that two processes will
    # do that at the same time, but this is rare, as hopefully we get here
    # only once from the manager. It is not a big loss if this file gets messed up.
    if updatedBounds:
        logger.info("Writing: " + projectionIndexFile)
        icebridge_common.writeProjectionBounds(projectionIndexFile, boundsDict)
    # Since we are only comparing the image bounding boxes, not their exact corners,
    #  these ratios are only estimates.
    MAX_RATIO   = 0.85    # Increase skip until we get below this...
    MIN_RATIO   = 0.75    # ... but don't go below this value!
    NOTRY_RATIO = 0.0001  # Don't bother with overlap amounts less than this (small on purpose)

    def getBboxArea(bbox):
        '''Return the area of a bounding box in form of (minX, maxX, minY, maxY)'''
        width  = bbox[1] - bbox[0]
        height = bbox[3] - bbox[2]
        if (width < 0) or (height < 0):
            return 0
        return width*height

    # Iterate over the frames and find the best stereo frame for each    
    for i in range(0, numOrthos-1):
        thisFrame = frames[i]
        thisBox   = boundsDict[thisFrame]
        thisArea  = getBboxArea(thisBox)
        interval  = 1
            # Compute intersection area between this and next image

            nextFrame = frames[i+interval]
            nextBox   = boundsDict[nextFrame]
            intersect = [max(thisBox[0], nextBox[0]), # Min X
                         min(thisBox[1], nextBox[1]), # Max X
                         max(thisBox[2], nextBox[2]), # Min Y
                         min(thisBox[3], nextBox[3])] # Max Y
            area      = getBboxArea(intersect)
            ratio = 0
            if area > 0:
                ratio = area / thisArea
            if interval == 1: # Cases for the smallest interval...
                if ratio < NOTRY_RATIO:
                    breaks.append(thisFrame) # No match for this frame
                    logger.info('Detected large break after frame ' + str(thisFrame))
                if ratio < MIN_RATIO:
                    break # No reason to try increasing skip amounts for this frame
            else: # interval > 1
                if ratio < MIN_RATIO: # Went too small, walk back the interval.
                    interval = interval - 1
            if ratio > MAX_RATIO: # Too much overlap, increase interval
                interval = interval + 1
            else: # Overlap is fine, keep this interval.

            # Handle the case where we go past the end of frames looking for a match.
            if i+interval >= len(frames):
                interval = interval - 1
        if interval > 1: # Only record larger than normal intervals.
            largeSkips[thisFrame] = interval

    logger.info('Detected ' + str(len(breaks)) + ' breaks in image coverage.')
    logger.info('Detected ' + str(len(largeSkips)) + ' images with interval > 1.')

    return (breaks, largeSkips)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def main(argsIn):

        # Sample usage:
        # python ~/projects/StereoPipeline/src/asp/IceBridge/blend_dems.py --site GR   \
        #   --yyyymmdd 20120315 --start-frame 2490 --stop-frame 2491 --bundle-length 2 \
        #   --num-threads 8 --num-processes 10
        usage = '''blend_dems.py <options>'''

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage)

        # Run selection
            help="Specify the year, month, and day in one YYYYMMDD string.")
            help="Name of the location of the images (AN, GR, or AL)")

        parser.add_argument("--output-folder",  dest="outputFolder", default=None,
                          help="Name of the output folder. If not specified, " + \
                          "use something like AN_YYYYMMDD.")

        # Processing options
        parser.add_argument('--bundle-length', dest='bundleLength', default=2,
                          type=int, help="The number of images to bundle adjust and process " + \
                          "in a single batch.")

        parser.add_argument('--start-frame', dest='startFrame', type=int,
                          help="Frame to start with.  Leave this and stop-frame blank to " + \
                          "process all frames.")
            help='Frame to stop on. This frame will also be processed.')

        parser.add_argument("--processing-subfolder",  dest="processingSubfolder", default=None,
                          help="Specify a subfolder name where the processing outputs will go. "+\
                            "The default is no additional folder.")

            help="Compute the absolute difference between the current DEM " +
            "and the one before it.")

        parser.add_argument("--blend-to-fireball-footprint", action="store_true",
                            dest="blendToFireball", default=False,
                            help="Create additional blended DEMs having the same " + \
                            "footprint as Fireball DEMs.")

        # Performance options
            help='The number of simultaneous processes to run.')
                            help='The number of threads per process.')
        options = parser.parse_args(argsIn)

    except argparse.ArgumentError as msg:


    os.system("ulimit -c 0")  # disable core dumps
    os.system("rm -f core.*")  # these keep on popping up
    os.system("umask 022")  # enforce files be readable by others

    if len(options.yyyymmdd) != 8 and len(options.yyyymmdd) != 9:
        # Make an exception for 20100422a
        raise Exception("The --yyyymmdd field must have length 8 or 9.")

    if options.outputFolder is None:
        options.outputFolder = icebridge_common.outputFolder(
            options.site, options.yyyymmdd)

    os.system('mkdir -p ' + options.outputFolder)
    logLevel = logging.INFO  # Make this an option??
    logger = icebridge_common.setUpLogger(options.outputFolder, logLevel,

    (out, err, status) = asp_system_utils.executeCommand(['uname', '-a'],
    logger.info("Running on machine: " + out)

    processFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'processed')

    # Handle subfolder option.  This is useful for comparing results with different parameters!
    if options.processingSubfolder:
        processFolder = os.path.join(processFolder,
        logger.info('Reading from processing subfolder: ' +

    orthoFolder = icebridge_common.getOrthoFolder(options.outputFolder)
    orthoIndexPath = icebridge_common.csvIndexFile(orthoFolder)
    if not os.path.exists(orthoIndexPath):
        raise Exception("Error: Missing ortho index file: " + orthoIndexPath +
     orthoUrlDict) = icebridge_common.readIndexFile(orthoIndexPath)

    if options.blendToFireball:
        fireballFrameDict = icebridge_common.getCorrectedFireballDems(

    lidarFolder = icebridge_common.getLidarFolder(options.outputFolder)

    threadText = ''
    if options.numThreads:
        threadText = '--threads ' + str(options.numThreads)

    redo = False
    suppressOutput = True
    taskHandles = []
    if options.numProcesses > 1:
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(options.numProcesses)

    # Bound the frames
    sortedFrames = sorted(orthoFrameDict.keys())
    if len(sortedFrames) > 0:
        if options.startFrame < sortedFrames[0]:
            options.startFrame = sortedFrames[0]
        if options.stopFrame > sortedFrames[-1] + 1:
            options.stopFrame = sortedFrames[-1] + 1
        # No ortho files, that means nothing to do
        options.startFrame = 0
        options.stopFrame = 0

    for frame in range(options.startFrame, options.stopFrame):

        if not frame in orthoFrameDict:
            logger.info("Error: Missing ortho file for frame: " + str(frame) +

        orthoFile = orthoFrameDict[frame]
            lidarFile = icebridge_common.findMatchingLidarFile(
                orthoFile, lidarFolder)
        except:  # Skip if no lidar file matches this frame

        fireballDEM = ""
        if options.blendToFireball:
            if frame in fireballFrameDict:
                fireballDEM = fireballFrameDict[frame]
                logger.info("No fireball DEM for frame: " + str(frame))

        args = (frame, processFolder, lidarFile, fireballDEM, options,
                threadText, redo, suppressOutput)

        # Run things sequentially if only one process, to make it easy to debug
        if options.numProcesses > 1:
            taskHandles.append(pool.apply_async(runBlend, args))

    if options.numProcesses > 1: