Ejemplo n.º 1
def init_cli():
    # Click is imported here to run it after check_environment()
    import click

    class Task(object):
        def __init__(self, callback, name, aliases, dependencies,
                     order_dependencies, action_args):
            self.callback = callback
            self.name = name
            self.dependencies = dependencies
            self.order_dependencies = order_dependencies
            self.action_args = action_args
            self.aliases = aliases

        def run(self, context, global_args, action_args=None):
            if action_args is None:
                action_args = self.action_args

            self.callback(self.name, context, global_args, **action_args)

    class Action(click.Command):
        def __init__(self,
            super(Action, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)

            self.name = self.name or self.callback.__name__

            if aliases is None:
                aliases = []
            self.aliases = aliases

            self.help = self.help or self.callback.__doc__
            if self.help is None:
                self.help = ""

            if dependencies is None:
                dependencies = []

            if order_dependencies is None:
                order_dependencies = []

            # Show first line of help if short help is missing
            self.short_help = self.short_help or self.help.split("\n")[0]

            # Add aliases to help string
            if aliases:
                aliases_help = "Aliases: %s." % ", ".join(aliases)

                self.help = "\n".join([self.help, aliases_help])
                self.short_help = " ".join([aliases_help, self.short_help])

            if self.callback is not None:
                callback = self.callback

                def wrapped_callback(**action_args):
                    return Task(

                self.callback = wrapped_callback

    class Argument(click.Argument):
        """Positional argument"""
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            names = kwargs.pop("names")
            super(Argument, self).__init__(names, **kwargs)

    class Scope(object):
            Scope for sub-command option.
            possible values:
            - default - only available on defined level (global/action)
            - global - When defined for action, also available as global
            - shared - Opposite to 'global': when defined in global scope, also available for all actions

        SCOPES = ("default", "global", "shared")

        def __init__(self, scope=None):
            if scope is None:
                self._scope = "default"
            elif isinstance(scope, str) and scope in self.SCOPES:
                self._scope = scope
            elif isinstance(scope, Scope):
                self._scope = str(scope)
                raise FatalError("Unknown scope for option: %s" % scope)

        def is_global(self):
            return self._scope == "global"

        def is_shared(self):
            return self._scope == "shared"

        def __str__(self):
            return self._scope

    class Option(click.Option):
        """Option that knows whether it should be global"""
        def __init__(self, scope=None, **kwargs):
            kwargs["param_decls"] = kwargs.pop("names")
            super(Option, self).__init__(**kwargs)

            self.scope = Scope(scope)

            if self.scope.is_global:
                self.help += " This option can be used at most once either globally, or for one subcommand."

    class CLI(click.MultiCommand):
        """Action list contains all actions with options available for CLI"""
        def __init__(self, action_lists=None, help=None):
            super(CLI, self).__init__(
                context_settings={"max_content_width": 140},
            self._actions = {}
            self.global_action_callbacks = []
            self.commands_with_aliases = {}

            if action_lists is None:
                action_lists = []

            shared_options = []

            for action_list in action_lists:
                # Global options
                for option_args in action_list.get("global_options", []):
                    option = Option(**option_args)

                    if option.scope.is_shared:

            for action_list in action_lists:
                # Global options validators
                    action_list.get("global_action_callbacks", []))

            for action_list in action_lists:
                # Actions
                for name, action in action_list.get("actions", {}).items():
                    arguments = action.pop("arguments", [])
                    options = action.pop("options", [])

                    if arguments is None:
                        arguments = []

                    if options is None:
                        options = []

                    self._actions[name] = Action(name=name, **action)
                    for alias in [name] + action.get("aliases", []):
                        self.commands_with_aliases[alias] = name

                    for argument_args in arguments:

                    # Add all shared options
                    for option in shared_options:

                    for option_args in options:
                        option = Option(**option_args)

                        if option.scope.is_shared:
                            raise FatalError(
                                '"%s" is defined for action "%s". '
                                ' "shared" options can be declared only on global level'
                                % (option.name, name))

                        # Promote options to global if see for the first time
                        if option.scope.is_global and option.name not in [
                                o.name for o in self.params


        def list_commands(self, ctx):
            return sorted(self._actions)

        def get_command(self, ctx, name):
            return self._actions.get(self.commands_with_aliases.get(name))

        def _print_closing_message(self, args, actions):
            # print a closing message of some kind
            if "flash" in str(actions):

            # Otherwise, if we built any binaries print a message about
            # how to flash them
            def print_flashing_message(title, key):
                print("\n%s build complete. To flash, run this command:" %

                with open(os.path.join(args.build_dir,
                                       "flasher_args.json")) as f:
                    flasher_args = json.load(f)

                def flasher_path(f):
                    return _safe_relpath(os.path.join(args.build_dir, f))

                if key != "project":  # flashing a single item
                    cmd = ""
                    if (
                            key == "bootloader"
                    ):  # bootloader needs --flash-mode, etc to be passed in
                        cmd = " ".join(flasher_args["write_flash_args"]) + " "

                    cmd += flasher_args[key]["offset"] + " "
                    cmd += flasher_path(flasher_args[key]["file"])
                else:  # flashing the whole project
                    cmd = " ".join(flasher_args["write_flash_args"]) + " "
                    flash_items = sorted(
                        ((o, f)
                         for (o, f) in flasher_args["flash_files"].items()
                         if len(o) > 0),
                        key=lambda x: int(x[0], 0),
                    for o, f in flash_items:
                        cmd += o + " " + flasher_path(f) + " "

                print("%s -p %s -b %s --after %s write_flash %s" % (
                                  % os.environ["IDF_PATH"]),
                    args.port or "(PORT)",
                print("or run 'idf.py -p %s %s'" % (
                    args.port or "(PORT)",
                    key + "-flash" if key != "project" else "flash",

            if "all" in actions or "build" in actions:
                print_flashing_message("Project", "project")
                if "app" in actions:
                    print_flashing_message("App", "app")
                if "partition_table" in actions:
                    print_flashing_message("Partition Table",
                if "bootloader" in actions:
                    print_flashing_message("Bootloader", "bootloader")

        def execute_tasks(self, tasks, **kwargs):
            ctx = click.get_current_context()
            global_args = PropertyDict(ctx.params)

            # Set propagated global options
            for task in tasks:
                for key in list(task.action_args):
                    option = next(
                        (o for o in ctx.command.params if o.name == key), None)
                    if option and (option.scope.is_global
                                   or option.scope.is_shared):
                        local_value = task.action_args.pop(key)
                        global_value = global_args[key]
                        default = () if option.multiple else option.default

                        if global_value != default and local_value != default and global_value != local_value:
                            raise FatalError(
                                'Option "%s" provided for "%s" is already defined to a different value. '
                                "This option can appear at most once in the command line."
                                % (key, task.name))
                        if local_value != default:
                            global_args[key] = local_value

            # Validate global arguments
            for action_callback in ctx.command.global_action_callbacks:
                action_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks)

            # very simple dependency management
            completed_tasks = set()

            if not tasks:

            while tasks:
                task = tasks[0]
                tasks_dict = dict([(t.name, t) for t in tasks])

                name_with_aliases = task.name
                if task.aliases:
                    name_with_aliases += " (aliases: %s)" % ", ".join(

                ready_to_run = True
                for dep in task.dependencies:
                    if dep not in completed_tasks:
                            'Adding %s\'s dependency "%s" to list of actions' %
                            (task.name, dep))
                        dep_task = ctx.invoke(ctx.command.get_command(
                            ctx, dep))

                        # Remove global options from dependent tasks
                        for key in list(dep_task.action_args):
                            option = next(
                                 for o in ctx.command.params if o.name == key),
                            if option and (option.scope.is_global
                                           or option.scope.is_shared):

                        tasks.insert(0, dep_task)
                        ready_to_run = False

                for dep in task.order_dependencies:
                    if dep in tasks_dict.keys() and dep not in completed_tasks:
                        ready_to_run = False

                if ready_to_run:

                    if task.name in completed_tasks:
                        print("Skipping action that is already done: %s" %
                        print("Executing action: %s" % name_with_aliases)
                        task.run(ctx, global_args, task.action_args)


            self._print_closing_message(global_args, completed_tasks)

        def merge_action_lists(*action_lists):
            merged_actions = {
                "global_options": [],
                "actions": {},
                "global_action_callbacks": [],
            for action_list in action_lists:
                    action_list.get("global_options", []))
                    "actions", {}))
                    action_list.get("global_action_callbacks", []))
            return merged_actions

    # That's a tiny parser that parse project-dir even before constructing
    # fully featured click parser to be sure that extensions are loaded from the right place
            "allow_extra_args": True,
            "ignore_unknown_options": True
    @click.option("-C", "--project-dir", default=os.getcwd())
    def parse_project_dir(project_dir):
        return _realpath(project_dir)

    project_dir = parse_project_dir(standalone_mode=False)

    # Load base idf commands
    def validate_root_options(ctx, args, tasks):
        args.project_dir = _realpath(args.project_dir)
        if args.build_dir is not None and args.project_dir == _realpath(
            raise FatalError(
                "Setting the build directory to the project directory is not supported. Suggest dropping "
                "--build-dir option, the default is a 'build' subdirectory inside the project directory."
        if args.build_dir is None:
            args.build_dir = os.path.join(args.project_dir, "build")
        args.build_dir = _realpath(args.build_dir)

    # Possible keys for action dict are: global_options, actions and global_action_callbacks
    global_options = [{
        "names": ["-D", "--define-cache-entry"],
        "help": "Create a cmake cache entry.",
        "scope": "global",
        "multiple": True,

    root_options = {
        "global_options": [
                "names": ["-C", "--project-dir"],
                "help": "Project directory.",
                "type": click.Path(),
                "default": os.getcwd(),
                "names": ["-B", "--build-dir"],
                "help": "Build directory.",
                "type": click.Path(),
                "default": None,
                "names": ["-n", "--no-warnings"],
                "help": "Disable Cmake warnings.",
                "is_flag": True,
                "default": False,
                "names": ["-v", "--verbose"],
                "help": "Verbose build output.",
                "is_flag": True,
                "default": False,
                "names": ["--ccache"],
                "help": "Use ccache in build",
                "is_flag": True,
                "default": False,
                # This is unused/ignored argument, as ccache use was originally opt-out.
                # Use of ccache has been made opt-in using --cache arg.
                "names": ["--no-ccache"],
                "default": True,
                "is_flag": True,
                "hidden": True,
                "names": ["-G", "--generator"],
                "help": "CMake generator.",
                "type": click.Choice(GENERATOR_CMDS.keys()),
        "global_action_callbacks": [validate_root_options],

    build_actions = {
        "actions": {
            "all": {
                "aliases": ["build"],
                "Build the project.",
                "Build the project. This can involve multiple steps:\n\n" +
                "1. Create the build directory if needed. The sub-directory 'build' is used to hold build output, "
                + "although this can be changed with the -B option.\n\n" +
                "2. Run CMake as necessary to configure the project and generate build files for the main build tool.\n\n"
                "3. Run the main build tool (Ninja or GNU Make). By default, the build tool is automatically detected "
                "but it can be explicitly set by passing the -G option to idf.py.\n\n",
                "order_dependencies": [
            "menuconfig": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": 'Run "menuconfig" project configuration tool.',
                "options": global_options,
            "confserver": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Run JSON configuration server.",
                "options": global_options,
            "size": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Print basic size information about the app.",
                "options": global_options,
                "dependencies": ["app"],
            "size-components": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Print per-component size information.",
                "options": global_options,
                "dependencies": ["app"],
            "size-files": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Print per-source-file size information.",
                "options": global_options,
                "dependencies": ["app"],
            "bootloader": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Build only bootloader.",
                "options": global_options,
            "app": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Build only the app.",
                "order_dependencies": ["clean", "fullclean", "reconfigure"],
                "options": global_options,
            "efuse_common_table": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Genereate C-source for IDF's eFuse fields.",
                "order_dependencies": ["reconfigure"],
                "options": global_options,
            "efuse_custom_table": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Genereate C-source for user's eFuse fields.",
                "order_dependencies": ["reconfigure"],
                "options": global_options,
            "show_efuse_table": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Print eFuse table.",
                "order_dependencies": ["reconfigure"],
                "options": global_options,
            "partition_table": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Build only partition table.",
                "order_dependencies": ["reconfigure"],
                "options": global_options,
            "erase_otadata": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Erase otadata partition.",
                "options": global_options,
            "read_otadata": {
                "callback": build_target,
                "help": "Read otadata partition.",
                "options": global_options,

    clean_actions = {
        "actions": {
            "reconfigure": {
                "Re-run CMake.",
                "Re-run CMake even if it doesn't seem to need re-running. This isn't necessary during normal usage, "
                "but can be useful after adding/removing files from the source tree, or when modifying CMake cache variables. "
                + "For example, \"idf.py -DNAME='VALUE' reconfigure\" " +
                'can be used to set variable "NAME" in CMake cache to value "VALUE".',
                "order_dependencies": ["menuconfig"],
            "clean": {
                "Delete build output files from the build directory.",
                "Delete build output files from the build directory , forcing a 'full rebuild' the next time "
                "the project is built. Cleaning doesn't delete CMake configuration output and some other files",
                "order_dependencies": ["fullclean"],
            "fullclean": {
                "Delete the entire build directory contents.",
                "Delete the entire build directory contents. This includes all CMake configuration output."
                "The next time the project is built, CMake will configure it from scratch. "
                "Note that this option recursively deletes all files in the build directory, so use with care."
                + "Project configuration is not deleted.",

    baud_rate = {
        "names": ["-b", "--baud"],
        "help": "Baud rate.",
        "scope": "global",
        "envvar": "ESPBAUD",
        "default": 460800,

    port = {
        "names": ["-p", "--port"],
        "help": "Serial port.",
        "scope": "global",
        "envvar": "ESPPORT",
        "default": None,

    serial_actions = {
        "actions": {
            "flash": {
                "callback": flash,
                "help": "Flash the project.",
                "options": global_options + [baud_rate, port],
                "dependencies": ["all"],
                "order_dependencies": ["erase_flash"],
            "erase_flash": {
                "callback": erase_flash,
                "help": "Erase entire flash chip.",
                "options": [baud_rate, port],
            "monitor": {
                "Display serial output.",
                "options": [
                        "names": ["--print-filter", "--print_filter"],
                        ("Filter monitor output.\n"
                         "Restrictions on what to print can be specified as a series of <tag>:<log_level> items "
                         "where <tag> is the tag string and <log_level> is a character from the set "
                         "{N, E, W, I, D, V, *} referring to a level. "
                         'For example, "tag1:W" matches and prints only the outputs written with '
                         'ESP_LOGW("tag1", ...) or at lower verbosity level, i.e. ESP_LOGE("tag1", ...). '
                         'Not specifying a <log_level> or using "*" defaults to Verbose level.\n'
                         'Please see the IDF Monitor section of the ESP-IDF documentation '
                         'for a more detailed description and further examples.'
                "order_dependencies": [
            "partition_table-flash": {
                "callback": flash,
                "help": "Flash partition table only.",
                "options": [baud_rate, port],
                "dependencies": ["partition_table"],
                "order_dependencies": ["erase_flash"],
            "bootloader-flash": {
                "callback": flash,
                "help": "Flash bootloader only.",
                "options": [baud_rate, port],
                "dependencies": ["bootloader"],
                "order_dependencies": ["erase_flash"],
            "app-flash": {
                "callback": flash,
                "help": "Flash the app only.",
                "options": [baud_rate, port],
                "dependencies": ["app"],
                "order_dependencies": ["erase_flash"],
            "encrypted-app-flash": {
                "callback": flash,
                "help": "Flash the encrypted app only.",
                "dependencies": ["app"],
                "order_dependencies": ["erase_flash"],
            "encrypted-flash": {
                "callback": flash,
                "help": "Flash the encrypted project.",
                "dependencies": ["all"],
                "order_dependencies": ["erase_flash"],

    base_actions = CLI.merge_action_lists(root_options, build_actions,
                                          clean_actions, serial_actions)
    all_actions = [base_actions]

    # Load extensions
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_dir, "idf_ext.py")):
            from idf_ext import action_extensions
        except ImportError:
            print("Error importing extension file idf_ext.py. Skipping.")
                "Please make sure that it contains implementation (even if it's empty) of add_action_extensions"

    # Add actions extensions
        all_actions.append(action_extensions(base_actions, project_dir))
    except NameError:

    return CLI(help="ESP-IDF build management", action_lists=all_actions)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def init_cli(verbose_output=None):
    # Click is imported here to run it after check_environment()
    import click

    class Deprecation(object):
        """Construct deprecation notice for help messages"""
        def __init__(self, deprecated=False):
            self.deprecated = deprecated
            self.since = None
            self.removed = None
            self.exit_with_error = None
            self.custom_message = ''

            if isinstance(deprecated, dict):
                self.custom_message = deprecated.get('message', '')
                self.since = deprecated.get('since', None)
                self.removed = deprecated.get('removed', None)
                self.exit_with_error = deprecated.get('exit_with_error', None)
            elif isinstance(deprecated, str):
                self.custom_message = deprecated

        def full_message(self, type='Option'):
            if self.exit_with_error:
                return '%s is deprecated %sand was removed%s.%s' % (
                    'since %s ' % self.since if self.since else '',
                    ' in %s' % self.removed if self.removed else '',
                    ' %s' % self.custom_message if self.custom_message else '',
                return '%s is deprecated %sand will be removed in%s.%s' % (
                    'since %s ' % self.since if self.since else '',
                    ' %s' % self.removed if self.removed else ' future versions',
                    ' %s' % self.custom_message if self.custom_message else '',

        def help(self, text, type='Option', separator=' '):
            text = text or ''
            return self.full_message(type) + separator + text if self.deprecated else text

        def short_help(self, text):
            text = text or ''
            return ('Deprecated! ' + text) if self.deprecated else text

    def check_deprecation(ctx):
        """Prints deprecation warnings for arguments in given context"""
        for option in ctx.command.params:
            default = () if option.multiple else option.default
            if isinstance(option, Option) and option.deprecated and ctx.params[option.name] != default:
                deprecation = Deprecation(option.deprecated)
                if deprecation.exit_with_error:
                    raise FatalError('Error: %s' % deprecation.full_message('Option "%s"' % option.name))
                    print_warning('Warning: %s' % deprecation.full_message('Option "%s"' % option.name))

    class Task(object):
        def __init__(self, callback, name, aliases, dependencies, order_dependencies, action_args):
            self.callback = callback
            self.name = name
            self.dependencies = dependencies
            self.order_dependencies = order_dependencies
            self.action_args = action_args
            self.aliases = aliases

        def __call__(self, context, global_args, action_args=None):
            if action_args is None:
                action_args = self.action_args

            self.callback(self.name, context, global_args, **action_args)

    class Action(click.Command):
        def __init__(
            super(Action, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)

            self.name = self.name or self.callback.__name__
            self.deprecated = deprecated
            self.hidden = hidden

            if aliases is None:
                aliases = []
            self.aliases = aliases

            self.help = self.help or self.callback.__doc__
            if self.help is None:
                self.help = ''

            if dependencies is None:
                dependencies = []

            if order_dependencies is None:
                order_dependencies = []

            # Show first line of help if short help is missing
            self.short_help = self.short_help or self.help.split('\n')[0]

            if deprecated:
                deprecation = Deprecation(deprecated)
                self.short_help = deprecation.short_help(self.short_help)
                self.help = deprecation.help(self.help, type='Command', separator='\n')

            # Add aliases to help string
            if aliases:
                aliases_help = 'Aliases: %s.' % ', '.join(aliases)

                self.help = '\n'.join([self.help, aliases_help])
                self.short_help = ' '.join([aliases_help, self.short_help])

            self.unwrapped_callback = self.callback
            if self.callback is not None:

                def wrapped_callback(**action_args):
                    return Task(

                self.callback = wrapped_callback

        def invoke(self, ctx):
            if self.deprecated:
                deprecation = Deprecation(self.deprecated)
                message = deprecation.full_message('Command "%s"' % self.name)

                if deprecation.exit_with_error:
                    raise FatalError('Error: %s' % message)
                    print_warning('Warning: %s' % message)

                self.deprecated = False  # disable Click's built-in deprecation handling

            # Print warnings for options
            return super(Action, self).invoke(ctx)

    class Argument(click.Argument):
        Positional argument

        names - alias of 'param_decls'
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            names = kwargs.pop('names')
            super(Argument, self).__init__(names, **kwargs)

    class Scope(object):
            Scope for sub-command option.
            possible values:
            - default - only available on defined level (global/action)
            - global - When defined for action, also available as global
            - shared - Opposite to 'global': when defined in global scope, also available for all actions

        SCOPES = ('default', 'global', 'shared')

        def __init__(self, scope=None):
            if scope is None:
                self._scope = 'default'
            elif isinstance(scope, str) and scope in self.SCOPES:
                self._scope = scope
            elif isinstance(scope, Scope):
                self._scope = str(scope)
                raise FatalError('Unknown scope for option: %s' % scope)

        def is_global(self):
            return self._scope == 'global'

        def is_shared(self):
            return self._scope == 'shared'

        def __str__(self):
            return self._scope

    class Option(click.Option):
        """Option that knows whether it should be global"""
        def __init__(self, scope=None, deprecated=False, hidden=False, **kwargs):
            Keyword arguments additional to Click's Option class:

            names - alias of 'param_decls'
            deprecated - marks option as deprecated. May be boolean, string (with custom deprecation message)
            or dict with optional keys:
                since: version of deprecation
                removed: version when option will be removed
                custom_message:  Additional text to deprecation warning

            kwargs['param_decls'] = kwargs.pop('names')
            super(Option, self).__init__(**kwargs)

            self.deprecated = deprecated
            self.scope = Scope(scope)
            self.hidden = hidden

            if deprecated:
                deprecation = Deprecation(deprecated)
                self.help = deprecation.help(self.help)

            if self.envvar:
                self.help += ' The default value can be set with the %s environment variable.' % self.envvar

            if self.scope.is_global:
                self.help += ' This option can be used at most once either globally, or for one subcommand.'

        def get_help_record(self, ctx):
            # Backport "hidden" parameter to click 5.0
            if self.hidden:

            return super(Option, self).get_help_record(ctx)

    class CLI(click.MultiCommand):
        """Action list contains all actions with options available for CLI"""
        def __init__(self, all_actions=None, verbose_output=None, help=None):
            super(CLI, self).__init__(
                context_settings={'max_content_width': 140},
            self._actions = {}
            self.global_action_callbacks = []
            self.commands_with_aliases = {}

            if verbose_output is None:
                verbose_output = []

            self.verbose_output = verbose_output

            if all_actions is None:
                all_actions = {}

            shared_options = []

            # Global options
            for option_args in all_actions.get('global_options', []):
                option = Option(**option_args)

                if option.scope.is_shared:

            # Global options validators
            self.global_action_callbacks = all_actions.get('global_action_callbacks', [])

            # Actions
            for name, action in all_actions.get('actions', {}).items():
                arguments = action.pop('arguments', [])
                options = action.pop('options', [])

                if arguments is None:
                    arguments = []

                if options is None:
                    options = []

                self._actions[name] = Action(name=name, **action)
                for alias in [name] + action.get('aliases', []):
                    self.commands_with_aliases[alias] = name

                for argument_args in arguments:

                # Add all shared options
                for option in shared_options:

                for option_args in options:
                    option = Option(**option_args)

                    if option.scope.is_shared:
                        raise FatalError(
                            '"%s" is defined for action "%s". '
                            ' "shared" options can be declared only on global level' % (option.name, name))

                    # Promote options to global if see for the first time
                    if option.scope.is_global and option.name not in [o.name for o in self.params]:


        def list_commands(self, ctx):
            return sorted(filter(lambda name: not self._actions[name].hidden, self._actions))

        def get_command(self, ctx, name):
            if name in self.commands_with_aliases:
                return self._actions.get(self.commands_with_aliases.get(name))

            # Trying fallback to build target (from "all" action) if command is not known
                return Action(name=name, callback=self._actions.get('fallback').unwrapped_callback)

        def _print_closing_message(self, args, actions):
            # print a closing message of some kind
            if any(t in str(actions) for t in ('flash', 'dfu', 'uf2', 'uf2-app')):

            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'flasher_args.json')):

            # Otherwise, if we built any binaries print a message about
            # how to flash them
            def print_flashing_message(title, key):
                with open(os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'flasher_args.json')) as f:
                    flasher_args = json.load(f)

                def flasher_path(f):
                    return _safe_relpath(os.path.join(args.build_dir, f))

                if key != 'project':  # flashing a single item
                    if key not in flasher_args:
                        # This is the case for 'idf.py bootloader' if Secure Boot is on, need to follow manual flashing steps
                        print('\n%s build complete.' % title)
                    cmd = ''
                    if (key == 'bootloader'):  # bootloader needs --flash-mode, etc to be passed in
                        cmd = ' '.join(flasher_args['write_flash_args']) + ' '

                    cmd += flasher_args[key]['offset'] + ' '
                    cmd += flasher_path(flasher_args[key]['file'])
                else:  # flashing the whole project
                    cmd = ' '.join(flasher_args['write_flash_args']) + ' '
                    flash_items = sorted(
                        ((o, f) for (o, f) in flasher_args['flash_files'].items() if len(o) > 0),
                        key=lambda x: int(x[0], 0),
                    for o, f in flash_items:
                        cmd += o + ' ' + flasher_path(f) + ' '

                print('\n%s build complete. To flash, run this command:' % title)

                    '%s %s -p %s -b %s --before %s --after %s --chip %s %s write_flash %s' % (
                        _safe_relpath('%s/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py' % os.environ['IDF_PATH']),
                        args.port or '(PORT)',
                        '--no-stub' if not flasher_args['extra_esptool_args']['stub'] else '',
                    "or run 'idf.py -p %s %s'" % (
                        args.port or '(PORT)',
                        key + '-flash' if key != 'project' else 'flash',

            if 'all' in actions or 'build' in actions:
                print_flashing_message('Project', 'project')
                if 'app' in actions:
                    print_flashing_message('App', 'app')
                if 'partition_table' in actions:
                    print_flashing_message('Partition Table', 'partition_table')
                if 'bootloader' in actions:
                    print_flashing_message('Bootloader', 'bootloader')

        def execute_tasks(self, tasks, **kwargs):
            ctx = click.get_current_context()
            global_args = PropertyDict(kwargs)

            def _help_and_exit():

            # Show warning if some tasks are present several times in the list
            dupplicated_tasks = sorted(
                [item for item, count in Counter(task.name for task in tasks).items() if count > 1])
            if dupplicated_tasks:
                dupes = ', '.join('"%s"' % t for t in dupplicated_tasks)

                    'WARNING: Command%s found in the list of commands more than once. ' %
                    ('s %s are' % dupes if len(dupplicated_tasks) > 1 else ' %s is' % dupes) +
                    'Only first occurrence will be executed.')

            for task in tasks:
                # Show help and exit if help is in the list of commands
                if task.name == 'help':

                # Set propagated global options.
                # These options may be set on one subcommand, but available in the list of global arguments
                for key in list(task.action_args):
                    option = next((o for o in ctx.command.params if o.name == key), None)

                    if option and (option.scope.is_global or option.scope.is_shared):
                        local_value = task.action_args.pop(key)
                        global_value = global_args[key]
                        default = () if option.multiple else option.default

                        if global_value != default and local_value != default and global_value != local_value:
                            raise FatalError(
                                'Option "%s" provided for "%s" is already defined to a different value. '
                                'This option can appear at most once in the command line.' % (key, task.name))
                        if local_value != default:
                            global_args[key] = local_value

            # Show warnings about global arguments

            # Make sure that define_cache_entry is mutable list and can be modified in callbacks
            global_args.define_cache_entry = list(global_args.define_cache_entry)

            # Execute all global action callback - first from idf.py itself, then from extensions
            for action_callback in ctx.command.global_action_callbacks:
                action_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks)

            # Always show help when command is not provided
            if not tasks:

            # Build full list of tasks to and deal with dependencies and order dependencies
            tasks_to_run = OrderedDict()
            while tasks:
                task = tasks[0]
                tasks_dict = dict([(t.name, t) for t in tasks])

                dependecies_processed = True

                # If task have some dependecies they have to be executed before the task.
                for dep in task.dependencies:
                    if dep not in tasks_to_run.keys():
                        # If dependent task is in the list of unprocessed tasks move to the front of the list
                        if dep in tasks_dict.keys():
                            dep_task = tasks.pop(tasks.index(tasks_dict[dep]))
                        # Otherwise invoke it with default set of options
                        # and put to the front of the list of unprocessed tasks
                                'Adding "%s"\'s dependency "%s" to list of commands with default set of options.' %
                                (task.name, dep))
                            dep_task = ctx.invoke(ctx.command.get_command(ctx, dep))

                            # Remove options with global scope from invoke tasks because they are already in global_args
                            for key in list(dep_task.action_args):
                                option = next((o for o in ctx.command.params if o.name == key), None)
                                if option and (option.scope.is_global or option.scope.is_shared):

                        tasks.insert(0, dep_task)
                        dependecies_processed = False

                # Order only dependencies are moved to the front of the queue if they present in command list
                for dep in task.order_dependencies:
                    if dep in tasks_dict.keys() and dep not in tasks_to_run.keys():
                        tasks.insert(0, tasks.pop(tasks.index(tasks_dict[dep])))
                        dependecies_processed = False

                if dependecies_processed:
                    # Remove task from list of unprocessed tasks

                    # And add to the queue
                    if task.name not in tasks_to_run.keys():
                        tasks_to_run.update([(task.name, task)])

            # Run all tasks in the queue
            # when global_args.dry_run is true idf.py works in idle mode and skips actual task execution
            if not global_args.dry_run:
                for task in tasks_to_run.values():
                    name_with_aliases = task.name
                    if task.aliases:
                        name_with_aliases += ' (aliases: %s)' % ', '.join(task.aliases)

                    print('Executing action: %s' % name_with_aliases)
                    task(ctx, global_args, task.action_args)

                self._print_closing_message(global_args, tasks_to_run.keys())

            return tasks_to_run

    # That's a tiny parser that parse project-dir even before constructing
    # fully featured click parser to be sure that extensions are loaded from the right place
            'allow_extra_args': True,
            'ignore_unknown_options': True
    @click.option('-C', '--project-dir', default=os.getcwd(), type=click.Path())
    def parse_project_dir(project_dir):
        return realpath(project_dir)
    # Set `complete_var` to not existing environment variable name to prevent early cmd completion
    project_dir = parse_project_dir(standalone_mode=False, complete_var='_IDF.PY_COMPLETE_NOT_EXISTING')

    all_actions = {}
    # Load extensions from components dir
    idf_py_extensions_path = os.path.join(os.environ['IDF_PATH'], 'tools', 'idf_py_actions')
    extension_dirs = [realpath(idf_py_extensions_path)]
    extra_paths = os.environ.get('IDF_EXTRA_ACTIONS_PATH')
    if extra_paths is not None:
        for path in extra_paths.split(';'):
            path = realpath(path)
            if path not in extension_dirs:

    extensions = {}
    for directory in extension_dirs:
        if directory and not os.path.exists(directory):
            print_warning('WARNING: Directory with idf.py extensions doesn\'t exist:\n    %s' % directory)

        for _finder, name, _ispkg in sorted(iter_modules([directory])):
            if name.endswith('_ext'):
                extensions[name] = import_module(name)

    # Load component manager if available and not explicitly disabled
    if os.getenv('IDF_COMPONENT_MANAGER', None) != '0':
            from idf_component_manager import idf_extensions

            extensions['component_manager_ext'] = idf_extensions
            os.environ['IDF_COMPONENT_MANAGER'] = '1'

        except ImportError:

    for name, extension in extensions.items():
            all_actions = merge_action_lists(all_actions, extension.action_extensions(all_actions, project_dir))
        except AttributeError:
            print_warning('WARNING: Cannot load idf.py extension "%s"' % name)

    # Load extensions from project dir
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_dir, 'idf_ext.py')):
            from idf_ext import action_extensions
        except ImportError:
            print_warning('Error importing extension file idf_ext.py. Skipping.')
            print_warning("Please make sure that it contains implementation (even if it's empty) of add_action_extensions")

            all_actions = merge_action_lists(all_actions, action_extensions(all_actions, project_dir))
        except NameError:

    cli_help = (
        'ESP-IDF CLI build management tool. '
        'For commands that are not known to idf.py an attempt to execute it as a build system target will be made.')

    return CLI(help=cli_help, verbose_output=verbose_output, all_actions=all_actions)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def init_cli(verbose_output=None):
    # Click is imported here to run it after check_environment()
    import click

    class DeprecationMessage(object):
        """Construct deprecation notice for help messages"""
        def __init__(self, deprecated=False):
            self.deprecated = deprecated
            self.since = None
            self.removed = None
            self.custom_message = ""

            if isinstance(deprecated, dict):
                self.custom_message = deprecated.get("message", "")
                self.since = deprecated.get("since", None)
                self.removed = deprecated.get("removed", None)
            elif isinstance(deprecated, str):
                self.custom_message = deprecated

        def full_message(self, type="Option"):
            return "%s is deprecated %sand will be removed in%s.%s" % (
                type, "since %s " % self.since if self.since else "",
                " %s" % self.removed if self.removed else " future versions",
                " %s" % self.custom_message if self.custom_message else "")

        def help(self, text, type="Option", separator=" "):
            text = text or ""
            return self.full_message(
                type) + separator + text if self.deprecated else text

        def short_help(self, text):
            text = text or ""
            return ("Deprecated! " + text) if self.deprecated else text

    def print_deprecation_warning(ctx):
        """Prints deprectation warnings for arguments in given context"""
        for option in ctx.command.params:
            default = () if option.multiple else option.default
            if isinstance(option, Option) and option.deprecated and ctx.params[
                    option.name] != default:
                print("Warning: %s" %
                          'Option "%s"' % option.name))

    class Task(object):
        def __init__(self, callback, name, aliases, dependencies,
                     order_dependencies, action_args):
            self.callback = callback
            self.name = name
            self.dependencies = dependencies
            self.order_dependencies = order_dependencies
            self.action_args = action_args
            self.aliases = aliases

        def run(self, context, global_args, action_args=None):
            if action_args is None:
                action_args = self.action_args

            self.callback(self.name, context, global_args, **action_args)

    class Action(click.Command):
        def __init__(self,
            super(Action, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)

            self.name = self.name or self.callback.__name__
            self.deprecated = deprecated

            if aliases is None:
                aliases = []
            self.aliases = aliases

            self.help = self.help or self.callback.__doc__
            if self.help is None:
                self.help = ""

            if dependencies is None:
                dependencies = []

            if order_dependencies is None:
                order_dependencies = []

            # Show first line of help if short help is missing
            self.short_help = self.short_help or self.help.split("\n")[0]

            if deprecated:
                deprecation = DeprecationMessage(deprecated)
                self.short_help = deprecation.short_help(self.short_help)
                self.help = deprecation.help(self.help,

            # Add aliases to help string
            if aliases:
                aliases_help = "Aliases: %s." % ", ".join(aliases)

                self.help = "\n".join([self.help, aliases_help])
                self.short_help = " ".join([aliases_help, self.short_help])

            if self.callback is not None:
                callback = self.callback

                def wrapped_callback(**action_args):
                    return Task(

                self.callback = wrapped_callback

        def invoke(self, ctx):
            if self.deprecated:
                print("Warning: %s" % DeprecationMessage(
                    self.deprecated).full_message('Command "%s"' % self.name))
                self.deprecated = False  # disable Click's built-in deprecation handling

            # Print warnings for options
            return super(Action, self).invoke(ctx)

    class Argument(click.Argument):
        Positional argument

        names - alias of 'param_decls'
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            names = kwargs.pop("names")
            super(Argument, self).__init__(names, **kwargs)

    class Scope(object):
            Scope for sub-command option.
            possible values:
            - default - only available on defined level (global/action)
            - global - When defined for action, also available as global
            - shared - Opposite to 'global': when defined in global scope, also available for all actions

        SCOPES = ("default", "global", "shared")

        def __init__(self, scope=None):
            if scope is None:
                self._scope = "default"
            elif isinstance(scope, str) and scope in self.SCOPES:
                self._scope = scope
            elif isinstance(scope, Scope):
                self._scope = str(scope)
                raise FatalError("Unknown scope for option: %s" % scope)

        def is_global(self):
            return self._scope == "global"

        def is_shared(self):
            return self._scope == "shared"

        def __str__(self):
            return self._scope

    class Option(click.Option):
        """Option that knows whether it should be global"""
        def __init__(self,
            Keyword arguments additional to Click's Option class:

            names - alias of 'param_decls'
            deprecated - marks option as deprecated. May be boolean, string (with custom deprecation message)
            or dict with optional keys:
                since: version of deprecation
                removed: version when option will be removed
                custom_message:  Additional text to deprecation warning

            kwargs["param_decls"] = kwargs.pop("names")
            super(Option, self).__init__(**kwargs)

            self.deprecated = deprecated
            self.scope = Scope(scope)
            self.hidden = hidden

            if deprecated:
                deprecation = DeprecationMessage(deprecated)
                self.help = deprecation.help(self.help)

            if self.scope.is_global:
                self.help += " This option can be used at most once either globally, or for one subcommand."

        def get_help_record(self, ctx):
            # Backport "hidden" parameter to click 5.0
            if self.hidden:

            return super(Option, self).get_help_record(ctx)

    class CLI(click.MultiCommand):
        """Action list contains all actions with options available for CLI"""
        def __init__(self, all_actions=None, verbose_output=None, help=None):
            super(CLI, self).__init__(
                context_settings={"max_content_width": 140},
            self._actions = {}
            self.global_action_callbacks = []
            self.commands_with_aliases = {}

            if verbose_output is None:
                verbose_output = []

            self.verbose_output = verbose_output

            if all_actions is None:
                all_actions = {}

            shared_options = []

            # Global options
            for option_args in all_actions.get("global_options", []):
                option = Option(**option_args)

                if option.scope.is_shared:

            # Global options validators
            self.global_action_callbacks = all_actions.get(
                "global_action_callbacks", [])

            # Actions
            for name, action in all_actions.get("actions", {}).items():
                arguments = action.pop("arguments", [])
                options = action.pop("options", [])

                if arguments is None:
                    arguments = []

                if options is None:
                    options = []

                self._actions[name] = Action(name=name, **action)
                for alias in [name] + action.get("aliases", []):
                    self.commands_with_aliases[alias] = name

                for argument_args in arguments:

                # Add all shared options
                for option in shared_options:

                for option_args in options:
                    option = Option(**option_args)

                    if option.scope.is_shared:
                        raise FatalError(
                            '"%s" is defined for action "%s". '
                            ' "shared" options can be declared only on global level'
                            % (option.name, name))

                    # Promote options to global if see for the first time
                    if option.scope.is_global and option.name not in [
                            o.name for o in self.params


        def list_commands(self, ctx):
            return sorted(self._actions)

        def get_command(self, ctx, name):
            return self._actions.get(self.commands_with_aliases.get(name))

        def _print_closing_message(self, args, actions):
            # print a closing message of some kind
            if "flash" in str(actions):

            if not os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(args.build_dir, "flasher_args.json")):

            # Otherwise, if we built any binaries print a message about
            # how to flash them
            def print_flashing_message(title, key):
                print("\n%s build complete. To flash, run this command:" %

                with open(os.path.join(args.build_dir,
                                       "flasher_args.json")) as f:
                    flasher_args = json.load(f)

                def flasher_path(f):
                    return _safe_relpath(os.path.join(args.build_dir, f))

                if key != "project":  # flashing a single item
                    cmd = ""
                    if (
                            key == "bootloader"
                    ):  # bootloader needs --flash-mode, etc to be passed in
                        cmd = " ".join(flasher_args["write_flash_args"]) + " "

                    cmd += flasher_args[key]["offset"] + " "
                    cmd += flasher_path(flasher_args[key]["file"])
                else:  # flashing the whole project
                    cmd = " ".join(flasher_args["write_flash_args"]) + " "
                    flash_items = sorted(
                        ((o, f)
                         for (o, f) in flasher_args["flash_files"].items()
                         if len(o) > 0),
                        key=lambda x: int(x[0], 0),
                    for o, f in flash_items:
                        cmd += o + " " + flasher_path(f) + " "

                print("%s -p %s -b %s --after %s write_flash %s" % (
                                  % os.environ["IDF_PATH"]),
                    args.port or "(PORT)",
                print("or run 'idf.py -p %s %s'" % (
                    args.port or "(PORT)",
                    key + "-flash" if key != "project" else "flash",

            if "all" in actions or "build" in actions:
                print_flashing_message("Project", "project")
                if "app" in actions:
                    print_flashing_message("App", "app")
                if "partition_table" in actions:
                    print_flashing_message("Partition Table",
                if "bootloader" in actions:
                    print_flashing_message("Bootloader", "bootloader")

        def execute_tasks(self, tasks, **kwargs):
            ctx = click.get_current_context()
            global_args = PropertyDict(kwargs)

            # Show warning if some tasks are present several times in the list
            dupplicated_tasks = sorted([
                item for item, count in Counter(
                    task.name for task in tasks).items() if count > 1
            if dupplicated_tasks:
                dupes = ", ".join('"%s"' % t for t in dupplicated_tasks)
                    "WARNING: Command%s found in the list of commands more than once. "
                    % ("s %s are" % dupes
                       if len(dupplicated_tasks) > 1 else " %s is" % dupes) +
                    "Only first occurence will be executed.")

            # Set propagated global options.
            # These options may be set on one subcommand, but available in the list of global arguments
            for task in tasks:
                for key in list(task.action_args):
                    option = next(
                        (o for o in ctx.command.params if o.name == key), None)

                    if option and (option.scope.is_global
                                   or option.scope.is_shared):
                        local_value = task.action_args.pop(key)
                        global_value = global_args[key]
                        default = () if option.multiple else option.default

                        if global_value != default and local_value != default and global_value != local_value:
                            raise FatalError(
                                'Option "%s" provided for "%s" is already defined to a different value. '
                                "This option can appear at most once in the command line."
                                % (key, task.name))
                        if local_value != default:
                            global_args[key] = local_value

            # Show warnings about global arguments

            # Make sure that define_cache_entry is mutable list and can be modified in callbacks
            global_args.define_cache_entry = list(

            # Execute all global action callback - first from idf.py itself, then from extensions
            for action_callback in ctx.command.global_action_callbacks:
                action_callback(ctx, global_args, tasks)

            # Always show help when command is not provided
            if not tasks:

            # Build full list of tasks to and deal with dependencies and order dependencies
            tasks_to_run = OrderedDict()
            while tasks:
                task = tasks[0]
                tasks_dict = dict([(t.name, t) for t in tasks])

                dependecies_processed = True

                # If task have some dependecies they have to be executed before the task.
                for dep in task.dependencies:
                    if dep not in tasks_to_run.keys():
                        # If dependent task is in the list of unprocessed tasks move to the front of the list
                        if dep in tasks_dict.keys():
                            dep_task = tasks.pop(tasks.index(tasks_dict[dep]))
                        # Otherwise invoke it with default set of options
                        # and put to the front of the list of unprocessed tasks
                                'Adding "%s"\'s dependency "%s" to list of commands with default set of options.'
                                % (task.name, dep))
                            dep_task = ctx.invoke(
                                ctx.command.get_command(ctx, dep))

                            # Remove options with global scope from invoke tasks because they are alread in global_args
                            for key in list(dep_task.action_args):
                                option = next((o for o in ctx.command.params
                                               if o.name == key), None)
                                if option and (option.scope.is_global
                                               or option.scope.is_shared):

                        tasks.insert(0, dep_task)
                        dependecies_processed = False

                # Order only dependencies are moved to the front of the queue if they present in command list
                for dep in task.order_dependencies:
                    if dep in tasks_dict.keys(
                    ) and dep not in tasks_to_run.keys():
                        dependecies_processed = False

                if dependecies_processed:
                    # Remove task from list of unprocessed tasks

                    # And add to the queue
                    if task.name not in tasks_to_run.keys():
                        tasks_to_run.update([(task.name, task)])

            # Run all tasks in the queue
            # when global_args.dry_run is true idf.py works in idle mode and skips actual task execution
            if not global_args.dry_run:
                for task in tasks_to_run.values():
                    name_with_aliases = task.name
                    if task.aliases:
                        name_with_aliases += " (aliases: %s)" % ", ".join(

                    print("Executing action: %s" % name_with_aliases)
                    task.run(ctx, global_args, task.action_args)

                self._print_closing_message(global_args, tasks_to_run.keys())

            return tasks_to_run

    # That's a tiny parser that parse project-dir even before constructing
    # fully featured click parser to be sure that extensions are loaded from the right place
            "allow_extra_args": True,
            "ignore_unknown_options": True
    @click.option("-C", "--project-dir", default=os.getcwd())
    def parse_project_dir(project_dir):
        return realpath(project_dir)

    project_dir = parse_project_dir(standalone_mode=False)

    all_actions = {}
    # Load extensions from components dir
    idf_py_extensions_path = os.path.join(os.environ["IDF_PATH"], "tools",
    extra_paths = os.environ.get("IDF_EXTRA_ACTIONS_PATH", "").split(';')
    extension_dirs = [idf_py_extensions_path] + extra_paths
    extensions = {}

    for directory in extension_dirs:
        if directory and not os.path.exists(directory):
                'WARNING: Directroy with idf.py extensions doesn\'t exist:\n    %s'
                % directory)

        for _finder, name, _ispkg in sorted(iter_modules([directory])):
            if name.endswith('_ext'):
                extensions[name] = import_module(name)

    for name, extension in extensions.items():
            all_actions = merge_action_lists(
                extension.action_extensions(all_actions, project_dir))
        except AttributeError:
            print('WARNING: Cannot load idf.py extension "%s"' % name)

    # Load extensions from project dir
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_dir, "idf_ext.py")):
            from idf_ext import action_extensions
        except ImportError:
            print("Error importing extension file idf_ext.py. Skipping.")
                "Please make sure that it contains implementation (even if it's empty) of add_action_extensions"

            all_actions = merge_action_lists(
                all_actions, action_extensions(all_actions, project_dir))
        except NameError:

    return CLI(help="ESP-IDF build management",