Ejemplo n.º 1
    def GenerateRange(self, ast, releases, options):
        # Get list of out files
        outlist = GetOption('out')
        if outlist: outlist = outlist.split(',')

        skipList = []
        cnt = 0
        for filenode in ast.GetListOf('File'):
            # Ignore files with errors
            if filenode in self.skip_list:

            # Skip this file if not required
            if outlist and filenode.GetName() not in outlist:

            # Create the output file and increment out count if there was a delta
            if self.GenerateFile(filenode, releases, options):
                cnt = cnt + 1

        for filenode in skipList:
            errcnt = filenode.GetProperty('ERRORS')
            ErrOut.Log('%s : Skipped because of %d errors.' %
                       (filenode.GetName(), errcnt))

        if skipList:
            return -len(skipList)

        if GetOption('diff'):
            return -cnt
        return cnt
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def DetermineInterfaces(self, ast, releases):
        """Get a list of interfaces along with whatever metadata we need.
        iface_releases = []
        for filenode in ast.GetListOf('File'):
            # If this file has errors, skip it
            if filenode in self.skip_list:
                if GetOption('verbose'):
                    InfoOut.Log('WrapperGen: Skipping %s due to errors\n' %

            file_name = self.GetHeaderName(filenode.GetName())
            ifaces = filenode.GetListOf('Interface')
            for iface in ifaces:
                releases_for_iface = iface.GetUniqueReleases(releases)
                for release in releases_for_iface:
                    version = iface.GetVersion(release)
                    struct_name = self.cgen.GetStructName(iface,
                    needs_wrap = self.InterfaceVersionNeedsWrapping(
                        iface, version)
                    if not needs_wrap:
                        if GetOption('verbose'):
                                'Interface %s ver %s does not need wrapping' %
                                (struct_name, version))
                        Interface(iface, release, version, struct_name,
                                  needs_wrap, file_name))
        return iface_releases
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def GenerateRange(self, ast, releases, options):
     """Generate entry point code for a range of releases.
     self._skip_opt = GetOption('disable_pepper_opt')
     self._skip_region_gen = GetOption('disable_region_gen')
     return WrapperGen.GenerateRange(self, ast, releases, options)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ParseFiles(filenames):
    parser = IDLParser()
    filenodes = []

    if not filenames:
        filenames = []
        srcroot = GetOption('srcroot')
        dirs = default_dirs
        if GetOption('include_private'):
            dirs += ['private']
        for dirname in dirs:
            srcdir = os.path.join(srcroot, dirname, '*.idl')
            srcdir = os.path.normpath(srcdir)
            filenames += sorted(glob.glob(srcdir))

    if not filenames:
        ErrOut.Log('No sources provided.')

    for filename in filenames:
        filenode = parser.ParseFile(filename)

    ast = IDLAst(filenodes)
    if GetOption('dump_tree'): ast.Dump(0)

    return ast
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def Generate(self, ast, options):
    self.errors = 0

    rangestr = GetOption('range')
    releasestr = GetOption('release')

    print "Found releases: %s" % ast.releases

    # Generate list of files to ignore due to errors
    for filenode in ast.GetListOf('File'):
      # If this file has errors, skip it
      if filenode.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:

    # Check for a range option which over-rides a release option
    if not releasestr and rangestr:
      range_list = rangestr.split(',')
      if len(range_list) != 2:
        self.Error('Failed to generate for %s, incorrect range: "%s"' %
                   (self.name, rangestr))
        vmin = range_list[0]
        vmax = range_list[1]

        # Generate 'start' and 'end' represent first and last found.
        if vmin == 'start':
            vmin = ast.releases[0]
        if vmax == 'end':
            vmax = ast.releases[-1]

        vmin = ast.releases.index(vmin)
        vmax = ast.releases.index(vmax) + 1
        releases = ast.releases[vmin:vmax]
        InfoOut.Log('Generate range %s of %s.' % (rangestr, self.name))
        ret = self.GenerateRange(ast, releases, options)
        if ret < 0:
          self.Error('Failed to generate range %s : %s.' %(vmin, vmax))
          InfoOut.Log('%s wrote %d files.' % (self.name, ret))
    # Otherwise this should be a single release generation
      if releasestr == 'start':
        releasestr = ast.releases[0]
      if releasestr == 'end':
        releasestr = ast.releases[-1]
      if releasestr:
        InfoOut.Log('Generate release %s of %s.' % (releasestr, self.name))
        ret = self.GenerateRelease(ast, releasestr, options)
        if ret < 0:
          self.Error('Failed to generate release %s.' % releasestr)
          InfoOut.Log('%s wrote %d files.' % (self.name, ret))

        self.Error('No range or release specified for %s.' % releasestr)
    return self.errors
Ejemplo n.º 6
  def __init__(self):
    self.yaccobj = yacc.yacc(module=self, tabmodule=None, debug=False,
                             optimize=0, write_tables=0)

    self.build_debug = GetOption('build_debug')
    self.parse_debug = GetOption('parse_debug')
    self.token_debug = GetOption('token_debug')
    self.verbose = GetOption('verbose')
    self.parse_errors = 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def GenerateTail(self, out, filenode, releases, options):
     __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=options,releases'
     gpath = GetOption('guard')
     def_guard = GetPathFromNode(filenode, relpath=gpath, ext='.h')
     def_guard = def_guard.replace(os.sep, '_').replace('.',
                                                        '_').upper() + '_'
     out.Write('#endif  /* %s */\n\n' % def_guard)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def TestSame(values1):
  # Recreate the source from the tokens.  We use newline instead of whitespace
  # since the '//' and #inline regex are line sensitive.
  text = '\n'.join(values1)
  values2 = TextToTokens(text)

  count1 = len(values1)
  count2 = len(values2)
  if count1 != count2:
    print "Size mismatch original %d vs %d\n" % (count1, count2)
    if count1 > count2: count1 = count2

  for i in range(count1):
    if values1[i] != values2[i]:
      print "%d >>%s<< >>%s<<" % (i, values1[i], values2[i])

  if GetOption('output'):
    sys.stdout.write('Generating original.txt and tokenized.txt\n')
    open('original.txt', 'w').write(src1)
    open('tokenized.txt', 'w').write(src2)

  if values1 == values2:
    sys.stdout.write('Same: Pass\n')
    return 0

  print "****************\n%s\n%s***************\n" % (src1, src2)
  sys.stdout.write('Same: Failed\n')
  return -1
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def GetItemName(self, enum, item):
        suppress_prefix = GetOption('cs-enum_prefix')
        if suppress_prefix:
            enumeration = item
            if item.upper().startswith(enum.upper() + "_"):
                enumeration = item[len(enum + "_"):]
            elif item.upper().startswith(enum.upper()):
                enumeration = item[len(enum):]

            if self.is_number(enumeration):
                enumeration = "_" + enumeration

            if enumeration.startswith('PP_'):
                enumeration = enumeration[3:]
            if enumeration.startswith('PPB_'):
                enumeration = enumeration[4:]
            enumeration = enumeration.lower()
            enumeration = enumeration.replace('_', ' ')
            enumeration = string.capwords(enumeration)
            enumeration = "".join(enumeration.split(' '))

            if self.is_number(enumeration):
                enumeration = "_" + enumeration

            if enumeration in self.RemapEnum:
                enumeration = self.RemapEnum[enumeration]

            item = enumeration
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 10
def FilterLinesIn(output):
  was = []
  now = []
  filter = []
  for index in range(len(output)):
    line = output[index]
    if len(line) < 2: continue
    if line[0] == '<':
      if line[2:].strip() == '': continue
      was.append((index, line[2:]))
    elif line[0] == '>':
      if line[2:].strip() == '': continue
      now.append((index, line[2:]))
  for windex, wline in was:
    for nindex, nline in now:
      if filter[nindex]: continue
      if filter[windex]: continue
      if wline == nline:
        filter[nindex] = True
        filter[windex] = True
        if GetOption('verbose'):
          print "Found %d, %d >>%s<<" % (windex + 1, nindex + 1, wline)
  out = []
  for index in range(len(output)):
    if not filter[index]:

  return out
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def IsRelease(self, release):
     if self.rmax and self.rmax <= release:
         return False
     if self.rmin and self.rmin > release:
         return False
     if GetOption('release_debug'):
         InfoOut.Log('%f is in %s' % (release, self))
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 12
def Lint(ast):
    options = ['wcomment', 'wenum', 'winline', 'wparam', 'wpass', 'wname']
    wnone = GetOption('wnone')
    for opt in options:
        if wnone or GetOption(opt): ast.SetProperty(opt, True)

    skipList = []
    for filenode in ast.GetListOf('File'):
        name = filenode.GetProperty('NAME')
        if filenode.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:
            ErrOut.Log('%s : Skipped due to errors.' % name)
        warnings = IDLLinter().Visit(filenode, 0)
        if warnings:
            WarnOut.Log('%s warning(s) for %s\n' % (warnings, name))
    return skipList
Ejemplo n.º 13
def Main(args):
  filenames = ParseOptions(args)

    tokens = FilesToTokens(filenames, GetOption('verbose'))
    values = [tok.value for tok in tokens]
    if GetOption('output'): sys.stdout.write(' <> '.join(values) + '\n')
    if GetOption('test'):
      if TestSame(values):
        return -1
      if TestExpect(tokens):
        return -1
    return 0

  except lex.LexError as le:
    sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % str(le))
  return -1
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def Close(self):
        filename = os.path.realpath(self.filename)
        self.open = False
        outtext = ''.join(self.outlist)
        oldtext = ''

        if not self.always_write:
            if os.path.isfile(filename):
                oldtext = open(filename, 'rb').read()
                if self.IsEquivalent_(oldtext):
                    if GetOption('verbose'):
                        InfoOut.Log('Output %s unchanged.' % self.filename)
                    return False

        if GetOption('diff'):
            for line in difflib.unified_diff(oldtext.split('\n'),
                                             'OLD ' + self.filename,
                                             'NEW ' + self.filename,

            # If the directory does not exit, try to create it, if we fail, we
            # still get the exception when the file is openned.
            basepath, leafname = os.path.split(filename)
            if basepath and not os.path.isdir(basepath) and self.create_dir:
                InfoOut.Log('Creating directory: %s\n' % basepath)

            if not GetOption('test'):
                outfile = open(filename, 'wb')
                InfoOut.Log('Output %s written.' % self.filename)
            return True

        except IOError as e:
            ErrOut.Log("I/O error(%d): %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
            ErrOut.Log("Unexpected error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0])

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def AddNode(self, node):
        if GetOption('release_debug'):
            InfoOut.Log('\nAdding %s %s' % (node.Location(), node))
        last = None

        # Check current releases in that namespace
        for cver in self.nodes:
            if GetOption('release_debug'): InfoOut.Log('  Checking %s' % cver)

            # We should only be missing a 'release' tag for the first item.
            if not node.rmin:
                node.Error('Missing release on overload of previous %s.' %
                return False

            # If the node has no max, then set it to this one
            if not cver.rmax:
                cver.rmax = node.rmin
                if GetOption('release_debug'):
                    InfoOut.Log('  Update %s' % cver)

            # if the max and min overlap, than's an error
            if cver.rmax > node.rmin:
                if node.rmax and cver.rmin >= node.rmax:
                    node.Error('Declarations out of order.')
                    node.Error('Overlap in releases: %s vs %s when adding %s' %
                               (cver.rmax, node.rmin, node))
                return False
            last = cver

        # Otherwise, the previous max and current min should match
        # unless this is the unlikely case of something being only
        # temporarily deprecated.
        if last and last.rmax != node.rmin:
            node.Warn('Gap in release numbers.')

        # If we made it here, this new node must be the 'newest'
        # and does not overlap with anything previously added, so
        # we can add it to the end of the list.
        if GetOption('release_debug'): InfoOut.Log('Done %s' % node)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def Depart(self, node, data, childdata):
     if node.IsA('LabelItem'):
         return (node.GetName(), node.GetProperty('VALUE'))
     if node.IsA('Label') and node.GetName() == GetOption('label'):
             self.release_map = IDLReleaseMap(childdata)
             node.parent.release_map = self.release_map
         except Exception as err:
             node.Error('Unable to build release map: %s' % str(err))
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 17
def main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    if GetOption('test'):
        return TestFiles(filenames)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    cgen = CSGen()
    for f in ast.GetListOf('File'):
        if f.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:
            print 'Skipping %s' % f.GetName()
        for node in f.GetChildren()[2:]:
            print cgen.Define(node, ast.releases, comment=True, prefix='tst_')
Ejemplo n.º 18
def Main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    if GetOption('test'):
        return TestFiles(filenames)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    for f in ast.GetListOf('File'):
        if f.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:
            print 'Skipping %s' % f.GetName()
        print DefineDepends(node)
        for node in f.GetChildren()[2:]:
            print Define(node, comment=True, prefix='tst_')
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def Generate(self, ast, options):
        self.errors = 0

        rangestr = GetOption('range')
        releasestr = GetOption('release')

        # Check for a range option which over-rides a release option
        if not releasestr and rangestr:
            range_list = rangestr.split(',')
            if len(range_list) != 2:
                self.Error('Failed to generate for %s, incorrect range: "%s"' %
                           (self.name, rangestr))
                vmin = range_list[0]
                vmax = range_list[1]
                vmin = ast.releases.index(vmin)
                vmax = ast.releases.index(vmax) + 1
                range = ast.releases[vmin:vmax]
                InfoOut.Log('Generate range %s of %s.' % (range, self.name))
                ret = self.GenerateRange(ast, range, options)
                if ret < 0:
                    self.Error('Failed to generate range %s : %s.' %
                               (vmin, vmax))
                    InfoOut.Log('%s wrote %d files.' % (self.name, ret))
        # Otherwise this should be a single release generation
            if releasestr:
                InfoOut.Log('Generate release %s of %s.' %
                            (releasestr, self.name))
                ret = self.GenerateRelease(ast, releasestr, options)
                if ret < 0:
                    self.Error('Failed to generate release %s.' % releasestr)
                    InfoOut.Log('%s wrote %d files.' % (self.name, ret))

                self.Error('No range or release specified for %s.' %
        return self.errors
Ejemplo n.º 20
def ParseFiles(filenames):
  parser = IDLParser()
  filenodes = []
  errors = 0

  if not filenames:
    filenames = []
    srcroot = GetOption('srcroot')
    for dir in default_dirs:
      srcdir = os.path.join(srcroot, dir, '*.idl')
      srcdir = os.path.normpath(srcdir)
      filenames += sorted(glob.glob(srcdir))

  for filename in filenames:
    filenode = parser.ParseFile(filename)

  ast = IDLAst(filenodes)
  if GetOption('dump_tree'): ast.Dump(0)

  return ast
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def GenerateFile(self, filenode, releases, options):
        savename = GetOutFileName(filenode, GetOption('dstroot'))
        unique_releases = filenode.GetUniqueReleases(releases)
        if not unique_releases:
            if os.path.isfile(savename):
                print "Removing stale %s for this range." % filenode.GetName()
            return False

        out = IDLOutFile(savename)
        self.GenerateHead(out, filenode, releases, options)
        self.GenerateBody(out, filenode, releases, options)
        self.GenerateTail(out, filenode, releases, options)
        return out.Close()
Ejemplo n.º 22
  def GenerateFile(self, filenode, releases, options):
    savename = GetOutFileName(filenode, GetOption('dstroot'))
    my_min, my_max = filenode.GetMinMax(releases)
    if my_min > releases[-1] or my_max < releases[0]:
      if os.path.isfile(savename):
        print "Removing stale %s for this range." % filenode.GetName()
      return False

    out = IDLOutFile(savename)
    self.GenerateHead(out, filenode, releases, options)
    self.GenerateBody(out, filenode, releases, options)
    self.GenerateTail(out, filenode, releases, options)
    return out.Close()
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def InRange(self, rmin, rmax):
        assert (rmin == None) or rmin < rmax

        # An min of None always passes a min bound test
        # An max of None always passes a max bound test
        if rmin is not None and self.rmax is not None:
            if self.rmax <= rmin:
                return False
        if rmax is not None and self.rmin is not None:
            if self.rmin >= rmax:
                return False

        if GetOption('release_debug'):
            InfoOut.Log('%f to %f is in %s' % (rmin, rmax, self))
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def GenerateRange(self, ast, releases, options):
        # Get list of out files
        outlist = GetOption('out')
        if outlist: outlist = outlist.split(',')

        skipList = []
        cnt = 0
        for filenode in ast.GetListOf('File'):
            # Skip this file if not required
            if outlist and filenode.GetName() not in outlist:

            # If this file has errors, skip it
            if filenode.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:

            # Create output file
            out = self.GetOutFile(filenode, options)
            self.GenerateHead(out, filenode, releases, options)
            self.GenerateBody(out, filenode, releases, options)
            self.GenerateTail(out, filenode, releases, options)

            if out.Close(): cnt = cnt + 1

        for filenode in skipList:
            errcnt = filenode.GetProperty('ERRORS')
            ErrOut.Log('%s : Skipped because of %d errors.' %
                       (filenode.GetName(), errcnt))

        if skipList:
            return -len(skipList)

        if GetOption('diff'):
            return -cnt
        return cnt
Ejemplo n.º 25
def Main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    test_releases = ['M13', 'M14', 'M15']
    if not filenames:
        idldir = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
        idldir = os.path.join(idldir, 'test_gen_pnacl', '*.idl')
        filenames = glob.glob(idldir)
    filenames = sorted(filenames)
    if GetOption('test'):
        # Run the tests.
        return TestFiles(filenames, test_releases)

    # Otherwise, generate the output file (for potential use as golden file).
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    return pnaclgen.GenerateRange(ast, test_releases, filenames)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def GenerateHeader(out, filenode, releases):
    gpath = GetOption('guard')
    cgen = CGen()
    pref = ''
    do_comments = True

    # Generate definitions.
    last_group = None
    top_types = ['Typedef', 'Interface', 'Struct', 'Enum', 'Inline']
    for node in filenode.GetListOf(*top_types):
        # Skip if this node is not in this release
        if not node.InReleases(releases):
            print "Skiping %s" % node

        # End/Start group marker
        if do_comments:
            last_group = WriteGroupMarker(out, node, last_group)

        if node.IsA('Inline'):
            item = node.GetProperty('VALUE')
            # If 'C++' use __cplusplus wrapper
            if node.GetName() == 'cc':
                item = '#ifdef __cplusplus\n%s\n#endif  // __cplusplus\n\n' % item
            # If not C++ or C, then skip it
            elif not node.GetName() == 'c':
            if item: out.Write(item)

        # Otherwise we are defining a file level object, so generate the
        # correct document notation.
        item = cgen.Define(node, releases, prefix=pref, comment=True)
        if not item: continue
        asize = node.GetProperty('assert_size()')
        if asize:
            name = '%s%s' % (pref, node.GetName())
            if node.IsA('Struct'):
                form = 'PP_COMPILE_ASSERT_STRUCT_SIZE_IN_BYTES(%s, %s);\n'
                form = 'PP_COMPILE_ASSERT_SIZE_IN_BYTES(%s, %s);\n'
            item += form % (name, asize[0])

        if item: out.Write(item)
    if last_group:
        out.Write(CommentLines(['*', ' @}', '']) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def GetEnumValue(self, enum, value):
        suppress_prefix = GetOption('cs-enum_prefix')
        if suppress_prefix:
            enumValue = value
            if value.upper().startswith(enum.upper() + "_"):
                enumValue = value[len(enum + "_"):]
            elif value.upper().startswith(enum.upper()):
                enumValue = value[len(enum):]

            enumValue = enumValue.lower()
            enumValue = enumValue.replace('_', ' ')
            enumValue = string.capwords(enumValue)
            enumValue = "".join(enumValue.split(' '))

            value = enumValue
        return value
Ejemplo n.º 28
def main(args):
    filenames = ParseOptions(args)
    ast = ParseFiles(filenames)
    rpcgen = RPCGen()
    files = ast.GetListOf('File')
    outname = GetOption('out')
    if outname == '':
        outname = 'out.cc'
    outfile = IDLOutFile(outname)
    emitted = set()
    for f in files:
        if f.GetName() == 'pp_macros.idl':
            GenerateDep(outfile, emitted, f, ast.releases)
    for f in files:
        GenerateDep(outfile, emitted, f, ast.releases)
    out = ''
    out += '#include "host/rpc.h"\n'
    out += '#include "json/json.cpp"\n'
    out += 'using namespace std;\n'
    out += 'using namespace JSON;\n'
    for declareOnly in [True, False]:
        for f in files:
            if f.GetProperty('ERRORS') > 0:
                print 'Skipping %s' % f.GetName()
            for node in f.GetChildren()[2:]:
                out += rpcgen.Define(node, ast.releases, declareOnly)
    out += 'static map<string, void*> gInterfaces;\n'
    out += '\n'
    out += 'typedef char* (*InterfaceMemberCallFunc)(const void*, JSONIterator&);\n'
    out += 'static map<string, InterfaceMemberCallFunc> gInterfaceMemberCallers;\n'
    out += '\n'
    out += 'void InitializeInterfaceList() {\n'
    for (interfaceString, interfaceStruct) in rpcgen.interfaceStructs:
        if interfaceString == "PPB_Flash_File_FileRef;2.0":
            interfaceString = "PPB_Flash_File_FileRef;2"
        elif interfaceString == "PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal;3.0":
            interfaceString = "PPB_Flash_File_ModuleLocal;3"
        elif interfaceString == "PPB_PDF;0.1":
            interfaceString = "PPB_PDF;1"
        out += '  gInterfaces.insert(pair<string, void*>("' + interfaceString + '", &' + interfaceStruct + '));\n'
    for (interfaceString, caller) in rpcgen.pppInterfaceGetters:
        out += '  gInterfaceMemberCallers.insert(pair<string, InterfaceMemberCallFunc>("' + interfaceString + '", ' + caller + '));\n'
    out += '};\n'
    out += '\n'
Ejemplo n.º 29
def Main(args):
  filenames = ParseOptions(args)
  if not filenames:
    gendir = os.path.join(GetOption('gen'), '*.h')
    filenames = sorted(glob.glob(gendir))
    srcdir = os.path.join(GetOption('src'), '*.h')
    srcs = sorted(glob.glob(srcdir))
    for name in srcs:
      name = os.path.split(name)[1]
      name = os.path.join(GetOption('gen'), name)
      if name not in filenames:
        print 'Missing: %s' % name

  for filename in filenames:
    gen = filename
    filename = filename[len(GetOption('gen')) + 1:]
    src = os.path.join(GetOption('src'), filename)
    diff = os.path.join(GetOption('diff'), filename)
    p = subprocess.Popen(['diff', src, gen], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    output, errors = p.communicate()

      input = open(diff, 'rt').read()
      input = ''

    if input != output:
      changes = GetChanges(output)
      changes = []

    if changes:
      print "\n\nDelta between:\n  src=%s\n  gen=%s\n" % (src, gen)
      for change in changes:
      print 'Done with %s\n\n' % src
      if GetOption('ok'):
        open(diff, 'wt').write(output)
      if GetOption('halt'):
        return 1
      print "\nSAME:\n  src=%s\n  gen=%s" % (src, gen)
      if input: print '  ** Matched expected diff. **'
      print '\n'
Ejemplo n.º 30
  def GenerateFile(self, filenode, releases, options):
    savename = _GetThunkFileName(filenode, GetOption('thunkroot'))
    my_min, my_max = filenode.GetMinMax(releases)
    if my_min > releases[-1] or my_max < releases[0]:
      if os.path.isfile(savename):
        print "Removing stale %s for this range." % filenode.GetName()
      return False
    do_generate = filenode.GetProperty('generate_thunk')
    if not do_generate:
      return False

    thunk_out = IDLOutFile(savename)
    body, meta = self.GenerateBody(thunk_out, filenode, releases, options)
    self.WriteHead(thunk_out, filenode, releases, options, meta)
    self.WriteTail(thunk_out, filenode, releases, options)
    return thunk_out.Close()