Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, *args):
        print "Qt UCR init"

        self.handlers = HandlerSet()
        self.startedIdleDescriber = False  # Counter to prevent describing twice?
        # Call to super will call self and thus must follow create self.handlers.
        # super(UseCaseReplayer, self).__init__(*args)  # if inherits new-style class object
        storytext.guishared.IdleHandlerUseCaseReplayer.__init__(self, *args)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class UseCaseReplayer(storytext.guishared.IdleHandlerUseCaseReplayer):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        print "Qt UCR init"

        self.handlers = HandlerSet()
        self.startedIdleDescriber = False  # Counter to prevent describing twice?
        # Call to super will call self and thus must follow create self.handlers.
        # super(UseCaseReplayer, self).__init__(*args)  # if inherits new-style class object
        storytext.guishared.IdleHandlerUseCaseReplayer.__init__(self, *args)
        # Anyone calling events_pending doesn't mean to include our logging events
        # so we intercept it and return the right answer for them...
    def addUiMap(self, uiMap):
        self.uiMap = uiMap
        if not self.loggerActive:
    lkk Reimplement to fix app shutdown problems
    This is called:
    1) when a usecase is at EOF
    AND there are no more usecases
    2) when a recorder is active
    etc. (I don't really understand the complex state when this is called.)
    Also, the generic code in guishared is gtk specific and doesn't remove the replayer idleHandler,
    only sets the local self.idleHandler = None (and the idleHandler stops later when it gets
    the return value of False.)
    For our purpose, insure the replayer idleHandler is stopped and don't start the describeHandle
    if the app is trying to quit.
    The problem with app shutdown was fixed by adding app.quit() to SUT.
    The problem was that automatic shutdown on last window closed did not shutdown app.
    Possibly because still timers in the event loop?
    Anyway, the solution of calling app.quit on main window close in the SUT
    allows the default implementation of tryAddDescribeHandler to work.
    We don't need what follows, which was an attempt to make sure there are no timers left in the event loop.
    I leave this cruft here because I still don't understand why the describeHandler is reinstalled
    and if it is preventing automatic app shutdown on last window close.
    def tryAddDescribeHandler(self):
        print "Qt reimplemented qtAdaptor.UseCaseReplayer.tryAddDescribeHandler"
        # Stop the replayer idleHandler
        TODO: under what conditions should a describeHandler be started?
        # This is not right because it doesn't record any usecases on startup.
        # if self.readingEnabled:
        if not self.startedIdleDescriber:
        # if self.isMonitoring():
            self.startedIdleDescriber = True  # So won't start a second time

    def makeDescribeHandler(self, method):
        #print "makeDescribeHandler with method", method
        #traceback.print_stack() # debugging
        return self.handlers.idleAdd(method, priority=describer.PRIORITY_STORYTEXT_IDLE)
    All shortcut stuff excised.
    In gtktoolkit, this was called from the shortcut stuff
    def tryRemoveDescribeHandler(self):
        print "tryRemoveDescribeHandler"
        if not self.isMonitoring() and not self.readingEnabled: # pragma: no cover - cannot test code with replayer disabled
            self.logger.debug("Disabling all idle handlers")
            self._disableIdleHandlers() # inherited from guishared, calls self.removeHandler
            if self.uiMap:
                self.uiMap.windows = [] # So we regenerate everything next time around
    def interceptEventsPendingMethod(self):
      self.orig_events_pending = gtk.events_pending
      gtk.events_pending = self.events_pending
    def events_pending(self): # pragma: no cover - cannot test code with replayer disabled
        if not self.isActive():
            self.logger.debug("Removing idle handler for descriptions")
        return_value = self.orig_events_pending()
        if not self.isActive():
            if self.readingEnabled:
                self.logger.debug("Re-adding idle handler for descriptions")
        return return_value
    def makeTimeoutReplayHandler(self, method, milliseconds):
        return self.timeoutAdd(time=milliseconds, method=method, priority=describer.PRIORITY_STORYTEXT_REPLAY_IDLE)
    def makeIdleReplayHandler(self, method):
        return self.handlers.idleAdd(method, priority=describer.PRIORITY_STORYTEXT_REPLAY_IDLE)

    def shouldMonitorWindow(self, window):
        hint = window.get_type_hint()
        if hint == gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_TOOLTIP or hint == gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_COMBO:
            return False
        elif isinstance(window.child, gtk.Menu) and isinstance(window.child.get_attach_widget(), gtk.ComboBox):
            return False
            return True
        # TODO Qt
        return True

    def findWindowsForMonitoring(self):
        # print "findWindowsForMonitoring"
        return filter(self.shouldMonitorWindow, QCoreApplication.instance().topLevelWidgets())

    def describeNewWindow(self, window):
        # print "describeNewWindow", window
        assert window is not None
        if window.isVisible():

    def callReplayHandlerAgain(self):
        Boolean result of replayIdleHandler.
        For GTK:
        - True causes the handler to continue, i.e. get called again next iteration of event loop.
        - False is the opposite, i.e. stops the idle handler.
        For Qt this is moot (but function must be implemented, its pure virtual in the base class?)
        However, see elsewhere for how Qt handlers are stopped.
        return True