Ejemplo n.º 1
def single_cz() -> Idpression:
    state = Tex(name='state', val_type=Bit)
    target1 = Uniform(name='target1', val_type=Int32)
    target2 = Uniform(name='target2', val_type=Int32)
    index = Y >> 1
    result = do_parallel_czs(state,
                             affected=(index == target1) | (index == target2),
                             partner=(target1 + target2 - index))
    return generate_shader_construction('singleCZ', result)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def shifter():
    state = Tex(name='state', val_type=Int32)
    offset = Uniform(name='offset', val_type=Vec2)
    read_x = X - offset.x().int()
    read_y = Y - offset.y().int()
    in_bounds = ((read_x >= 0) & (read_y >= 0) &
                 (read_x < state.size.x().int()) &
                 (read_y < state.size.y().int()))
    result = in_bounds.if_then(state[read_x, read_y]).else_end(0)
    return generate_shader_construction('shifter', result)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def do_surface_czs(evens, verticals, zs):
    # o==x--o==x--
    #    |     |
    # z  o  z  o
    #    !     !
    # o==x--o==x==
    #    |     |
    # z  o  z  o
    # =: even horizontal
    # -: odd horizontal
    # |: even vertical
    # !: odd vertical

    state = Tex(name='state', val_type=Bit)
    surface_width = Uniform(Int32, 'surface_width')
    surface_height = Uniform(Int32, 'surface_height')
    q = Y >> 1
    qX = q % surface_width
    qY = q // surface_width

    if verticals:
        i, j = qY, qX
        r = surface_height
        i, j = qX, qY
        r = surface_width
    offset = 0 if evens else 1

    on_line = (j & 1) == (1 if zs == verticals else 0)
    in_range = ((i + offset) | 1) - offset < r
    i = ((i + offset) ^ 1) - offset

    if verticals:
        qY, qX = i, j
        qX, qY = i, j

    result = do_parallel_czs(state,
                             affected=in_range & on_line,
                             partner=qY * surface_width + qX)
    captions = {
        (False, False, False): 'surfaceCzsEHX',
        (True, False, False): 'surfaceCzsOHX',
        (False, True, False): 'surfaceCzsEVX',
        (True, True, False): 'surfaceCzsOVX',
        (False, False, True): 'surfaceCzsEHZ',
        (True, False, True): 'surfaceCzsOHZ',
        (False, True, True): 'surfaceCzsEVZ',
        (True, True, True): 'surfaceCzsOVZ',
    return generate_shader_construction(captions[(evens, verticals, zs)],
Ejemplo n.º 4
def eliminate_column():
    The input state should be the result of set_measured, with the target row
    having been flipped to have unit product. The measurement result is stored
    in the first cell of the target row (which is otherwise unused).

    The found_ones param should be the result of folding found_ones over all
    but the first two columns of the input state, so it has a single column
    containing zero to mean "no variables" or non-zero to mean "index of
    first variable" (off by one).

    The output state is the state after reset-ing the measurement, without
    removing the measurement results themselves. In the "no variable" case this
    means nothing happens. In the "yes variables" case, the Z observable's row
    (skipping first element) is xor'd into any rows who have a bit set at the
    same position as the Z observable's first variable bit that's set. Also the
    X observable will be replaced such that only the first variable bit from
    the Z observable is set.
    state = Tex(name='state', val_type=Bit)
    mux = Tex(name='found_ones', val_type=Int32)
    measured = Uniform(name='target', val_type=Int32)

    unit_row = measured * 2 + 1
    victim_col = mux[0, unit_row] + 1
    is_non_trivial = victim_col >= 2
    toggles = (state[:, unit_row] & state[victim_col, :] & is_non_trivial &
               (X > 0))
    reset = (Y == measured * 2) & is_non_trivial
    result = reset.if_then(X == victim_col).else_end(toggles ^ state)
    return generate_shader_construction('eliminateCol', result)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def single_x() -> Idpression:
    state = Tex(name='state', val_type=Bit)
    target = Uniform(name='target', val_type=Int32)
    # Flip const bit of Z observable and Y sign bit.
    flip = (X < 2) & (Y == target * 2 + X)
    result = state != flip
    return generate_shader_construction('singleX', result)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def measure_set_result():
    The input state should be the state to be measured.

    The found_ones param should be the result of folding found_ones over all
    but the first two columns of the input state, so it has a single column
    containing zero to mean "no variables" or non-zero to mean "index of
    first variable" (off by one).

    The rand param should be a 4xH texture containing PRNG state. Its state
    should be advanced (separately) after using this shader.

    In the output state, the target qubit's Z observable is guaranteed to be
    equal to 1. The actual measurement result is stored in column 0 of Z. No
    other values should be affected.
    state = Tex(name='state', val_type=Bit)
    found_ones = Tex(name='found_ones', val_type=Int32)
    rand = Tex(name='rand', val_type=Int32)
    target = Uniform(name='target', val_type=Int32)
    rand_bit = (rand[0, :] & 1).bool()
    const_bit = state[1, :]
    is_random_result = found_ones[0, :] != 0
    outcome = is_random_result.if_then(rand_bit).else_end(const_bit)

    not_affected = (Y != target * 2 + 1) | (X >= 2)
    result = (not_affected.if_then(state).else_if(
        X == 1).then(state ^ outcome).else_end(outcome))
    return generate_shader_construction('measureSetResult', result)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def surface_hadamards(check_vs_data: Optional[bool]):
    state = Tex(name='state', val_type=Bit)
    surface_width = Uniform(Int32, 'surface_width')
    q = Y >> 1
    qX = q % surface_width
    qY = q // surface_width
    is_check = qX & 1 == qY & 1
    is_data = qX & 1 != qY & 1
    result = do_parallel_hadamards(
        state, False
        if check_vs_data is None else is_data if check_vs_data else is_check)
    caption = ('hadamardAll' if check_vs_data is None else
               'hadamardCheck' if check_vs_data else 'hadamardData')
    return generate_shader_construction(caption, result)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def single_hadamard():
    state = Tex(name='state', val_type=Bit)
    target = Uniform(name='target', val_type=Int32)
    result = do_parallel_hadamards(state, unaffected=(Y >> 1) != target)
    return generate_shader_construction('singleHadamard', result)