def __init__(self, fn, gf=None, wf=None, group_lines=True): self.f = self.group_lines = group_lines if gf: = self.calc_grid_pts() if wf: = self.calc_opening_centers()
def process_clash_set(self, clash_set): for ab in ["a", "b"]:"Creating collision manager {ab} ...") clash_set[f"{ab}_cm"] = collision.CollisionManager()"Loading files {ab} ...") for data in clash_set[ab]: data["ifc"] =["file"]) self.patch_ifc(data["ifc"]) f"Creating collision data for {ab} ...") if len(data["ifc"].by_type("IfcElement")) > 0: self.add_collision_objects(data, clash_set[f"{ab}_cm"]) if "b" in clash_set and clash_set["b"]: results = clash_set["a_cm"].in_collision_other(clash_set["b_cm"], return_data=True) else: results = clash_set["a_cm"].in_collision_internal(return_data=True) if not results[0]: return tolerance = clash_set["tolerance"] if "tolerance" in clash_set else 0.01 clash_set["clashes"] = {} for contact in results[1]: a_global_id, b_global_id = contact.names a = self.get_element(clash_set["a"], a_global_id) if "b" in clash_set and clash_set["b"]: b = self.get_element(clash_set["b"], b_global_id) else: b = self.get_element(clash_set["a"], b_global_id) if contact.raw.penetration_depth < tolerance: continue # fcl returns contact data for faces that aren't actually # penetrating, but just touching. If our tolerance is zero, then we # consider these as clashes and we move on. If our tolerance is not # zero, fcl has a strange behaviour where the penetration depth can # be a large number even though objects are just touching # In # this case, I don't trust the penetration depth and I run my own # triangle-triangle intersection test. Optimistically, this skips # the false positives. Conservatively, we let the user manually deal # with the false positives and we mark it as a clash. is_optimistic = True # TODO: let user configure this if is_optimistic and tolerance != 0: # We'll now check if the contact data's two faces are actually # intersecting, using this brute force check: # # I'm not very good at this kind of code. If you know this stuff # please help rewrite this. # Get vertices of clashing tris p1 = self.global_data["meshes"][contact.names[0]].faces[ contact.index(contact.names[0])] p2 = self.global_data["meshes"][contact.names[1]].faces[ contact.index(contact.names[1])] m1 = self.global_data["matrices"][contact.names[0]] m2 = self.global_data["matrices"][contact.names[1]] v1 = [] v2 = [] for v in p1: v1.append((m1 @ np.array([ *self.global_data["meshes"][ contact.names[0]].vertices[v], 1 ]))[0:3].round(2)) for v in p2: v2.append((m2 @ np.array([ *self.global_data["meshes"][ contact.names[1]].vertices[v], 1 ]))[0:3].round(2)) tri1_x = 0 tri2_x = 0 tri1_x += 1 if self.intersect_line_triangle( v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]) is not None else 0 tri1_x += 1 if self.intersect_line_triangle( v1[1], v1[2], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]) is not None else 0 tri1_x += 1 if self.intersect_line_triangle( v1[2], v1[0], v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]) is not None else 0 tri2_x += 1 if self.intersect_line_triangle( v2[0], v2[1], v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]) is not None else 0 tri2_x += 1 if self.intersect_line_triangle( v2[1], v2[2], v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]) is not None else 0 tri2_x += 1 if self.intersect_line_triangle( v2[2], v2[0], v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]) is not None else 0 intersections = [tri1_x, tri2_x] if intersections == [0, 2] or intersections == [ 2, 0 ] or intersections == [1, 1]: # This is a penetrating collision pass else: # This is probably two triangles which just touch continue key = f"{a_global_id}-{b_global_id}" if (key in clash_set["clashes"] and clash_set["clashes"][key]["penetration_depth"] > contact.raw.penetration_depth): continue clash_set["clashes"][key] = { "a_global_id": a_global_id, "b_global_id": b_global_id, "a_ifc_class": a.is_a(), "b_ifc_class": b.is_a(), "a_name": a.Name, "b_name": b.Name, "normal": list(contact.raw.normal), "position": list(contact.raw.pos), "penetration_depth": contact.raw.penetration_depth, }
import ifcopenshell file ="180502.ifc") project = file.by_type("IfcProject")[0] print(project) # IFCRelSpaceBoundary boundary = file.by_type("IFCRelSpaceBoundary") print(boundary) for i in range(len(boundary)): print(boundary[i]) # IFCRelationship relation = file.by_type("IFCRelationship") print(relation) for i in range(len(relation)): print(relation[i]) # IFCR한글로하면?
import unicodedata from datetime import datetime from collections import defaultdict from lxml import etree as ET from operator import itemgetter from collections import OrderedDict from itertools import combinations fname = input('Give in absolute file path to IFC file:') while fname.endswith('.ifc') == False: print ('The path you gave is not an IFC file.') fname = input('Give in file path to IFC file:') ifcfile = products = ifcfile.by_type('IfcProduct') project = ifcfile.by_type('IfcProject') site = ifcfile.by_type('IfcSite') head, tail = os.path.split(fname) folder_name = 'sets_Navisworks_Manage_' + tail.replace('.ifc','') class GetIDMdata(): def get_software(self): print ('get software') software_list = [] for j in project:
def load(self, fn): if fn in self.files: return f = self.files[fn] = f for c in self.components: c.load_file(f, setting=self.settings)
def open(fn): return file( class query_unique(object): pass
def explore(filename=None): """explore([filename]): opens a dialog showing the contents of an IFC file. If no filename is given, a dialog will pop up to choose a file.""" p = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Arch") DEBUG = p.GetBool("ifcDebug",False) try: import ifcopenshell except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("IfcOpenShell was not found on this system. IFC support is disabled\n") return if not filename: from PySide import QtGui filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(),'IFC files','*.ifc') if filename: filename = filename[0] from PySide import QtCore,QtGui if isinstance(filename,unicode): import sys #workaround since ifcopenshell currently can't handle unicode filenames filename = filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if not os.path.exists(filename): print "File not found" return ifc = tree = QtGui.QTreeWidget() tree.setColumnCount(3) tree.setWordWrap(True) tree.header().setDefaultSectionSize(60) tree.header().resizeSection(0,60) tree.header().resizeSection(1,30) tree.header().setStretchLastSection(True) tree.headerItem().setText(0, "ID") tree.headerItem().setText(1, "") tree.headerItem().setText(2, "Item and Properties") bold = QtGui.QFont() bold.setWeight(75) bold.setBold(True) entities = ifc.by_type("IfcRoot") entities += ifc.by_type("IfcRepresentation") entities += ifc.by_type("IfcRepresentationItem") entities += ifc.by_type("IfcPlacement") entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda eid: for entity in entities: item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(tree) if hasattr(entity,"id"): item.setText(0,str( if entity.is_a() in ["IfcWall","IfcWallStandardCase"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Arch_Wall_Tree.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcColumn","IfcColumnStandardCase","IfcBeam","IfcBeamStandardCase","IfcSlab","IfcFooting","IfcPile","IfcTendon"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Arch_Structure_Tree.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcSite"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Arch_Site_Tree.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcBuilding"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Arch_Building_Tree.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcBuildingStorey"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Arch_Floor_Tree.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcWindow","IfcWindowStandardCase","IfcDoor","IfcDoorStandardCase"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Arch_Window_Tree.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcRoof"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Arch_Roof_Tree.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcExtrudedAreaSolid","IfcClosedShell"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Tree_Part.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcFace"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Draft_SwitchMode.svg")) elif entity.is_a() in ["IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef","IfcPolyloop"]: item.setIcon(1,QtGui.QIcon(":icons/Draft_Draft.svg")) item.setText(2,str(entity.is_a())) item.setFont(2,bold); i = 0 while True: try: argname = entity.attribute_name(i) except: break else: try: argvalue = getattr(entity,argname) except: print "Error in entity ",entity break else: if not argname in ["Id", "GlobalId"]: if isinstance(argvalue,ifcopenshell.entity_instance): t = "Entity #" + str( + ": " + str(argvalue.is_a()) elif isinstance(argvalue,list): t = "" else: t = str(argvalue) t = " " + str(argname) + " : " + str(t) item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(tree) item.setText(2,str(t)) if isinstance(argvalue,list): for argitem in argvalue: if isinstance(argitem,ifcopenshell.entity_instance): t = "Entity #" + str( + ": " + str(argitem.is_a()) else: t = argitem t = " " + str(t) item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(tree) item.setText(2,str(t)) i += 1 d = QtGui.QDialog() d.setObjectName("IfcExplorer") d.setWindowTitle("Ifc Explorer") d.resize(640, 480) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(d) layout.addWidget(tree) d.exec_() return
def insert(filename,docname,skip=[],only=[],root=None): """insert(filename,docname,skip=[],only=[],root=None): imports the contents of an IFC file. skip can contain a list of ids of objects to be skipped, only can restrict the import to certain object ids (will also get their children) and root can be used to import only the derivates of a certain element type (default = ifcProduct).""" p = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Arch") DEBUG = p.GetBool("ifcDebug",False) PREFIX_NUMBERS = p.GetBool("ifcPrefixNumbers",False) SKIP = p.GetString("ifcSkip","").split(",") SEPARATE_OPENINGS = p.GetBool("ifcSeparateOpenings",False) ROOT_ELEMENT = p.GetString("ifcRootElement","IfcProduct") if root: ROOT_ELEMENT = root MERGE_MODE = p.GetInt("ifcImportMode",0) if MERGE_MODE > 0: SEPARATE_OPENINGS = False READ_COLORS = p.GetBool("ifcReadColors",True) if not SEPARATE_OPENINGS: SKIP.append("IfcOpeningElement") try: import ifcopenshell except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("IfcOpenShell was not found on this system. IFC support is disabled\n") return if DEBUG: print "Opening ",filename,"...", try: doc = FreeCAD.getDocument(docname) except: doc = FreeCAD.newDocument(docname) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = doc if DEBUG: print "done." global ifcfile # keeping global for debugging purposes if isinstance(filename,unicode): import sys #workaround since ifcopenshell currently can't handle unicode filenames filename = filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) ifcfile = from ifcopenshell import geom settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_BREP_DATA,True) settings.set(settings.SEW_SHELLS,True) settings.set(settings.USE_WORLD_COORDS,True) if SEPARATE_OPENINGS: settings.set(settings.DISABLE_OPENING_SUBTRACTIONS,True) sites = ifcfile.by_type("IfcSite") buildings = ifcfile.by_type("IfcBuilding") floors = ifcfile.by_type("IfcBuildingStorey") products = ifcfile.by_type(ROOT_ELEMENT) openings = ifcfile.by_type("IfcOpeningElement") annotations = ifcfile.by_type("IfcAnnotation") if DEBUG: print "Building relationships table...", # building relations tables objects = {} # { id:object, ... } additions = {} # { host:[child,...], ... } subtractions = [] # [ [opening,host], ... ] properties = {} # { host:[property, ...], ... } colors = {} # { id:(r,g,b) } shapes = {} # { id:shaoe } only used for merge mode for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure"): additions.setdefault(,[]).extend([ for e in r.RelatedElements]) for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelAggregates"): additions.setdefault(,[]).extend([ for e in r.RelatedObjects]) for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelVoidsElement"): subtractions.append([,]) for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelDefinesByProperties"): for obj in r.RelatedObjects: if r.RelatingPropertyDefinition.is_a("IfcPropertySet"): properties.setdefault(,[]).extend([ for e in r.RelatingPropertyDefinition.HasProperties]) if READ_COLORS: for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcStyledItem"): if r.Item and r.Styles[0].is_a("IfcPresentationStyleAssignment"): if r.Styles[0].Styles[0].is_a("IfcSurfaceStyle"): if r.Styles[0].Styles[0].Styles[0].is_a("IfcSurfaceStyleRendering"): if r.Styles[0].Styles[0].Styles[0].SurfaceColour: c = r.Styles[0].Styles[0].Styles[0].SurfaceColour for p in ifcfile.by_type("IfcProduct"): if p.Representation: for it in p.Representation.Representations: if it.Items: if it.Items[0].id() == colors[] = (c.Red,c.Green,c.Blue) elif it.Items[0].is_a("IfcBooleanResult"): if (it.Items[0] == colors[] = (c.Red,c.Green,c.Blue) if only: # only import a list of IDs and their children ids = [] while only: currentid = only.pop() ids.append(currentid) if currentid in additions.keys(): only.extend(additions[currentid]) products = [ifcfile[currentid] for currentid in ids] if DEBUG: print "done." count = 0 from FreeCAD import Base progressbar = Base.ProgressIndicator() progressbar.start("Importing IFC objects...",len(products)) # products for product in products: pid = guid = product.GlobalId ptype = product.is_a() if DEBUG: print count,"/",len(products)," creating object ",pid," : ",ptype, name = product.Name or str(ptype[3:]) if PREFIX_NUMBERS: name = "ID" + str(pid) + " " + name obj = None baseobj = None brep = None if pid in skip: # user given id skip list if DEBUG: print " skipped." continue if ptype in SKIP: # preferences-set type skip list if DEBUG: print " skipped." continue try: cr = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings,product) brep = cr.geometry.brep_data except: pass # IfcOpenShell will yield an error if a given product has no shape, but we don't care if brep: if DEBUG: print " ",str(len(brep)/1000),"k ", shape = Part.Shape() shape.importBrepFromString(brep) shape.scale(1000.0) # IfcOpenShell always outputs in meters if not shape.isNull(): if MERGE_MODE > 0: if ptype == "IfcSpace": # do not add spaces to compounds if DEBUG: print "skipping space ",pid else: shapes[pid] = shape if DEBUG: print shape.Solids baseobj = shape else: baseobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name+"_body") baseobj.Shape = shape else: if DEBUG: print "null shape ", if not shape.isValid(): if DEBUG: print "invalid shape. Skipping" continue else: if DEBUG: print " no brep " if MERGE_MODE == 0: # full Arch objects for freecadtype,ifctypes in typesmap.items(): if ptype in ifctypes: obj = getattr(Arch,"make"+freecadtype)(baseobj=baseobj,name=name) obj.Label = name # setting role try: r = ptype[3:] tr = dict((v,k) for k, v in translationtable.iteritems()) if r in tr.keys(): r = tr[r] # remove the "StandardCase" if "StandardCase" in r: r = r[:-12] obj.Role = r except: pass # setting uid if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): a = obj.IfcAttributes a["IfcUID"] = str(guid) obj.IfcAttributes = a break if not obj: obj = baseobj if obj: sols = str(baseobj.Shape.Solids) if hasattr(baseobj,"Shape") else "[]" if DEBUG: print sols objects[pid] = obj elif MERGE_MODE == 1: # non-parametric Arch objects if ptype in ["IfcSite","IfcBuilding","IfcBuildingStorey"]: for freecadtype,ifctypes in typesmap.items(): if ptype in ifctypes: obj = getattr(Arch,"make"+freecadtype)(baseobj=None,name=name) obj.Label = name objects[pid] = obj elif baseobj: obj = Arch.makeComponent(baseobj,name=name) obj.Label = name objects[pid] = obj elif MERGE_MODE == 2: # Part shapes if ptype in ["IfcSite","IfcBuilding","IfcBuildingStorey"]: for freecadtype,ifctypes in typesmap.items(): if ptype in ifctypes: obj = getattr(Arch,"make"+freecadtype)(baseobj=None,name=name) obj.Label = name objects[pid] = obj elif baseobj: obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name) obj.Label = name obj.Shape = shape if obj: # properties if pid in properties: if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): a = obj.IfcAttributes for p in properties[pid]: o = ifcfile[p] if o.is_a("IfcPropertySingleValue"): a[o.Name] = str(o.NominalValue) obj.IfcAttributes = a # color if FreeCAD.GuiUp and (pid in colors): if DEBUG: print " setting color: ",colors[pid] obj.ViewObject.ShapeColor = colors[pid] # if DEBUG is on, recompute after each shape if DEBUG: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() count += 1 progressbar.stop() FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if MERGE_MODE == 3: if DEBUG: print "Joining shapes..." for host,children in additions.items(): if ifcfile[host].is_a("IfcBuildingStorey"): compound = [] for c in children: if c in shapes.keys(): compound.append(shapes[c]) del shapes[c] if c in additions.keys(): for c2 in additions[c]: if c2 in shapes.keys(): compound.append(shapes[c2]) del shapes[c2] if compound: name = ifcfile[host].Name or "Floor" if PREFIX_NUMBERS: name = "ID" + str(host) + " " + name obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name) obj.Label = name obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(compound) if shapes: # remaining shapes obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature","Unclaimed") obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(shapes.values()) else: if DEBUG: print "Processing relationships..." # subtractions if SEPARATE_OPENINGS: for subtraction in subtractions: if (subtraction[0] in objects.keys()) and (subtraction[1] in objects.keys()): if DEBUG: print "subtracting ",objects[subtraction[0]].Name, " from ", objects[subtraction[1]].Name Arch.removeComponents(objects[subtraction[0]],objects[subtraction[1]]) if DEBUG: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() # additions for host,children in additions.items(): if host in objects.keys(): cobs = [objects[child] for child in children if child in objects.keys()] if cobs: if DEBUG and (len(cobs) > 10) and ( not(Draft.getType(objects[host]) in ["Site","Building","Floor"])): # avoid huge fusions print "more than 10 shapes to add: skipping." else: if DEBUG: print "adding ",cobs, " to ", objects[host].Name Arch.addComponents(cobs,objects[host]) if DEBUG: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if DEBUG: print "Cleaning..." # cleaning bad shapes for obj in objects.values(): if obj.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"): if obj.Shape.isNull(): Arch.rebuildArchShape(obj) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() # 2D elements if DEBUG and annotations: print "Creating 2D geometry..." for annotation in annotations: aid = if aid in skip: continue # user given id skip list if "IfcAnnotation" in SKIP: continue # preferences-set type skip list name = "Annotation" if annotation.Name: name = annotation.Name if PREFIX_NUMBERS: name = "ID" + str(aid) + " " + name shapes2d = [] for repres in annotation.Representation.Representations: shapes2d.extend(setRepresentation(repres)) if shapes2d: sh = Part.makeCompound(shapes2d) pc = str(int((float(count)/(len(products)+len(annotations))*100)))+"% " if DEBUG: print pc,"creating object ",aid," : Annotation with shape: ",sh o = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name) o.Shape = sh count += 1 FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if FreeCAD.GuiUp: import FreeCADGui FreeCADGui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") print "Finished importing." return doc
from OCC.TopoDS import TopoDS import ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell.geom # Specify to return pythonOCC shapes from ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape() settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True) # Initialize a graphical display window occ_display = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.initialize_display() occ_display.View.SetBackgroundImage("white_bg.bmp") # Open the IFC file using IfcOpenShell ifc_file =, "IfcOpenHouse.ifc")) # The geometric elements in an IFC file are the IfcProduct elements. So these are # opened and displayed. products = ifc_file.by_type("IfcProduct") product_shapes = [] # For every product a shape is created if the shape has a Representation. for product in products: if product.is_a("IfcOpeningElement") or product.is_a("IfcSite"): continue if product.Representation is not None: shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, product).geometry product_shapes.append((product, shape)) # Two list are initialized to calculate the surface area to be printed. surface_areas_per_section = []
def check_use_of_entities(file_name): print ('check use of entities') ifc_file = products = ifc_file.by_type('IfcProduct') product_list = [] product_names_list = [] for product in products: product_list.append(product.is_a()) product_names_list.append([(product.is_a(),product.Name)]) ifcproduct_list = (list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(product_list))) product_names_list.sort() ifcproduct_name_list = list(product_names_list for product_names_list, _ in itertools.groupby(product_names_list)) root = etree.Element('exchange') doc = etree.SubElement(root, "selectionsets") for folder_name in ifcproduct_list: viewfolder = etree.SubElement(doc, "viewfolder", name=str(folder_name), guid=str(uuid.uuid4())) for product in ifcproduct_name_list: if product[0][0] == folder_name: selectionset = etree.SubElement(viewfolder, "selectionset", name=str(product[0][1]), guid=str(uuid.uuid4())) findspec = etree.SubElement(selectionset, "findspec", mode="all", disjoint="0") conditions = etree.SubElement(findspec, "conditions") condition = etree.SubElement(conditions, "condition", test="equals", flags="10") category = etree.SubElement(condition, "category") name = etree.SubElement(category, "name", internal="LcIFCProperty").text = "Item" property = etree.SubElement(condition, "property") name = etree.SubElement(property, "name", internal="IFCString").text = "Name" value = etree.SubElement(condition, "value") data = etree.SubElement(value, "data", type="wstring").text = str(product[0][1]) locator = etree.SubElement(findspec, "locator").text = "/" schema_location_string = '<exchange xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">' tree = etree.ElementTree(root) tree.write('xml_files/ifc_searchsets_navisworks.xml', encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) with open('xml_files/ifc_searchsets_navisworks.xml', 'r') as xml_file: xml_data = xml_file.readlines() xml_data[1] = schema_location_string + '\n' with open('xml_files/ifc_searchsets_navisworks.xml', 'w') as xml_file: xml_file.writelines(xml_data)
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat May 26 07:14:02 2018 @author: Mathias Bernhard <*****@*****.**> """ import ifcopenshell # file to read path = '../resources/' filename = 'MFH Birmensdorf Arch_optimized.ifc' # open ifc file ifcfile = + filename) # get a list of all the doors doors = ifcfile.by_type('IfcDoor') # output for graphvizfile = open('../output/door-space-connections_webgraphviz.txt', 'w') graphvizfile.write('digraph ifc {\n') graphvizfile.write('graph [rankdir=LR];\n') graphvizfile.write('node [shape=plaintext,height=0.1,style=filled];\n') graphvizfile.write('edge [arrowhead=none];\n\n') uniquespaceids = [] for d in doors: di = ifcfile.get_inverse(d) rsb = [e for e in di if e.is_a('IfcRelSpaceBoundary')]
def display_ifc(file): # Specify to return pythonOCC shapes from ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape() settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True) # Initialize a graphical display window #occ_display = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.initialize_display() # Open the IFC file using IfcOpenShell ifc_file = # The geometric elements in an IFC file are the IfcProduct elements. So these are # opened and displayed. products = ifc_file.by_type("IfcProduct") product_shapes = [] # For every product a shape is created if the shape has a Representation. i = 0 for product in products: if product.is_a("IfcOpeningElement") or product.is_a("IfcSite"): continue if product.Representation is not None: shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, product).geometry product_shapes.append((product, shape)) i += 1 print(i) # Two list are initialized to calculate the surface area to be printed. surface_areas_per_section = [] surface_areas_per_building = [] # In this part the sections are created. You can enter the starting height, the # maximum height and the height difference between each section. starting_height = 0 maximum_height = 3 height_step = 0.5 section_height = starting_height while section_height <= maximum_height: print("Section height: " + str(section_height)) # A horizontal plane is created from which a face is constructed to intersect with # the building. The face is transparently displayed along with the building. section_plane =, 0, section_height),, 0, 1)) section_face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(section_plane, -10, 10, -10, 10).Face() #section_face_display = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(section_face) #ifcopenshell.geom.utils.set_shape_transparency(section_face_display, 0.5) #for shape in product_shapes: # ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(shape[1]) # Each product of the building is intersected with the horizontal face for product, shape in product_shapes: section = BRepAlgoAPI_Section(section_face, shape).Shape() # The edges of the intersection are stored in a list section_edges = list(Topo(section).edges()) # If the length of the section_edges list is greater than 0 there is an # intersection between the plane (at current height) and the product. Only in that # case the product needs to be printed. if len(section_edges) > 0: print(" {:<20}: {}".format(product.is_a(), product.Name)) # Open Cascade has a function to turn loose unconnected edges into a list of # connected wires. This function takes handles (pointers) to Open Cascade's native # sequence type. Hence, two sequences and handles, one for the input, one for the # output, are created. edges = OCC.TopTools.TopTools_HSequenceOfShape() edges_handle = OCC.TopTools.Handle_TopTools_HSequenceOfShape(edges) wires = OCC.TopTools.TopTools_HSequenceOfShape() wires_handle = OCC.TopTools.Handle_TopTools_HSequenceOfShape(wires) # The edges are copied to the sequence for edge in section_edges: edges.Append(edge) # A wire is formed by connecting the edges OCC.ShapeAnalysis.ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds.ConnectEdgesToWires( edges_handle, 1e-5, True, wires_handle) wires = wires_handle.GetObject() # From each wire a face is created print(" number of faces = %d" % wires.Length()) for i in range(wires.Length()): wire_shape = wires.Value(i + 1) wire = OCC.TopoDS.wire(wire_shape) face = OCC.BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire).Face() # The wires and the faces are displayed #ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(wire) #face_display = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(face) #ifcopenshell.geom.utils.set_shape_transparency(face_display, 0.5) # Data about the wire is created to calculate the area wire_data = OCC.ShapeExtend.ShapeExtend_WireData( wire, True, True) wire_data_handle = OCC.ShapeExtend.Handle_ShapeExtend_WireData( wire_data) # The surface area of the face is calculated and appended to the list surface_area = abs( OCC.ShapeAnalysis.ShapeAnalysis_TotCross2D( wire_data_handle, face)) print(" surface area =", surface_area) surface_areas_per_section.append(surface_area)
def insert(filename, docname=None, preferences=None): """imports the contents of an IFC file in the given document""" import ifcopenshell from ifcopenshell import geom # reset global values global layers global materials global objects global adds global subs layers = {} materials = {} objects = {} adds = {} subs = {} # statistics starttime = time.time() # in seconds filesize = os.path.getsize(filename) * 0.000001 # in megabytes print("Opening", filename + ",", round(filesize, 2), "Mb") # setup ifcopenshell if not preferences: preferences = importIFC.getPreferences() settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_BREP_DATA, True) settings.set(settings.SEW_SHELLS, True) settings.set(settings.USE_WORLD_COORDS, True) if preferences['SEPARATE_OPENINGS']: settings.set(settings.DISABLE_OPENING_SUBTRACTIONS, True) if preferences['SPLIT_LAYERS'] and hasattr(settings, "APPLY_LAYERSETS"): settings.set(settings.APPLY_LAYERSETS, True) # setup document if not FreeCAD.ActiveDocument: if not docname: docname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] doc = FreeCAD.newDocument(docname) doc.Label = docname FreeCAD.setActiveDocument(doc.Name) # open the file ifcfile = progressbar = Base.ProgressIndicator() productscount = len(ifcfile.by_type("IfcProduct")) progressbar.start("Importing " + str(productscount) + " products...", productscount) cores = preferences["MULTICORE"] iterator = ifcopenshell.geom.iterator(settings, ifcfile, cores) iterator.initialize() count = 0 # process objects while True: item = iterator.get() if item: brep = item.geometry.brep_data ifcproduct = ifcfile.by_id(item.guid) obj = createProduct(ifcproduct, brep) writeProgress(count, productscount, starttime) count += 1 if not break # finished processRelationships() progressbar.stop() FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() endtime = round(time.time() - starttime, 1) fs = round(filesize, 1) ratio = int(endtime / filesize) endtime = "%02d:%02d" % (divmod(endtime, 60)) writeProgress() # this cleans the line print("Finished importing", fs, "Mb in", endtime, "s, or", ratio, "s/Mb") return FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
def main(): path = "IfcTestFiles/0014_Vernier112D_ENE_ModèleÉnergétique_R21_1LocalParEtage.ifc" ifc_file = IfcPatch(path, ifc_file, logger=None, space_ids=[10928,10219]).patch()
"IfcLinearElement"): return numpy.row_stack(list(interpret_linear_element(settings, elem))) else: return ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, elem) def print_structure(alignment, indent=0): """ Debugging function to print alignment decomposition """ print(" " * indent, str(alignment)[0:100]) for rel in alignment.IsNestedBy: for child in rel.RelatedObjects: print_structure(child, indent + 2) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from matplotlib import pyplot as plt s ="IFC4x3_RC3.exp") ifcopenshell.register_schema(s) f =[1]) print_structure(f.by_type("IfcAlignment")[0]) al_hor = f.by_type("IfcAlignmentHorizontal")[0] xy = create_shape({}, al_hor) plt.plot(xy.T[0], xy.T[1]) plt.savefig("horizontal_alignment.png")
import operator import OCC.GProp import OCC.BRepGProp import ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell.geom import numpy # RGBA colors for the visualisation of elements RED, GRAY = (1,0,0,1), (0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.1) # Model freely available at: # ifc_file ="Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc") # Settings to specify usage of pyOCC settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True) # Some helper functions to map to the list of walls def create_shape(elem): return ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, elem) def calc_volume(s): props = OCC.GProp.GProp_GProps() OCC.BRepGProp.brepgprop_VolumeProperties(s.geometry, props) return props.Mass() def calc_area(s):
import sys sys.path.append('../..') import WebServer.TornadoWeb import tornado.ioloop import ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell.geom settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True) f ="IfcOpenHouse.ifc") def generate_shapes(): for product in f.by_type("IfcProduct"): if product.is_a("IfcOpeningElement"): continue if product.Representation: try: shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, product).geometry yield product.is_a(), shape except: pass colors = {'IfcRoof': (0.6, 0.2, 0.1), 'IfcPlate': (0.4, 0.7, 0.8), 'IfcMember': (0.5, 0.3, 0.1), 'IfcSite': (0.2, 0.4, 0.1)}
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Dec 4 12:55:59 2019 @author: 谢秉辰 """ import ifcopenshell import ezdxf ifc_file ="example.ifc") #展示IFC文件中有哪些类型的节点 def print_type(ifc_file): products = ifc_file.by_type('IfcProduct') dock = [] for product in products: flag = 0 ship = product.is_a() for ship_ in dock: if ship == ship_: flag += 1 break if flag == 0: dock.append(ship) print(ship) #product.ObjectPlacement.RelativePlacement.Location[0] #获取IFC文件中的所有Port
#18=IFCCONVERSIONBASEDUNIT(#12,.PLANEANGLEUNIT.,'DEGREE',#17); #19=IFCUNITASSIGNMENT((#13,#14,#15,#18)); #20=IFCPROJECT('%(project_globalid)s',#5,'%(project_name)s',$,$,$,$,(#11),#19); ENDSEC; END-ISO-10303-21; """ % locals() # Write the template to a temporary file temp_handle, temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".ifc") #pdb.set_trace() with open(temp_filename, "wb") as f: f.write(template) # Obtain references to instances defined in template ifcfile = owner_history = ifcfile.by_type("IfcOwnerHistory")[0] project = ifcfile.by_type("IfcProject")[0] context = ifcfile.by_type("IfcGeometricRepresentationContext")[0] # IFC hierarchy creation site_placement = create_ifclocalplacement(ifcfile) site = ifcfile.createIfcSite(create_guid(), owner_history, "Site", None, None, site_placement, None, None, "ELEMENT", None, None, None, None, None) print("site %s" % site) building_placement = create_ifclocalplacement(ifcfile, relative_to=site_placement) building = ifcfile.createIfcBuilding(create_guid(), owner_history, 'Building', None, None, building_placement, None, None, "ELEMENT", None, None, None) storey_placement = create_ifclocalplacement(ifcfile, relative_to=building_placement) elevation = 0.0
def load(self): print("Loading old file ...") self.old = print("Loading new file ...") =
def insert(filename,docname,skip=[]): "imports the contents of an IFC file" try: import ifcopenshell except: if DEBUG: print "using legacy importer" import importIFClegacy return importIFClegacy.insert(filename,docname,skip) p = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Arch") DEBUG = p.GetBool("ifcDebug",False) PREFIX_NUMBERS = p.GetBool("ifcPrefixNumbers",False) SKIP = p.GetString("ifcSkip","") SEPARATE_OPENINGS = p.GetBool("ifcSeparateOpenings",False) SCALE = p.GetFloat("IfcScalingFactor",1.0) if DEBUG: print "opening ",filename,"..." try: doc = FreeCAD.getDocument(docname) except: doc = FreeCAD.newDocument(docname) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = doc global ifcfile # keeping global for debugging purposes ifcopenshell.clean() ifcfile = shape_attributes = ifcopenshell.SEW_SHELLS if SEPARATE_OPENINGS: shape_attributes += ifcopenshell.DISABLE_OPENING_SUBTRACTIONS sites = ifcfile.by_type("IfcSite") buildings = ifcfile.by_type("IfcBuilding") floors = ifcfile.by_type("IfcBuildingStorey") products = ifcfile.by_type("IfcProduct") openings = ifcfile.by_type("IfcOpeningElement") # building relations tables objects = {} # { id:object, ... } additions = {} # { host:[child,...], ... } subtractions = [] # [ [opening,host], ... ] for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure"): additions.setdefault(,[]).extend([ for e in r.RelatedElements]) for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelAggregates"): additions.setdefault(,[]).extend([ for e in r.RelatedObjects]) for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelVoidsElement"): subtractions.append([,]) # products for product in products: pid = guid = product.GlobalId ptype = product.is_a() name = product.Name or str(ptype[3:]) if PREFIX_NUMBERS: name = "ID" + str(pid) + " " + name obj = None baseobj = None if (ptype == "IfcOpeningElement") and (not SEPARATE_OPENINGS): continue if pid in skip: continue if ptype in SKIP: continue brep = ifcopenshell.create_shape(product,shape_attributes) if brep: shape = Part.Shape() shape.importBrepFromString(brep) if SCALE != 1: shape.scale(SCALE) if not shape.isNull(): baseobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name+"_body") baseobj.Shape = shape for freecadtype,ifctypes in typesmap.iteritems(): if ptype in ifctypes: obj = getattr(Arch,"make"+freecadtype)(baseobj=baseobj,name=name) obj.Label = name # setting uid if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): a = obj.IfcAttributes a["IfcUID"] = str(guid) obj.IfcAttributes = a break if not obj: obj = baseobj if obj: sh = baseobj.Shape.ShapeType if hasattr(baseobj,"Shape") else "None" sols = str(baseobj.Shape.Solids) if hasattr(baseobj,"Shape") else "" if DEBUG: print "creating object ",pid," : ",ptype, " with shape: ",sh," ",sols objects[pid] = obj # subtractions if SEPARATE_OPENINGS: for subtraction in subtractions: if (subtraction[0] in objects.keys()) and (subtraction[1] in objects.keys()): Arch.removeComponents(objects[subtraction[0]],objects[subtraction[1]]) # additions for host,children in additions.iteritems(): if host in objects.keys(): cobs = [objects[child] for child in children if child in objects.keys()] if cobs: Arch.addComponents(cobs,objects[host]) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() # cleaning bad shapes for obj in objects.values(): if obj.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"): if obj.Shape.isNull(): Arch.rebuildArchShape(obj) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if FreeCAD.GuiUp: import FreeCADGui FreeCADGui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") return doc
print(time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M", time.strptime(time.ctime()))) typeDict = IfcTypeDict() assert typeDict["IfcWall"] == ('GlobalId', 'OwnerHistory', 'Name', 'Description', 'ObjectType', 'ObjectPlacement', 'Representation', 'Tag') nodes = [] edges = [] # wallid = None ourLabel = 'test' f = for el in f: if el.is_a() == "IfcOwnerHistory": continue tid = cls = el.is_a() pairs = [] keys = [] try: keys = [ x for x in el.get_info() if x not in ["type", "id", "OwnerHistory"] ] except RuntimeError: # we actually can't catch this, but try anyway
import ifcopenshell import pyqrcode from pyqrcode import QRCode import openpyxl from openpyxl import Workbook import os ifcfile ='U:\\47_QR_codes\\flat_11_ruimtemodel.ifc') products = ifcfile.by_type('IfcProduct') ifczones = ifcfile.by_type('IfcZone') def get_checklist_details(): print("get meterkastlijst data uit bimfield") wb = openpyxl.load_workbook( "bimfield_files/meterkastlijst_van_bimfield.xlsx") ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name("Blad1") row_count = ws.max_row column_count = ws.max_column j = 13 project_data_list = [] for i in range(1, row_count): if (ws.cell(row=i + 1, column=j).value) is not None: project_data_list.append([(ws.cell(row=i + 1, column=9).value), (ws.cell(row=i + 1, column=j).value),
import ifcopenshell import sys #inputFileName= sys.argv[1] inputFileName = './beams.ifc' ifc_file = products = ifc_file.by_type('IfcProduct') beams = list() for product in products: print(product.is_a()) if (product.is_a('IfcBeamStandardCase')): beams.append(product) for b in beams: print('beam Description:', b.Description)
def start(self): # Read in the BDNS naming abbreviation bdns_csv = pd.read_csv(URL_BDNS) bdns_abb = bdns_csv[['abbreviation', 'ifc_class']] # Read in the ifc file f = products = f.by_type('IfcProduct') # Create a df with all ifc classes d = [] for product in products: asset_name = '' definitions = product.IsDefinedBy for definition in definitions: if 'IfcRelDefinesByProperties' == definition.is_a(): property_definition = definition.RelatingPropertyDefinition if 'Data' == property_definition.Name: for par in property_definition.HasProperties: if par.Name == 'asset_name': asset_name = par.NominalValue[0] d.append({ 'ifc_class': product.is_a(), 'asset_guid': product.GlobalId, 'RevitName': product.Name, 'asset_name': asset_name, }) df = pd.DataFrame(d) res = pd.merge(df, bdns_abb, how='left', on=['ifc_class' ]).dropna(subset=['asset_name', 'abbreviation']) res['RevitTag'] = res['RevitName'].astype(str).apply( lambda x: x.split(':')[-1]) if self.BDNS_validation: BDNSVal = BDNSValidator(res) print('The following devices fail the GUID validation tests:') failed_GUID = BDNSVal.validate_GUID() print("-------------------") print( 'The following devices fail the device role name validation tests:' ) failed_DeviceName = BDNSVal.validate_DeviceName() print("-------------------") print( 'The following devices fail to follow the BDNS abbreviation:') faild_abb = BDNSVal.validate_abb(bdns_csv) print("-------------------") str_list = failed_GUID + failed_DeviceName + faild_abb res['color_text'] = np.where(res['asset_name'].isin(str_list), 'red', 'black') checkdup = BDNSVal.check_duplicates() if not checkdup.empty: print("Duplicate GUID are:") print(checkdup) print("-------------------") # Generate QR code if res.empty: print('None of the ifc classes matches the BDNS ones .....') else: res.apply(self.create_qrcode, boxsize=10, axis=1)
def processItem(item): settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_BREP_DATA, True) settings.set(settings.SEW_SHELLS, True) settings.set(settings.USE_WORLD_COORDS, True) settings.set(settings.DISABLE_OPENING_SUBTRACTIONS, True) ifc_file ="C:/BIM2BEM/ExternalEarth_R20_IFC4.ifc") body_context = next( (item for item in ifc_file.by_type("IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext") if item.ContextIdentifier == "Body"), None) top_building = None if body_context is None: parent_context = next( (item for item in ifc_file.by_type("IfcGeometricRepresentationContext") if item.ContextType == "Model"), None) body_context = ifc_file.createIfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext( "Body", "Model", None, None, None, None, parent_context, None, "MODEL_VIEW", None) ifc_building_element_cells = [] for ifc_building_element in ifc_file.by_type('IfcBuildingElement'): if not (ifc_building_element.is_a('IfcWall') or ifc_building_element.is_a('IfcSlab')): continue ifc_building_element_cell = getCell(settings, ifc_building_element) setDictionary(ifc_building_element_cell, "IfcBuildingElement", ifc_building_element.GlobalId) ifc_building_element_cells.append(ifc_building_element_cell) int_bounds = [] ifc_building_element_cell.InternalBoundaries(int_bounds) for shell in int_bounds: md = meshData(shell) for f in md[1]: createRelConnectsElements(ifc_file, ifc_building_element, ifc_building_element, md[0], f) top_building = CellComplex.ByCells(ifc_building_element_cells) transferDictionaries(ifc_building_element_cells, getSubTopologies(top_building, Cell), 1e-3) for face in getSubTopologies(top_building, Face): ajacent_cells = [] _ = FaceUtility.AdjacentCells(face, top_building, ajacent_cells) ajacent_cells = list(ajacent_cells) if len(ajacent_cells) > 1: relating_elem = ifc_file.by_guid( getDictionary(ajacent_cells[0], "IfcBuildingElement")) related_elem = ifc_file.by_guid( getDictionary(ajacent_cells[1], "IfcBuildingElement")) md = meshData(face) createRelConnectsElements(ifc_file, relating_elem, related_elem, md[0], md[1][0]) else: ifc_building_element = ifc_file.by_guid( getDictionary(ajacent_cells[0], "IfcBuildingElement")) setDictionary(face, "IfcBuildingElement", ifc_building_element.GlobalId) cells = [] ext_boundary = getSubTopologies(top_building, CellComplex)[0].ExternalBoundary() transferDictionaries(getSubTopologies(top_building, Face), getSubTopologies(ext_boundary, Face), 1e-3) for shell in getSubTopologies(ext_boundary, Shell): cell = Cell.ByShell(shell) if CellUtility.Volume(cell) < 1e-6: continue cell_storey, elevation = None, None for face in getSubTopologies(shell, Face): ifc_building_element = ifc_file.by_guid( getDictionary(face, "IfcBuildingElement")) if not ifc_building_element.ContainedInStructure: ifc_building_element = ifc_building_element.Decomposes[ 0].RelatingObject ifc_building_storey = ifc_building_element.ContainedInStructure[ 0].RelatingStructure if elevation is None or ifc_building_storey.Elevation < elevation: cell_storey, elevation = ifc_building_storey, ifc_building_storey.Elevation transferDictionaries(getSubTopologies(shell, Face), getSubTopologies(cell, Face), 1e-3) setDictionary(cell, "IfcBuildingStorey", cell_storey.GlobalId) cells.append(cell) cells.sort(key=lambda cell: CellUtility.Volume(cell)) for idx_space, cell in enumerate(cells[:-1]): ifc_space ="root.create_entity", ifc_file, ifc_class="IfcSpace") ifc_space.CompositionType = "ELEMENT" ifc_space.PredefinedType = "INTERNAL" ifc_building_storey = ifc_file.by_guid( getDictionary(cell, "IfcBuildingStorey")) ifc_space.Name = "Space " + str(len(ifc_file.by_type('IfcSpace')) - 1)"aggregate.assign_object", ifc_file, product=ifc_space, relating_object=ifc_building_storey) md = meshData(cell) o, z = None, None for v in md[0]: if z is None or v[-1] < z: o, z = v, v[-1] space_matrix = np.linalg.solve( ifcopenshell.util.placement.get_local_placement( ifc_building_storey.ObjectPlacement), ifcopenshell.util.placement.a2p(o, np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.array([1, 0, 0]))) point_list = ifc_file.createIfcCartesianPointList3D([ np.linalg.solve(space_matrix, np.append(v, 1))[:-1].tolist() for v in md[0] ]) indexed_faces = [ ifc_file.createIfcIndexedPolygonalFace([index + 1 for index in f]) for f in md[1] ] representation = ifc_file.createIfcPolygonalFaceSet( point_list, None, indexed_faces, None) shape = ifc_file.createIfcShapeRepresentation( body_context, body_context.ContextIdentifier, "Tessellation", [representation])"geometry.assign_representation", ifc_file, product=ifc_space, representation=shape)"geometry.edit_object_placement", ifc_file, product=ifc_space, matrix=space_matrix) for face in getSubTopologies(cell, Face): setDictionary(face, "IfcSpace", ifc_space.GlobalId) transferDictionaries(getSubTopologies(cell, Face), getSubTopologies(top_building, Face), 1e-3) for cell in getSubTopologies(top_building, Cell): ifc_building_element = ifc_file.by_guid( getDictionary(cell, "IfcBuildingElement")) faces = [ face for face in getSubTopologies(cell, Face) if ifc_file.by_guid( getDictionary(face, "IfcBuildingElement")) is not None ] top_opening_elements = [] for ifc_rel_voids_element in ifc_building_element.HasOpenings: ifc_opening_element = ifc_rel_voids_element.RelatedOpeningElement top_opening_element = getCell(settings, ifc_opening_element) if not ifc_opening_element.HasFillings: continue setDictionary( top_opening_element, "IfcElement", ifc_opening_element. HasFillings[0].RelatedBuildingElement.GlobalId) top_opening_elements.append(top_opening_element) space_boundary_2bs = [face for face in faces] for idx, face in enumerate(faces): normal = FaceUtility.NormalAtParameters(face, 0.5, 0.5) n = np.array([normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]]) point = FaceUtility.VertexAtParameters(face, 0.5, 0.5) p = np.array([point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z()]) d =, p) ifc_space = ifc_file.by_guid(getDictionary(face, "IfcSpace")) for other_idx, other_face in enumerate(faces[idx + 1:]): other_normal = FaceUtility.NormalAtParameters( other_face, 0.5, 0.5) other_n = np.array( [other_normal[0], other_normal[1], other_normal[2]]) if, other_n) + 1 > 1e-6: continue other_point = FaceUtility.VertexAtParameters( other_face, 0.5, 0.5) other_p = np.array( [other_point.X(), other_point.Y(), other_point.Z()]) dist =, other_p) + d if dist < 1e-6: continue top_space_boundary = boolean( face, TopologyUtility.Translate(other_face, dist * normal[0], dist * normal[1], dist * normal[2]), "Intersect") if top_space_boundary is None: continue top_space_boundary = getSubTopologies(top_space_boundary, Face) if not top_space_boundary: continue top_space_boundary = top_space_boundary[0] other_ifc_space = ifc_file.by_guid( getDictionary(faces[idx + other_idx + 1], "IfcSpace")) ifc_rel_space_boundary, space_boundary_2bs[ idx] = createRelSpaceBoundary1and2a( ifc_file, top_space_boundary, True, ifc_space, other_ifc_space, ifc_building_element, space_boundary_2bs[idx]) other_top_space_boundary = getSubTopologies( TopologyUtility.Translate(top_space_boundary, -dist * normal[0], -dist * normal[1], -dist * normal[2]), Face)[0] other_ifc_rel_space_boundary, space_boundary_2bs[ idx + other_idx + 1] = createRelSpaceBoundary1and2a( ifc_file, other_top_space_boundary, False, other_ifc_space, ifc_space, ifc_building_element, space_boundary_2bs[idx + other_idx + 1]) if ifc_rel_space_boundary is not None and other_ifc_rel_space_boundary is not None: ifc_rel_space_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary = other_ifc_rel_space_boundary other_ifc_rel_space_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary = ifc_rel_space_boundary for top_opening_element in top_opening_elements: ifc_inner_boundary = createInnerBoundary( ifc_rel_space_boundary, top_opening_element, top_space_boundary, True) other_ifc_inner_boundary = createInnerBoundary( other_ifc_rel_space_boundary, top_opening_element, other_top_space_boundary, False) if ifc_inner_boundary is not None and other_ifc_inner_boundary is not None: ifc_inner_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary = other_ifc_inner_boundary other_ifc_inner_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary = ifc_inner_boundary for face, space_boundary_2b in zip(faces, space_boundary_2bs): ifc_space = ifc_file.by_guid(getDictionary(face, "IfcSpace")) if ifc_space is not None: vertices, fs = meshData(space_boundary_2b) for f in fs: createRelSpaceBoundary(ifc_file, "IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel", ifc_space, ifc_building_element, vertices, f[::-1], "INTERNAL") ifc_file.write("C:/BIM2BEM/output.ifc") # model = openstudio.model.Model() # ifc2os = {} # for ifc_material_layer in ifc_file.by_type('IfcMaterialLayer'): # if not ifc_material_layer.ToMaterialLayerSet: # continue # os_standard_opaque_material = openstudio.model.StandardOpaqueMaterial(model) # os_standard_opaque_material.setName(ifc_material_layer.Name) # os_standard_opaque_material.setThickness(float(ifc_material_layer.LayerThickness)) # ifc2os[ifc_material_layer] = os_standard_opaque_material # for ifc_material_layer_set in ifc_file.by_type('IfcMaterialLayerSet'): # if not ifc_material_layer_set.AssociatedTo: # continue # os_construction = openstudio.model.Construction(model) # os_construction.setName(ifc_material_layer_set.LayerSetName) # os_construction.setLayers([ifc2os[ifc_material_layer] for ifc_material_layer in ifc_material_layer_set.MaterialLayers]) # ifc2os[ifc_material_layer_set] = os_construction # for ifc_building_storey in ifc_file.by_type('IfcBuildingStorey'): # if not ifc_building_storey.IsDecomposedBy: # continue # ifc_spaces = [x for x in ifc_building_storey.IsDecomposedBy[0].RelatedObjects if x.is_a("IfcSpace")] # if not ifc_spaces: # continue # os_building_story = openstudio.model.BuildingStory(model) # os_building_story.setName(ifc_building_storey.Name) # os_building_story.setNominalZCoordinate(float(ifc_building_storey.Elevation)) # for ifc_space in ifc_spaces: # os_space = openstudio.model.Space(model) # os_space.setName(ifc_space.Name) # os_space.setBuildingStory(os_building_story) # space_matrix = ifcopenshell.util.placement.get_local_placement(ifc_space.ObjectPlacement) # for ifc_space_boundary in ifc_space.BoundedBy: # if ifc_space_boundary.ParentBoundary is not None: # continue # os_surface = openstudio.model.Surface(getVertices(ifc_space_boundary, space_matrix), model) # os_surface.setName(ifc_space_boundary.Name) # os_surface.setSpace(os_space) # if ifc_space_boundary.InternalOrExternalBoundary == "INTERNAL": # if ifc_space_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary is None: # os_surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition("Adiabatic") # elif ifc_space_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary in ifc2os: # os_surface.setAdjacentSurface(ifc2os[ifc_space_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary]) # else: # os_surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition("Outdoors") # ifc_building_element = ifc_space_boundary.RelatedBuildingElement # ifc_rel_associates = ifc_building_element.HasAssociations # if ifc_building_element.IsTypedBy: # ifc_rel_associates = ifc_building_element.IsTypedBy[0].RelatingType.HasAssociations # ifc_rel_associates_material = next((x for x in ifc_rel_associates if x.is_a("IfcRelAssociatesMaterial")), None) # if ifc_rel_associates_material is not None: # os_surface.setConstruction(ifc2os[ifc_rel_associates_material.RelatingMaterial]) # ifc2os[ifc_space_boundary] = os_surface # for ifc_inner_boundary in ifc_space_boundary.InnerBoundaries: # if ifc_inner_boundary.ParentBoundary != ifc_space_boundary: # continue # os_sub_surface = openstudio.model.SubSurface(getVertices(ifc_inner_boundary, space_matrix), model) # os_sub_surface.setName(ifc_inner_boundary.Name) # os_sub_surface.setSurface(os_surface) # if (ifc_inner_boundary.InternalOrExternalBoundary == "INTERNAL" and # ifc_inner_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary is not None and # ifc_inner_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary in ifc2os): # os_sub_surface.setAdjacentSubSurface(ifc2os[ifc_inner_boundary.CorrespondingBoundary]) # ifc2os[ifc_inner_boundary] = os_sub_surface #"C:/BIM2BEM/output.osm"), True) print("FIN")
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et import ifcopenshell import openpyxl import time import datetime from collections import defaultdict import sqlite3 as lite import sys from os.path import isfile import externalfunctions import os requirements = openpyxl.load_workbook('quality_requirements.xlsx') schedule = et.parse('UITVOERINGSTIJDSCHEMA.xml') file ='Situatie_totaal4D.ifc') root = schedule.getroot() link_between_obj_task = file.by_type("ifcrelassignstoprocess") progress = [] completed = [] related_object = [] items = defaultdict(list) # what does this do??!! # Get the complete list of activities from the project schedule: name of each activity, percentageComplete and it's start date (Tuples) for named_tasks in root.iter('{}Task'): value = named_tasks.findtext( '{}PercentComplete') name = named_tasks.findtext('{}Name') summary = named_tasks.findtext( '{}Summary') start_string = "" startxml = named_tasks.findtext( '{}Start')
fixed_length = { ('IfcCartesianPoint', 'Coordinates'): 3, ('IfcDirection', 'DirectionRatios'): 3, ('IfcProductDefinitionShape', 'Representations'): 1, ('IfcShapeRepresentation', 'Items'): 1, ('IfcRelAssignsToProduct', 'RelatedObjects'): 1 } xref = [('IfcGridOffsetList', 'Offsets'), ('IfcGrid', 'UAxes'), ('IfcGrid', 'VAxes')] precision = 32 if SINGLE_PRECISION else 64 mapping = hdf5_mapping.hdf5_mapping(ifc.schema, f, ignore=ignored, fix_length=fixed_length, force_xref=xref, precision=precision) print "Reading SPF data" ifcf = print "Creating HDF5 instance population" mapping.create_population("Haus30_population", ifcf, compressed=USE_COMPRESSION) f.close() print "Done :)"
assert_valid_inverse(attr, val) except ValidationError as e: if hasattr(logger, "set_instance"): logger.error(str(e)) else: logger.error("In %s\n%s", inst, e) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import logging filenames = [x for x in sys.argv[1:] if not x.startswith("--")] flags = set(x for x in sys.argv[1:] if x.startswith("--")) for fn in filenames: if "--json" in flags: logger = json_logger() else: logger = logging.getLogger("validate") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) f = print("Validating", fn, file=sys.stderr) validate(f, logger) if "--json" in flags: print("\n".join( json.dumps(x, default=str) for x in logger.statements))
aNugget = os.path.join( FindDIR, InternalPATH, "BIM_Projekt_Golden_Nugget-Architecture_Structural_optimized.ifc") mepNugget = os.path.join( FindDIR, InternalPATH, "BIM_Projekt_Golden_Nugget-Building_Services_optimized.ifc") aDuplex = os.path.join(FindDIR, InternalPATH, "Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc") mepDuplex = os.path.join(FindDIR, InternalPATH, "Duplex_M_20111024_optimized.ifc") """ ########################################################################################## In the model variable you can change the variable to get location data of different models. ########################################################################################## """ model = print("\nIt took {} second to load Model\n".format(time.perf_counter() - timeStart)) #Find XLSX Output Path OutputPATH = os.path.join(FindDIR, "output\\future_format.xlsx") workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(OutputPATH) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("Summary") text = "This workbook contain location information. For now the information is represented as coordinates relative to other objects in the ifc three up through IfcBuilding, IfcSite and IfcProject. For shape geometric data another software might be needed to be able to read the data, and analyze it. As for IfcOpenShell comments on Github advise against shape manipulation, as it would be too complex." worksheet.write(0, 0, text) #Create a list with possible Entities productList = [] for product in model.by_type("IfcProduct"):
def export(exportList,filename): "exports FreeCAD contents to an IFC file" p = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Arch") FORCEBREP = p.GetBool("ifcExportAsBrep",False) DEBUG = p.GetBool("ifcDebug",False) try: global ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("IfcOpenShell was not found on this system. IFC support is disabled\n") return if isinstance(filename,unicode): import sys #workaround since ifcopenshell currently can't handle unicode filenames filename = filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) version = FreeCAD.Version() owner = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.CreatedBy email = '' if ("@" in owner) and ("<" in owner): s = owner.split("<") owner = s[0] email = s[1].strip(">") global ifctemplate ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$version",version[0]+"."+version[1]+" build "+version[2]) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$owner",owner) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$company",FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Company) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$email",email) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$now",str(int(time.time()))) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$projectid",FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Uid[:22].replace("-","_")) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$project",FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$filename",filename) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$timestamp",str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()))) template = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".ifc")[1] of = pyopen(template,"wb") of.write(ifctemplate) of.close() global ifcfile, surfstyles ifcfile = history = ifcfile.by_type("IfcOwnerHistory")[0] context = ifcfile.by_type("IfcGeometricRepresentationContext")[0] project = ifcfile.by_type("IfcProject")[0] objectslist = Draft.getGroupContents(exportList,walls=True,addgroups=True) objectslist = Arch.pruneIncluded(objectslist) products = {} # { Name: IfcEntity, ... } surfstyles = {} # { (r,g,b): IfcEntity, ... } count = 1 # products for obj in objectslist: # getting generic data name = str(obj.Label) description = str(obj.Description) if hasattr(obj,"Description") else "" # getting uid uid = None if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): if "IfcUID" in obj.IfcAttributes.keys(): uid = str(obj.IfcAttributes["IfcUID"]) if not uid: uid = ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex) # setting the IFC type + name conversions if hasattr(obj,"Role"): ifctype = obj.Role.replace(" ","") else: ifctype = Draft.getType(obj) if ifctype in translationtable.keys(): ifctype = translationtable[ifctype] ifctype = "Ifc" + ifctype if ifctype == "IfcGroup": continue ifctypes = [] for v in typesmap.values(): ifctypes.extend(v) if not ifctype in ifctypes: ifctype = "IfcBuildingElementProxy" # getting the "Force BREP" flag brepflag = False if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): if "FlagForceBrep" in obj.IfcAttributes.keys(): if obj.IfcAttributes["FlagForceBrep"] == "True": brepflag = True # getting the representation representation,placement,shapetype = getRepresentation(ifcfile,context,obj,forcebrep=(brepflag or FORCEBREP)) if DEBUG: print str(count).ljust(3)," : ", ifctype, " (",shapetype,") : ",name # setting the arguments args = [uid,history,name,description,None,placement,representation,None] if ifctype in ["IfcSlab","IfcFooting","IfcRoof"]: args = args + ["NOTDEFINED"] elif ifctype in ["IfcWindow","IfcDoor"]: args = args + [obj.Width.Value/1000.0, obj.Height.Value/1000.0] elif ifctype == "IfcSpace": args = args + ["ELEMENT","INTERNAL",obj.Shape.BoundBox.ZMin/1000.0] elif ifctype == "IfcBuildingElementProxy": args = args + ["ELEMENT"] elif ifctype == "IfcSite": latitude = None longitude = None elevation = None landtitlenumber = None address = None args = args + ["ELEMENT",latitude,longitude,elevation,landtitlenumber,address] elif ifctype == "IfcBuilding": args = args + ["ELEMENT",None,None,None] elif ifctype == "IfcBuildingStorey": args = args + ["ELEMENT",obj.Placement.Base.z] # creating the product product = getattr(ifcfile,"create"+ifctype)(*args) products[obj.Name] = product # additions if hasattr(obj,"Additions") and (shapetype == "extrusion"): for o in obj.Additions: r2,p2,c2 = getRepresentation(ifcfile,context,o,forcebrep=True) if DEBUG: print " adding ",c2," : ",str(o.Label) prod2 = ifcfile.createIfcBuildingElementProxy(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,str(o.Label),None,None,p2,r2,None,"ELEMENT") ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'Addition','',product,[prod2]) # subtractions if hasattr(obj,"Subtractions") and (shapetype == "extrusion"): for o in obj.Subtractions: r2,p2,c2 = getRepresentation(ifcfile,context,o,forcebrep=True,subtraction=True) if DEBUG: print " subtracting ",c2," : ",str(o.Label) prod2 = ifcfile.createIfcOpeningElement(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,str(o.Label),None,None,p2,r2,None) ifcfile.createIfcRelVoidsElement(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'Subtraction','',product,prod2) # properties if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): props = [] for key in obj.IfcAttributes: if not (key in ["IfcUID","FlagForceBrep"]): r = obj.IfcAttributes[key].strip(")").split("(") if len(r) == 1: tp = "IfcText" val = r[0] else: tp = r[0] val = "(".join(r[1:]) val = val.strip("'") val = val.strip('"') if DEBUG: print " property ",key," : ",str(val), " (", str(tp), ")" if tp in ["IfcLabel","IfcText","IfcIdentifier"]: val = str(val) elif tp == "IfcBoolean": if val == ".T.": val = True else: val = False elif tp == "IfcInteger": val = int(val) else: val = float(val) props.append(ifcfile.createIfcPropertySingleValue(str(key),None,ifcfile.create_entity(str(tp),val),None)) if props: pset = ifcfile.createIfcPropertySet(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'PropertySet',None,props) ifcfile.createIfcRelDefinesByProperties(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,None,None,[product],pset) count += 1 # relationships sites = [] buildings = [] floors = [] for site in Draft.getObjectsOfType(objectslist,"Site"): for building in Draft.getObjectsOfType(site.Group,"Building"): for floor in Draft.getObjectsOfType(building.Group,"Floor"): children = Draft.getGroupContents(floor,walls=True) children = Arch.pruneIncluded(children) children = [products[c.Name] for c in children if c.Name in products.keys()] floor = products[floor.Name] ifcfile.createIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'StoreyLink','',children,floor) floors.append(floor) building = products[building.Name] if floors: ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'BuildingLink','',building,floors) buildings.append(building) site = products[site.Name] if buildings: ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'SiteLink','',site,buildings) sites.append(site) if not sites: if DEBUG: print "adding default site" sites = [ifcfile.createIfcSite(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,"Default Site",'',None,None,None,None,"ELEMENT",None,None,None,None,None)] ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'ProjectLink','',project,sites) if not buildings: if DEBUG: print "adding default building" buildings = [ifcfile.createIfcBuilding(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,"Default Building",'',None,None,None,None,"ELEMENT",None,None,None)] ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'SiteLink','',sites[0],buildings) ifcfile.createIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'BuildingLink','',products.values(),buildings[0]) if DEBUG: print "writing ",filename,"..." ifcfile.write(filename)
import ifcopenshell model ='model\Duplex_A_20110907.ifc') # this just gets you the entity, defined here as wall # feel free to change this to your needs wall = model.by_type('IfcWall')[0] for definition in wall.IsDefinedBy: # To support IFC2X3, we need to filter our results. if definition.is_a('IfcRelDefinesByProperties'): property_set = definition.RelatingPropertyDefinition # Might return Pset_WallCommon print(property_set.Name) # ###################### end of example ###########################
def __init__(self, fn): p = os.path.join("intermediate_files", "%s.__cache__" % os.path.basename(fn)) if not os.path.exists(p): os.mkdir(p) self.dirname = p self.file =
# # # You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # # ############################################################################### # Some basic tests. Currently only covering basic I/O. import os import uuid import ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell.geom import ifcopenshell.guid f ="input/acad2010_walls.ifc") # Some operations on ifcopenshell.file assert f[1].is_a("IfcCartesianPoint") assert f[1].is_a("IfcRepresentationItem") assert f[1].is_a() == "IfcCartesianPoint" assert f.by_id(1).is_a("IfcCartesianPoint") assert f["28pa2ppDf1IA$BaQrvAf48"].is_a("IfcProject") assert f.by_guid("28pa2ppDf1IA$BaQrvAf48").is_a("IfcProject") assert f.createIfcCartesianPoint((0., 0., 0.)).is_a("IfcCartesianPoint") assert f.by_type("IfcProject")[0].is_a("IfcProject") assert f.traverse(f[16])[-1].is_a("IFCSIUNIT") assert len(f.traverse(f[35], 1)) == 2 assert len(f.traverse(f[35])) == 3 assert f[16] in f.get_inverse(f[15]) assert f[16].UnitComponent is not None
if os.path.exists(HDF_FN): os.unlink(HDF_FN) f = h5py.File(HDF_FN, "w") # Some attributes are ignored in order to prevent vlen attributes, which would render entities to have to be emulated ignored = [('IfcPointCloud', 'Attributes'), ('IfcGrid', 'WAxes')] # Some attributes are artificially set to have a fixed length, in order to prevent the aforementioned fixed_length = {('IfcCartesianPoint', 'Coordinates'): 3, ('IfcDirection', 'DirectionRatios'): 3, ('IfcProductDefinitionShape', 'Representations'): 1, ('IfcShapeRepresentation', 'Items'): 1, ('IfcRelAssignsToProduct', 'RelatedObjects'): 1} xref = [('IfcGridOffsetList', 'Offsets'), ('IfcGrid', 'UAxes'), ('IfcGrid', 'VAxes')] precision = 32 if SINGLE_PRECISION else 64 mapping = hdf5_mapping.hdf5_mapping(ifc.schema, f, ignore=ignored, fix_length=fixed_length, force_xref=xref, precision=precision) print "Reading SPF data" ifcf = print "Creating HDF5 instance population" mapping.create_population("Haus30_population", ifcf, compressed=USE_COMPRESSION) f.close() print "Done :)"
def get_file(): if IfcStore.file is None: IfcStore.path = bpy.context.scene.BIMProperties.ifc_file IfcStore.file = return IfcStore.file
props = dict(filter(None, map(self.process, getattr(i, attribute_name)))) if not i.is_a("IfcObject"): props = i.Name, props self.cache[id] = props return props def __iter__(self): for object in self.file.by_type("IfcObject"): yield object.GlobalId, self[object] if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import pprint filepath = "models/Office_A_20110811.ifc" print("Opening IFC file %s" % filepath, file=sys.stderr) ifc_file = print("file opened.", file=sys.stderr) metadata = metadata_dictionary(ifc_file) for product in ifc_file.by_type("IfcProduct"): print(product) print("=" * 20) pprint.pprint(metadata[product]) print() # Alternatively, convert to a dict directly d = dict(metadata) pprint.pprint(d)
p6xer.file = ifcfile p6xer.execute() else: raise Exception("No files provided for output") elif args.schedule == "mspxml": msp = MSP2Ifc() msp.xml = args.file() msp.output = args.output ifcfile = get_file() if ifcfile: msp.file = ifcfile msp.execute() elif args.schedule == "p6xml": p6xml = P62Ifc() p6xml.output = args.output p6xml.xml = args.file ifcfile = get_file() if ifcfile: p6xml.file = p6xml.execute() elif args.schedule == "pp": pp = PP2Ifc() pp.output = args.output pp.pp = args.file ifcfile = get_file() if ifcfile: pp.file = pp.execute() else: print("schedule type you selected is not implemented at the moment")
def insert(filename,docname,skip=[]): "imports the contents of an IFC file" p = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Arch") DEBUG = p.GetBool("ifcDebug",False) PREFIX_NUMBERS = p.GetBool("ifcPrefixNumbers",False) SKIP = p.GetString("ifcSkip","") SEPARATE_OPENINGS = p.GetBool("ifcSeparateOpenings",False) try: import ifcopenshell except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("IfcOpenShell was not found on this system. IFC support is disabled\n") return if DEBUG: print "opening ",filename,"..." try: doc = FreeCAD.getDocument(docname) except: doc = FreeCAD.newDocument(docname) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = doc global ifcfile # keeping global for debugging purposes if isinstance(filename,unicode): import sys #workaround since ifcopenshell currently can't handle unicode filenames filename = filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) ifcfile = from ifcopenshell import geom settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_BREP_DATA,True) settings.set(settings.SEW_SHELLS,True) settings.set(settings.USE_WORLD_COORDS,True) if SEPARATE_OPENINGS: settings.set(settings.DISABLE_OPENING_SUBTRACTIONS,True) sites = ifcfile.by_type("IfcSite") buildings = ifcfile.by_type("IfcBuilding") floors = ifcfile.by_type("IfcBuildingStorey") products = ifcfile.by_type("IfcProduct") openings = ifcfile.by_type("IfcOpeningElement") annotations = ifcfile.by_type("IfcAnnotation") # building relations tables objects = {} # { id:object, ... } additions = {} # { host:[child,...], ... } subtractions = [] # [ [opening,host], ... ] properties = {} # { host:[property, ...], ... } for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure"): additions.setdefault(,[]).extend([ for e in r.RelatedElements]) for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelAggregates"): additions.setdefault(,[]).extend([ for e in r.RelatedObjects]) for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelVoidsElement"): subtractions.append([,]) for r in ifcfile.by_type("IfcRelDefinesByProperties"): for obj in r.RelatedObjects: if r.RelatingPropertyDefinition.is_a("IfcPropertySet"): properties.setdefault(,[]).extend([ for e in r.RelatingPropertyDefinition.HasProperties]) count = 0 # products for product in products: pid = guid = product.GlobalId ptype = product.is_a() name = product.Name or str(ptype[3:]) if PREFIX_NUMBERS: name = "ID" + str(pid) + " " + name obj = None baseobj = None brep = None if (ptype == "IfcOpeningElement") and (not SEPARATE_OPENINGS): continue if pid in skip: continue # user given id skip list if ptype in SKIP: continue # preferences-set type skip list try: cr = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings,product) brep = cr.geometry.brep_data except: pass if brep: shape = Part.Shape() shape.importBrepFromString(brep) shape.scale(1000.0) # IfcOpenShell always outputs in meters if not shape.isNull(): baseobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name+"_body") baseobj.Shape = shape for freecadtype,ifctypes in typesmap.iteritems(): if ptype in ifctypes: obj = getattr(Arch,"make"+freecadtype)(baseobj=baseobj,name=name) obj.Label = name # setting role try: r = ptype[3:] tr = dict((v,k) for k, v in translationtable.iteritems()) if r in tr.keys(): r = tr[r] # remove the "StandardCase" if "StandardCase" in r: r = r[:-12] obj.Role = r except: pass # setting uid if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): a = obj.IfcAttributes a["IfcUID"] = str(guid) obj.IfcAttributes = a break if not obj: obj = baseobj if obj: sh = baseobj.Shape.ShapeType if hasattr(baseobj,"Shape") else "None" sols = str(baseobj.Shape.Solids) if hasattr(baseobj,"Shape") else "" pc = str(int((float(count)/(len(products)+len(annotations))*100)))+"% " if DEBUG: print pc,"creating object ",pid," : ",ptype, " with shape: ",sh," ",sols objects[pid] = obj # properties if pid in properties: if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): a = obj.IfcAttributes for p in properties[pid]: o = ifcfile[p] if o.is_a("IfcPropertySingleValue"): a[o.Name] = str(o.NominalValue) obj.IfcAttributes = a count += 1 FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if DEBUG: print "Processing relationships..." # subtractions if SEPARATE_OPENINGS: for subtraction in subtractions: if (subtraction[0] in objects.keys()) and (subtraction[1] in objects.keys()): #print objects[subtraction[0]].Name, objects[subtraction[1]].Name Arch.removeComponents(objects[subtraction[0]],objects[subtraction[1]]) # additions for host,children in additions.iteritems(): if host in objects.keys(): cobs = [objects[child] for child in children if child in objects.keys()] if cobs: Arch.addComponents(cobs,objects[host]) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() # cleaning bad shapes for obj in objects.values(): if obj.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"): if obj.Shape.isNull(): Arch.rebuildArchShape(obj) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() # 2D elements if DEBUG and annotations: print "Creating 2D geometry..." for annotation in annotations: aid = if aid in skip: continue # user given id skip list if "IfcAnnotation" in SKIP: continue # preferences-set type skip list name = "Annotation" if annotation.Name: name = annotation.Name if PREFIX_NUMBERS: name = "ID" + str(aid) + " " + name shapes2d = [] for repres in annotation.Representation.Representations: shapes2d.extend(setRepresentation(repres)) if shapes2d: sh = Part.makeCompound(shapes2d) pc = str(int((float(count)/(len(products)+len(annotations))*100)))+"% " if DEBUG: print pc,"creating object ",aid," : Annotation with shape: ",sh o = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name) o.Shape = sh count += 1 FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if FreeCAD.GuiUp: import FreeCADGui FreeCADGui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") return doc
import json import ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell.geom with open("output.json", 'r') as f: load_dict = json.load(f) clash_guids = load_dict[0]['clashes'].keys() set_clash_guids = set(i for i in clash_guids) filename1 = "1.ifc" ifc_file = final_id = set() for id in set_clash_guids: a, b = id.split('-') final_id.add(a) final_id.add(b) a = ifc_file[final_id.pop()] s = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() s.set(s.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True) viewer = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.initialize_display() viewer.set_bg_gradient_color([255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255]) all_guids = set(i.GlobalId for i in ifc_file.by_type("IfcProduct")) for id in all_guids: entity = ifc_file[id] if id in final_id: clr = (1, 0, 0)
import ifcopenshell import xlsxwriter # # this line opens the workbook, if it doesn't exist it makes it, otherwise # it will overwrite the existing file. # if it dpes already exist please close it otherwise it will not work (it cannot read open files) workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('output/future_format.xlsx') # you have the workbook open, now specify the sheet you want to write to worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() # this is extra code that you can include to format the cells in your document. You could shange this to other examples. to create other effects. bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True}) # this line loads the ifc model into python. - careful most internet examples use ifc_model, # but we are using model here, so that it also works in RWTH viewer. # When RWTH viewer loads the model in the GUI it calls it model. model ="model/Duplex_A_20110907.ifc") # this is normally formatted worksheet.write(0, 0, 'hello') # in this line we have added the bold argument defined previously with the add_format command to define the format of the cell. worksheet.write(0, 0, 'hello', bold) # when you have finished editing the document it is essential to close the workbook. # these saves the document. workbook.close()
def export(exportList,filename): "exports FreeCAD contents to an IFC file" try: global ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell except: if DEBUG: print "using legacy exporter" import importIFClegacy return importIFClegacy.export(exportList,filename) p = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Arch") FORCEBREP = p.GetBool("ifcExportAsBrep",False) DEBUG = p.GetBool("ifcDebug",False) version = FreeCAD.Version() owner = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.CreatedBy email = '' if ("@" in owner) and ("<" in owner): s = owner.split("<") owner = s[0] email = s[1].strip(">") global ifctemplate ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$version",version[0]+"."+version[1]+" build "+version[2]) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$owner",owner) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$company",FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Company) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$email",email) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$now",str(int(time.time()))) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$projectid",FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Uid[:22].replace("-","_")) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$project",FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$filename",filename) ifctemplate = ifctemplate.replace("$timestamp",str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()))) template = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".ifc")[1] of = pyopen(template,"wb") of.write(ifctemplate) of.close() global ifcfile ifcfile = history = ifcfile.by_type("IfcOwnerHistory")[0] context = ifcfile.by_type("IfcGeometricRepresentationContext")[0] project = ifcfile.by_type("IfcProject")[0] objectslist = Draft.getGroupContents(exportList,walls=True,addgroups=True) objectslist = Arch.pruneIncluded(objectslist) products = {} count = 1 # products for obj in objectslist: # getting generic data name = str(obj.Label) description = str(obj.Description) if hasattr(obj,"Description") else "" # getting uid uid = None if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): if "IfcUID" in obj.IfcAttributes.keys(): uid = str(obj.IfcAttributes["IfcUID"]) if not uid: uid = ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex) # setting the IFC type + name conversions if hasattr(obj,"Role"): ifctype = obj.Role.replace(" ","") else: ifctype = Draft.getType(obj) if ifctype == "Foundation": ifctype = "Footing" elif ifctype == "Floor": ifctype = "BuildingStorey" elif ifctype == "Rebar": ifctype = "ReinforcingBar" ifctype = "Ifc" + ifctype if ifctype == "IfcGroup": continue if not ifctype in ifctypes: ifctype = "IfcBuildingElementProxy" # getting the "Force BREP" flag brepflag = False if hasattr(obj,"IfcAttributes"): if "FlagForceBrep" in obj.IfcAttributes.keys(): if obj.IfcAttributes["FlagForceBrep"] == "True": brepflag = True # getting the representation representation,placement,shapetype = getRepresentation(ifcfile,context,obj,forcebrep=(brepflag or FORCEBREP)) if DEBUG: print str(count).ljust(3)," : ", ifctype, " (",shapetype,") : ",name # setting the arguments args = [uid,history,name,description,None,placement,representation,None] if ifctype in ["IfcSlab","IfcFooting","IfcRoof"]: args = args + ["NOTDEFINED"] elif ifctype in ["IfcWindow","IfcDoor"]: args = args + [obj.Width.Value, obj.Height.Value] elif ifctype == "IfcSpace": args = args + ["ELEMENT","INTERNAL",obj.Shape.BoundBox.ZMin] elif ifctype == "IfcBuildingElementProxy": args = args + ["ELEMENT"] elif ifctype == "IfcSite": latitude = None longitude = None elevation = None landtitlenumber = None address = None args = args + ["ELEMENT",latitude,longitude,elevation,landtitlenumber,address] elif ifctype == "IfcBuilding": args = args + ["ELEMENT",None,None,None] elif ifctype == "IfcBuildingStorey": args = args + ["ELEMENT",None] # creating the product product = getattr(ifcfile,"create"+ifctype)(*args) products[obj.Name] = product # additions if hasattr(obj,"Additions") and (shapetype == "extrusion"): for o in obj.Additions: r2,p2,c2 = getRepresentation(ifcfile,context,o,forcebrep=True) if DEBUG: print " adding ",c2," : ",str(o.Label) prod2 = ifcfile.createIfcBuildingElementProxy(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,str(o.Label),None,None,p2,r2,None,"ELEMENT") ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'Addition','',product,[prod2]) # subtractions if hasattr(obj,"Subtractions") and (shapetype == "extrusion"): for o in obj.Subtractions: r2,p2,c2 = getRepresentation(ifcfile,context,o,forcebrep=True,subtraction=True) if DEBUG: print " subtracting ",c2," : ",str(o.Label) prod2 = ifcfile.createIfcOpeningElement(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,str(o.Label),None,None,p2,r2,None) ifcfile.createIfcRelVoidsElement(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'Subtraction','',product,prod2) count += 1 # relationships sites = [] buildings = [] floors = [] for site in Draft.getObjectsOfType(objectslist,"Site"): for building in Draft.getObjectsOfType(site.Group,"Building"): for floor in Draft.getObjectsOfType(building.Group,"Floor"): children = Draft.getGroupContents(floor,walls=True) children = Arch.pruneIncluded(children) children = [products[c.Name] for c in children if c.Name in products.keys()] floor = products[floor.Name] ifcfile.createIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'StoreyLink','',children,floor) floors.append(floor) building = products[building.Name] if floors: ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'BuildingLink','',building,floors) buildings.append(building) site = products[site.Name] if buildings: ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'SiteLink','',site,buildings) sites.append(site) if not sites: if DEBUG: print "adding default site" sites = [ifcfile.createIfcSite(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,"Default Site",'',None,None,None,None,"ELEMENT",None,None,None,None,None)] ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'ProjectLink','',project,sites) if not buildings: if DEBUG: print "adding default building" buildings = [ifcfile.createIfcBuilding(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,"Default Building",'',None,None,None,None,"ELEMENT",None,None,None)] ifcfile.createIfcRelAggregates(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'SiteLink','',sites[0],buildings) ifcfile.createIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure(ifcopenshell.guid.compress(uuid.uuid1().hex),history,'BuildingLink','',products.values(),buildings[0]) if DEBUG: print "writing ",filename,"..." ifcfile.write(filename)
import OCC.TopoDS import OCC.TopExp import OCC.TopAbs import ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell.geom # Specify to return pythonOCC shapes from ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape() settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings() settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True) # Initialize a graphical display window occ_display = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.initialize_display() # Open the IFC file using IfcOpenShell ifc_file ="IfcOpenHouse.ifc") # Display the geometrical contents of the file using Python OpenCascade products = ifc_file.by_type("IfcProduct") for product in products: if product.is_a("IfcOpeningElement"): continue if product.Representation: shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, product).geometry display_shape = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.display_shape(shape) if product.is_a("IfcPlate"): # Plates are the transparent parts of the window assembly # in the IfcOpenHouse model ifcopenshell.geom.utils.set_shape_transparency(display_shape, 0.8) # Wait for user input and erase the display raw_input()
def insert(filename,docname,skip=[]): "imports the contents of an IFC file" import ifcopenshell print " " print "opening ",filename,"..." try: doc = FreeCAD.getDocument(docname) except: doc = FreeCAD.newDocument(docname) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = doc print 'We gone use importIFCmin importer!' global ifcfile # keeping global for debugging purposes ifcopenshell.clean() if isinstance(filename,unicode): import sys #workaround since ifcopenshell currently can't handle unicode filenames filename=filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) ifcfile = shape_attributes = ifcopenshell.SEW_SHELLS products = ifcfile.by_type("IfcProduct") objects = {} # { id:object, ... } # products for pno, product in enumerate(products): pid = ptype = product.is_a() print "Product ",pno," of ",len(products)," is Entity #",pid,"= ",ptype, name = "ID" + str(pid) obj = None baseobj = None if (ptype == "IfcOpeningElement"): print "Entity ",pno," of ",len(products),", IfcOpeningElement: is computed with parent", continue if pid in skip: continue brep = ifcopenshell.create_shape(product,shape_attributes) if brep: shape = Part.Shape() shape.importBrepFromString(brep) if not shape.isNull(): baseobj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name+"_body") baseobj.Shape = shape else: print " ifcos: no shape", if not obj: obj = baseobj if obj: sh = baseobj.Shape.ShapeType if hasattr(baseobj,"Shape") else "None" sols = str(baseobj.Shape.Solids) if hasattr(baseobj,"Shape") else "" print " creating object #",pid," with shape: ",sh," ",sols, objects[pid] = obj print " " print " " FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() # cleaning bad shapes for obj in objects.values(): if obj.isDerivedFrom("Part::Feature"): if obj.Shape.isNull(): print "cleaning bad shape of object: #",pid Arch.rebuildArchShape(obj) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if FreeCAD.GuiUp: import FreeCADGui FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeView().viewAxometric() FreeCADGui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") return doc
import os import lxml import uuid import ifcopenshell from lxml import etree as ET from datetime import datetime from collections import defaultdict #from builtins import list ifcfile = 'C:\\Users\\CClaus\\Desktop\\Flat 11\\ruimtemodel_flat_11.ifc') products = ifcfile.by_type('IfcProduct') zones = ifcfile.by_type('IfcZone') spaces = ifcfile.by_type('IfcSpace') building_stories = ifcfile.by_type('IfcBuildingStorey') #create building storey list building_storey_list = [] for i in building_stories: building_storey_list.append(i.Name) now = year = now.strftime("%Y") month = now.strftime("%m") day = now.strftime("%d") def create_xml(file_name, building_storey, zone):