def __str__(self):
     s = '--- Line ---' + os.linesep
     s += Entity.__str__(self) + os.linesep
     s += "From point {0}, {1}, {2} {3}".format(self.p1[0], self.p1[1],
                                                self.p1[2], os.linesep)
     s += "To point {0}, {1}, {2}".format(self.p2[0], self.p2[1],
     return s
 def __str__(self):
     s = '--- Rational B-Spline Curve ---' + os.linesep
     s += Entity.__str__(self) + os.linesep
     s += str(self.T) + os.linesep
     s += str(self.W) + os.linesep
     s += str(self.control_points) + os.linesep
     s += "Parameter: v(0) = {0}    v(1) = {1}".format(self.V0,
                                                       self.V1) + os.linesep
     if self.planar_curve:
         s += "Unit normal: {0} {1} {2}".format(self.XNORM, self.YNORM,
     return s
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __str__(self):
     s = '--- Rational B-Spline Surface ---' + os.linesep
     s += Entity.__str__(self) + os.linesep
     s += "knots U:" + os.linesep + str(self.T1) + os.linesep
     s += "knots V:" + os.linesep + str(self.T2) + os.linesep
     s += str(self.W) + os.linesep
     # s += str(self.control_points) + os.linesep
     s += "Degree: u - {}, v - {}".format(self.M1, self.M2) + os.linesep
     s += "Rational/Polynomial: {}".format(self.prop3) + os.linesep
     s += "Periodic: u - {}, v - {}".format(self.prop4, self.prop5) + os.linesep
     s += "Parameter: u(0) = {0}    u(1) = {1}".format(self.U0, self.U1) + os.linesep
     s += "Parameter: v(0) = {0}    v(1) = {1}".format(self.V0, self.V1) + os.linesep
     return s
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __str__(self):
     s = '--- Rational B-Spline Curve ---' + os.linesep
     s += Entity.__str__(self) + os.linesep
     s += "K: {}".format(self.K) + os.linesep
     s += "degree: {}".format(self.M) + os.linesep
     s += "pieces: {}".format(self.N) + os.linesep
     s += "ncpt: {}".format(len(self.control_points)) + os.linesep
     s += "knots: {}".format(str(self.T)) + os.linesep
     s += str(self.W) + os.linesep
     s += str(self.control_points) + os.linesep
     s += "Parameter: v(0) = {0}    v(1) = {1}".format(self.V0, self.V1) + os.linesep
     if self.planar_curve:
         s += "Unit normal: {0} {1} {2}".format(self.XNORM, self.YNORM, self.ZNORM)
     return s
Ejemplo n.º 5
def load_iges(iges_file):
    """Load IGES file.
        iges_file: Name of IGES file to load.
        A dict containing the Start and Global sections of the IGES file
        and a list of entities with parameters."""
    param_string = ''
    entity_index = 0
    first_dict_line = True
    first_global_line = True
    first_param_line = True
    global_string = ""
    pointer_dict = {}
    product = {'start': '',
               'global': '',
               'entity_list': []}

    with open(iges_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
            data = line[:80]
            id_code = line[72]

            if id_code == 'S':     # Start
                product['start'] += data[:72]
            elif id_code == 'G':   # Global
                # TODO: The global section should be parsed into individual
                #       fields.
                product['global'] += data[:72].strip()

                global_string += data   # Consolidate all global lines
                if first_global_line:
                    param_sep = data[2]
                    record_sep = data[6]
                    first_global_line = False

                # Record separator denotes end of global section
                if global_string.strip()[-1] == record_sep:
            elif id_code == 'D':   # Directory entry
                if first_dict_line:
                    entity_type_number = int(data[0:8].strip())
                    # Curve and surface entities.
                    # See IGES spec v5.3, p. 38, Table 3
                    if entity_type_number == 100:   # Circular arc
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 102: # Composite curve
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 104: # Conic arc
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 108: # Plane
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 110: # Line
                        e = Line()
                    elif entity_type_number == 112: # Parametric spline curve
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 114: # Parametric spline surface
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 116: # Point
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 118: # Ruled surface
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 120: # Surface of revolution
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 122: # Tabulated cylinder
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 124: # Transformation matrix
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 126: # Rational B-spline curve
                        e = RationalBSplineCurve()
                    elif entity_type_number == 128: # Rational B-spline surface
                        e = Entity()
                    # Need to add more ...
                    # CSG Entities. See IGES spec v5.3, p. 42, Section 3.3
                    elif entity_type_number == 150: # Block
                        e = Entity()

                    # B-Rep entities.  See IGES spec v5.3, p. 43, Section 3.4
                    elif  entity_type_number == 186:
                        e = Entity()

                    # Annotation entities. 
                    # See IGES spec v5.3, p. 46, Section 3.5
                    elif entity_type_number == 202:
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 212:
                        e = GeneralNote()

                    # Structural entities.
                    # See IGES spec v5.3, p. 50, Section 3.6
                    elif  entity_type_number == 132:
                        e = Entity()

                        e = Entity()

                    e.add_section(data[0:8], 'entity_type_number')
                    e.add_section(data[8:16], 'parameter_pointer')
                    e.add_section(data[16:24], 'structure')
                    e.add_section(data[24:32], 'line_font_pattern')
                    e.add_section(data[32:40], 'level')
                    e.add_section(data[40:48], 'view')
                    e.add_section(data[48:56], 'transform')
                    e.add_section(data[56:65], 'label_assoc')
                    e.add_section(data[65:72], 'status_number')
                    e.sequence_number = int(data[73:].strip())

                    first_dict_line = False
                    e.add_section(data[8:16], 'line_weight_number')
                    e.add_section(data[16:24], 'color_number')
                    e.add_section(data[24:32], 'param_line_count')
                    e.add_section(data[32:40], 'form_number')
                    e.add_section(data[56:64], 'entity_label', type='string')
                    e.add_section(data[64:72], 'entity_subs_num')

                    first_dict_line = True
                    pointer_dict.update({e.sequence_number : entity_index})
                    entity_index += 1

            elif id_code == 'P':   # Parameter data
                # Concatenate multiple lines into one string
                if first_param_line:
                    param_string = data[:64]
                    directory_pointer = int(data[64:72].strip())
                    first_param_line = False
                    param_string += data[:64]

                if param_string.strip()[-1] == record_sep:
                    first_param_line = True
                    param_string = param_string.strip()[:-1]
                    parameters = param_string.split(param_sep)

            elif id_code == 'T':   # Terminate
    return product
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __str__(self):
     s = '--- Line ---' + os.linesep
     s += Entity.__str__(self) + os.linesep
     s += "From point {0}, {1}, {2} {3}".format(self.x1, self.y1, self.z1, os.linesep)
     s += "To point {0}, {1}, {2}".format(self.x2, self.y2, self.z2)
     return s
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, f):
        # Outputs we care about
        param_string = ''
        params = []
        entity_list = []
        global_string = ""
        pointer_dict = {}

        # States for state machines
        displayed = False
        first_dict_line = True
        first_global_line = True
        first_param_line = True
        global_string = ""
        pointer_dict = {}
        entity_index = 0

        # Walk through each line
        for line in f.readlines():
            data = line[:80]
            id_code = line[72]

            if id_code == 'S':  # Start
            elif id_code == 'G':  # Global
                global_string += data  # Consolidate all global lines
                if first_global_line:
                    param_sep = data[2]
                    record_sep = data[6]
                    first_global_line = False

                # Record separator denotes end of global section
                if global_string.strip()[-1] == record_sep:
            elif id_code == 'D':  # Directory entry
                if first_dict_line:
                    entity_type_number = int(data[0:8].strip())
                    # Curve and surface entities.  See IGES spec v5.3, p. 38, Table 3
                    if entity_type_number == 100:  # Circular arc
                        e = CircArc()
                    elif entity_type_number == 102:  # Composite curve TODO
                        e = CompCurve()
                    elif entity_type_number == 104:  # Conic arc TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 108:  # Plane TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 110:  # Line
                        e = Line()
                    elif entity_type_number == 112:  # Parametric spline curve TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 114:  # Parametric spline surface TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 116:  # Point TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 118:  # Ruled surface TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 120:  # Surface of revolution TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 122:  # Tabulated cylinder TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    elif entity_type_number == 124:  # Transformation matrix
                        e = TransformationMatrix()
                    elif entity_type_number == 126:  # Rational B-spline curve
                        e = RationalBSplineCurve()
                    elif entity_type_number == 128:  # Rational B-spline surface TODO
                        e = Entity()
                    # TODO: Need to add more ...

                    # CSG Entities. See IGES spec v5.3, p. 42, Section 3.3
                    elif entity_type_number == 150:  # Block
                        e = Entity()

                    # B-Rep entities.  See IGES spec v5.3, p. 43, Section 3.4
                    elif entity_type_number == 186:
                        e = Entity()

                    # Annotation entities.  See IGES spec v5.3, p. 46, Section 3.5
                    elif entity_type_number == 202:
                        e = Entity()

                    # Structural entities.  See IGES spec v5.3, p. 50, Section 3.6
                    elif entity_type_number == 132:
                        e = Entity()

                    elif entity_type_number == 402:
                        e = AssociativityInstance()

                        e = Entity()

                    e.add_section(data[0:8], 'entity_type_number')
                    e.add_section(data[8:16], 'parameter_pointer')
                    e.add_section(data[16:24], 'structure')
                    e.add_section(data[24:32], 'line_font_pattern')
                    e.add_section(data[32:40], 'level')
                    e.add_section(data[40:48], 'view')
                    e.add_section(data[48:56], 'transform')
                    e.add_section(data[56:65], 'label_assoc')
                    e.add_section(data[65:72], 'status_number')
                    e.sequence_number = int(data[73:].strip())

                    # Get transformations and bring them along for the ride, if they exist
                    if e.d['transform']:
                        e.transformation = entity_list[pointer_dict[

                    first_dict_line = False
                    e.add_section(data[8:16], 'line_weight_number')
                    e.add_section(data[16:24], 'color_number')
                    e.add_section(data[24:32], 'param_line_count')
                    e.add_section(data[32:40], 'form_number')
                    e.add_section(data[56:64], 'entity_label', type='string')
                    e.add_section(data[64:72], 'entity_subs_num')

                    first_dict_line = True
                    pointer_dict.update({e.sequence_number: entity_index})
                    entity_index += 1

            elif id_code == 'P':  # Parameter data
                # Concatenate multiple lines into one string
                if first_param_line:
                    param_string = data[:64]
                    directory_pointer = int(data[64:72].strip())
                    first_param_line = False
                    param_string += data[:64]

                if param_string.strip()[-1] == record_sep:
                    first_param_line = True
                    param_string = param_string.strip()[:-1]
                    parameters = param_string.split(param_sep)
            elif id_code == 'T':  # Terminate

        toplevel_entities = [entity for entity in entity_list]

        # Second pass for references
        for entity in entity_list:
            if type(entity) in [CompCurve, AssociativityInstance]:
                children = []
                for i in range(entity.n_curves):
                    ptr = entity.pointers[i]
                    ent = entity_list[pointer_dict[ptr]]


        # Save
        self.param_string = param_string
        self.params = params
        self.entity_list = entity_list
        self.global_string = global_string
        self.pointer_dict = pointer_dict
        self.toplevel_entities = toplevel_entities
Ejemplo n.º 8
        if first_global_line:
            param_sep = data[2]
            record_sep = data[6]
            first_global_line = False

        # Record separator denotes end of global section
        if global_string.strip()[-1] == record_sep:

    elif id_code == 'D':   # Directory entry
        if first_dict_line:
            entity_type_number = int(data[0:8].strip())
            # Curve and surface entities.  See IGES spec v5.3, p. 38, Table 3
            if entity_type_number == 100:   # Circular arc
                e = Entity()
            elif entity_type_number == 102: # Composite curve
                e = CompositeCurveEntity()
            elif entity_type_number == 104: # Conic arc
                e = Entity()
            elif entity_type_number == 108: # Plane
                e = Entity()
            elif entity_type_number == 110: # Line
                e = Line()
            elif entity_type_number == 112: # Parametric spline curve
                e = Entity()
            elif entity_type_number == 114: # Parametric spline surface
                e = Entity()
            elif entity_type_number == 116: # Point
                e = Entity()
            elif entity_type_number == 118: # Ruled surface