Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
        """Creates a dendrogram object for a given graph.

        @param graph: the graph that will be associated to the clustering
        @param merges: the merges performed given in matrix form.
        @param membership: the membership list. The length of the list must
          be equal to the number of vertices in the graph. If C{None}, the
          dendrogram will be cut at the level where the modularity is maximized
          and the membership list will represent this state.
        @param modularity: the modularity score of the clustering on each
          level of the dendrogram starting from the fully decomposed state.
          If C{None}, it will be calculated.
        @param params: additional parameters to be stored in this object.
        if modularity is None:
            # TODO: this is a fairly simple way to calculate the modularity
            ms = range(graph.vcount())
            communities = range(graph.vcount())
            modularity = []
            n = graph.vcount()
            for step in xrange(min(n - 1, len(merges))):
                ms = community_to_membership(merges, graph.vcount(), step)

        if membership is None:
            maxmod = max(modularity)
            maxidx = modularity.index(maxmod)
            membership = community_to_membership(merges, graph.vcount(),

            recoding, n = {}, 0
            for idx, m in enumerate(membership):
                    membership[idx] = recoding[m]
                except KeyError:
                    recoding[m], membership[idx] = n, n
                    n += 1

            maxmod = None

        Dendrogram.__init__(self, merges)
        VertexClustering.__init__(self, graph, membership, maxmod, params)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, graph, merges, membership = None, modularity = None, params = {}):
        """Creates a dendrogram object for a given graph.

        @param graph: the graph that will be associated to the clustering
        @param merges: the merges performed given in matrix form.
        @param membership: the membership list. The length of the list must
          be equal to the number of vertices in the graph. If C{None}, the
          dendrogram will be cut at the level where the modularity is maximized
          and the membership list will represent this state.
        @param modularity: the modularity score of the clustering on each
          level of the dendrogram starting from the fully decomposed state.
          If C{None}, it will be calculated.
        @param params: additional parameters to be stored in this object.
        if modularity is None:
            # TODO: this is a fairly simple way to calculate the modularity
            ms = range(graph.vcount())
            communities = range(graph.vcount())
            modularity = []
            n = graph.vcount()
            for step in xrange(min(n-1, len(merges))):
                ms = community_to_membership(merges, graph.vcount(), step)

        if membership is None:
            maxmod = max(modularity)
            maxidx = modularity.index(maxmod)
            membership = community_to_membership(merges, graph.vcount(), maxidx)
            recoding, n = {}, 0
            for idx, m in enumerate(membership):
                    membership[idx] = recoding[m]
                except KeyError:
                    recoding[m], membership[idx] = n, n
                    n += 1

            maxmod = None

        Dendrogram.__init__(self, merges)
        VertexClustering.__init__(self, graph, membership, maxmod, params)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def cut(self, n):
        """Cuts the dendrogram at a given level.

        @param n: the desired number of clusters. Merges are replayed from the
          beginning until the membership vector has exactly M{n} distinct elements
          or until there are no more recorded merges, whichever happens first.
        @return: the membership vector
        num_elts = self._graph.vcount()
        membership = community_to_membership(self._merges, num_elts, num_elts-n)
        idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()
        self._membership = [idgen[m] for m in membership]
        self._len = max(self._membership) + 1
        return self._membership[:]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def cut(self, n):
        """Cuts the dendrogram at a given level.

        @param n: the desired number of clusters. Merges are replayed from the
          beginning until the membership vector has exactly M{n} distinct elements
          or until there are no more recorded merges, whichever happens first.
        @return: the membership vector
        num_elts = self._graph.vcount()
        membership = community_to_membership(self._merges, num_elts,
                                             num_elts - n)
        idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()
        self._membership = [idgen[m] for m in membership]
        self._len = max(self._membership) + 1
        return self._membership[:]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def as_clustering(self, n=None):
        """Cuts the dendrogram at the given level and returns a corresponding
        L{VertexClustering} object.

        @param n: the desired number of clusters. Merges are replayed from the
          beginning until the membership vector has exactly M{n} distinct elements
          or until there are no more recorded merges, whichever happens first.
          If C{None}, the current membership vector will be used.
        @return: a new L{VertexClustering} object.
        if n is not None:
            num_elts = self._graph.vcount()
            membership = community_to_membership(self._merges, num_elts, num_elts-n)
            idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()
            membership = [idgen[m] for m in membership]
            membership = self.membership
        return VertexClustering(self._graph, membership)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def as_clustering(self, n=None):
        """Cuts the dendrogram at the given level and returns a corresponding
        L{VertexClustering} object.

        @param n: the desired number of clusters. Merges are replayed from the
          beginning until the membership vector has exactly M{n} distinct elements
          or until there are no more recorded merges, whichever happens first.
          If C{None}, the current membership vector will be used.
        @return: a new L{VertexClustering} object.
        if n is not None:
            num_elts = self._graph.vcount()
            membership = community_to_membership(self._merges, num_elts,
                                                 num_elts - n)
            idgen = UniqueIdGenerator()
            membership = [idgen[m] for m in membership]
            membership = self.membership
        return VertexClustering(self._graph, membership)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def comm_detection(g, algorithm, weights_input):
        if algorithm == 1:
            # (1)社区发现,newman快速算法,VertexDendrogram
            comm = list(g.community_fastgreedy(weights=weights_input).as_clustering())
            comm.sort(key=lambda i: len(i), reverse=True)
            num = len(comm)

        elif algorithm == 2:
            # (2)社区发现,louvain算法,VertexClustering
            comm = list(g.community_multilevel(weights=weights_input))
            comm.sort(key=lambda i: len(i), reverse=True)
            num = len(comm)

        elif algorithm == 3:
            # (3)社区发现,leading_eigenvector算法,VertexClustering
            comm = list(g.community_leading_eigenvector(weights=weights_input))
            comm.sort(key=lambda i: len(i), reverse=True)
            num = len(comm)

        elif algorithm == 4:
            # (4)社区发现,label_propagation算法,VertexClustering
            comm = list(g.community_label_propagation(weights=weights_input, initial=None, fixed=None))
            comm.sort(key=lambda i: len(i), reverse=True)
            num = len(comm)

        elif algorithm == 5:
            # (5)社区发现,walktrap算法,VertexDendrogram
            comm = list(g.community_walktrap(weights=weights_input, steps=4).as_clustering())
            comm.sort(key=lambda i: len(i), reverse=True)
            num = len(comm)

        elif algorithm == 6:
            # (6)社区发现,GN算法,VertexDendrogram(时间久,不推荐大网络)
            se = g.community_edge_betweenness(clusters=None, directed=False, weights=weights_input)
            n = se._graph.vcount()
            max_q, optimal_count = 0, 1
            for step in range(min(n - 1, len(se._merges))):
                membs = ig.community_to_membership(se._merges, n, step)
                q = se._graph.modularity(membs, **se._modularity_params)
                if q > max_q:
                    optimal_count = n - step
                    max_q = q
            se._optimal_count = optimal_count
            comm = list(se.as_clustering())
            comm.sort(key=lambda i: len(i), reverse=True)
            num = len(comm)

        elif algorithm == 7:
            # (7)社区发现,spinglass算法,VertexClustering(时间久,不推荐大网络)
            clusters = g.clusters()
            giant = clusters.giant()
            comm = list(giant.community_spinglass())
            comm.sort(key=lambda i: len(i), reverse=True)
            num = len(comm)

        elif algorithm == 8:
            # (8)社区发现,infomap算法,VertexClustering
            # 本算法需要给定簇团划分数量(trials=10),初始值为10
            comm = list(g.community_infomap(edge_weights=weights_input, vertex_weights=None, trials=10))
            comm.sort(key=lambda i: len(i), reverse=True)
            num = len(comm)

        return comm, num