Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _utility_at_locality(self, l, agents, memoize):
        agents = tuple(sorted(agents))
        if memoize and agents in self._memoization[l]:
            return self._memoization[l][agents]

        sum_utilities = 0
        for _ in range(self.random_samples):
            num_jobs = self.locality_num_jobs[l]

            # agent i has node id `i`, job j has node id `offset + j`
            offset = self.num_agents
            edges = []

            for i in agents:
                for j in range(num_jobs):
                    probability = self.compatibility_probabilities[i][l][j]
                    if probability == 0:
                        # Improves simulation performance because random is not
                        # called
                    if random() < probability:
                        edges.append((i, offset + j))

            graph = Graph.Bipartite([0] * self.num_agents + [1] * num_jobs,
            matching = graph.maximum_bipartite_matching()

            sum_utilities += len(matching)
        utility = sum_utilities / self.random_samples
        self._memoization[l][agents] = utility
        return utility
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def assert_has_requests_any_order(self, *expected_requests: ExpectedHTTPRequest):
        Asserts that all of the expected requests exclusively match a one of the recorded requests, in any order.
            *expected_requests: the expected requests.
        if not expected_requests:
            raise TypeError('at least one expected request must be provided')
        if len(self) < len(expected_requests):
            raise AssertionError(f"expected {len(expected_requests)} sequential requests, but found {len(self)}: "
        # this problem is equivalent to a maximum bipartite matching in a graph, where one set holds the recorded
        # requests, and the other, the expected requests. We construct an igraph object to represent the problem.
        edges = []
        # since recorded requests are unhashable, we store the why_nots for requests by their ids
        why_nots: Dict[ExpectedHTTPRequest, Dict[int, MismatchReason]] = {expected: {} for expected in
        for i, expected in enumerate(expected_requests):
            for j, request in enumerate(self):
                match = expected.matches(request)
                if match:
                    edges.append((i, j + len(expected_requests)))
                    assert isinstance(match, MismatchReason)
                    why_nots[expected][id(request)] = match
        graph = Graph.Bipartite([0] * len(expected_requests) + [1] * len(self), edges)

        max_matching = graph.maximum_bipartite_matching()
        unmatched_strs = []
        for i, expected in enumerate(expected_requests):
            if not max_matching.is_matched(i):
                unmatched_strs.append(f'could not match expected request {expected}:'
                                      + ''.join((f'\n\t{req}- {why_nots[expected][id(req)]}'
                                                 if id(req) in why_nots[expected]
                                                 else f'\n\t{req}- matched expected request '
                                                      + str(expected_requests[max_matching.match_of(node_index)]))
                                                for node_index, req in enumerate(self, len(expected_requests))))
        if unmatched_strs:
            raise AssertionError('\n'.join(unmatched_strs))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def graphScope(segment, newSegment):
    encodingCostSegment = totalCostForSegment(segment, segment.segments)

    encodingCostNewGraph = totalCostForSegment(newSegment, newSegment.segments)

    unionGraph = Graph.Bipartite(segment.g.vs["type"],
    resultUnion = partitionGraph(unionGraph, 1, segment.segments + 1)
    unionSegment = GraphSegment(unionGraph, resultUnion[0], resultUnion[1],
    encodingCostUnion = totalCostForSegment(unionSegment, segment.segments + 1)
    print("encodingCostUnion", encodingCostUnion)
    print("encodingCostSegment", encodingCostSegment)
    print("encodingCostNewGraph", encodingCostNewGraph)
    if encodingCostUnion - encodingCostSegment < encodingCostNewGraph:
        unionSegment.segments = segment.segments + 1
        return [unionSegment]
        return [segment, newSegment]
    print("time.graphScope after: %f " % time.time())