Ejemplo n.º 1
    def eval_correspondences_pointcloud(self, pcl_pred_files, pcl_tgt):
        ''' Calculates correspondence score for point clouds.

            pcl_pred_files (list): list of point cloud prediction files
            pcl_tgt (list): list of target point clouds
        # Detect NN for GT points
        pc_t0 = np.expand_dims(load_pointcloud(pcl_pred_files[0]), axis=0)
        ind, _ = get_nearest_neighbors_indices_batch(
            pc_t0, np.expand_dims(pcl_tgt[0], axis=0))
        ind = ind[0]

        # Next time steps
        eval_dict = {}
        for i in range(len(pcl_tgt)):
            pc_t = load_pointcloud(pcl_pred_files[i])
            pc_nn_t = pcl_tgt[i][ind]

            l2_loss = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(pc_t - pc_nn_t, axis=-1)).item()
            eval_dict['l2 %d (pcl)' % i] = l2_loss

        return eval_dict
Ejemplo n.º 2
        if os.path.exists(mesh_file):
            mesh = trimesh.load(mesh_file, process=False)
            eval_dict_mesh = evaluator.eval_mesh(mesh, pointcloud_tgt,
                                                 normals_tgt, points_tgt,
            for k, v in eval_dict_mesh.items():
                eval_dict[k + ' (mesh)'] = v
            print('Warning: mesh does not exist: %s' % mesh_file)

    # Evaluate point cloud
    if cfg['test']['eval_pointcloud']:
        pointcloud_file = os.path.join(pointcloud_dir, '%s.ply' % modelname)

        if os.path.exists(pointcloud_file):
            pointcloud = load_pointcloud(pointcloud_file)
            eval_dict_pcl = evaluator.eval_pointcloud(pointcloud,
            for k, v in eval_dict_pcl.items():
                eval_dict[k + ' (pcl)'] = v
            print('Warning: pointcloud does not exist: %s' % pointcloud_file)

# Create pandas dataframe and save
eval_df = pd.DataFrame(eval_dicts)
eval_df.set_index(['idx'], inplace=True)

# Create CSV file  with main statistics
eval_df_class = eval_df.groupby(by=['class name']).mean()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    # Evaluate point cloud
    if cfg['test']['eval_pointcloud']:
        pointcloud_folder = os.path.join(pointcloud_dir, '%s' % modelname,
                                         '%05d' % start_idx)
        if os.path.exists(pointcloud_folder):
            ply_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(pointcloud_folder, '*.ply'))
            # Eval Pointcloud Correspondences
            if cfg['test']['eval_pointcloud_correspondences']:
                eval_dict_cor = evaluator.eval_correspondences_pointcloud(
                    ply_files, pointcloud_tgt)
                for k, v in eval_dict_cor.items():
                    eval_dict[k] = v
            # Eval Point Cloud Chamfer distances
            for i, ply_file in enumerate(ply_files[:17]):
                pointcloud = load_pointcloud(ply_file)
                eval_dict_pcl = evaluator.eval_pointcloud(
                    pointcloud, pointcloud_tgt[i])
                for k, v in eval_dict_pcl.items():
                    eval_dict['%s %d (pcl)' % (k, i)] = v
            print('Warning: pointcloud does not exist: %s (%d)' %
                  (modelname, start_idx))

    if it > 0 and (it % 50) == 0:
        # Create pandas dataframe and save
        eval_df = pd.DataFrame(eval_dicts)
        eval_df.set_index(['idx'], inplace=True)

        # Create CSV file  with main statistics
        if os.path.exists(mesh_file):
            mesh = trimesh.load(mesh_file)
            eval_dict_mesh = evaluator.eval_mesh(
                mesh, pointcloud_tgt)
            for k, v in eval_dict_mesh.items():
                eval_dict[k + ' (mesh)'] = v
            print('Warning: mesh does not exist: %s' % mesh_file)

    if eval_pointcloud:
        pointcloud_file = os.path.join(output_dir,
                                       'mesh_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.ply'.format(split, data_completeness, data_sparsity,
                                                                        checkpoint, it))
        if os.path.exists(pointcloud_file):
            pointcloud = load_pointcloud(pointcloud_file).astype(np.float32)
            eval_dict_pcl = evaluator.eval_pointcloud(
                pointcloud, pointcloud_tgt)
            for k, v in eval_dict_pcl.items():
                eval_dict[k + ' (pcl)'] = v
            print('Warning: pointcloud does not exist: %s' % pointcloud_file)

out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'result',
                        'eval_input_full_{}_{}_{}_{}.pkl'.format(split, data_completeness, data_sparsity, checkpoint))
out_file_class = os.path.join(output_dir, 'result',
                              'eval_input_{}_{}_{}_{}.csv'.format(split, data_completeness, data_sparsity, checkpoint))

# Create pandas dataframe and save
eval_df = pd.DataFrame(eval_dicts)
eval_df.set_index(['idx'], inplace=True)