Ejemplo n.º 1
            if dates[i][-3:].lower() in ("nov","dec"):
              dates[i]+=' ' + str(year)
            if dates[i][-3:].lower() in ("jan","feb"):
              dates[i]+=' ' + str(year+1)
            if dates[i]:
              dates[i] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.strptime(dates[i], "%d %b %Y"))

        elif colname in ('pantomime','production'):
          # If part of it is bold, that's the title.
          if colsoup.b:
            title = extractText(colsoup.b)
          # If there is an image, that's the title.
          elif colPictures:
            titleImg = colPictures.pop(0)
            title = getTitleOfImage(titleImg)
            if not title:
              title = "!!ERROR !! %s" % titleImg
            title = extractText(colsoup)

          description += extractText(colsoup)

        elif colname in ('starring','cast details'):
          castText = extractText(colsoup)

          # Split the cast into a list of people
          if "; " in castText:
            cast = [i.strip() for i in castText.split("; ")]
          elif ", " in castText:
Ejemplo n.º 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=UTF-8 :
from imageList import imageList, getTitleOfImage
from operator import itemgetter
from plays import plays

print """<html>
  <title>Image title test</title>
    div { height: 250px; width: 290px; text-align: center; float: left }

uniquePlays = list(set([(play["title"], play["titleImg"]) for play in plays if play["titleImg"]]))

# for url,title in imageList.items():
for title, url in uniquePlays:
    print '<div><img src="http://www.its-behind-you.com/%s" /><br />%s<br />%s</div>' % (url, url, getTitleOfImage(url))

print """</body>