Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_colour_profiles_match(source_filepath, converted_filepath):
    Check the ICC profile and colour mode match.
    Allows greyscale and bitonal images to match, as that is how kakadu expands JP2s which were originally bitonal.
    Raises :class:`~image_processing.exceptions.ValidationError` if they do not match.

    :param source_filepath:
    :param converted_filepath:
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    with Image.open(source_filepath) as source_image:
        with Image.open(converted_filepath) as converted_image:
            if source_image.mode != converted_image.mode:
                if source_image.mode == BITONAL and converted_image.mode == GREYSCALE:
                    logger.info('Converted image is greyscale, not bitonal. This is expected')
                    raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                        'Converted file {0} has different colour mode from {1}'
                        .format(converted_filepath, source_filepath)

            source_icc = source_image.info.get('icc_profile')
            converted_icc = converted_image.info.get('icc_profile')
            if source_icc != converted_icc:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    'Converted file {0} has different colour profile from {1}'
                    .format(converted_filepath, source_filepath))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_image_suitable_for_jp2_conversion(
    Check over the image and checks if it is in a supported and tested format for conversion to jp2.
    Raises :class:`~image_processing.exceptions.ValidationError` if it is not

    :param image_filepath:
    :param require_icc_profile_for_greyscale: raise an error if a greyscale image doesn't have an icc profile.
        Note: bitonal images don't need icc profiles even if this is true
    :param require_icc_profile_for_colour: raise an error if a colour image doesn't have an icc profile

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    with Image.open(image_filepath) as image_pil:

        colour_mode = image_pil.mode

        if colour_mode not in ACCEPTED_COLOUR_MODES:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                "Unsupported colour mode {0} for {1}".format(
                    colour_mode, image_filepath))

        if colour_mode == 'RGBA':
            # In some cases alpha channel data is stored in a way that means it would be lost in the conversion back to
            # tiff from jp2.
            # "Kakadu Warning:
            # Alpha channel cannot be identified in a TIFF file since it is of the unassociated
            # (i.e., not premultiplied) type, and these are not supported by TIFF.
            # You can save this to a separate output file."

            # As we rarely encounter RGBA files, and mostly ones without any alpha channel data, we just warn here
            # the visually identical check should pick up any problems
                "You must double check the jp2 conversion is lossless. "
                "{0} is an RGBA image, and the resulting jp2 may convert back to an RGB tiff "
                "if the alpha channel is unassociated".format(image_filepath))

        icc_needed = (require_icc_profile_for_greyscale and colour_mode == GREYSCALE) \
            or (require_icc_profile_for_colour and colour_mode not in MONOTONE_COLOUR_MODES)

        icc = image_pil.info.get('icc_profile')
        if icc is None:
                'No icc profile embedded in {0}'.format(image_filepath))
            if icc_needed:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    'No icc profile embedded in {0}.'.format(image_filepath))

        frames = len(list(ImageSequence.Iterator(image_pil)))
        if frames > 1:
                'File has multiple layers: only the first one will be converted'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def validate_jp2(image_file, output_file=None):
    Uses jpylyzer (:func:`jpylyzer.jpylzer.checkOneFile`) to validate the jp2 file.
    Raises a :class:`~image_processing.exceptions.ValidationError` if it is invalid

    :param image_file:
    :param output_file: if not None, write the jpylyzer xml output to this file
    :type image_file: str
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    jp2_element = checkOneFile(image_file)
    is_valid_element = jp2_element.find('isValid')
    # elements are falsey if they have no children, so we explicitly check `is None`
    if is_valid_element is None:
        # isValid is only in post-2.0.0 jyplyzer output. legacy output has isValidJP2 instead
        is_valid_element = jp2_element.find('isValidJP2')
    success = is_valid_element is not None and is_valid_element.text == 'True'
    output_string = minidom.parseString(
    if output_file:
        with open(output_file, 'wb') as f:
    if not success:
        logger.error('{0} failed jypylzer validation'.format(image_file))
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            '{0} failed jypylzer validation'.format(image_file))
    logger.debug('{0} is a valid jp2 file'.format(image_file))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_visually_identical(source_filepath,
    Visually compare the files (i.e. that the pixel values are identical).
    Raises a :class:`~image_processing.exceptions.ValidationError` if they don't match.

    .. note:: Does not check technical metadata beyond colour profile and mode.

    :param source_filepath:
    :param converted_filepath:
    :param source_pixel_checksum: if not None, uses this to compare against instead of reading out the
        source pixels again. Should be one generated using generate_pixel_checksum

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        "Comparing pixel values and colour profile of {0} and {1}".format(
            source_filepath, converted_filepath))

    check_colour_profiles_match(source_filepath, converted_filepath)

    with Image.open(source_filepath) as source_image:
        if not source_pixel_checksum:
            source_pixel_checksum = generate_pixel_checksum_from_pil_image(
        source_is_bitonal = source_image.mode == BITONAL

    if source_is_bitonal:
        # we need to handle bitonal images differently, as they're converted into 8 bit greyscale.
        # No information is lost in the conversion, but the tobytes
        #  method used by the pixel checksum picks up the difference
        with Image.open(converted_filepath) as converted_image:
            bitonal_converted_image = converted_image.convert('1')
            converted_pixel_checksum = generate_pixel_checksum_from_pil_image(
        converted_pixel_checksum = generate_pixel_checksum(converted_filepath)

    if not converted_pixel_checksum == source_pixel_checksum:
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            'Converted file {0} does not visually match original {1}'.format(
                converted_filepath, source_filepath))

    logger.debug('{0} and {1} are equivalent'.format(source_filepath,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def validate_jp2(image_file):
    Uses jpylyzer (:func:`jpylyzer.jpylzer.checkOneFile`) to validate the jp2 file.
    Raises a :class:`~image_processing.exceptions.ValidationError` if it is invalid

    :param image_file:
    :type image_file: str
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    jp2_element = checkOneFile(image_file)
    success = jp2_element.findtext('isValidJP2') == 'True'
    if not success:
        logger.error('{0} failed jypylzer validation'.format(image_file))
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            '{0} failed jypylzer validation'.format(image_file))
    logger.debug('{0} is a valid jp2 file'.format(image_file))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def validate_jp2(image_file, output_file=None):
    Uses jpylyzer (:func:`jpylyzer.jpylzer.checkOneFile`) to validate the jp2 file.
    Raises a :class:`~image_processing.exceptions.ValidationError` if it is invalid

    :param image_file:
    :param output_file: if not None, write the jpylyzer xml output to this file
    :type image_file: str
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    jp2_element = checkOneFile(image_file)
    success = jp2_element.findtext('isValidJP2') == 'True'
    output_string = minidom.parseString(ElementTree.tostring(jp2_element)).toprettyxml(encoding='utf-8')
    if output_file:
        with open(output_file, 'wb') as f:
    if not success:
        logger.error('{0} failed jypylzer validation'.format(image_file))
        raise exceptions.ValidationError('{0} failed jypylzer validation'.format(image_file))
    logger.debug('{0} is a valid jp2 file'.format(image_file))