Ejemplo n.º 1
def landmarks_for_face(detector, predictor, image):
    Detects and corrects landmarks for faces
    :param detector: Face detector
    :param predictor: landmarks detector
    :param image: Image with face to detect
    :return: landmarks of face
    angle = 0
    faces = []
    result = []
    while len(faces) == 0 and angle < 1:
        rotated = rotate_image(image, angle)
        faces = detector(rotated)
        for face in faces:
            landmarks = predictor(image, face)
            image_center = tuple(np.array(image.shape[1::-1]) / 2)
            rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(image_center, -angle, 1.0)
            for n in range(0, 68):
                landmark = np.array([landmarks.part(n).x, landmarks.part(n).y, 1], dtype=np.float)
                transformed = np.dot(rot_mat, landmark.T)

        angle += 10
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
def augmentation_function(images, labels, **kwargs):
    Function for augmentation of minibatches. It will transform a set of images and corresponding labels
    by a number of optional transformations. Each image/mask pair in the minibatch will be seperately transformed
    with random parameters. 
    :param images: A numpy array of shape [minibatch, X, Y, (Z), nchannels]
    :param labels: A numpy array containing a corresponding label mask
    :param do_rotations: Rotate the input images by a random angle between -15 and 15 degrees.
    :param do_scaleaug: Do scale augmentation by sampling one length of a square, then cropping and upsampling the image
                        back to the original size. 
    :param do_fliplr: Perform random flips with a 50% chance in the left right direction. 
    :return: A mini batch of the same size but with transformed images and masks. 

    if images.ndim > 4:
        raise AssertionError('Augmentation will only work with 2D images')

    do_rotations = kwargs.get('do_rotations', False)
    do_scaleaug = kwargs.get('do_scaleaug', False)
    do_fliplr = kwargs.get('do_fliplr', False)

    new_images = []
    new_labels = []
    num_images = images.shape[0]

    for ii in range(num_images):

        img = np.squeeze(images[ii, ...])
        lbl = np.squeeze(labels[ii, ...])

        # ROTATE
        if do_rotations:
            angles = kwargs.get('angles', (-15, 15))
            random_angle = np.random.uniform(angles[0], angles[1])
            img = image_utils.rotate_image(img, random_angle)
            lbl = image_utils.rotate_image(lbl,

        if do_scaleaug:
            offset = kwargs.get('offset', 30)
            n_x, n_y = img.shape
            r_y = np.random.random_integers(n_y - offset, n_y)
            p_x = np.random.random_integers(0, n_x - r_y)
            p_y = np.random.random_integers(0, n_y - r_y)

            img = image_utils.resize_image(
                img[p_y:(p_y + r_y), p_x:(p_x + r_y)], (n_x, n_y))
            lbl = image_utils.resize_image(lbl[p_y:(p_y + r_y),
                                               p_x:(p_x + r_y)], (n_x, n_y),

        # RANDOM FLIP
        if do_fliplr:
            coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
            if coin_flip == 0:
                img = np.fliplr(img)
                lbl = np.fliplr(lbl)

        new_images.append(img[..., np.newaxis])

    sampled_image_batch = np.asarray(new_images)
    sampled_label_batch = np.asarray(new_labels)

    return sampled_image_batch, sampled_label_batch
Ejemplo n.º 3
def augmentation_function(images, labels):
    :param images: A numpy array of shape [batch, X, Y], normalized between 0-1
    :param labels: A numpy array containing a corresponding label mask     

    # Define in configuration.py which operations to perform
    do_rotation_range = config.do_rotation_range
    do_fliplr = config.do_fliplr
    do_flipud = config.do_flipud
    crop = config.crop

    # Probability to perform a generic operation
    prob = config.prob
    if 0.0 <= prob <= 1.0:

        new_images = []
        new_labels = []
        num_images = images.shape[0]

        for i in range(num_images):

            #extract the single image
            img = np.squeeze(images[i, ...])
            lbl = np.squeeze(labels[i, ...])

            for jj in range(8):
                imgg = img
                lbll = lbl
                # RANDOM ROTATION
                if do_rotation_range:
                    angle = config.rg
                    random_angle = np.random.uniform(angle[0], angle[1])
                    imgg = image_utils.rotate_image(imgg, random_angle)
                    lbll = image_utils.rotate_image(lbll,

                # FLIP Lelf/Right
                if do_fliplr:
                    coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
                    if coin_flip == 0:
                        imgg = np.fliplr(imgg)
                        lbll = np.fliplr(lbll)

                # FLIP  up/down
                if do_flipud:
                    coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
                    if coin_flip == 0:
                        imgg = np.flipud(imgg)
                        lbll = np.flipud(lbll)

                # RANDOM TRANSLATION 5%
                if (random.randint(0, 1)):
                    x = random.randint(-11, 11)
                    y = random.randint(-11, 11)
                    M = np.float32([[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y]])
                    imgg = cv2.warpAffine(
                        imgg, M, (config.image_size[0], config.image_size[1]))
                    lbll = cv2.warpAffine(
                        lbll, M, (config.image_size[0], config.image_size[1]))

                # RANDOM CROP 5%
                if crop:
                    coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
                    if coin_flip == 0:
                        zfactor = round(random.uniform(1, 1.05), 2)
                        imgg = zoom(imgg, zfactor)
                        lbll = zoom(lbll, zfactor)

                new_images.append(imgg[..., np.newaxis])

        sampled_image_batch = np.asarray(new_images)
        sampled_label_batch = np.asarray(new_labels)

        return sampled_image_batch, sampled_label_batch

        logging.warning('Probability must be in range [0.0,1.0]!!')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def augmentation_function(images, labels):
    :param images: A numpy array of shape [batch, X, Y], normalized between 0-1
    :param labels: A numpy array containing a corresponding label mask     

    # Define in configuration.py which operations to perform
    do_rotation_range = config.do_rotation_range
    do_fliplr = config.do_fliplr
    do_flipud = config.do_flipud
    crop = config.crop
    do_gamma = config.gamma
    do_blurr = config.blurr

    # Probability to perform a generic operation
    prob = config.prob
    if 0.0 <= prob <= 1.0:

        new_images = []
        new_labels = []
        num_images = images.shape[0]

        for i in range(num_images):

            #extract the single image
            img = np.squeeze(images[i, ...])
            lbl = np.squeeze(labels[i, ...])

            # RANDOM ROTATION
            if do_rotation_range:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    angle = config.rg
                    random_angle = np.random.uniform(angle[0], angle[1])
                    img = image_utils.rotate_image(img, random_angle)
                    lbl = image_utils.rotate_image(lbl,

            # FLIP Lelf/Right
            if do_fliplr:
                coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
                if coin_flip == 0:
                    img = np.fliplr(img)
                    lbl = np.fliplr(lbl)

            # FLIP  up/down
            if do_flipud:
                coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
                if coin_flip == 0:
                    img = np.flipud(img)
                    lbl = np.flipud(lbl)

            # RANDOM TRANSLATION 5%
        #   if (random.randint(0,1)):
        #               x = random.randint(-11,11)
        #               y = random.randint(-11,11)
        #               M = np.float32([[1,0,x],[0,1,y]])
        #               img = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(config.image_size[0],config.image_size[1]))
        #               lbl = cv2.warpAffine(lbl,M,(config.image_size[0],config.image_size[1]))

        # RANDOM CROP 5%
            if crop:
                coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
                if coin_flip == 0:
                    zfactor = round(random.uniform(1, 1.05), 2)
                    img = zoom(img, zfactor)
                    lbl = zoom(lbl, zfactor)

            if do_gamma:
                coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
                if coin_flip == 0:
                    gamma = random.randrange(8, 13, 1)
                    img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, gamma / 10)

            # RANDOM BLURR
            if do_blurr:
                coin_flip = np.random.randint(2)
                if coin_flip == 0:
                    sigma = random.randrange(6, 16, 2)
                    img = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, sigma / 10)

            new_images.append(img[..., np.newaxis])

        sampled_image_batch = np.asarray(new_images)
        sampled_label_batch = np.asarray(new_labels)

        return sampled_image_batch, sampled_label_batch

        logging.warning('Probability must be in range [0.0,1.0]!!')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def augmentation_function(images, labels):
    :param images: A numpy array of shape [batch, X, Y], normalized between 0-1
    :param labels: A numpy array containing a corresponding label mask     

    # Define in configuration.py which operations to perform
    do_rotation_range = config.do_rotation_range
    do_rotation_90 = config.do_rotation_90
    do_rotation_180 = config.do_rotation_180
    do_rotation_270 = config.do_rotation_270
    do_rotation_reshape = config.do_rotation_reshape
    do_rotation = config.do_rotation
    crop = config.crop
    do_fliplr = config.do_fliplr
    do_flipud = config.do_flipud
    RandomContrast = config.RandomContrast
    blurr = config.blurr
    SaltAndPepper = config.SaltAndPepper
    Multiply = config.Multiply
    ElasticTransformation = config.ElasticTransformation
    Pad = config.Pad

    # Probability to perform a generic operation
    prob = config.prob
    if 0.0 <= prob <= 1.0:

        new_images = []
        new_labels = []
        num_images = images.shape[0]

        for i in range(num_images):

            #extract the single image
            img = np.squeeze(images[i, ...])
            lbl = np.squeeze(labels[i, ...])

            # ROTATE (Min,Max)
            # The operation will rotate an image by a random amount, within a range
            # specified
            if do_rotation_range:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    angles = config.rg
                    random_angle = np.random.uniform(angles[0], angles[1])
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = image_utils.rotate_image(img, random_angle)
                    lbll = image_utils.rotate_image(lbl,

            # ROTATE 90°
            if do_rotation_90:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    angle = 90
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = image_utils.rotate_image(img, angle)
                    lbll = image_utils.rotate_image(lbl,

            # ROTATE 180°
            if do_rotation_180:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    angle = 180
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = image_utils.rotate_image(img, angle)
                    lbll = image_utils.rotate_image(lbl,

            # ROTATE 270°
            if do_rotation_270:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    angle = 270
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = image_utils.rotate_image(img, angle)
                    lbll = image_utils.rotate_image(lbl,

            # ROTATE (generic angle with reshape)
            if do_rotation_reshape:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    angle = config.angle
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = scipy.ndimage.rotate(img, angle)
                    lbll = scipy.ndimage.rotate(lbl, angle)

            # ROTATE (generic angle)
            if do_rotation:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    angle = config.angle
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = scipy.ndimage.rotate(img, angle, reshape=False)
                    lbll = scipy.ndimage.rotate(lbl, angle, reshape=False)

            # RANDOM CROP SCALE
            if crop:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    augmenters = [iaa.Crop(px=config.offset)]
                    seq = iaa.Sequential(augmenters, random_order=True)
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = seq.augment_image(img)
                    lbll = seq.augment_image(lbl)

            # RANDOM FLIP Lelf/Right
            if do_fliplr:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = np.fliplr(img)
                    lbll = np.fliplr(lbl)

            # RANDOM FLIP  up/down
            if do_flipud:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = np.flipud(img)
                    lbll = np.flipud(lbl)

            # RANDOM CONTRAST
            # Random change the passed image contrast
            min_factor: The value between 0.0 and max_factor
             that define the minimum adjustment of image contrast.
             The value  0.0 gives s solid grey image, value 1.0 gives the original image.
            max_factor: A value should be bigger than min_factor.
             that define the maximum adjustment of image contrast.
             The value  0.0 gives s solid grey image, value 1.0 gives the original image.
            if RandomContrast:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    factor = np.random.uniform(config.min_factor,
                    img = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img).enhance(factor)
                    # write the code (img should not be an array)

            # BLURRING
            # only on image not label
            if blurr:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    inter = config.sigma
                    sigma = np.random.uniform(inter[0], inter[1])
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, sigma)

            # SaltAndPepper (image should be normalized between 0 and 1)
            if SaltAndPepper:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    dens = config.density
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    if (dens > 1.00) | (dens < 0.00):
                        dens = 0.05
                    coords = [
                        np.random.randint(0, d - 1,
                                          int(np.ceil(dens * img.size * 0.5)))
                        for d in img.shape
                    imgg[coords] = 1
                    coords = [
                        np.random.randint(0, d - 1,
                                          int(np.ceil(dens * img.size * 0.5)))
                        for d in img.shape
                    imgg[coords] = 0

            # Multiply
            if Multiply:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    augmenters = [iaa.Multiply(config.m)]
                    seq = iaa.Sequential(augmenters, random_order=True)
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = seq.augment_image(img)

            # ElasticTransformation
            The augmenter has the parameters ``alpha`` and ``sigma``. ``alpha`` controls the strength of the
            displacement: higher values mean that pixels are moved further. ``sigma`` controls the
            smoothness of the displacement: higher values lead to smoother patterns -- as if the
            image was below water -- while low values will cause indivdual pixels to be moved very
            differently from their neighbours, leading to noisy and pixelated images.
            A relation of 10:1 seems to be good for ``alpha`` and ``sigma`
            if ElasticTransformation:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    augmenters = [
                    seq = iaa.Sequential(augmenters, random_order=True)
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = seq.augment_image(img)
                    lbll = seq.augment_image(lbl)

            if Pad:
                coin_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.0)
                if coin_flip < prob:
                    augmenters = [iaa.Pad(px=config.offset2)]
                    seq = iaa.Sequential(augmenters, random_order=True)
                    imgg = img.copy()
                    lbll = lbl.copy()
                    imgg = seq.augment_image(img)
                    lbll = seq.augment_image(lbl)

        sampled_image_batch = np.asarray(new_images)
        sampled_label_batch = np.asarray(new_labels)

        return sampled_image_batch, sampled_label_batch

        logging.warning('Probability must be in range [0.0,1.0]!!')