Ejemplo n.º 1
class Map(Entity):
    width = 640
    height = 440

    playStateGroup = "genericStuffGroup"
    setName = "genericstuff"

    sheetFileName = "map.png"
    sheet = loadImageNoAlpha(sheetFileName)

    instanceSpecificVars = None

    notEditable = True

    collidable = False

    def __init__(self, group=None, **kwargs):
        Entity.__init__(self, (80, 80), [0, 0],
                        pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height),
        if Map.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            attrList = list(self.__dict__.keys())
        if Map.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            Map.instanceSpecificVars = dict([
                (eachKey, eachVal)
                for eachKey, eachVal in self.__dict__.items()
                if eachKey not in attrList

    def update(self, dt):
        Entity.update(self, dt)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Phone(Entity):
    width = 18
    height = 18

    playStateGroup = "genericStuffGroup"
    setName = "genericstuff"

    sheetFileName = "phone.png"
    sheet = loadImageNoAlpha(sheetFileName, 2)
    specialCollision = None
    scale = 2

    instanceSpecificVars = None

    def __init__(self, pos=[0, 0], vel=[0, 0], group=None, **kwargs):
                        pos, [0, 0],
                        pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height),
        if Phone.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            attrList = list(self.__dict__.keys())
        if Phone.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            Phone.instanceSpecificVars = dict([
                (eachKey, eachVal)
                for eachKey, eachVal in self.__dict__.items()
                if eachKey not in attrList

    def update(self, dt):
        Entity.update(self, dt)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Chair(Entity):
    width = 24
    height = 46

    playStateGroup = "genericStuffGroup"
    setName = "genericstuff"

    sheetFileName = "chair.png"
    colourKey = pygame.Color(255, 0, 255)
    sheet = loadImageNoAlpha(sheetFileName, 2)

    specialCollision = None
    collidable = True
    solid = True
    mass = 9e9
    scale = 2

    wbdx = 0
    wbdy = 34
    wbWidth = 24
    wbHeight = 6

    instanceSpecificVars = None

    forceUseRect = True

    def __init__(self, pos=[0, 0], vel=[0, 0], group=None, **kwargs):
                        pos, [0, 0],
                        pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height),
        self.animations['left'] = {'fps': 1, 'frames': [3]}
        self.animations['right'] = {'fps': 1, 'frames': [1]}
        self.animations['forward'] = {'fps': 1, 'frames': [0]}
        self.animations['backward'] = {'fps': 1, 'frames': [2]}
        if Chair.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            attrList = list(self.__dict__.keys())
        self.oldTag = 'left'
        self.tags['direction'] = 'left'
        if Chair.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            Chair.instanceSpecificVars = dict([
                (eachKey, eachVal)
                for eachKey, eachVal in self.__dict__.items()
                if eachKey not in attrList

    def update(self, dt):
        curTag = self.tags.get('direction')
        if curTag != self.oldTag and curTag in ('left', 'right', 'forward',
            self.oldTag = curTag
        Entity.update(self, dt)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Toilet(Entity):
    width = 16
    height = 21

    playStateGroup = "genericStuffGroup"
    setName = "genericstuff"

    sheetFileName = "toilet.png"
    colourKey = pygame.Color(255, 0, 255)
    sheet = loadImageNoAlpha(sheetFileName, 2)

    specialCollision = None
    collidable = False
    scale = 2

    instanceSpecificVars = None

    frameRects = [
        pygame.Rect(0, 0, 32, 42),
        pygame.Rect(32, 0, 32, 42),
        pygame.Rect(64, 0, 22, 42),
        pygame.Rect(86, 0, 22, 42)

    def __init__(self, pos=[0, 0], vel=[0, 0], group=None, **kwargs):
                        pos, [0, 0],
                        pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height),
        self.animations['left'] = {'fps': 1, 'frames': [0]}
        self.animations['right'] = {'fps': 1, 'frames': [1]}
        self.animations['forward'] = {'fps': 1, 'frames': [3]}
        self.animations['backward'] = {'fps': 1, 'frames': [4]}
        if Toilet.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            attrList = list(self.__dict__.keys())
        self.oldTag = 'left'
        self.tags['direction'] = 'left'
        if Toilet.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            Toilet.instanceSpecificVars = dict([
                (eachKey, eachVal)
                for eachKey, eachVal in self.__dict__.items()
                if eachKey not in attrList

    def update(self, dt):
        curTag = self.tags.get('direction')
        if curTag != self.oldTag and curTag in ('left', 'right', 'forward',
            self.oldTag = curTag
        Entity.update(self, dt)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def makeUnpicklable( self, playState ):
     if self.alpha:
         self.sheet = loadImage( self.sheetFileName, self.scale )
         self.sheet = loadImageNoAlpha( self.sheetFileName, self.scale )
     if self.colourKey is not None:
         self.colourKey = pygame.Color( self.colourKey[0], self.colourKey[1], self.colourKey[2] )
         self.sheet.set_colorkey( self.colourKey )
     self.rect = pygame.Rect( self.rect[0], self.rect[1], self.rect[2], self.rect[3] )
     self.image = self.frames[ self.curAnimation['frames'][self.frame] ]
     self.playStateRef = weakref.ref( playState )
Ejemplo n.º 6
class City( Entity ):
    width = 20
    height = 20

    playStateGroup = "genericStuffGroup"
    setName = "genericstuff"

    sheetFileName = "city.png"
    sheet = loadImageNoAlpha( sheetFileName )
    colourKey = pygame.Color(255, 0, 255)

    instanceSpecificVars = None

    notEditable = True

    collidable = True
    solid = False

    specialCollision = queueCollideWithCity
    def __init__( self, pos, group=None, **kwargs ):
        Entity.__init__( self, pos, [0,0], None, group, pygame.Rect( 0, 0, self.width, self.height ), animated=True, **kwargs )
        self.animations["online"] = { 'fps':1, 'frames':[0] }
        self.animations["offline"] = { 'fps':1, 'frames':[1] }
        self.destructionSound = group.playState.soundManager.getSound( "destruction.wav" )
        self.explosionSound = group.playState.soundManager.getSound( "explosion.wav" )
        if City.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            attrList = list( self.__dict__.keys() )
        self.destroyed = False
        if City.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            City.instanceSpecificVars = dict( [ ( eachKey, eachVal ) for eachKey, eachVal in self.__dict__.items() if eachKey not in attrList ] )
    def destroy( self ):
        playState = self.playStateRef()
        playState.gameLogicManager.__class__.shakeAmp += 5
        if self.destroyed:
            return None
        pop = playState.gameLogicManager.population
        cityCount = len( [ each for each in playState.gameLogicManager.cities if not each.destroyed ] )
        if cityCount == 1:
            playState.gameLogicManager.adjustPopulation( -pop )
            playState.gameLogicManager.adjustPopulation( -int(pop*((0.9+0.2*random.random())/cityCount)) )
        self.destroyed = True

    def update( self, dt ):
        Entity.update( self, dt )
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Laser( Entity ):
    width = 20
    height = 20

    playStateGroup = "genericStuffGroup"
    setName = "genericstuff"

    sheetFileName = "laser.png"
    sheet = loadImageNoAlpha( sheetFileName )
    colourKey = pygame.Color(255, 0, 255)

    instanceSpecificVars = None

    notEditable = True

    collidable = True
    solid = False

    specialCollision = queueCollideWithLaser
    def __init__( self, pos, group=None, **kwargs ):
        Entity.__init__( self, pos, [0,0], None, group, pygame.Rect( 0, 0, self.width, self.height ), animated=True, **kwargs )
        self.animations["online"] = { 'fps':1, 'frames':[0] }
        self.animations["offline"] = { 'fps':1, 'frames':[1] }
        self.destructionSound = group.playState.soundManager.getSound( "destruction.wav" )
        self.explosionSound = group.playState.soundManager.getSound( "explosion.wav" )
        if Laser.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            attrList = list( self.__dict__.keys() )
        self.ammo = 8
        self.coolDown = 0.0
        self.destroyed = False
        if Laser.instanceSpecificVars is None:
            Laser.instanceSpecificVars = dict( [ ( eachKey, eachVal ) for eachKey, eachVal in self.__dict__.items() if eachKey not in attrList ] )
    def destroy( self ):
        self.ammo = 0
        playState = self.playStateRef()
        playState.gameLogicManager.__class__.shakeAmp += 5
        self.destroyed = True

    def update( self, dt ):
        self.coolDown -= dt
        Entity.update( self, dt )
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__( self, playState, text, box=None ):
        sheet = loadImageNoAlpha( self.sheetFileName )
        self.originFrames = splitFrames( sheet, (32, 32) )
        if box is None:
            w, h = getResolution()
            box = pygame.Rect( (0, (7.0/12)*h), (w, (5.0/12)*h ) )
        img = pygame.Surface( (box.w, box.h) ).convert()
        #img.fill( pygame.Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )

        for x in range( 32, box.w, 32 ):
            img.blit( self.originFrames[1], (x, 0) )
            img.blit( self.originFrames[7], (x, box.h-32) )

        for y in range( 32, box.h, 32 ):
            img.blit( self.originFrames[3], (0, y) )
            img.blit( self.originFrames[5], (box.w-32, y) )

        for x in range( box.x+32, box.w+box.x-32, 32 ):
            for y in range( 32, box.h-32, 32 ):
                img.blit( self.originFrames[4], (x,y) )
        img.blit( self.originFrames[0], ( 0, 0 ) )
        img.blit( self.originFrames[2], (box.w-32, 0) )
        img.blit( self.originFrames[6], (0, box.h-32) )
        img.blit( self.originFrames[8], (box.w-32, box.h-32) )

        wLimit = box.w-64

        subStrings = []
        lastIndex = 0
        for eachIndex in range( len( text ) ):
            eachSub = text[lastIndex:eachIndex]
            if text[eachIndex] == "\n":
                subStrings.append( eachSub )
                lastIndex = eachIndex + 1
            elif self.font.size( eachSub )[0] > wLimit:
                subStrings.append( eachSub[:-1] )
                lastIndex = eachIndex - 1
            elif eachIndex == ( len( text ) - 1 ):
                subStrings.append( eachSub+text[-1] )
        if len( subStrings ) is  0:
            subStrings = [ text ]

        curIndex = 0
        curY = 32
        while curY < box.h-32 and curIndex < len( subStrings ):
            eachImg = self.font.render( subStrings[curIndex], True, pygame.Color( 0, 0, 0 ) )
            img.blit( eachImg, ( 32, curY ) )
            curY += eachImg.get_height()
            curIndex += 1

        HudElement.__init__( self, playState, box.topleft, img, False )
        self.image.set_colorkey( self.colourKey )

        self.dying = False
        self.removed = False
        self.removeTime = 0.5
        self.removeTimer = 0.0

        self.borning = True
        self.bornTime = 0.25
        self.bornTimer = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, pos, playState):
     sheet = loadImageNoAlpha("bolt.png")
     colourKey = pygame.Color(255, 0, 255)
     HudElement.__init__(self, playState, pos, sheet, False)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__( self, pos, playState ):
     sheet = loadImageNoAlpha("bolt.png")
     colourKey = pygame.Color(255, 0, 255)
     HudElement.__init__( self, playState, pos, sheet, False )
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, playState, text, box=None):
        sheet = loadImageNoAlpha(self.sheetFileName)
        self.originFrames = splitFrames(sheet, (32, 32))
        if box is None:
            w, h = getResolution()
            box = pygame.Rect((0, (7.0 / 12) * h), (w, (5.0 / 12) * h))

        img = pygame.Surface((box.w, box.h)).convert()
        #img.fill( pygame.Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )

        for x in range(32, box.w, 32):
            img.blit(self.originFrames[1], (x, 0))
            img.blit(self.originFrames[7], (x, box.h - 32))

        for y in range(32, box.h, 32):
            img.blit(self.originFrames[3], (0, y))
            img.blit(self.originFrames[5], (box.w - 32, y))

        for x in range(box.x + 32, box.w + box.x - 32, 32):
            for y in range(32, box.h - 32, 32):
                img.blit(self.originFrames[4], (x, y))

        img.blit(self.originFrames[0], (0, 0))
        img.blit(self.originFrames[2], (box.w - 32, 0))
        img.blit(self.originFrames[6], (0, box.h - 32))
        img.blit(self.originFrames[8], (box.w - 32, box.h - 32))

        wLimit = box.w - 64

        subStrings = []
        lastIndex = 0
        for eachIndex in range(len(text)):
            eachSub = text[lastIndex:eachIndex]
            if text[eachIndex] == "\n":
                lastIndex = eachIndex + 1
            elif self.font.size(eachSub)[0] > wLimit:
                lastIndex = eachIndex - 1
            elif eachIndex == (len(text) - 1):
                subStrings.append(eachSub + text[-1])
        if len(subStrings) is 0:
            subStrings = [text]

        curIndex = 0
        curY = 32
        while curY < box.h - 32 and curIndex < len(subStrings):
            eachImg = self.font.render(subStrings[curIndex], True,
                                       pygame.Color(0, 0, 0))
            img.blit(eachImg, (32, curY))
            curY += eachImg.get_height()
            curIndex += 1

        HudElement.__init__(self, playState, box.topleft, img, False)

        self.dying = False
        self.removed = False
        self.removeTime = 0.5
        self.removeTimer = 0.0

        self.borning = True
        self.bornTime = 0.25
        self.bornTimer = 0.0