def run(self, para = None): imgs = readGif(para['path']) for i in range(len(imgs)): if imgs[i].ndim==3 and imgs[i].shape[2]>3: imgs[i] = imgs[i][:,:,:3].copy() fp, fn = os.path.split(para['path']) fn, fe = os.path.splitext(fn) IPy.show_img(imgs, fn)
def processImage(infile): driedlist = [[],[],[],[]] frames = gifs.readGif(infile,True) for frame in frames: for i in range( frame.shape[2] ): driedlist[i].append(frame[:,:,i]) # print "chan, frames, height, width:\n",len(driedlist),len(driedlist[0]),len(driedlist[0][0]),len(driedlist[0][0][0]) return (driedlist, len( driedlist[0] ), (len(driedlist[0][0]), len(driedlist[0][0][0])))
def movieRead(filename, asNumpy=True, **kwargs): """ movieRead(filename, asNumpy=True) Read the movie from GIF, SWF, AVI (or MPG), or a series of images (PNG, JPG,TIF,BMP). Parameters ---------- filename : string The name of the file that contains the movie. For a series of images, the `*` wildcard can be used. asNumpy : bool If True, returns a list of numpy arrays. Otherwise return a list if PIL images. Notes ------ Reading AVI requires the "ffmpeg" application: * Most linux users can install it using their package manager * There is a windows installer on the visvis website """ # Get extension EXT = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] EXT = EXT[1:].upper() # Start timer t0 = time.time() # Write if EXT == 'GIF': images = readGif(filename, asNumpy, **kwargs) elif EXT == 'SWF': images = readSwf(filename, asNumpy, **kwargs) elif EXT in videoTypes: images = readAvi(filename, asNumpy, **kwargs) elif EXT in imageTypes: images = readIms(filename, asNumpy, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Given file extension not valid: '+EXT) # Stop timer t1 = time.time() dt = t1-t0 # Notify if images: print "Read %i frames from %s in %1.2f seconds (%1.0f ms/frame)" % ( len(images), EXT, dt, 1000*dt/len(images)) else: print "Could not read any images." # Done return images
def movieRead(filename, asNumpy=True, **kwargs): """ movieRead(filename, asNumpy=True) Read the movie from GIF, SWF, AVI (or MPG), or a series of images (PNG, JPG,TIF,BMP). Parameters ---------- filename : string The name of the file that contains the movie. For a series of images, the `*` wildcard can be used. asNumpy : bool If True, returns a list of numpy arrays. Otherwise return a list if PIL images. Notes ------ Reading AVI requires the "ffmpeg" application: * Most linux users can install it using their package manager * There is a windows installer on the visvis website """ # Get extension EXT = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] EXT = EXT[1:].upper() # Start timer t0 = time.time() # Write if EXT == 'GIF': images = readGif(filename, asNumpy, **kwargs) elif EXT == 'SWF': images = readSwf(filename, asNumpy, **kwargs) elif EXT in videoTypes: images = readAvi(filename, asNumpy, **kwargs) elif EXT in imageTypes: images = readIms(filename, asNumpy, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Given file extension not valid: ' + EXT) # Stop timer t1 = time.time() dt = t1 - t0 # Notify if images: print "Read %i frames from %s in %1.2f seconds (%1.0f ms/frame)" % ( len(images), EXT, dt, 1000 * dt / len(images)) else: print "Could not read any images." # Done return images
def __init__(self, original_file, action_tuples=[], quality=80, output_path=None, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(original_file) or not os.path.isfile(original_file): = None else: = if 'duration' in and == 'GIF': self.duration = int(['duration']) / 1000.0 self.frames = images2gif.readGif(original_file, False) else: self.duration = None self.frames = [] self.output_path = output_path self.original_file = original_file self.actions = action_tuples self.cropname = None self.quality = quality
def resizegif(filename): # base_gif = imageio.mimread(filename) # reader = imageio.get_reader(filename) # new_gif = [] # new_name = filename[0:len(filename)-4]+'_new.gif' # print(new_name) # print(reader.get_data(index)) # dur = reader.get_meta_data()['duration'] # for frame in base_gif: # frame = Image.resize((frame.size[1]/2,frame.size[2]/2)) # new_gif.append(frame) # imageio.mimsave(new_name, new_gif, fps=dur) frames = images2gif.readGif("Abra.gif",False) for frame in frames: frame.thumbnail((100,100), Image.ANTIALIAS) images2gif.writeGif('abranew.gif', frames)
def generate_thumbnail(self, thumbnail_options, high_resolution=False, silent_template_exception=False): """ Return an unsaved ``ThumbnailFile`` containing a thumbnail image. The thumbnail image is generated using the ``thumbnail_options`` dictionary. """ thumbnail_options = self.get_options(thumbnail_options) orig_size = thumbnail_options['size'] # remember original size # Size sanity check. min_dim, max_dim = 0, 0 for dim in orig_size: try: dim = int(dim) except (TypeError, ValueError): continue min_dim, max_dim = min(min_dim, dim), max(max_dim, dim) if max_dim == 0 or min_dim < 0: raise exceptions.EasyThumbnailsError( "The source image is an invalid size (%sx%s)" % orig_size) if high_resolution: thumbnail_options['size'] = (orig_size[0] * 2, orig_size[1] * 2) image = engine.generate_source_image( self, thumbnail_options, self.source_generators, fail_silently=silent_template_exception) if image is None: raise exceptions.InvalidImageFormatError( "The source file does not appear to be an image") thumbnail_image = None IS_GIF = False if isinstance(image, GifImageFile): IS_GIF = True import images2gif gif_image, gif_params = images2gif.readGif(image, False) frames = [] for frame in gif_image: thumbnail_frame = engine.process_image( frame, thumbnail_options, self.thumbnail_processors) frames.append(thumbnail_frame) if thumbnail_image is None: thumbnail_image = frame else: thumbnail_image = engine.process_image(image, thumbnail_options, self.thumbnail_processors) if high_resolution: thumbnail_options['size'] = orig_size # restore original size filename = self.get_thumbnail_name( thumbnail_options, transparent=utils.is_transparent(thumbnail_image), high_resolution=high_resolution) quality = thumbnail_options['quality'] subsampling = thumbnail_options['subsampling'] if IS_GIF: try: # try save with speedup img = images2gif.writeGif(frames, **gif_params) saved = True except: # if not saved, simple save gif_params.update({ 'subRectangles': False, }) img = images2gif.writeGif(frames, **gif_params) else: img = engine.save_image(thumbnail_image, filename=filename, quality=quality, subsampling=subsampling) data = thumbnail = ThumbnailFile(filename, file=ContentFile(data), storage=self.thumbnail_storage, thumbnail_options=thumbnail_options) thumbnail.image = thumbnail_image thumbnail._committed = False return thumbnail
def __init__(self, path): Grid.__init__(self) self.frame = 0 self.frames = images2gif.readGif(path, False) [frame.thumbnail((32, 32), Image.ANTIALIAS) for frame in self.frames]
def load_video(video_path): return np.array(images2gif.readGif(video_path, True))
def generate_thumbnail(self, thumbnail_options, high_resolution=False, silent_template_exception=False): """ Return an unsaved ``ThumbnailFile`` containing a thumbnail image. The thumbnail image is generated using the ``thumbnail_options`` dictionary. """ thumbnail_options = self.get_options(thumbnail_options) orig_size = thumbnail_options['size'] # remember original size # Size sanity check. min_dim, max_dim = 0, 0 for dim in orig_size: try: dim = int(dim) except (TypeError, ValueError): continue min_dim, max_dim = min(min_dim, dim), max(max_dim, dim) if max_dim == 0 or min_dim < 0: raise exceptions.EasyThumbnailsError( "The source image is an invalid size (%sx%s)" % orig_size) if high_resolution: thumbnail_options['size'] = (orig_size[0] * 2, orig_size[1] * 2) image = engine.generate_source_image( self, thumbnail_options, self.source_generators, fail_silently=silent_template_exception) if image is None: raise exceptions.InvalidImageFormatError( "The source file does not appear to be an image") thumbnail_image = None IS_GIF = False if isinstance(image, GifImageFile): IS_GIF = True import images2gif gif_image, gif_params = images2gif.readGif(image, False) frames = [] for frame in gif_image: thumbnail_frame = engine.process_image(frame, thumbnail_options, self.thumbnail_processors) frames.append(thumbnail_frame) if thumbnail_image is None: thumbnail_image = frame else: thumbnail_image = engine.process_image(image, thumbnail_options, self.thumbnail_processors) if high_resolution: thumbnail_options['size'] = orig_size # restore original size filename = self.get_thumbnail_name( thumbnail_options, transparent=utils.is_transparent(thumbnail_image), high_resolution=high_resolution) quality = thumbnail_options['quality'] subsampling = thumbnail_options['subsampling'] if IS_GIF: try: # try save with speedup img = images2gif.writeGif(frames, **gif_params) saved = True except: # if not saved, simple save gif_params.update({'subRectangles': False,}) img = images2gif.writeGif(frames, **gif_params) else: img = engine.save_image( thumbnail_image, filename=filename, quality=quality, subsampling=subsampling) data = thumbnail = ThumbnailFile( filename, file=ContentFile(data), storage=self.thumbnail_storage, thumbnail_options=thumbnail_options) thumbnail.image = thumbnail_image thumbnail._committed = False return thumbnail