Ejemplo n.º 1
 def mean_color(self, img, order: str = 'rgb'):
     """ Calculates and returns the mean/average color of an image
             img: (numpy.array, PIL.image, cv2.image)
             order: (RGB, BGR) input order of the colors BGR/RGB. Deafult order: RGB
             Tuple of RGB values of the mean color calculated
     image = helpers.format_image_to_PIL(img, order)
     return ca.mean_color(image)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def trim_to_content(self, img, order: str = 'rgb'):
     """ Trim/Crop an image to its content (removes uniform color spaced padding around the image)
             img: (numpy.array, PIL.image, cv2.image)
             order: (RGB, BGR) input order of the colors BGR/RGB. Deafult order: RGB
             numpy.array of the order specified
     image = helpers.format_image_to_PIL(img, order)
     return tr.trim(image, order)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def ahash(self, image, hash_size: int = 8, order: str = 'rgb'):
     Average Hash computation
         image      - must be a PIL instance image or numpy array in RGB or opencv image in BGR
         hash_size  - (integer) default 8 for 64 bit hash
         order      - (string) RGB, BGR: input order of the colors BGR/RGB. Deafult order: RGB
         <ImageHash> object. To get the hash value simply use - str(<ImageHash>)
     image = helpers.format_image_to_PIL(image, order)
     return ahash(image, hash_size)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def phash(self, image, hash_size=8, highfreq_factor=4, order: str = 'rgb'):
     Perceptual Hash computation.
         image      - must be a PIL instance image or numpy array in RGB or opencv image in BGR
         hash_size  - an integer specifying the hash size (hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image)
         highfreq_factor - an integer specyfing the highfrequency factor
         <ImageHash> object. To get the hash value simply use - str(<ImageHash>)
     image = helpers.format_image_to_PIL(image, order)
     return phash(image, hash_size, highfreq_factor)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def image_segmentation(image, rgb_list, order: str = 'rgb'):
    """ reconstruct an image with only a specified list of colors
            img: (numpy.array, PIL.image, cv2.image)
            rgb_list: colors list - a 2 dimensional np array with shape (n,3) 3 being the channel values in order RGB, eg: [[224, 166, 147], [110, 34, 71], [195, 98, 100]]
            order: (RGB, BGR) input order of the colors BGR/RGB. Deafult order: RGB
                Note: The output will be a numpy.array of the same order
            numpy.array of the order specified
    image = helpers.format_image_to_PIL(image, order)

    # create an array of pixel values from the given image
    pixels = np.array(image.getdata(), dtype=np.uint8)

    # convert rgb_list to a numpy array
    rgb_list = np.array(rgb_list)
    rgb_list = np.array([rgb_list]) if rgb_list.ndim == 1 else rgb_list
    if not rgb_list.ndim == 2 or not rgb_list.shape[1] == 3:
        raise ValueError(
            'rgb_list must be a two dimensional array of shape (n, 3)')

    # create an array of empty pixel values
    new_pixels = [None] * len(image.getdata())

    # assign new pixel the color closest to the original image's pixel value
    for idx, pixel in enumerate(pixels):
        shortest = float('Inf')
        for color in rgb_list:
            distance = helpers.calculate_distance(color, pixel)
            if distance < shortest:
                shortest = distance
                nearest = color
        new_pixels[idx] = nearest
    _w, _h = image.size

    # reconstruct the image np array with the new pixels
    new_pixels = np.asarray(new_pixels)\
        .reshape((_h, _w, 3))
    return helpers.format_output_order_input_RGB(new_pixels, order)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def whash(self,
           order: str = 'rgb'):
     Wavelet Hash computation.
         image      - must be a PIL instance image or numpy array in RGB or opencv image in BGR
         hash_size  - must be a power of 2 and less than 'image_scale'
         image_scale- must be power of 2 and less than image size. By default is equal to max power of 2 for an input image.
         mode (see modes in pywt library):
             'haar'  - Haar wavelets, by default
             'db4'   - Daubechies wavelets
         remove_max_haar_ll - remove the lowest low level (LL) frequency using Haar wavelet.
         <ImageHash> object. To get the hash value simply use - str(<ImageHash>)
     image = helpers.format_image_to_PIL(image, order)
     return whash(image, hash_size, image_scale, mode, remove_max_haar_ll)