Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_mask(self):
     msk_arr = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(1, 128))
     msk_arr = comm.bcast(msk_arr, root=0)
     if not mpirank:
         dat_arr = np.random.rand(2, 128)
         dat_arr = np.random.rand(1, 128)
     cov_arr = np.random.rand(
         mpi_arrange(128)[1] - mpi_arrange(128)[0], 128)
     # mask by methods
     dat_msk = mask_obs(dat_arr, msk_arr)
     cov_msk = mask_cov(cov_arr, msk_arr)
     # mask manually
     test_dat = dat_arr * msk_arr
     test_dat = test_dat[test_dat != 0]
     dat_msk = dat_msk[dat_msk != 0]
     self.assertListEqual(list(test_dat), list(dat_msk))
     cov_mat = np.vstack(comm.allgather(cov_arr))
     cov_mat = cov_mat * msk_arr
     cov_mat = np.transpose(cov_mat)
     cov_mat = cov_mat * msk_arr
     cov_mat = np.transpose(cov_mat)
     cov_mat = cov_mat[cov_mat != 0]
     test_cov = np.vstack(comm.allgather(cov_msk))
     test_cov = test_cov[test_cov != 0]
     self.assertListEqual(list(test_cov), list(test_cov))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_slogdet_odd(self):
     cols = 32
     rows = mpi_arrange(cols)[1] - mpi_arrange(cols)[0]
     arr = np.random.rand(rows, cols)
     sign, logdet = mpi_slogdet(arr)
     full_arr = np.vstack(comm.allgather(arr))
     test_sign, test_logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(full_arr)
     self.assertEqual(sign, test_sign)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(logdet, test_logdet)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_lu_solve_odd(self):
     cols = 32
     rows = mpi_arrange(cols)[1] - mpi_arrange(cols)[0]
     arr = np.random.rand(rows, cols)
     full_arr = np.vstack(comm.allgather(arr))
     brr = np.random.rand(1, cols)
     comm.Bcast(brr, root=0)
     xrr = mpi_lu_solve(arr, brr)
     test_xrr = (np.linalg.solve(full_arr, brr.T)).T
     for i in range(xrr.shape[1]):
         self.assertAlmostEqual(xrr[0, i], test_xrr[0, i])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mpi_slogdet_timing(data_size):
    local_row_size = mpi_arrange(data_size)[1] - mpi_arrange(data_size)[0]
    random_data = np.random.rand(local_row_size, data_size)
    tmr = Timer()
    sign, logdet = mpi_slogdet(random_data)
    if not mpirank:
        print('@ tools_profiles::mpi_slogdet_timing with ' + str(mpisize) +
              ' nodes')
        print('global matrix size (' + str(data_size) + ',' + str(data_size) +
        print('elapse time ' + str(tmr.record['mpi_slogdet']) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def oas_estimator_timing(data_size):
    local_row_size = mpi_arrange(data_size)[1] - mpi_arrange(data_size)[0]
    random_data = np.random.rand(local_row_size, data_size)
    tmr = Timer()
    mean, local_cov = oas_mcov(random_data)
    if not mpirank:
        print('@ tools_profiles::oas_estimator_timing with ' + str(mpisize) +
              ' nodes')
        print('global matrix size (' + str(data_size) + ',' + str(data_size) +
        print('elapse time ' + str(tmr.record['oas_estimator']) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def mpi_trans_timing(ensemble_size, data_size):
    local_ensemble_size = mpi_arrange(ensemble_size)[1] - mpi_arrange(
    random_data = np.random.rand(local_ensemble_size, data_size)
    tmr = Timer()
    transed_data = mpi_trans(random_data)
    if not mpirank:
        print('@ tools_profiles::mpi_trans_timing with ' + str(mpisize) +
              ' nodes')
        print('global matrix size (' + str(ensemble_size) + ',' +
              str(data_size) + ')')
        print('elapse time ' + str(tmr.record['mpi_trans']) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def read_dist(self, file, key):
        Reads from a HDF5 file and returns a distributed data-set.
        Note that the binary file data should contain enough rows
        to be distributed on the available computing nodes,
        otherwise the mpi_arrange function will raise an error

        data : numpy.ndarray
            distributed data
        file : str
        key : str
            in form 'group name/dataset name'

        distributed numpy.ndarray
        the output must be in either at least (1,n),
        or (m,n) shape on each node
        log.debug('@ io_handler::read_dist')
        assert isinstance(file, str)
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        # combine wk_path with filename
        self.file_path = os.path.join(self._wk_dir, file)
        # write permission, create if not exist
        with h5py.File(self._file_path, mode='r') as fh:
            global_shape = fh[key].shape
            offset_begin, offset_end = mpi_arrange(global_shape[0])
            data = fh[key][offset_begin:offset_end,:]
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_trans(self):
     if not mpirank:
         arr = np.random.rand(2, 128)
         arr = np.random.rand(1, 128)
     test_arr = mpi_trans(arr)
     full_arr = np.transpose(np.vstack(comm.allgather(arr)))
     local_begin, local_end = mpi_arrange(full_arr.shape[0])
     part_arr = full_arr[local_begin:local_end]
     for i in range(part_arr.shape[0]):
         self.assertListEqual(list(part_arr[i]), list(test_arr[i]))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_mpi_local(self):
     if not mpirank:
         arr_a = np.random.rand(32, 128)
         arr_a = None
     test_a = mpi_local(arr_a)
     arr_a = comm.bcast(arr_a, root=0)
     local_a_begin, local_a_end = mpi_arrange(arr_a.shape[0])
     part_a = arr_a[local_a_begin:local_a_end, :]
     part_a = part_a.reshape(1, -1)
     test_a = test_a.reshape(1, -1)
     for i in range(len(part_a)):
         self.assertAlmostEqual(part_a[0][i], test_a[0][i])
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_mult(self):
     if not mpirank:
         arr_a = np.random.rand(2, 128)
         arr_a = np.random.rand(1, 128)
     arr_b = mpi_trans(arr_a)
     test_c = mpi_mult(arr_a, arr_b)
     # make comparison
     full_a = np.vstack(comm.allgather(arr_a))
     full_b = np.vstack(comm.allgather(arr_b))
     full_c = np.dot(full_a, full_b)
     local_begin, local_end = mpi_arrange(full_c.shape[0])
     part_c = (full_c[local_begin:local_end]).reshape(1, -1)
     test_c = test_c.reshape(1, -1)
     for i in range(len(part_c)):
         self.assertAlmostEqual(part_c[0][i], test_c[0][i])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def mask_cov(cov, mask):
    Applies mask to the observable covariance

    cov : distributed numpy.ndarray
        covariance matrix of observalbes in global shape (data size, data size)
        each node contains part of the global rows
    mask : numpy.ndarray
        copied mask map in shape (1, data size)

        Masked covariance matrix of shape (masked data size, masked data size)
    log.debug('@ masker::mask_cov')
    assert isinstance(cov, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(mask, np.ndarray)
    assert (mask.shape[0] == 1)
    assert (cov.shape[1] == mask.shape[1])
    new_cov = deepcopy(cov)
    raw_mask = (deepcopy(mask)).astype(np.bool)
    # masking cols
    col_idx = int(0)
    for ptr in raw_mask[0]:
        if not ptr:
            new_cov = np.delete(new_cov, col_idx, 1)
            col_idx += int(1)
    assert (new_cov.shape[1] == col_idx)
    # masking rows
    row_idx = int(0)
    row_min, row_max = mpi_arrange(raw_mask.shape[1])
    for ptr in raw_mask[0, row_min:row_max]:
        if ptr == 0:
            new_cov = np.delete(new_cov, row_idx, 0)
            row_idx += int(1)
    return new_cov
Ejemplo n.º 12
def mask_cov(cov, mask):
    Applies mask to the observable covariance.

    cov : (distributed) numpy.ndarray
        Covariance matrix of observables in global shape (data size, data size)
        each node contains part of the global rows
        (if `imagine.rc['distributed_arrays']=True`).
    mask : numpy.ndarray
        Copied mask map in shape (1, data size).

    masked_cov : numpy.ndarray
        Masked covariance matrix of shape (masked data size, masked data size).
    log.debug('@ masker::mask_cov')
    assert (mask.shape[0] == 1)
    assert (cov.shape[1] == mask.shape[1])

    # Creates a 1D boolean mask
    bool_mask_1D = mask[0].astype(bool)
    # Constructs a 2D boolean mask and replaces 1D mask
    bool_mask = np.outer(bool_mask_1D, bool_mask_1D)

    # If mpi distributed_arrays are being used, the shape of the mask
    # needs to be adjusted, as each node accesses only some rows
    row_min, row_max = mpi_arrange(bool_mask_1D.size)
    nrows, ncolumns = bool_mask_1D[row_min:row_max].sum(), bool_mask_1D.sum()
    bool_mask = bool_mask[row_min:row_max, :]

    # Applies the mask and reshapes
    masked_cov = cov[bool_mask].reshape((nrows, ncolumns))

    return masked_cov