Ejemplo n.º 1
def process_rulz():
    # make a timestamp for the run
    rundt = datetime.datetime.now()
    runlog.append(str(rundt) + " - processing rules...")

    # Get the list of "to folders" from database.  Will move emails in bulk
    sql = "Select distinct ToFolder, Field from Rulz;"
        ToFolders = cursor.fetchall()
    except Exception as e:
        runlog.append("!!! ERROR - Could not get list of ToFolders.  Error=" +

    for row in ToFolders:  # For every To Folder/Keyword....
        ToFolder = row[0]
        ToFolderVerbose = SubfolderPrefix + ToFolder
        actionField = row[1]

        sql = "select criteria from rulz where tofolder='" + ToFolder + "' AND field='" + actionField + "';"
        CriteriaSet = cursor.fetchall()
        Criteria = []
        for row2 in CriteriaSet:
                '"', ''))  # drop any double quotes in the criteria

        # Pull the emails that have the criteria
        # for msg in mailbox.fetch(OR(from_=['little', 'newegg', 'drafthouse.com']), mark_seen=False):
        status = "Processing '" + actionField + "' rules for '" + ToFolder + "' folder..."  # Criteria=" + str(Criteria)
        numrecs = 0
            if actionField.lower() == "from":
                numrecs = mailbox.move(
                    mailbox.fetch(OR(from_=Criteria), mark_seen=False),
            if actionField.lower() == "subject":
                numrecs = mailbox.move(
                    mailbox.fetch(OR(subject=Criteria), mark_seen=False),
            if actionField.lower() == "body":
                numrecs = mailbox.move(
                    mailbox.fetch(OR(body=Criteria), mark_seen=False),

            runlog.append("..." + str(str(numrecs).count('UID')) +
                          " messages moved to folder '" + ToFolder + "'.")
        except Exception as e:
            runlog.append("!!!FAILED rule for folder '" + ToFolder +
                          "'. Criteria=" + str(Criteria))

        # end for each keyword (from, subject, body...)
    # end for each ToFolder
    runlog.append("Rules processing completed.")
    return  # end of process_rulz()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_search_query(time_to_fetch_from: Optional[datetime],
                          permitted_from_addresses: str,
                          permitted_from_domains: str,
                          uid_to_fetch_from: int) -> list:
    Generates a search query for the IMAP client 'search' method. with the permitted domains, email addresses and the
    starting date from which mail should be fetched.
    Input example:
    time_to_fetch_from: datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 7, 12, 14, 32, 918634, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
    permitted_from_addresses: ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']
    permitted_from_domains: ['test1.com', 'domain2.com']
    output example:
     datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 7, 12, 14, 32, 918634, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)]
        time_to_fetch_from: The greatest incident created_time we fetched from last fetch
        permitted_from_addresses: A string representation of list of mail addresses to fetch from
        permitted_from_domains: A string representation list of domains to fetch from
        uid_to_fetch_from: The email message UID to start the fetch from as offset

        A list with arguments for the email search query
    permitted_from_addresses_list = argToList(permitted_from_addresses)
    permitted_from_domains_list = argToList(permitted_from_domains)
    messages_query = ''
    if permitted_from_addresses_list + permitted_from_domains_list:
        messages_query = OR(from_=permitted_from_addresses_list +
        # Removing Parenthesis and quotes
        messages_query = messages_query.strip('()').replace('"', '')
    # Creating a list of the OR query words
    messages_query_list = messages_query.split()
    if time_to_fetch_from:
        messages_query_list += ['SINCE',
                                time_to_fetch_from]  # type: ignore[list-item]
    if uid_to_fetch_from:
        messages_query_list += ['UID', f'{uid_to_fetch_from}:*']
    return messages_query_list
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getUnseenMails(self, limit=100):
        today = date.today()

        mailbox = self.serverStart()
        # subjects = [msg for msg in mailbox.fetch(AND(all=True))]
        unseen_mails = mailbox.fetch(OR(date=today))
        return unseen_mails
Ejemplo n.º 4
# python to prefix steps
1. OR(1=11, 2=22, 3=33) ->
    "(OR OR FROM "11" TO "22" TEXT "33")"
2. AND("(OR OR FROM "11" TO "22" TEXT "33")", cc='44', bcc='55') ->
    "AND(OR(from_='11', to='22', text='33'), cc='44', bcc='55')"
3. NOT("AND(OR(from_='11', to='22', text='33'), cc='44', bcc='55')") ->
    "NOT (((OR OR FROM "1" TO "22" TEXT "33") CC "44" BCC "55"))"

import datetime as dt
from imap_tools import AND, OR, NOT, A, H

# date in the date list (date=date1 OR date=date3 OR date=date2)
q1 = OR(
    date=[dt.date(2019, 10, 1),
          dt.date(2019, 10, 10),
          dt.date(2019, 10, 15)])
# "(OR OR ON 1-Oct-2019 ON 10-Oct-2019 ON 15-Oct-2019)"

# date not in the date list (NOT(date=date1 OR date=date3 OR date=date2))
q2 = NOT(
        dt.date(2019, 10, 1),
        dt.date(2019, 10, 10),
        dt.date(2019, 10, 15)
# "NOT ((OR OR ON 1-Oct-2019 ON 10-Oct-2019 ON 15-Oct-2019))"

# subject contains "hello" AND date greater than or equal dt.date(2019, 10, 10)
q3 = A(subject='hello', date_gte=dt.date(2019, 10, 10))
# "(SUBJECT "hello" SINCE 10-Oct-2019)"
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _get_messages_by_email(self, folder: str, recepient_email: str) -> list:
        with MailBox('smtp.gmail.com').login(self.email_address, self.password, f'{folder}') as mailbox:
            message_list = [(msg.date, msg.text or msg.html) for msg in mailbox.fetch(OR(A(from_=f'{recepient_email}'),

        return message_list
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def getbysearch(self,text):
     if self.authuser():
         return self.Mb_main.fetch(OR(subject=text))