Ejemplo n.º 1
 def parse_extra(self, imap: imaplib.IMAP4_SSL, num: str,
                 parsed_items: List[dict]) -> None:
     """Add GMail labels to parsed_items"""
         # we use GMail IMAP Extensions
         # https://developers.google.com/gmail/imap/imap-extensions#access_to_gmail_labels_x-gm-labels
         _, data = imap.fetch(num, "(X-GM-LABELS)")
         # it seems that there is nothing to help parsing in standard lib
         # thus we use some regex to get our labels
         data_bytes = data[0]
         if not isinstance(data_bytes, bytes):
             raise ValueError(f"Unexpected data type: {type(data_bytes)}")
         data_str = data_bytes.decode("utf-7")
         match_labels_str = RE_LABELS_STR.search(data_str)
         if match_labels_str is None:
             raise ValueError(
                 f"Can't find the expected label string in data: {data_str:r}"
         labels_str = match_labels_str.group(1)
         labels = [(m.group("quoted")
                    or m.group("unquoted")).replace('\\"', '"')
                   for m in RE_LABEL.finditer(labels_str)]
         for parsed_item in parsed_items:
             subjects = parsed_item.setdefault("subject", [])
             for label in labels:
                     "name": label,
                     "qcode": label,
                     "scheme": "gmail_label"
     except Exception:
         logger.exception("Can't retrieve GMail labels")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_latest_email(imap_session: imaplib.IMAP4_SSL) -> Message:
    status, messages = imap_session.select("Matt")
    latest_email_id = int(messages[0])
    logging.info("Fetching latest email")
    res, message = imap_session.fetch(str(latest_email_id), "(RFC822)")

    for response in message:
        if isinstance(response, tuple):
            return email.message_from_bytes(response[1])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_timepie_attachments(
    imap: imaplib.IMAP4_SSL,
    should_ignore_msg: t.Callable[[MsgId], bool],
    sender: str,
    is_gmail: bool = False,
) -> t.Mapping[MsgId, t.Sequence[Ping]]:

    status: t.Any
    details: t.Any

    status, details = imap.select('INBOX')
    if status != 'OK':
        raise RuntimeError(f'select failed: {details}')

    query = (_build_gmail_query(sender)
             if is_gmail else f'HEADER FROM {json.dumps(sender)}')
    status, details = imap.search(None, query)
    if status != 'OK':
        raise RuntimeError(f'bad status on search: {status}')
    msg_ids = set(details[0].decode('utf-8').split(' '))
    logger.debug(f'pre-filter msg_ids = {msg_ids}')

    msg_ids = {m for m in msg_ids if not should_ignore_msg(m)}
    logger.debug(f'post-filter msg_ids = {msg_ids}')

    result = {}
    for msg_id in sorted(msg_ids):
        logger.info(f'fetching msg {msg_ids}')

        msg_info: t.Any
        status, msg_info = imap.fetch(msg_id, '(RFC822)')
        if status != 'OK':
            raise RuntimeError(f'bad status on fetch: {status}')
        msg = email.message_from_bytes(msg_info[0][1])
            result[msg_id] = _find_timepie_part(msg)
        except ValueError:
            logger.info(f'msg {msg_id} has no timepie part')

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def searchFolder(imapServer: imaplib.IMAP4_SSL, searchQuery, type, folder):

    searchResult = imapServer.search(searchQuery, type)
    ids = searchResult[1][0].decode("utf-8").split()
    foundMessages = []
    for i in ids:
        emailData = imapServer.fetch(str(i), '(RFC822)')
        for response_content in emailData:
            arr = response_content[0]
            if isinstance(arr, tuple):
                msg = email.message_from_string(str(arr[1], 'utf-8'))
                    "From": msg['From'],
                    "Subject": msg['Subject'],
                    "Date": msg["Date"],
                    "Message-ID": msg["Message-ID"]
                imapServer.store(str(i), '-FLAGS', '\Flagged')
    return foundMessages
Ejemplo n.º 5
def gen_unseen_mbank_emails(
    database: KsiemgowyDB, mail: imaplib.IMAP4_SSL, imap_filter: str
) -> T.Iterator[Message]:
    """Connects to imap_server using login and password from the arguments,
    then yields a pair (mail_id_as_str, email_as_eml_string) for each of
    e-mails coming from mBank."""
    _, data = mail.search(None, imap_filter)
    mail_ids = data[0]
    id_list = mail_ids.split()
    for mail_id in reversed(id_list):
        _, data = mail.fetch(mail_id, "(RFC822)")
        for mail_number, response_part in enumerate(data):
            if not isinstance(response_part, tuple):
            msg = email.message_from_string(response_part[1].decode())
            mail_key = f'{msg["Date"]}_{mail_number}'
            if database.was_imap_id_already_handled(mail_key):
            LOGGER.info("Handling e-mail id: %r", mail_id)
            yield msg