def verbose_info(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs): # main engine wait_cursor() paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) try: (uniquecolors_rect, total_colors, row, font, im, verb) = print_verbose_info(screen, new_img, file, num_imgs) except: print 'print verbose' #(uniquecolors_rect, total_colors, row, font, im, verb) = junk_rect()# # uniquecolors_rect = junk_rect()# # total_colors = ""# verb = verbose(screen, file)# (uniquecolors_rect, total_colors, row, font, im) = verb.colors() #return if gl.SHOW_EXIFBUTTON: exif_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Exif Data ", 5, gl.ROW_SEP + 435, None) (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) normal_cursor() transparency = 0 while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_cursor(cursor, (esc_rect, exif_rect, uniquecolors_rect)) if gl.SHOW_EXIFBUTTON: hover_button(exif_rect, cursor, screen, " Exif Data ", 5, gl.ROW_SEP + 435, None) if gl.UNIQUE_COLORS == None and gl.SHOW_EXIFBUTTON and total_colors != "": hover_button(uniquecolors_rect, cursor, screen, " Unique colors ", (font.size(total_colors)[0] + 230), row, None) show_message(screen, convert_times(ctime(), 0), "bottom", 15, ("transparent")) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: if uniquecolors_rect != junk_rect(): if uniquecolors_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() gl.UNIQUE_COLORS = comma_it(len(dict.fromkeys(im.getdata()))) # determine unique colors before_color = gl.MSG_COLOR if gl.MSG_COLOR == gl.SILVER: gl.MSG_COLOR = (142, 142, 142) else: gl.MSG_COLOR = gl.SILVER show_message(screen, "Unique colors: %s%s" % (gl.UNIQUE_COLORS, ' ' * 12), ((font.size(total_colors)[0] + 235), row), 12, (""), (14, before_color)) gl.MSG_COLOR = before_color normal_cursor() if exif_rect.collidepoint(cursor): wait_cursor() try: verb.exif_data(file) except: break normal_cursor() if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): before_exit() break if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL, K_TAB): before_exit() break
def file_master(screen, file_names, place, marker, menu_items, msg, down, button_op): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) show_message(msg, down, 10, ("bold", "transparent")) font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 9) font.set_bold(1) (esc_rect, esc_font) = close_button(screen) font_height = font.size(file_names[0])[1] screen_height = screen.get_height() name_max = 16 max_file_width = 116 line = 65 # leave room at top of screen for other stuff col = 5 count = 0 back_rect = forward_rect = sort_rect = junk_rect() for name in file_names[place:]: count = count + 1 place = place + 1 marker = marker + 1 if count >= gl.MAX_SCREEN_FILES or place >= len(file_names): ren_name = os.path.basename(name) if len(ren_name) > name_max: ren_name = ren_name[:name_max] + '...' # truncate if ren_name[-4:] == '....': ren_name = ren_name[:-1] # 3 .'s are enough ren = font.render(ren_name, 1, gl.MSG_COLOR, gl.BLACK) if (place + 1) < len(file_names): forward_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Next ", 10, 18, "topright") if (((place + 1) - gl.MAX_SCREEN_FILES) > 1): back_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Previous ", 10, 18, "topleft") if not gl.SORT_HIT: sort_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Sort ", 13, 42, "midtop") ren_rect = ren.get_rect() ren_rect[0] = col ren_rect[1] = line menu_items.append((ren_rect, name)) screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) update(ren_rect) return (file_names, menu_items, 1, place, marker, forward_rect, back_rect, sort_rect) ren_name = os.path.basename(name) if len(ren_name) > name_max: ren_name = ren_name[:name_max] + '...' if ren_name[-4:] == '....': ren_name = ren_name[:-1] ren = font.render(ren_name, 1, gl.MSG_COLOR, gl.BLACK) ren_rect = ren.get_rect() ren_rect[0] = col ren_rect[1] = line menu_items.append((ren_rect, name)) screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) line = line + 12 if (line + font_height) >= (screen_height - 15): line = 65 col = col + max_file_width update(ren_rect) return (file_names, menu_items, 0, place, marker, forward_rect, back_rect, sort_rect)
def colors(self): uniquecolors_rect = junk_rect() total_colors = "" imret = None if self.pil_info and self.bitsperpixel not in (None, 32): imret = if self.bitsperpixel == 24: total_colors = "Total colors: 16.7 Million." else: total_colors = "Total colors: %s." % (2 ** self.bitsperpixel) self.print_info(total_colors, 13) if gl.UNIQUE_COLORS == None and gl.SHOW_EXIFBUTTON and total_colors != "": uniquecolors_rect = imgv_button(self.screen, " Unique colors ", (self.font.size(total_colors)[0] + 230), self.row, None) return (uniquecolors_rect, total_colors, self.row, self.font, imret)
def command_file_master(screen, file_names, msg, down, button_op, disable_right_click, again): set_caption("Image Browser - imgv") screen_pause = place = marker = 0 menu_items = [] edit_rect = back_rect = forward_rect = sort_rect = junk_rect() (esc_rect, font) = close_button(screen) create_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Create New List ", 0, 18, "midtop") if len(file_names) < 1: my_string = ask(screen, "Create playlist first (Enter a name)") if my_string == None or my_string == []: return ([], [], [], []) # don't create a list if my_string != []: # create list if (len(my_string) > 0) and my_string != "\n": return (file_names, None, None, my_string) pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) if screen_pause == 1: while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos() hover_fx(screen, menu_items, cursor) hover_cursor(cursor, [esc_rect, edit_rect, sort_rect, back_rect, forward_rect, create_rect] + [x[0] for x in menu_items]) if button_op: hover_button(create_rect, cursor, screen, " Create New List ", 0, 18, "midtop") if (place + 1) < len(file_names): hover_button(forward_rect, cursor, screen, " Next ", 10, 18, "topright") if (((place + 1) - gl.MAX_SCREEN_FILES) > 1): hover_button(back_rect, cursor, screen, " Previous ", 10, 18, "topleft") if not gl.SORT_HIT: hover_button(sort_rect, cursor, screen, " Sort ", 13, 42, "midtop") check_quit(event) if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE): return (None, None, None, None) if left_click(event): if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor): return (None, None, None, None) if left_click(event): for item in menu_items: if item[0].collidepoint(cursor): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and (pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_LCTRL] or\ pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_RCTRL]): return (file_names, item[1], "deleteit", None) if again == "do again": return (file_names, item[1], "do again", None) return (file_names, item[1], menu_items, None) if right_click(event): if not disable_right_click: for item in menu_items: if item[0].collidepoint(cursor): if not os.path.isfile(gl.DATA_DIR + item[1]): if edit_rect != junk_rect(): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) edit_rect = show_message( "%s doesn't exist in %s" % (item[1], gl.DATA_DIR), "top", 9, ("bold", "transparent")) else: return (None, item[1], "rclicked", None) if hit_key(event, K_SPACE) or right_click(event): if not place >= len(file_names): screen_pause = 0 marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if left_click(event): if forward_rect.collidepoint(cursor): if not place >= len(file_names): screen_pause = 0 marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if hit_key(event, K_BACKSPACE) or middle_click(event): if ((place - marker) > 0): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) screen_pause = 0 place = place - (gl.MAX_SCREEN_FILES + marker) marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if left_click(event): if back_rect.collidepoint(cursor): if ((place - marker) > 0): paint_screen(gl.BLACK) screen_pause = 0 place = place - (gl.MAX_SCREEN_FILES + marker) marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if left_click(event): if sort_rect.collidepoint(cursor): gl.SORT_HIT = 1 file_names = basename_sort(file_names) (file_names, menu_items, screen_pause, place, marker, forward_rect, back_rect, sort_rect) = file_master(screen, file_names, place, marker, menu_items, msg, down, button_op) screen_pause = place = marker = 0 menu_items = [] break if left_click(event): if create_rect.collidepoint(cursor): my_string = ask(screen, "Enter name of list") if my_string != None: if (len(my_string) > 0) and my_string != "\n": return (file_names, None, menu_items, my_string) (file_names, menu_items, screen_pause, place, marker, forward_rect, back_rect, sort_rect) =\ file_master(screen, file_names, place, marker, menu_items, msg, down, button_op) pygame.time.delay(5)