Ejemplo n.º 1
def train_and_plot(_seed: int,
                   env_name: str,
                   log_dir: str,
                   n_epochs: int = 100,
                   n_epochs_per_plot: Optional[float] = None,
                   n_disc_steps_per_epoch: int = 10,
                   n_gen_steps_per_epoch: int = 10000,
                   n_episodes_per_reward_data: int = 5,
                   n_episodes_eval: int = 50,
                   checkpoint_interval: int = 5,
                   interactive: bool = True,
                   init_trainer_kwargs: dict = {},
                   ) -> Dict[str, float]:
  """Alternate between training the generator and discriminator.

  Every epoch:
    - Plot discriminator loss during discriminator training steps in blue and
      discriminator loss during generator training steps in red.
    - Plot the performance of the generator policy versus the performance of
      a random policy. Also plot the performance of an expert policy if that is
      provided in the arguments.

      _seed: Random seed.
      env_name: The environment to train in.
      log_dir: Directory to save models and other logging to.
      n_epochs: The number of epochs to train. Each epoch consists of
          `n_disc_steps_per_epoch` discriminator steps followed by
          `n_gen_steps_per_epoch` generator steps.
      n_epochs_per_plot: An optional number, greater than or equal to 1. The
          (possibly fractional) number of epochs between each plot. The first
          plot is at epoch 0, after the first discrim and generator steps.
          If `n_epochs_per_plot is None`, then don't make any plots.
      n_disc_steps_per_epoch: The number of discriminator update steps during
          every training epoch.
      n_gen_plot_episodes: The number of generator update steps during every
          generator epoch.
      n_episodes_per_reward_data: The number of episodes averaged over when
          calculating the average episode reward of a policy for the performance
      n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
          the average ground truth reward return of the final policy.
      checkpoint_interval: Save the discriminator and generator models every
          `checkpoint_interval` epochs and after training is complete. If <=0,
          then only save weights after training is complete.
      interactive: Figures are always saved to `output/*.png`. If `interactive`
        is True, then also show plots as they are created.
      expert_policy (BasePolicy or BaseRLModel, optional): If provided, then
          also plot the performance of this expert policy.
      init_trainer_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `init_trainer`,
        used to initialize the trainer.

      results: A dictionary with two keys, "mean" and "std_err". The
          corresponding values are the mean and standard error of
          ground truth episode return for the imitation learning algorithm.
  assert n_epochs_per_plot is None or n_epochs_per_plot >= 1

  with util.make_session():
    trainer = init_trainer(env_name, seed=_seed, log_dir=log_dir,

    tf.logging.info("Logging to %s", log_dir)
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    sb_logger.configure(folder=osp.join(log_dir, 'generator'),
                        format_strs=['tensorboard', 'stdout'])

    plot_idx = 0
    gen_data = ([], [])
    disc_data = ([], [])

    def disc_plot_add_data(gen_mode: bool = False):
      """Evaluates and records the discriminator loss for plotting later.

          gen_mode: Whether the generator or the discriminator is active.
              We use this to color the data points.
      nonlocal plot_idx
      mode = "gen" if gen_mode else "dis"
      X, Y = gen_data if gen_mode else disc_data
      # Divide by two since we get two data points (gen and disc) per epoch.
      X.append(plot_idx / 2)
          "plot idx ({}): {} disc loss: {}"
          .format(mode, plot_idx, Y[-1]))
      plot_idx += 1

    def disc_plot_show():
      """Render a plot of discriminator loss vs. training epoch number."""
      plt.scatter(disc_data[0], disc_data[1], c='g', alpha=0.7, s=4,
                  label="discriminator loss (dis step)")
      plt.scatter(gen_data[0], gen_data[1], c='r', alpha=0.7, s=4,
                  label="discriminator loss (gen step)")
      plt.title("Discriminator loss")
      _savefig_timestamp("plot_fight_loss_disc", interactive)

    gen_ep_reward = defaultdict(list)
    rand_ep_reward = defaultdict(list)
    exp_ep_reward = defaultdict(list)

    def ep_reward_plot_add_data(env, name):
      """Calculate and record average episode returns."""
      gen_policy = trainer.gen_policy
      gen_ret = util.rollout.mean_return(
          gen_policy, env, n_episodes=n_episodes_per_reward_data)
      tf.logging.info("generator return: {}".format(gen_ret))

      rand_policy = util.init_rl(trainer.env)
      rand_ret = util.rollout.mean_return(
          rand_policy, env, n_episodes=n_episodes_per_reward_data)
      tf.logging.info("random return: {}".format(rand_ret))

      if expert_policy is not None:
          exp_ret = util.rollout.mean_return(
              expert_policy, env, n_episodes=n_episodes_per_reward_data)
          tf.logging.info("exp return: {}".format(exp_ret))

    def ep_reward_plot_show():
      """Render and show average episode reward plots."""
      for name in gen_ep_reward:
        plt.title(name + " Performance")
        plt.ylabel("Average reward per episode (n={})"
        plt.plot(gen_ep_reward[name], label="avg gen ep reward", c="red")
                 label="avg random ep reward", c="black")
        plt.plot(exp_ep_reward[name], label="avg exp ep reward", c="blue")
        _savefig_timestamp("plot_fight_epreward_gen", interactive)

    if n_epochs_per_plot is not None:
      n_plots_per_epoch = 1 / n_epochs_per_plot
      n_plots_per_epoch = None

    def should_plot_now(epoch) -> bool:
      """For positive epochs, returns True if a plot should be rendered now.

      This also controls the frequency at which `ep_reward_plot_add_data` is
      called, because generating those rollouts is too expensive to perform
      every timestep.
      assert epoch >= 1
      if n_plots_per_epoch is None:
        return False
      plot_num = math.floor(n_plots_per_epoch * epoch)
      prev_plot_num = math.floor(n_plots_per_epoch * (epoch - 1))
      assert abs(plot_num - prev_plot_num) <= 1
      return plot_num != prev_plot_num

    # Collect data for epoch 0.
    if n_epochs_per_plot is not None:
      ep_reward_plot_add_data(trainer.env, "Ground Truth Reward")
      ep_reward_plot_add_data(trainer.env_train, "Train Reward")
      ep_reward_plot_add_data(trainer.env_test, "Test Reward")

    # Main training loop.
    for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(1, n_epochs+1), desc="epoch"):

      if should_plot_now(epoch):
        ep_reward_plot_add_data(trainer.env, "Ground Truth Reward")
        ep_reward_plot_add_data(trainer.env_train, "Train Reward")
        ep_reward_plot_add_data(trainer.env_test, "Test Reward")

      if checkpoint_interval > 0 and epoch % checkpoint_interval == 0:
        save(trainer, os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", f"{epoch:05d}"))

    save(trainer, os.path.join(log_dir, "final"))

    # Final evaluation of imitation policy.
    stats = util.rollout.rollout_stats(trainer.gen_policy,
    assert stats["n_traj"] >= n_episodes_eval
    mean = stats["return_mean"]
    std_err = stats["return_std"] / math.sqrt(n_episodes_eval)
    print(f"[result] Mean Episode Return: {mean:.4g} ± {std_err:.3g} "

    return dict(mean=mean, std_err=std_err)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def train(
    _seed: int,
    env_name: str,
    rollout_path: str,
    n_expert_demos: Optional[int],
    log_dir: str,
    init_trainer_kwargs: dict,
    total_timesteps: int,
    n_episodes_eval: int,
    init_tensorboard: bool,
    checkpoint_interval: int,
) -> dict:
    """Train an adversarial-network-based imitation learning algorithm.

  Plots (turn on using `plot_interval > 0`):
    - Plot discriminator loss during discriminator training steps in blue and
      discriminator loss during generator training steps in red.
    - Plot the performance of the generator policy versus the performance of
      a random policy. Also plot the performance of an expert policy if that is
      provided in the arguments.

    - DiscrimNets are saved to f"{log_dir}/checkpoints/{step}/discrim/",
      where step is either the training epoch or "final".
    - Generator policies are saved to

    _seed: Random seed.
    env_name: The environment to train in.
    rollout_path: Path to pickle containing list of Trajectories. Used as
      expert demonstrations.
    n_expert_demos: The number of expert trajectories to actually use
      after loading them from `rollout_path`.
      If None, then use all available trajectories.
      If `n_expert_demos` is an `int`, then use exactly `n_expert_demos`
      trajectories, erroring if there aren't enough trajectories. If there are
      surplus trajectories, then use the
      first `n_expert_demos` trajectories and drop the rest.
    log_dir: Directory to save models and other logging to.

    init_trainer_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `init_trainer`,
      used to initialize the trainer.
    total_timesteps: The number of transitions to sample from the environment
      during training.
    n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
      the average episode reward of the imitation policy for return.

    plot_interval: The number of epochs between each plot. If negative,
      then plots are disabled. If zero, then only plot at the end of training.
    n_plot_episodes: The number of episodes averaged over when
      calculating the average episode reward of a policy for the performance
    extra_episode_data_interval: Usually mean episode rewards are calculated
      immediately before every plot. Set this parameter to a nonnegative number
      to also add episode reward data points every
      `extra_episodes_data_interval` epochs.
    show_plots: Figures are always saved to `f"{log_dir}/plots/*.png"`. If
      `show_plots` is True, then also show plots as they are created.
    init_tensorboard: If True, then write tensorboard logs to `{log_dir}/sb_tb`.

    checkpoint_interval: Save the discriminator and generator models every
      `checkpoint_interval` epochs and after training is complete. If 0,
      then only save weights after training is complete. If <0, then don't
      save weights at all.

    A dictionary with two keys. "imit_stats" gives the return value of
      `rollout_stats()` on rollouts test-reward-wrapped
      environment, using the final policy (remember that the ground-truth reward
      can be recovered from the "monitor_return" key). "expert_stats" gives the
      return value of `rollout_stats()` on the expert demonstrations loaded from
    total_timesteps = int(total_timesteps)

    tf.logging.info("Logging to %s", log_dir)
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)

    # Calculate stats for expert rollouts. Used for plot and return value.
    with open(rollout_path, "rb") as f:
        expert_trajs = pickle.load(f)

    if n_expert_demos is not None:
        assert len(expert_trajs) >= n_expert_demos
        expert_trajs = expert_trajs[:n_expert_demos]

    expert_stats = util.rollout.rollout_stats(expert_trajs)

    with util.make_session():
        if init_tensorboard:
            sb_tensorboard_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "sb_tb")
            kwargs = init_trainer_kwargs
            kwargs["init_rl_kwargs"] = kwargs.get("init_rl_kwargs", {})
            kwargs["init_rl_kwargs"]["tensorboard_log"] = sb_tensorboard_dir

        trainer = init_trainer(env_name,

        def callback(epoch):
            if checkpoint_interval > 0 and epoch % checkpoint_interval == 0:
                     os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", f"{epoch:05d}"))

        trainer.train(total_timesteps, callback)

        # Save final artifacts.
        if checkpoint_interval >= 0:
            save(trainer, os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", "final"))

        # Final evaluation of imitation policy.
        results = {}
        sample_until_eval = util.rollout.min_episodes(n_episodes_eval)
        trajs = util.rollout.generate_trajectories(
        results["imit_stats"] = util.rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
        results["expert_stats"] = expert_stats
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 3
def rollouts_and_policy(
  _seed: int,
  env_name: str,
  total_timesteps: int,
  log_dir: str,
  num_vec: int,
  parallel: bool,
  max_episode_steps: Optional[int],
  normalize: bool,
  normalize_kwargs: dict,
  init_rl_kwargs: dict,

  n_episodes_eval: int,

  reward_type: Optional[str],
  reward_path: Optional[str],

  rollout_save_interval: int,
  rollout_save_final: bool,
  rollout_save_n_timesteps: Optional[int],
  rollout_save_n_episodes: Optional[int],

  policy_save_interval: int,
  policy_save_final: bool,

  init_tensorboard: bool,
) -> dict:
  """Trains an expert policy from scratch and saves the rollouts and policy.

    At applicable training steps `step` (where step is either an integer or

      - Policies are saved to `{log_dir}/policies/{step}/`.
      - Rollouts are saved to `{log_dir}/rollouts/{step}.pkl`.

      env_name: The gym.Env name. Loaded as VecEnv.
      total_timesteps: Number of training timesteps in `model.learn()`.
      log_dir: The root directory to save metrics and checkpoints to.
      num_vec: Number of environments in VecEnv.
      parallel: If True, then use DummyVecEnv. Otherwise use SubprocVecEnv.
      max_episode_steps: If not None, then environments are wrapped by
          TimeLimit so that they have at most `max_episode_steps` steps per
      normalize: If True, then rescale observations and reward.
      normalize_kwargs: kwargs for `VecNormalize`.
      init_rl_kwargs: kwargs for `init_rl`.

      n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
          the average ground truth reward return of the final policy.

      reward_type: If provided, then load the serialized reward of this type,
          wrapping the environment in this reward. This is useful to test
          whether a reward model transfers. For more information, see
      reward_path: A specifier, such as a path to a file on disk, used by
          reward_type to load the reward model. For more information, see

      rollout_save_interval: The number of training updates in between
          intermediate rollout saves. If the argument is nonpositive, then
          don't save intermediate updates.
      rollout_save_final: If True, then save rollouts right after training is
      rollout_save_n_timesteps: The minimum number of timesteps saved in every
          file. Could be more than `rollout_save_n_timesteps` because
          trajectories are saved by episode rather than by transition.
          Must set exactly one of `rollout_save_n_timesteps`
          and `rollout_save_n_episodes`.
      rollout_save_n_episodes: The number of episodes saved in every
          file. Must set exactly one of `rollout_save_n_timesteps` and

      policy_save_interval: The number of training updates between saves. Has
          the same semantics are `rollout_save_interval`.
      policy_save_final: If True, then save the policy right after training is

      init_tensorboard: If True, then write tensorboard logs to {log_dir}/sb_tb
          and "output/summary/...".

    The return value of `rollout_stats()` using the final policy.
  os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
  sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)

  sample_until = util.rollout.make_sample_until(rollout_save_n_timesteps,
  eval_sample_until = util.rollout.min_episodes(n_episodes_eval)

  with util.make_session():
    sb_logger.configure(folder=osp.join(log_dir, 'rl'),
                        format_strs=['tensorboard', 'stdout'])

    rollout_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "rollouts")
    policy_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "policies")
    os.makedirs(rollout_dir, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(policy_dir, exist_ok=True)

    if init_tensorboard:
      sb_tensorboard_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "sb_tb")
      init_rl_kwargs["tensorboard_log"] = sb_tensorboard_dir

    venv = util.make_vec_env(env_name, num_vec, seed=_seed,
                             parallel=parallel, log_dir=log_dir,

    log_callbacks = []
    with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
      if reward_type is not None:
        reward_fn_ctx = load_reward(reward_type, reward_path, venv)
        reward_fn = stack.enter_context(reward_fn_ctx)
        venv = RewardVecEnvWrapper(venv, reward_fn)
            f"Wrapped env in reward {reward_type} from {reward_path}.")

      vec_normalize = None
      if normalize:
        venv = vec_normalize = VecNormalize(venv, **normalize_kwargs)

      policy = util.init_rl(venv, verbose=1, **init_rl_kwargs)

      # Make callback to save intermediate artifacts during training.
      step = 0

      def callback(locals_: dict, _) -> bool:
        nonlocal step
        step += 1
        policy = locals_['self']

        # TODO(adam): make logging frequency configurable
        for callback in log_callbacks:

        if rollout_save_interval > 0 and step % rollout_save_interval == 0:
          save_path = osp.join(rollout_dir, f"{step}.pkl")
          util.rollout.save(save_path, policy, venv, sample_until)
        if policy_save_interval > 0 and step % policy_save_interval == 0:
          output_dir = os.path.join(policy_dir, f'{step:05d}')
          serialize.save_stable_model(output_dir, policy, vec_normalize)

      policy.learn(total_timesteps, callback=callback)

      # Save final artifacts after training is complete.
      if rollout_save_final:
        save_path = osp.join(rollout_dir, "final.pkl")
        util.rollout.save(save_path, policy, venv, sample_until)
      if policy_save_final:
        output_dir = os.path.join(policy_dir, "final")
        serialize.save_stable_model(output_dir, policy, vec_normalize)

      # Final evaluation of expert policy.
      trajs = util.rollout.generate_trajectories(
          policy, venv, eval_sample_until)
      stats = util.rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)

  return stats
Ejemplo n.º 4
def rollouts_and_policy(
    _seed: int,
    env_name: str,
    total_timesteps: int,
    log_dir: str = None,
    num_vec: int = 8,
    parallel: bool = False,
    max_episode_steps: Optional[int] = None,
    normalize: bool = True,
    make_blank_policy_kwargs: dict = {},
    reward_type: Optional[str] = None,
    reward_path: Optional[str] = None,
    rollout_save_interval: int = 0,
    rollout_save_final: bool = False,
    rollout_save_n_timesteps: Optional[int] = None,
    rollout_save_n_episodes: Optional[int] = None,
    policy_save_interval: int = -1,
    policy_save_final: bool = True,
) -> None:
    """Trains an expert policy from scratch and saves the rollouts and policy.

  At applicable training steps `step` (where step is either an integer or

      - Policies are saved to `{log_dir}/policies/{step}.pkl`.
      - Rollouts are saved to `{log_dir}/rollouts/{step}.pkl`.

      env_name: The gym.Env name. Loaded as VecEnv.
      total_timesteps: Number of training timesteps in `model.learn()`.
      log_dir: The root directory to save metrics and checkpoints to.
      num_vec: Number of environments in VecEnv.
      parallel: If True, then use DummyVecEnv. Otherwise use SubprocVecEnv.
      max_episode_steps: If not None, then environments are wrapped by
          TimeLimit so that they have at most `max_episode_steps` steps per
      normalize: If True, then rescale observations and reward.
      make_blank_policy_kwargs: Kwargs for `make_blank_policy`.

      reward_type: If provided, then load the serialized reward of this type,
          wrapping the environment in this reward. This is useful to test
          whether a reward model transfers. For more information, see
      reward_path: A specifier, such as a path to a file on disk, used by
          reward_type to load the reward model. For more information, see

      rollout_save_interval: The number of training updates in between
          intermediate rollout saves. If the argument is nonpositive, then
          don't save intermediate updates.
      rollout_save_final: If True, then save rollouts right after training is
      rollout_save_n_timesteps: The minimum number of timesteps saved in every
          file. Could be more than `rollout_save_n_timesteps` because
          trajectories are saved by episode rather than by transition.
          Must set exactly one of `rollout_save_n_timesteps`
          and `rollout_save_n_episodes`.
      rollout_save_n_episodes: The number of episodes saved in every
          file. Must set exactly one of `rollout_save_n_timesteps` and

      policy_save_interval: The number of training updates between saves. Has
          the same semantics are `rollout_save_interval`.
      policy_save_final: If True, then save the policy right after training is

    with util.make_session():
        sb_logger.configure(folder=osp.join(log_dir, 'rl'),
                            format_strs=['tensorboard', 'stdout'])

        rollout_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "rollouts")
        policy_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "policies")
        os.makedirs(rollout_dir, exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(policy_dir, exist_ok=True)

        venv = util.make_vec_env(env_name,

        log_callbacks = []
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            if reward_type is not None:
                reward_fn_ctx = load_reward(reward_type, reward_path, venv)
                reward_fn = stack.enter_context(reward_fn_ctx)
                venv = RewardVecEnvWrapper(venv, reward_fn)
                    f"Wrapped env in reward {reward_type} from {reward_path}.")

            vec_normalize = None
            if normalize:
                venv = vec_normalize = VecNormalize(venv)

            policy = util.init_rl(venv, verbose=1, **make_blank_policy_kwargs)

            # Make callback to save intermediate artifacts during training.
            step = 0

            def callback(locals_: dict, _) -> bool:
                nonlocal step
                step += 1
                policy = locals_['self']

                # TODO(adam): make logging frequency configurable
                for callback in log_callbacks:

                if rollout_save_interval > 0 and step % rollout_save_interval == 0:
                if policy_save_interval > 0 and step % policy_save_interval == 0:
                    output_dir = os.path.join(policy_dir, f'{step:05d}')
                    serialize.save_stable_model(output_dir, policy,
                return True  # Continue training.

            policy.learn(total_timesteps, callback=callback)

            # Save final artifacts after training is complete.
            if rollout_save_final:
            if policy_save_final:
                output_dir = os.path.join(policy_dir, "final")
                serialize.save_stable_model(output_dir, policy, vec_normalize)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def train(_run, _seed: int, env_name: str, rollout_path: str, normalize: bool,
          normalize_kwargs: dict, n_expert_demos: Optional[int], log_dir: str,
          init_trainer_kwargs: dict, total_timesteps: int,
          n_episodes_eval: int, init_tensorboard: bool,
          checkpoint_interval: int, dac: bool, rollout_save_n_timesteps: int,
          rollout_save_n_episodes: int, num_vec: int, parallel: bool,
          max_episode_steps: Optional[int]) -> dict:
    """Train an adversarial-network-based imitation learning algorithm.

  Plots (turn on using `plot_interval > 0`):
    - Plot discriminator loss during discriminator training steps in blue and
      discriminator loss during generator training steps in red.
    - Plot the performance of the generator policy versus the performance of
      a random policy. Also plot the performance of an expert policy if that is
      provided in the arguments.

    - DiscrimNets are saved to f"{log_dir}/checkpoints/{step}/discrim/",
      where step is either the training epoch or "final".
    - Generator policies are saved to

    _seed: Random seed.
    env_name: The environment to train in.
    rollout_path: Path to pickle containing list of Trajectories. Used as
      expert demonstrations.
    n_expert_demos: The number of expert trajectories to actually use
      after loading them from `rollout_path`.
      If None, then use all available trajectories.
      If `n_expert_demos` is an `int`, then use exactly `n_expert_demos`
      trajectories, erroring if there aren't enough trajectories. If there are
      surplus trajectories, then use the
      first `n_expert_demos` trajectories and drop the rest.
    log_dir: Directory to save models and other logging to.

    init_trainer_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `init_trainer`,
      used to initialize the trainer.
    total_timesteps: The number of transitions to sample from the environment
      during training.
    n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
      the average episode reward of the imitation policy for return.

    plot_interval: The number of epochs between each plot. If negative,
      then plots are disabled. If zero, then only plot at the end of training.
    n_plot_episodes: The number of episodes averaged over when
      calculating the average episode reward of a policy for the performance
    extra_episode_data_interval: Usually mean episode rewards are calculated
      immediately before every plot. Set this parameter to a nonnegative number
      to also add episode reward data points every
      `extra_episodes_data_interval` epochs.
    show_plots: Figures are always saved to `f"{log_dir}/plots/*.png"`. If
      `show_plots` is True, then also show plots as they are created.
    init_tensorboard: If True, then write tensorboard logs to `{log_dir}/sb_tb`.

    checkpoint_interval: Save the discriminator and generator models every
      `checkpoint_interval` epochs and after training is complete. If 0,
      then only save weights after training is complete. If <0, then don't
      save weights at all.

    A dictionary with two keys. "imit_stats" gives the return value of
      `rollout_stats()` on rollouts test-reward-wrapped
      environment, using the final policy (remember that the ground-truth reward
      can be recovered from the "monitor_return" key). "expert_stats" gives the
      return value of `rollout_stats()` on the expert demonstrations loaded from
    total_timesteps = int(total_timesteps)

    tf.logging.info("Logging to %s", log_dir)
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    # try:
    #     sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)
    # except Exception as e:
    #     print("didnt build symlink")
    # # Calculate stats for expert rollouts. Used for plot and return value.
    # with open(rollout_path, "rb") as f:
    #     expert_trajs = pickle.load(f)

    # if n_expert_demos is not None:
    #     assert len(expert_trajs) >= n_expert_demos
    #     expert_trajs = expert_trajs[:n_expert_demos]
    # # expert_stats = util.rollout.rollout_stats(expert_trajs)
    sample_until = util.rollout.make_sample_until(rollout_save_n_timesteps,

    with util.make_session():
        venv = util.make_vec_env(env_name,

        print("type of venv is: ", type(venv))
        vec_normalize = None
        venv = vec_normalize = VecNormalize(venv)
        print("type of venv is: ", type(venv))
        # time.sleep(10)
        gen_policy_path = os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", "final",
        print("gen policy path is: ", gen_policy_path)
        with serialize.load_policy('ppo2', gen_policy_path, venv) as policy:
            print('right before: ', type(venv))
            util.rollout.save(gen_policy_path, policy, venv, sample_until)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def train(
    _seed: int,
    env_name: str,
    rollout_path: str,
    n_expert_demos: Optional[int],
    log_dir: str,
    n_epochs: int,
    n_gen_steps_per_epoch: int,
    n_disc_steps_per_epoch: int,
    init_trainer_kwargs: dict,
    n_episodes_eval: int,
    plot_interval: int,
    n_plot_episodes: int,
    show_plots: bool,
    init_tensorboard: bool,
    checkpoint_interval: int = 5,
) -> dict:
    """Train an adversarial-network-based imitation learning algorithm.

  Plots (turn on using `plot_interval > 0`):
    - Plot discriminator loss during discriminator training steps in blue and
      discriminator loss during generator training steps in red.
    - Plot the performance of the generator policy versus the performance of
      a random policy. Also plot the performance of an expert policy if that is
      provided in the arguments.

    - DiscrimNets are saved to f"{log_dir}/checkpoints/{step}/discrim/",
      where step is either the training epoch or "final".
    - Generator policies are saved to

    _seed: Random seed.
    env_name: The environment to train in.
    rollout_path: Path to pickle containing list of Trajectories. Used as
      expert demonstrations.
    n_expert_demos: The number of expert trajectories to actually use
      after loading them from `rollout_path`.
      If None, then use all available trajectories.
      If `n_expert_demos` is an `int`, then use exactly `n_expert_demos`
      trajectories, erroring if there aren't enough trajectories. If there are
      surplus trajectories, then use the
      first `n_expert_demos` trajectories and drop the rest.
    log_dir: Directory to save models and other logging to.

    n_epochs: The number of epochs to train. Each epoch consists of
      `n_disc_steps_per_epoch` discriminator steps followed by
      `n_gen_steps_per_epoch` generator steps.
    n_gen_steps_per_epoch: The number of generator update steps during every
      training epoch.
    n_disc_steps_per_epoch: The number of discriminator update steps during
      every training epoch.
    init_trainer_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `init_trainer`,
      used to initialize the trainer.
    n_episodes_eval: The number of episodes to average over when calculating
      the average episode reward of the imitation policy for return.

    plot_interval: The number of epochs between each plot. (If nonpositive,
      then plots are disabled).
    n_plot_episodes: The number of episodes averaged over when
      calculating the average episode reward of a policy for the performance
    show_plots: Figures are always saved to `f"{log_dir}/plots/*.png"`. If
      `show_plots` is True, then also show plots as they are created.
    init_tensorboard: If True, then write tensorboard logs to `{log_dir}/sb_tb`.

    checkpoint_interval: Save the discriminator and generator models every
      `checkpoint_interval` epochs and after training is complete. If <=0,
      then only save weights after training is complete.

    A dictionary with two keys. "imit_stats" gives the return value of
      `rollout_stats()` on rollouts test-reward-wrapped
      environment, using the final policy (remember that the ground-truth reward
      can be recovered from the "monitor_return" key). "expert_stats" gives the
      return value of `rollout_stats()` on the expert demonstrations loaded from
    tf.logging.info("Logging to %s", log_dir)
    os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    sacred_util.build_sacred_symlink(log_dir, _run)

    # Calculate stats for expert rollouts. Used for plot and return value.
    with open(rollout_path, "rb") as f:
        expert_trajs = pickle.load(f)

    if n_expert_demos is not None:
        assert len(expert_trajs) >= n_expert_demos
        expert_trajs = expert_trajs[:n_expert_demos]

    expert_stats = util.rollout.rollout_stats(expert_trajs)

    with util.make_session():
        sb_logger.configure(folder=osp.join(log_dir, 'generator'),
                            format_strs=['tensorboard', 'stdout'])

        if init_tensorboard:
            sb_tensorboard_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "sb_tb")
            kwargs = init_trainer_kwargs
            kwargs["init_rl_kwargs"] = kwargs.get("init_rl_kwargs", {})
            kwargs["init_rl_kwargs"]["tensorboard_log"] = sb_tensorboard_dir

        trainer = init_trainer(env_name,

        if plot_interval > 0:
            visualizer = _TrainVisualizer(
            visualizer = None

        # Main training loop.
        for epoch in tqdm.tqdm(range(1, n_epochs + 1), desc="epoch"):
            if visualizer:

            if visualizer:

            if visualizer and epoch % plot_interval == 0:
                                              "Ground Truth Reward")
                                              "Train Reward")
                visualizer.add_data_ep_reward(trainer.venv_test, "Test Reward")

            if checkpoint_interval > 0 and epoch % checkpoint_interval == 0:
                     os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", f"{epoch:05d}"))

        # Save final artifacts.
        save(trainer, os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints", "final"))

        # Final evaluation of imitation policy.
        results = {}
        sample_until_eval = util.rollout.min_episodes(n_episodes_eval)
        trajs = util.rollout.generate_trajectories(
        results["imit_stats"] = util.rollout.rollout_stats(trajs)
        results["expert_stats"] = expert_stats

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 7
def rollouts_and_policy(
  _seed: int,
  env_name: str,
  total_timesteps: int,
  log_dir: str = None,
  num_vec: int = 8,
  parallel: bool = False,
  normalize: bool = True,
  make_blank_policy_kwargs: dict = {},

  rollout_save_interval: int = 0,
  rollout_save_final: bool = False,
  rollout_save_n_timesteps: Optional[int] = None,
  rollout_save_n_episodes: Optional[int] = None,

  policy_save_interval: int = -1,
  policy_save_final: bool = True,
) -> None:
  """Trains an expert policy from scratch and saves the rollouts and policy.

  At applicable training steps `step` (where step is either an integer or

      - Policies are saved to `{log_dir}/policies/{step}.pkl`.
      - Rollouts are saved to `{log_dir}/rollouts/{step}.pkl`.

      env_name: The gym.Env name. Loaded as VecEnv.
      total_timesteps: Number of training timesteps in `model.learn()`.
      log_dir: The root directory to save metrics and checkpoints to.
      num_vec: Number of environments in VecEnv.
      parallel: If True, then use DummyVecEnv. Otherwise use SubprocVecEnv.
      normalize: If True, then rescale observations and reward.
      make_blank_policy_kwargs: Kwargs for `make_blank_policy`.
      rollout_save_interval: The number of training updates in between
          intermediate rollout saves. If the argument is nonpositive, then
          don't save intermediate updates.
      rollout_save_final: If True, then save rollouts right after training is
      rollout_save_n_timesteps: The minimum number of timesteps saved in every
          file. Could be more than `rollout_save_n_timesteps` because
          trajectories are saved by episode rather than by transition.
          Must set exactly one of `rollout_save_n_timesteps`
          and `rollout_save_n_episodes`.
      rollout_save_n_episodes: The number of episodes saved in every
          file. Must set exactly one of `rollout_save_n_timesteps` and
      policy_save_interval: The number of training updates between saves. Has
          the same semantics are `rollout_save_interval`.
      policy_save_final: If True, then save the policy right after training is

  with util.make_session():
    sb_logger.configure(folder=osp.join(log_dir, 'rl'),
                        format_strs=['tensorboard', 'stdout'])

    rollout_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "rollouts")
    policy_dir = osp.join(log_dir, "policies")
    os.makedirs(rollout_dir, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(policy_dir, exist_ok=True)

    venv = util.make_vec_env(env_name, num_vec, seed=_seed,
                             parallel=parallel, log_dir=log_dir)
    vec_normalize = None
    if normalize:
      venv = vec_normalize = VecNormalize(venv)

    policy = util.init_rl(venv, verbose=1,

    # Make callback to save intermediate artifacts during training.
    step = 0
    rollout_ok = rollout_save_interval > 0
    policy_ok = policy_save_interval > 0

    def callback(locals_: dict, _) -> bool:
      nonlocal step
      step += 1
      policy = locals_['self']

      if rollout_ok and step % rollout_save_interval == 0:
          rollout_dir, policy, venv, step,
      if policy_ok and step % policy_save_interval == 0:
        output_dir = os.path.join(policy_dir, f'{step:5d}')
        serialize.save_stable_model(output_dir, policy, vec_normalize)
      return True

    policy.learn(total_timesteps, callback=callback)

    # Save final artifacts after training is complete.
    if rollout_save_final:
        rollout_dir, policy, venv, "final",
    if policy_save_final:
      output_dir = os.path.join(policy_dir, "final")
      serialize.save_stable_model(output_dir, policy, vec_normalize)