Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_rasters_and_arrays(self):
        """Consistency of rasters and associated arrays

        # Create test data
        lon_ul = 100  # Longitude of upper left corner
        lat_ul = 10   # Latitude of upper left corner
        numlon = 8    # Number of longitudes
        numlat = 5    # Number of latitudes
        dlon = 1
        dlat = -1

        # Define array where latitudes are rows and longitude columns
        A1 = numpy.zeros((numlat, numlon))

        # Establish coordinates for lower left corner
        lat_ll = lat_ul - numlat
        lon_ll = lon_ul

        # Define pixel centers along each direction
        lon = numpy.linspace(lon_ll + 0.5, lon_ll + numlon - 0.5, numlon)
        lat = numpy.linspace(lat_ll + 0.5, lat_ll + numlat - 0.5, numlat)

        # Define raster with latitudes going bottom-up (south to north).
        # Longitudes go left-right (west to east)
        for i in range(numlat):
            for j in range(numlon):
                A1[numlat - 1 - i, j] = linear_function(lon[j], lat[i])

        # Upper left corner
        assert A1[0, 0] == 105.25
        assert A1[0, 0] == linear_function(lon[0], lat[4])

        # Lower left corner
        assert A1[4, 0] == 103.25
        assert A1[4, 0] == linear_function(lon[0], lat[0])

        # Upper right corner
        assert A1[0, 7] == 112.25
        assert A1[0, 7] == linear_function(lon[7], lat[4])

        # Lower right corner
        assert A1[4, 7] == 110.25
        assert A1[4, 7] == linear_function(lon[7], lat[0])

        # Generate raster object and write
        projection = ('GEOGCS["WGS 84",'
                      'SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235630016,'
        geotransform = (lon_ul, dlon, 0, lat_ul, 0, dlat)
        R1 = Raster(A1, projection, geotransform)

        msg = ('Dimensions of raster array do not match those of '
               'raster object')
        assert numlat == R1.rows, msg
        assert numlon == R1.columns, msg

        # Write back to new (tif) file
        out_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.tif')

        # Read again and check consistency
        R2 = read_layer(out_filename)

        msg = ('Dimensions of written raster array do not match those '
               'of input raster file\n')
        msg += ('    Dimensions of input file '
                '%s:  (%s, %s)\n' % (R1.filename, numlat, numlon))
        msg += ('    Dimensions of output file %s: '
                '(%s, %s)' % (R2.filename, R2.rows, R2.columns))

        assert numlat == R2.rows, msg
        assert numlon == R2.columns, msg

        A2 = R2.get_data()

        assert numpy.allclose(numpy.min(A1), numpy.min(A2))
        assert numpy.allclose(numpy.max(A1), numpy.max(A2))

        msg = 'Array values of written raster array were not as expected'
        assert numpy.allclose(A1, A2), msg

        msg = 'Geotransforms were different'
        assert R1.get_geotransform() == R2.get_geotransform(), msg

        p1 = R1.get_projection(proj4=True)
        p2 = R2.get_projection(proj4=True)
        msg = 'Projections were different: %s != %s' % (p1, p2)
        assert p1 == p1, msg

        # Exercise projection __eq__ method
        assert R1.projection == R2.projection

        # Check that equality raises exception when type is wrong
            R1.projection == 234
        except TypeError:
            msg = 'Should have raised TypeError'
            raise Exception(msg)