def clean_schema(connectConfig): with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p_clean_tables;") cursor.execute(resource_string(__name__, 'scripts/baseline/p_clean_tables.sql')) cursor.execute(""" CALL p_clean_tables(%s); """, (connectConfig.getDatabase()))
def update_patch_metadata_entry(connectConfig, script, release_number, patch_type): with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(""" UPDATE patch_metadata SET release_number = %s, patch_type = %s, patch_timestamp = NOW(), script_checksum = %s WHERE patch_number = %s AND script = %s; """, (release_number, patch_type, int(script.getChecksum()), script.getPatchNumber(), script.getName())) cursor.execute("COMMIT;")
def execute_baseline(baseDir, connectConfig): with open(os.path.join(baseDir, 'baseline/install.txt'), 'r') as f: for line in f: print line, # new connection required inside loop, otherwise we can only have a single SQL statement per file, see: # with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(open(os.path.join(baseDir, 'baseline/', line.rstrip('\n')), 'r').read())
def patch_metadata_assert_patches_applied(baseDir, connectConfig): patches = dir_struct.all_patch_scripts(baseDir) for patch in patches: # new connection required inside loop, otherwise we can only have a single SQL statement per file, see: # with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO patch_metadata (release_number, patch_number, script, patch_type, patch_timestamp, script_checksum) VALUES (0, %s, %s, 'BASELINE', NOW(), %s); """, (patch.getPatchNumber(), patch.getName(), int(patch.getChecksum()))) cursor.execute("COMMIT;")
def determine_patch_type_if_already_applied(connectConfig, script): patch_type = None with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT patch_type FROM patch_metadata WHERE patch_number = %s AND script = %s; """, (script.getPatchNumber(), script.getName())) row = cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: patch_type = row[0] return patch_type
def determine_if_baseline_exists(connectConfig): baseline_exists = False with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = %s AND table_name = 'patch_metadata' """, (connectConfig.getDatabase())) row = cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: if row[0] > 0: baseline_exists = True return baseline_exists
def determine_patch_applied_recently(connectConfig, script, releaseNumber): release_number = None with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT release_number FROM patch_metadata WHERE patch_number = %s AND script = %s AND release_number = %s AND patch_type = 'PATCH'; """, (script.getPatchNumber(), script.getName(), releaseNumber)) row = cursor.fetchone() if row is not None: release_number = row[0] return release_number
def apply_patch(connectConfig, script): with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute( open(os.path.join(script.getPath(), script.getName()), 'r').read())
def apply_patch(connectConfig, script): with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(open(os.path.join(script.getPath(), script.getName()), "r").read())
def select_release_number(connectConfig): with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute("""SELECT value FROM seq_patch_metadata;""") return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def update_release_number(connectConfig): with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute("""UPDATE seq_patch_metadata SET value = value + 1;""") return select_release_number(connectConfig)
def insert_patch_metadata_entry(connectConfig, script, release_number): with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO patch_metadata (release_number, patch_number, script, patch_type, patch_timestamp, script_checksum) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, 'PATCH', NOW(), %s); """, (release_number, script.getPatchNumber(), script.getName(), int(script.getChecksum()))) cursor.execute("COMMIT;")
def create_patch_metadata(connectConfig): with open_db(connectConfig) as cursor: cursor.execute(resource_string(__name__, 'scripts/baseline/patch_metadata.sql'))