Ejemplo n.º 1
def calculate_recommendations(output_filename, model_name="als"):
    """ Generates artist recommendations for each user in the dataset """
    # train the model based off input params
    artists, users, plays = get_lastfm()

    # for i in range(len(users)):
    #     print(users[i], end=' ')
    #     for j in range(len(artists)):
    #         if plays[i, j]!=0:
    #             print(plays[i, j], end=' ')
    #     print()

    print(type(users), users.shape)
    print(type(artists), artists.shape)
    print(type(plays), plays.shape)

    # create a model from the input data
    model = get_model(model_name)

    # if we're training an ALS based model, weight input for last.fm
    # by bm25
    if issubclass(model.__class__, AlternatingLeastSquares):
        # lets weight these models by bm25weight.
        logging.debug("weighting matrix by bm25_weight")
        plays = bm25_weight(plays, K1=100, B=0.8)

        # also disable building approximate recommend index
        model.approximate_similar_items = False

    # this is actually disturbingly expensive:
    plays = plays.tocsr()

    logging.debug("training model %s", model_name)
    start = time.time()
    logging.debug("trained model '%s' in %0.2fs", model_name,
                  time.time() - start)

    # generate recommendations for each user and write out to a file
    start = time.time()
    user_plays = plays.T.tocsr()
    with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(users)) as progress:
        with codecs.open(output_filename, "w", "utf8") as o:
            for userid, username in enumerate(users):
                for artistid, score in model.recommend(userid, user_plays):
                    o.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" %
                            (username, artists[artistid], score))
    logging.debug("generated recommendations in %0.2fs", time.time() - start)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calculate_similar_artists(output_filename, model_name="als"):
    """ generates a list of similar artists in lastfm by utiliizing the 'similar_items'
    api of the models """
    artists, users, plays = get_lastfm()

    # create a model from the input data
    model = get_model(model_name)

    # if we're training an ALS based model, weight input for last.fm
    # by bm25
    if issubclass(model.__class__, AlternatingLeastSquares):
        # lets weight these models by bm25weight.
        logging.debug("weighting matrix by bm25_weight")
        plays = bm25_weight(plays, K1=100, B=0.8)

        # also disable building approximate recommend index
        model.approximate_recommend = False

    # this is actually disturbingly expensive:
    plays = plays.tocsr()

    logging.debug("training model %s", model_name)
    start = time.time()
    logging.debug("trained model '%s' in %0.2fs", model_name,
                  time.time() - start)

    # write out similar artists by popularity
    start = time.time()
    logging.debug("calculating top artists")

    user_count = np.ediff1d(plays.indptr)
    to_generate = sorted(np.arange(len(artists)), key=lambda x: -user_count[x])

    # write out as a TSV of artistid, otherartistid, score
    logging.debug("writing similar items")
    with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(to_generate)) as progress:
        with codecs.open(output_filename, "w", "utf8") as o:
            for artistid in to_generate:
                artist = artists[artistid]
                for other, score in model.similar_items(artistid, 11):
                    o.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (artist, artists[other], score))

    logging.debug("generated similar artists in %0.2fs", time.time() - start)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calculate_similar_artists(output_filename, model_name="als"):
    """ generates a list of similar artists in lastfm by utiliizing the 'similar_items'
    api of the models """
    artists, users, plays = get_lastfm()

    # create a model from the input data
    model = get_model(model_name)

    # if we're training an ALS based model, weight input for last.fm
    # by bm25
    if issubclass(model.__class__, AlternatingLeastSquares):
        # lets weight these models by bm25weight.
        logging.debug("weighting matrix by bm25_weight")
        plays = bm25_weight(plays, K1=100, B=0.8)

        # also disable building approximate recommend index
        model.approximate_recommend = False

    # this is actually disturbingly expensive:
    plays = plays.tocsr()

    logging.debug("training model %s", model_name)
    start = time.time()
    logging.debug("trained model '%s' in %0.2fs", model_name, time.time() - start)

    # write out similar artists by popularity
    start = time.time()
    logging.debug("calculating top artists")

    user_count = np.ediff1d(plays.indptr)
    to_generate = sorted(np.arange(len(artists)), key=lambda x: -user_count[x])

    # write out as a TSV of artistid, otherartistid, score
    logging.debug("writing similar items")
    with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(to_generate)) as progress:
        with codecs.open(output_filename, "w", "utf8") as o:
            for artistid in to_generate:
                artist = artists[artistid]
                for other, score in model.similar_items(artistid, 11):
                    o.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (artist, artists[other], score))

    logging.debug("generated similar artists in %0.2fs",  time.time() - start)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def lastfm(out_fn, n_dimensions, test_size=50000):
    # This tests out ANN methods for retrieval on simple matrix factorization
    # based recommendation algorithms. The idea being that the query/test
    # vectors are user factors and the train set are item factors from
    # the matrix factorization model.

    # Since the predictor is a dot product, we transform the factors first
    # as described in this
    # paper: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/XboxInnerProduct.pdf  # noqa
    # This hopefully replicates the experiments done in this post:
    # http://www.benfrederickson.com/approximate-nearest-neighbours-for-recommender-systems/  # noqa

    # The dataset is from "Last.fm Dataset - 360K users":
    # http://www.dtic.upf.edu/~ocelma/MusicRecommendationDataset/lastfm-360K.html  # noqa

    # This requires the implicit package to generate the factors
    # (on my desktop/gpu this only takes 4-5 seconds to train - but
    # could take 1-2 minutes on a laptop)
    from implicit.datasets.lastfm import get_lastfm
    from implicit.approximate_als import augment_inner_product_matrix
    import implicit

    # train an als model on the lastfm data
    _, _, play_counts = get_lastfm()
    model = implicit.als.AlternatingLeastSquares(factors=n_dimensions)
        implicit.nearest_neighbours.bm25_weight(play_counts, K1=100, B=0.8))

    # transform item factors so that each one has the same norm,
    # and transform the user factors such by appending a 0 column
    _, item_factors = augment_inner_product_matrix(model.item_factors)
    user_factors = numpy.append(model.user_factors,
                                numpy.zeros((model.user_factors.shape[0], 1)),

    # only query the first 50k users (speeds things up signficantly
    # without changing results)
    user_factors = user_factors[:test_size]

    # after that transformation a cosine lookup will return the same results
    # as the inner product on the untransformed data
    write_output(item_factors, user_factors, out_fn, 'angular')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def calculate_recommendations(output_filename, model_name="als"):
    """ Generates artist recommendations for each user in the dataset """
    # train the model based off input params
    artists, users, plays = get_lastfm()

    # create a model from the input data
    model = get_model(model_name)

    # if we're training an ALS based model, weight input for last.fm
    # by bm25
    if issubclass(model.__class__, AlternatingLeastSquares):
        # lets weight these models by bm25weight.
        logging.debug("weighting matrix by bm25_weight")
        plays = bm25_weight(plays, K1=100, B=0.8)

        # also disable building approximate recommend index
        model.approximate_similar_items = False

    # this is actually disturbingly expensive:
    plays = plays.tocsr()

    logging.debug("training model %s", model_name)
    start = time.time()
    logging.debug("trained model '%s' in %0.2fs", model_name, time.time() - start)

    # generate recommendations for each user and write out to a file
    start = time.time()
    user_plays = plays.T.tocsr()
    with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(users)) as progress:
        with codecs.open(output_filename, "w", "utf8") as o:
            for userid, username in enumerate(users):
                for artistid, score in model.recommend(userid, user_plays):
                    o.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (username, artists[artistid], score))
    logging.debug("generated recommendations in %0.2fs",  time.time() - start)