Ejemplo n.º 1
def _get_init_path(directory_path):
    The __init__ file can be searched in a directory. If found return it, else
    for suffix in all_suffixes():
        path = os.path.join(directory_path, '__init__' + suffix)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _get_open_file_list():
    import psutil
    files = []
    p = psutil.Process()

    if importlib_machinery is not None:
        suffixes = tuple(importlib_machinery.all_suffixes())
        suffixes = tuple(info[0] for info in imp.get_suffixes())

    files = [x.path for x in p.open_files() if not x.path.endswith(suffixes)]

    return set(files)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _get_open_file_list():
    import psutil
    files = []
    p = psutil.Process()

    if importlib_machinery is not None:
        suffixes = tuple(importlib_machinery.all_suffixes())
        suffixes = tuple(info[0] for info in imp.get_suffixes())

    files = [x.path for x in p.open_files() if not x.path.endswith(suffixes)]

    return set(files)
Ejemplo n.º 4
if is_ms_app_store:
    # Locate the actual executable inside base_prefix.
    python_executable = os.path.join(base_prefix,
    if not os.path.exists(python_executable):
        raise SystemExit('PyInstaller cannot locate real python executable '
                         'belonging to Python from Microsoft App Store!')

# In Python 3.4 module 'imp' is deprecated and there is another way how
# to obtain magic value.
import importlib.util

# List of suffixes for Python C extension modules.
from importlib.machinery import EXTENSION_SUFFIXES, all_suffixes
ALL_SUFFIXES = all_suffixes()

# In Python 3 'Tkinter' has been made lowercase - 'tkinter'.
modname_tkinter = 'tkinter'

# On Windows we require pywin32-ctypes
# -> all pyinstaller modules should use win32api from PyInstaller.compat to
#    ensure that it can work on MSYS2 (which requires pywin32-ctypes)
if is_win:
        from win32ctypes.pywin32 import pywintypes  # noqa: F401
        from win32ctypes.pywin32 import win32api
    except ImportError:
        # This environment variable is set by setup.py
        # - It's not an error for pywin32 to not be installed at that point
        if not os.environ.get('PYINSTALLER_NO_PYWIN32_FAILURE'):
Ejemplo n.º 5
from zipimport import zipimporter

# Our own imports
from IPython.core.completer import expand_user, compress_user
from IPython.core.error import TryNext
from IPython.utils._process_common import arg_split

# FIXME: this should be pulled in with the right call via the component system
from IPython import get_ipython

from typing import List

# Globals and constants
_suffixes = all_suffixes()

# Time in seconds after which the rootmodules will be stored permanently in the
# ipython ip.db database (kept in the user's .ipython dir).

# Time in seconds after which we give up

# Regular expression for the python import statement
import_re = re.compile(r'(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)'
                       r'(?P<suffix>%s)$' %
                       r'|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in _suffixes))

# RE for the ipython %run command (python + ipython scripts)
Ejemplo n.º 6
# Third-party imports
from time import time
from zipimport import zipimporter

# Our own imports
from IPython.core.completer import expand_user, compress_user
from IPython.core.error import TryNext
from IPython.utils._process_common import arg_split

# FIXME: this should be pulled in with the right call via the component system
from IPython import get_ipython

# Globals and constants
_suffixes = all_suffixes()

# Time in seconds after which the rootmodules will be stored permanently in the
# ipython ip.db database (kept in the user's .ipython dir).

# Time in seconds after which we give up

# Regular expression for the python import statement
import_re = re.compile(r'(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)'
                       r'(?P<suffix>%s)$' %
                       r'|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in _suffixes))

# RE for the ipython %run command (python + ipython scripts)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        module_exts = ['.dll']
    elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
        module_exts = ['.dylib']
        module_exts = ['.so']
    module_exts += ['.pyx', '.pyc', '.py']

    def load_module(pack_name, module_name, search_path):
        """ Version for Python 2.7 """
        mod_desc = imp.find_module(module_name, [search_path])
        return imp.load_module(pack_name, *mod_desc)

elif python_version.major == 3 and python_version.minor >= 3:
    from importlib import machinery as ilm

    module_exts = ilm.all_suffixes()
    module_exts = module_exts[::-1]

    def create_loader(pack_name, filepath):
        ext = filepath.ext
        if ext in ilm.SOURCE_SUFFIXES:
            return ilm.SourceFileLoader(pack_name, str(filepath))
        if ext in ilm.BYTECODE_SUFFIXES:
            return ilm.SourcelessFileLoader(pack_name, str(filepath))
        if ext in ilm.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES:
            return ilm.ExtensionFileLoader(pack_name, str(filepath))

    if python_version.minor == 3:

        def create_module(loader):
Ejemplo n.º 8
signature about 60 times faster.

import os
import sys
import hmac
import ctypes
import random
import hashlib
import getpass
import binascii

    # python 3.x
    from importlib import machinery
    lib_suffix = machinery.all_suffixes()[-1]
except ImportError:
    # python 2.x
    import imp
    import future
    from builtins import int, bytes
    lib_suffix = imp.get_suffixes()[0][0]

# on win32 platform python extensions are *.pyd, *.dll is needed
EXT = ".dll" if sys.platform.startswith("win") else lib_suffix

def rand_k():
    """Generate a random secp256k1 integer (in range [1..p])."""
    return random.getrandbits(p.bit_length()) % p
Ejemplo n.º 9
        module_exts = ['.dll']
    elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
        module_exts = ['.dylib']
        module_exts = ['.so']
    module_exts += ['.pyx', '.pyc', '.py']

    def load_module(pack_name, module_name, search_path):
        """ Version for Python 2.7 """
        mod_desc = imp.find_module(module_name, [search_path])
        return imp.load_module(pack_name, *mod_desc)

elif python_version.major == 3 and python_version.minor >= 3:
    from importlib import machinery as ilm

    module_exts = ilm.all_suffixes()
    module_exts = module_exts[::-1]

    def create_loader(pack_name, filepath):
        ext = filepath.ext
        if ext in ilm.SOURCE_SUFFIXES:
            return ilm.SourceFileLoader(pack_name, str(filepath))
        if ext in ilm.BYTECODE_SUFFIXES:
            return ilm.SourcelessFileLoader(pack_name, str(filepath))
        if ext in ilm.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES:
            return ilm.ExtensionFileLoader(pack_name, str(filepath))

    if python_version.minor == 3:

        def create_module(loader):
Ejemplo n.º 10
def remove_python_path_suffix(path):
    for suffix in all_suffixes() + ['.pyi']:
        if path.suffix == suffix:
            path = path.with_name(path.stem)
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_completerlib():
    """Implementations for various useful completers.

    These are all loaded by default by IPython.
    #  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The IPython Development Team.
    #  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.
    #  The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

    # Imports
    #from __future__ import print_function

    import inspect
    import os
    #import re
    #import sys

        # Python >= 3.3
        from importlib.machinery import all_suffixes
        _suffixes = all_suffixes()
    except ImportError:
        from imp import get_suffixes
        _suffixes = [ s[0] for s in get_suffixes() ]

    # Third-party imports
    from time import time
    from zipimport import zipimporter



    # Regular expression for the python import statement
    import_re = re.compile(r'(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)'
                           r'(?P<suffix>%s)$' %
                           r'|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in _suffixes))

    # RE for the ipython %run command (python + ipython scripts)
    magic_run_re = re.compile(r'.*(\.ipy|\.ipynb|\.py[w]?)$')

    def module_list(path):
        Return the list containing the names of the modules available in the given
        # sys.path has the cwd as an empty string, but isdir/listdir need it as '.'
        if path == '':
            path = '.'

        # A few local constants to be used in loops below
        pjoin = os.path.join

        if os.path.isdir(path):
            # Build a list of all files in the directory and all files
            # in its subdirectories. For performance reasons, do not
            # recurse more than one level into subdirectories.
            files = []
            for root, dirs, nondirs in os.walk(path):
                subdir = root[len(path)+1:]
                if subdir:
                    files.extend(pjoin(subdir, f) for f in nondirs)
                    dirs[:] = [] # Do not recurse into additional subdirectories.

                files = list(zipimporter(path)._files.keys())
                files = []

        # Build a list of modules which match the import_re regex.
        modules = []
        for f in files:
            m = import_re.match(f)
            if m:
        return list(set(modules))

    def get_root_modules():
        Returns a list containing the names of all the modules available in the
        folders of the pythonpath.

        ip.db['rootmodules_cache'] maps sys.path entries to list of modules.
        #ip = get_ipython()
        #rootmodules_cache = ip.db.get('rootmodules_cache', {})
        rootmodules_cache = {}
        rootmodules = list(sys.builtin_module_names)
        start_time = time()
        #store = False
        for path in sys.path:
                modules = rootmodules_cache[path]
            except KeyError:
                modules = module_list(path)
                except ValueError:
                if path not in ('', '.'): # cwd modules should not be cached
                    rootmodules_cache[path] = modules
                if time() - start_time > TIMEOUT_STORAGE and not store:
                    #store = True
                    #print("\nCaching the list of root modules, please wait!")
                    #print("(This will only be done once - type '%rehashx' to "
                          #"reset cache!)\n")
                if time() - start_time > TIMEOUT_GIVEUP:
                    print("This is taking too long, we give up.\n")
                    return []
        #if store:
            #ip.db['rootmodules_cache'] = rootmodules_cache
        rootmodules = list(set(rootmodules))
        return rootmodules

    def is_importable(module, attr, only_modules):
        if only_modules:
            return inspect.ismodule(getattr(module, attr))
            return not(attr[:2] == '__' and attr[-2:] == '__')

    def try_import(mod, only_modules=False):
            m = __import__(mod)
            return []
        mods = mod.split('.')
        for module in mods[1:]:
            m = getattr(m, module)

        m_is_init = hasattr(m, '__file__') and '__init__' in m.__file__

        completions = []
        if (not hasattr(m, '__file__')) or (not only_modules) or m_is_init:
            completions.extend( [attr for attr in dir(m) if
                                 is_importable(m, attr, only_modules)])

        completions.extend(getattr(m, '__all__', []))
        if m_is_init:
        completions = set(completions)
        if '__init__' in completions:
        return list(completions)

    def module_completion(line):
        Returns a list containing the completion possibilities for an import line.

        The line looks like this :
        'import xml.d'
        'from xml.dom import'

        words = line.split(' ')
        nwords = len(words)

        # from whatever <tab> -> 'import '
        if nwords == 3 and words[0] == 'from':
            return ['import ']

        # 'from xy<tab>' or 'import xy<tab>'
        if nwords < 3 and (words[0] in ['import','from']) :
            if nwords == 1:
                return get_root_modules()
            mod = words[1].split('.')
            if len(mod) < 2:
                return get_root_modules()
            completion_list = try_import('.'.join(mod[:-1]), True)
            return ['.'.join(mod[:-1] + [el]) for el in completion_list]

        # 'from xyz import abc<tab>'
        if nwords >= 3 and words[0] == 'from':
            mod = words[1]
            return try_import(mod)

    return module_completion, module_list