Ejemplo n.º 1
def process(original_cube_list,
    """Calculates optical flow and can (optionally) extrapolate data.

    Calculates optical flow components from input fields and (optionally)
    extrapolate to required lead times.

        original_cube_list (iris.cube.CubeList):
            Cubelist from which to calculate optical flow velocities.
            The cubes require a 'time' coordinate on which they are sorted,
            so the order of cubes does not matter.
        orographic_enhancement_cube (iris.cube.Cube):
            Cube containing the orographic enhancement fields.
            Default is None.
        metadata_dict (dict):
            Dictionary containing required changes to the metadata.
            Information describing the intended contents of the dictionary is
            available in improver.utilities.cube_metadata.amend_metadata.
            Every output cube will have the metadata_dict applied.
            Default is None.
        ofc_box_size (int):
            Size of square 'box' (in grid spaces) within which to solve
            the optical flow equations.
            Default is 30.
        smart_smoothing_iterations (int):
            Number of iterations to perform in enforcing smoothness constraint
            for optical flow velocities.
            Default is 100.
        extrapolate (bool):
            If True, advects current data forward to specified lead times.
            Default is False.
        max_lead_time (int):
            Maximum lead time required (mins). Ignored unless extrapolate is
            Default is 360.
        lead_time_interval (int):
            Interval between required lead times (mins). Ignored unless
            extrapolate is True.
            Default is 15.

        (tuple): tuple containing:
            **forecast_cubes** (list<Cube>):
                List of Cubes if extrapolate is True, else None.
            **u_and_v_mean** (list<Cube>):
                List of the umean and vmean cubes.

            If there is no oe_cube but a cube is called 'precipitation_rate'.

    if orographic_enhancement_cube:
        cube_list = ApplyOrographicEnhancement("subtract").process(
            original_cube_list, orographic_enhancement_cube)
        cube_list = original_cube_list
        if any("precipitation_rate" in cube.name() for cube in cube_list):
            cube_names = [cube.name() for cube in cube_list]
            msg = ("For precipitation fields, orographic enhancement "
                   "filepaths must be supplied. The names of the cubes "
                   "supplied were: {}".format(cube_names))
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # order input files by validity time
    cube_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.coord("time").points[0])
    time_coord = cube_list[-1].coord("time")
    # calculate optical flow velocities from T-1 to T and T-2 to T-1
    ofc_plugin = OpticalFlow(iterations=smart_smoothing_iterations,
    u_cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([])
    v_cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([])
    for older_cube, newer_cube in zip(cube_list[:-1], cube_list[1:]):
        ucube, vcube = ofc_plugin.process(older_cube,

    # average optical flow velocity components
    u_cube = u_cubes.merge_cube()
    u_mean = u_cube.collapsed("time", iris.analysis.MEAN)
    u_mean.coord("time").points = time_coord.points
    u_mean.coord("time").units = time_coord.units

    v_cube = v_cubes.merge_cube()
    v_mean = v_cube.collapsed("time", iris.analysis.MEAN)
    v_mean.coord("time").points = time_coord.points
    v_mean.coord("time").units = time_coord.units

    u_and_v_mean = [u_mean, v_mean]
    forecast_cubes = []
    if extrapolate:
        # generate list of lead times in minutes
        lead_times = np.arange(0, max_lead_time + 1, lead_time_interval)
        forecast_plugin = CreateExtrapolationForecast(
        # extrapolate input data to required lead times
        for lead_time in lead_times:

    return forecast_cubes, u_and_v_mean
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(argv=None):
    """Calculate optical flow advection velocities and (optionally)
    extrapolate data."""

    parser = ArgParser(
        description="Calculate optical flow components from input fields "
        "and (optionally) extrapolate to required lead times.")

    parser.add_argument("input_filepaths", metavar="INPUT_FILEPATHS",
                        nargs=3, type=str, help="Paths to the input radar "
                        "files. There should be 3 input files at T, T-1 and "
                        "T-2 from which to calculate optical flow velocities. "
                        "The files require a 'time' coordinate on which they "
                        "are sorted, so the order of inputs does not matter.")
    parser.add_argument("--output_dir", metavar="OUTPUT_DIR", type=str,
                        default='', help="Directory to write all output files,"
                        " or only advection velocity components if "
                        "NOWCAST_FILEPATHS is specified.")
    parser.add_argument("--nowcast_filepaths", nargs="+", type=str,
                        default=None, help="Optional list of full paths to "
                        "output nowcast files. Overrides OUTPUT_DIR. Ignored "
                        "unless '--extrapolate' is set.")
    parser.add_argument("--orographic_enhancement_filepaths", nargs="+",
                        type=str, default=None, help="List or wildcarded "
                        "file specification to the input orographic "
                        "enhancement files. Orographic enhancement files are "
                        "compulsory for precipitation fields.")
    parser.add_argument("--json_file", metavar="JSON_FILE", default=None,
                        help="Filename for the json file containing "
                        "required changes to the metadata. Information "
                        "describing the intended contents of the json file "
                        "is available in "
                        "Every output cube will have the metadata_dict "
                        "applied. Defaults to None.", type=str)

    # OpticalFlow plugin configurable parameters
    parser.add_argument("--ofc_box_size", type=int, default=30, help="Size of "
                        "square 'box' (in grid squares) within which to solve "
                        "the optical flow equations.")
    parser.add_argument("--smart_smoothing_iterations", type=int, default=100,
                        help="Number of iterations to perform in enforcing "
                        "smoothness constraint for optical flow velocities.")

    # AdvectField options
    parser.add_argument("--extrapolate", action="store_true", default=False,
                        help="Optional flag to advect current data forward to "
                        "specified lead times.")
    parser.add_argument("--max_lead_time", type=int, default=360,
                        help="Maximum lead time required (mins).  Ignored "
                        "unless '--extrapolate' is set.")
    parser.add_argument("--lead_time_interval", type=int, default=15,
                        help="Interval between required lead times (mins). "
                        "Ignored unless '--extrapolate' is set.")

    args = parser.parse_args(args=argv)

    # read input data
    original_cube_list = load_cubelist(args.input_filepaths)

    if args.orographic_enhancement_filepaths:
        # Subtract orographic enhancement
        oe_cube = load_cube(args.orographic_enhancement_filepaths)
        cube_list = ApplyOrographicEnhancement("subtract").process(
            original_cube_list, oe_cube)
        cube_list = original_cube_list
        if any("precipitation_rate" in cube.name() for cube in cube_list):
            cube_names = [cube.name() for cube in cube_list]
            msg = ("For precipitation fields, orographic enhancement "
                   "filepaths must be supplied. The names of the cubes "
                   "supplied were: {}".format(cube_names))
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # order input files by validity time
    cube_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.coord("time").points[0])
    time_coord = cube_list[-1].coord("time")

    metadata_dict = None
    if args.json_file:
        # Load JSON file for metadata amendments.
        with open(args.json_file, 'r') as input_file:
            metadata_dict = json.load(input_file)

    # calculate optical flow velocities from T-1 to T and T-2 to T-1
    ofc_plugin = OpticalFlow(iterations=args.smart_smoothing_iterations,
    ucubes = iris.cube.CubeList([])
    vcubes = iris.cube.CubeList([])
    for older_cube, newer_cube in zip(cube_list[:-1], cube_list[1:]):
        ucube, vcube = ofc_plugin.process(older_cube, newer_cube,

    # average optical flow velocity components
    ucube = ucubes.merge_cube()
    umean = ucube.collapsed("time", iris.analysis.MEAN)
    umean.coord("time").points = time_coord.points
    umean.coord("time").units = time_coord.units

    vcube = vcubes.merge_cube()
    vmean = vcube.collapsed("time", iris.analysis.MEAN)
    vmean.coord("time").points = time_coord.points
    vmean.coord("time").units = time_coord.units

    # save mean optical flow components as netcdf files
    for wind_cube in [umean, vmean]:
        file_name = generate_file_name(wind_cube)
        save_netcdf(wind_cube, os.path.join(args.output_dir, file_name))

    # advect latest input data to the required lead times
    if args.extrapolate:

        # generate list of lead times in minutes
        lead_times = np.arange(0, args.max_lead_time+1,

        if args.nowcast_filepaths:
            if len(args.nowcast_filepaths) != len(lead_times):
                raise ValueError("Require exactly one output file name for "
                                 "each forecast lead time")

        forecast_plugin = CreateExtrapolationForecast(
            original_cube_list[-1], umean, vmean,
            orographic_enhancement_cube=oe_cube, metadata_dict=metadata_dict)
        # extrapolate input data to required lead times
        for i, lead_time in enumerate(lead_times):
            forecast_cube = forecast_plugin.extrapolate(

            # save to a suitably-named output file
            if args.nowcast_filepaths:
                file_name = args.nowcast_filepaths[i]
                file_name = os.path.join(
                    args.output_dir, generate_file_name(forecast_cube))
            save_netcdf(forecast_cube, file_name)