Ejemplo n.º 1
def similarity(im0,
    Return similarity transformed image im1 and transformation parameters.
    Transformation parameters are: isotropic scale factor, rotation angle (in
    degrees), and translation vector.

    A similarity transformation is an affine transformation with isotropic
    scale and without shear.

        im0 (2D numpy array): The first (template) image
        im1 (2D numpy array): The second (subject) image
        numiter (int): How many times to iterate when determining scale and
        order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
            linear, 3 = cubic etc.
        filter_pcorr (int): Radius of a spectrum filter for translation
        exponent (float or 'inf'): The exponent value used during processing.
            Refer to the docs for a thorough explanation. Generally, pass "inf"
            when feeling conservative. Otherwise, experiment, values below 5
            are not even supposed to work.
        constraints (dict or None): Specify preference of seeked values.
            Pass None (default) for no constraints, otherwise pass a dict with
            keys ``angle``, ``scale``, ``tx`` and/or ``ty`` (i.e. you can pass
            all, some of them or none of them, all is fine). The value of a key
            is supposed to be a mutable 2-tuple (e.g. a list), where the first
            value is related to the constraint center and the second one to
            softness of the constraint (the higher is the number,
            the more soft a constraint is).

            More specifically, constraints may be regarded as weights
            in form of a shifted Gaussian curve.
            However, for precise meaning of keys and values,
            see the documentation section :ref:`constraints`.
            Names of dictionary keys map to names of command-line arguments.

        dict: Contains following keys: ``scale``, ``angle``, ``tvec`` (Y, X),
        ``success`` and ``timg`` (the transformed subject image)

    .. note:: There are limitations

        * Scale change must be less than 2.
        * No subpixel precision (but you can use *resampling* to get
          around this).
    bgval = utils.get_borderval(im1, 5)
    res = _similarity(im0, im1, numiter, order, constraints, filter_pcorr,
                      exponent, bgval, reports)
    im2 = transform_img_dict(im1, res, bgval, order)
    return im2
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _preprocess_extend_single(im, extend, low, high, cut, rcoef, bigshape):
    im = utils.extend_by(im, extend)
    im = utils.imfilter(im, low, high, cut)
    if rcoef != 1:
        im = resample(im, rcoef)

    # Make the shape of images the same
    bg = np.zeros(bigshape) + utils.get_borderval(im, 5)
    im = utils.embed_to(bg, im)
    return im
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _preprocess_extend_single(im, extend, low, high, cut, rcoef, bigshape):
    im = utils.extend_by(im, extend)
    im = utils.imfilter(im, low, high, cut)
    if rcoef != 1:
        im = resample(im, rcoef)

    # Make the shape of images the same
    bg = np.zeros(bigshape, dtype=im.dtype) + utils.get_borderval(im, 5)
    im = utils.embed_to(bg, im)
    return im
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _preprocess_extend(ims, extend, low, high, cut, rcoef):
    ims = [utils.extend_by(img, extend) for img in ims]
    bigshape = np.array([img.shape for img in ims]).max(0)

    ims = filter_images(ims, low, high, cut)
    if rcoef != 1:
        ims = [resample(img, rcoef) for img in ims]
        bigshape *= rcoef

    # Make the shape of images the same
    bgs = [np.zeros(bigshape) + utils.get_borderval(img, 5) for img in ims]
    ims = [utils.embed_to(bg, img) for bg, img in zip(bgs, ims)]
    return ims
Ejemplo n.º 5
def transform_img(img, scale=1.0, angle=0.0, tvec=(0, 0), bgval=None, order=1):
    Return translation vector to register images.

        img (2D or 3D numpy array): What will be transformed.
            If a 3D array is passed, it is treated in a manner in which RGB
            images are supposed to be handled - i.e. assume that coordinates
            are (Y, X, channels).
        scale (float): The scale factor (scale > 1.0 means zooming in)
        angle (float): Degrees of rotation (clock-wise)
        tvec (2-tuple): Pixel translation vector, Y and X component.
        bgval (float): Shade of the background (filling during transformations)
            If None is passed, :func:`imreg_dft.utils.get_borderval` with
            radius of 5 is used to get it.
        order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
            linear, 3 = cubic etc. Linear works surprisingly well.

        The transformed img, may have another i.e. (bigger) shape than
            the source.
    if img.ndim == 3:
        # A bloody painful special case of RGB images
        ret = np.empty_like(img)
        for idx in range(img.shape[2]):
            sli = (slice(None), slice(None), idx)
            ret[sli] = transform_img(img[sli], scale, angle, tvec,
                                     bgval, order)
        return ret

    if bgval is None:
        bgval = utils.get_borderval(img, 5)

    bigshape = np.array(img.shape) * 1.2
    bg = np.zeros(bigshape, img.dtype) + bgval

    dest0 = utils.embed_to(bg, img.copy())
    if scale != 1.0:
        dest0 = ndii.zoom(dest0, scale, order=order, cval=bgval)
    if angle != 0.0:
        dest0 = ndii.rotate(dest0, angle, order=order, cval=bgval)

    if tvec[0] != 0 or tvec[1] != 0:
        dest0 = ndii.shift(dest0, tvec, order=order, cval=bgval)

    bg = np.zeros_like(img) + bgval
    dest = utils.embed_to(bg, dest0)
    return dest
Ejemplo n.º 6
def transform_img(img, scale=1.0, angle=0.0, tvec=(0, 0), bgval=None, order=1):
    Return translation vector to register images.

        img (2D or 3D numpy array): What will be transformed.
            If a 3D array is passed, it is treated in a manner in which RGB
            images are supposed to be handled - i.e. assume that coordinates
            are (Y, X, channels).
        scale (float): The scale factor (scale > 1.0 means zooming in)
        angle (float): Degrees of rotation (clock-wise)
        tvec (2-tuple): Pixel translation vector, Y and X component.
        bgval (float): Shade of the background (filling during transformations)
            If None is passed, :func:`imreg_dft.utils.get_borderval` with
            radius of 5 is used to get it.
        order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
            linear, 3 = cubic etc. Linear works surprisingly well.

        np.ndarray: The transformed img, may have another
        i.e. (bigger) shape than the source.
    if img.ndim == 3:
        # A bloody painful special case of RGB images
        ret = np.empty_like(img)
        for idx in range(img.shape[2]):
            sli = (slice(None), slice(None), idx)
            ret[sli] = transform_img(img[sli], scale, angle, tvec,
                                     bgval, order)
        return ret

    if bgval is None:
        bgval = utils.get_borderval(img)

    bigshape = np.round(np.array(img.shape) * 1.2).astype(int)
    bg = np.zeros(bigshape, img.dtype) + bgval

    dest0 = utils.embed_to(bg, img.copy())
    if scale != 1.0:
        dest0 = ndii.zoom(dest0, scale, order=order, cval=bgval)
    if angle != 0.0:
        dest0 = ndii.rotate(dest0, angle, order=order, cval=bgval)

    if tvec[0] != 0 or tvec[1] != 0:
        dest0 = ndii.shift(dest0, tvec, order=order, cval=bgval)

    bg = np.zeros_like(img) + bgval
    dest = utils.embed_to(bg, dest0)
    return dest
Ejemplo n.º 7
def process_images(ims, opts, tosa=None):
    # lazy import so no imports before run() is really called
    import numpy as np
    from imreg_dft import utils
    from imreg_dft import imreg

    ims = [utils.extend_by(img, opts["extend"]) for img in ims]
    bigshape = np.array([img.shape for img in ims]).max(0)

    ims = filter_images(ims, opts["low"], opts["high"])
    rcoef = opts["resample"]
    if rcoef != 1:
        ims = [resample(img, rcoef) for img in ims]
        bigshape *= rcoef

    # Make the shape of images the same
    ims = [
        utils.embed_to(np.zeros(bigshape) + utils.get_borderval(img, 5), img)
        for img in ims

    resdict = imreg.similarity(ims[0], ims[1], opts["iters"], opts["order"],
                               opts["constraints"], opts["filter_pcorr"],

    im2 = resdict.pop("timg")

    # Seems that the reampling simply scales the translation
    resdict["tvec"] /= rcoef
    ty, tx = resdict["tvec"]
    resdict["tx"] = tx
    resdict["ty"] = ty
    resdict["imgs"] = ims
    tform = resdict

    if tosa is not None:
        tosa[:] = ird.transform_img_dict(tosa, tform)

    if rcoef != 1:
        ims = [resample(img, 1.0 / rcoef) for img in ims]
        im2 = resample(im2, 1.0 / rcoef)
        resdict["Dt"] /= rcoef

    resdict["unextended"] = [
        utils.unextend_by(img, opts["extend"]) for img in ims + [im2]

    return resdict
Ejemplo n.º 8
def process_images(ims, opts, tosa=None):
    # lazy import so no imports before run() is really called
    import numpy as np
    from imreg_dft import utils
    from imreg_dft import imreg

    ims = [utils.extend_by(img, opts["extend"]) for img in ims]
    bigshape = np.array([img.shape for img in ims]).max(0)

    ims = filter_images(ims, opts["low"], opts["high"])
    rcoef = opts["resample"]
    if rcoef != 1:
        ims = [resample(img, rcoef) for img in ims]
        bigshape *= rcoef

    # Make the shape of images the same
    ims = [utils.embed_to(np.zeros(bigshape) + utils.get_borderval(img, 5), img)
           for img in ims]

    resdict = imreg.similarity(
        ims[0], ims[1], opts["iters"], opts["order"], opts["constraints"],
        opts["filter_pcorr"], opts["exponent"])

    im2 = resdict.pop("timg")

    # Seems that the reampling simply scales the translation
    resdict["tvec"] /= rcoef
    ty, tx = resdict["tvec"]
    resdict["tx"] = tx
    resdict["ty"] = ty
    resdict["imgs"] = ims
    tform = resdict

    if tosa is not None:
        tosa[:] = ird.transform_img_dict(tosa, tform)

    if rcoef != 1:
        ims = [resample(img, 1.0 / rcoef) for img in ims]
        im2 = resample(im2, 1.0 / rcoef)
        resdict["Dt"] /= rcoef

    resdict["unextended"] = [utils.unextend_by(img, opts["extend"])
                             for img in ims + [im2]]

    return resdict
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _logpolar(image, shape, log_base, bgval=None):
    Return log-polar transformed image and log base.
    Takes into account anisotropicity of the freq spectrum of rectangular images

        image: The image to be transformed
        shape: Shape of the transformed image
        log_base: Parameter of the transformation, convoluted with

        The transformed image
    if bgval is None:
        bgval = utils.get_borderval(image, 5)
    imshape = np.array(image.shape)
    center = imshape[0] / 2.0, imshape[1] / 2.0
    # 0 .. pi = only half of the spectrum is used
    theta = utils._get_angles(shape)
    radius_x = utils._get_scales(shape, log_base)
    radius_y = radius_x.copy()
    ellipse_coef = imshape[0] / float(imshape[1])
    # We have to acknowledge that the frequency spectrum can be deformed
    # if the image aspect ratio is not 1.0
    # The image is x-thin, so we acknowledge that the frequency spectra
    # scale in x is shrunk.
    radius_x /= ellipse_coef

    y = radius_y * np.sin(theta) + center[0]
    x = radius_x * np.cos(theta) + center[1]
    output = np.empty_like(y)
    ndii.map_coordinates(image, [y, x],
    import pylab as pyl
    pyl.figure(); pyl.imshow(output);
    return output
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _logpolar(image, shape, log_base, bgval=None):
    Return log-polar transformed image and log base.
    Takes into account anisotropicity of the freq spectrum of rectangular images

        image: The image to be transformed
        shape: Shape of the transformed image
        log_base: Parameter of the transformation, convoluted with

        The transformed image
    if bgval is None:
        bgval = utils.get_borderval(image, 5)
    imshape = np.array(image.shape)
    center = imshape[0] / 2.0, imshape[1] / 2.0
    # 0 .. pi = only half of the spectrum is used
    theta = utils._get_angles(shape)
    radius_x = utils._get_scales(shape, log_base)
    radius_y = radius_x.copy()
    ellipse_coef = imshape[0] / float(imshape[1])
    # We have to acknowledge that the frequency spectrum can be deformed
    # if the image aspect ratio is not 1.0
    # The image is x-thin, so we acknowledge that the frequency spectra
    # scale in x is shrunk.
    radius_x /= ellipse_coef

    y = radius_y * np.sin(theta) + center[0]
    x = radius_x * np.cos(theta) + center[1]
    output = np.empty_like(y)
    ndii.map_coordinates(image, [y, x], output=output, order=3,
                         mode="constant", cval=bgval)
    import pylab as pyl
    pyl.figure(); pyl.imshow(output);
    return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
def settle_tiles(imgs, tiledim, opts, reports=None):
    global _SHIFTS
    coef = 0.41
    img0 = imgs[0]

    tiles, poss = zip(* ird.utils.decompose(img0, tiledim, coef))
    nrows, ncols = utils.starts2dshape(poss)

    _fill_globals(tiles, poss, imgs[1], opts)

    for ii, pos in enumerate(poss):
        process_tile(ii, reports)
        tile_coord = (ii // ncols, ii % ncols)

    if ncores == 0:  # no multiprocessing (to see errors)
        _seg_init(mesh, dims, counter)
        data = map(_get_prep, allranges)
        pool = mp.Pool(
            initargs=(mesh, dims, counter),
        res = pool.map_async(_get_prep, allranges)

        while not res.ready():
        assert res.successful(), \
            "Some exceptions have likely occured"

        data = res.get()

    tosa_offset = np.array(img0.shape)[:2] - np.array(tiledim)[:2] + 0.5
    _SHIFTS -= tosa_offset / 2.0

    # Get the cluster of the tiles that have similar results and that look
    # most promising along with the index of the best tile
    cluster, amax = utils.get_best_cluster(_SHIFTS, _SUCCS, 5)
    # Make the quantities estimation even more precise by taking
    # the average of all good tiles
    shift, angle, scale, score = utils.get_values(
        cluster, _SHIFTS, _SUCCS, _ANGLES, _SCALES)

    if reports is not None and reports.show("tile_info"):
        shape = (nrows, ncols)
        slices = utils.getSlices(img0.shape, tiledim, coef)

        reports.set_global("tiles-whole", img0)
        reports.set_global("tiles-shape", shape)
        reports.set_global("tiles-cluster", cluster)
        reports.set_global("tiles_successes", _SUCCS)
        reports.set_global("tiles_decomp", slices)

    resdict = _assemble_resdict(amax)
    resdict["scale"] = scale
    resdict["angle"] = angle
    resdict["tvec"] = shift
    resdict["ty"], resdict["tx"] = resdict["tvec"]

    bgval = utils.get_borderval(imgs[1], 5)

    ims = _preprocess_extend(imgs, opts["extend"],
                             opts["low"], opts["high"], opts["cut"],
    im2 = ird.transform_img_dict(ims[1], resdict, bgval, opts["order"])

    # TODO: This is kinda dirty
    resdict["unextended"] = _postprocess_unextend(ims, im2, opts["extend"])
    resdict["Dangle"], resdict["Dscale"], resdict["Dt"] = _DIFFS

    return resdict
Ejemplo n.º 12
def settle_tiles(imgs, tiledim, opts, reports=None):
    global _SHIFTS
    coef = 0.41
    coef = 0.81
    img0 = imgs[0]

    tiles, poss = zip(* ird.utils.decompose(img0, tiledim, coef))
    nrows, ncols = utils.starts2dshape(poss)

    _fill_globals(tiles, poss, imgs[1], opts)

    for ii, pos in enumerate(poss):
        process_tile(ii, reports)
        tile_coord = (ii // ncols, ii % ncols)

    if reports is not None and reports.show("tile_info"):
        shape = (nrows, ncols)
        slices = utils.getSlices(img0.shape, tiledim, coef)

        reports.set_global("tiles-whole", img0)
        reports.set_global("tiles-shape", shape)
        reports.set_global("tiles-successes", _SUCCS)
        reports.set_global("tiles-decomp", slices)

    if ncores == 0:  # no multiprocessing (to see errors)
        _seg_init(mesh, dims, counter)
        data = map(_get_prep, allranges)
        pool = mp.Pool(
            initargs=(mesh, dims, counter),
        res = pool.map_async(_get_prep, allranges)

        while not res.ready():
        assert res.successful(), \
            "Some exceptions have likely occured"

        data = res.get()

    tosa_offset = np.array(img0.shape)[:2] - np.array(tiledim)[:2] + 0.5
    _SHIFTS -= tosa_offset / 2.0

    # Get the cluster of the tiles that have similar results and that look
    # most promising along with the index of the best tile
    cluster, amax = utils.get_best_cluster(_SHIFTS, _SUCCS, 5)
    # Make the quantities estimation even more precise by taking
    # the average of all good tiles
    shift, angle, scale, score = utils.get_values(
        cluster, _SHIFTS, _SUCCS, _ANGLES, _SCALES)

    resdict = _assemble_resdict(amax)
    resdict["scale"] = scale
    resdict["angle"] = angle
    resdict["tvec"] = shift
    resdict["ty"], resdict["tx"] = resdict["tvec"]

    bgval = utils.get_borderval(imgs[1], 5)

    ims = _preprocess_extend(imgs, opts["extend"],
                             opts["low"], opts["high"], opts["cut"],
    im2 = ird.transform_img_dict(ims[1], resdict, bgval, opts["order"])

    # TODO: This is kinda dirty
    resdict["unextended"] = _postprocess_unextend(ims, im2, opts["extend"])
    resdict["Dangle"], resdict["Dscale"], resdict["Dt"] = _DIFFS

    return resdict
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _similarity(im0,
    This function takes some input and returns mutual rotation, scale
    and translation.
    It does these things during the process:

    * Handles correct constraints handling (defaults etc.).
    * Performs angle-scale determination iteratively.
      This involves keeping constraints in sync.
    * Performs translation determination.
    * Calculates precision.

        Dictionary with results.
    if bgval is None:
        bgval = utils.get_borderval(im1, 5)

    shape = im0.shape
    if shape != im1.shape:
        raise ValueError("Images must have same shapes.")
    elif im0.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("Images must be 2-dimensional.")

    # We are going to iterate and precise scale and angle estimates
    scale = 1.0
    angle = 0.0
    im2 = im1

    constraints_default = dict(angle=[0, None], scale=[1, None])
    if constraints is None:
        constraints = constraints_default

    # We guard against case when caller passes only one constraint key.
    # Now, the provided ones just replace defaults.
    constraints = constraints_default

    # During iterations, we have to work with constraints too.
    # So we make the copy in order to leave the original intact
    constraints_dynamic = constraints.copy()
    constraints_dynamic["scale"] = list(constraints["scale"])
    constraints_dynamic["angle"] = list(constraints["angle"])

    if reports is not None and reports.show("transformed"):
        reports["after_tform"] = [im2.copy()]

    for ii in range(numiter):
        newscale, newangle = _get_ang_scale([im0, im2], bgval, exponent,
                                            constraints_dynamic, reports)
        scale *= newscale
        angle += newangle

        constraints_dynamic["scale"][0] /= newscale
        constraints_dynamic["angle"][0] -= newangle

        im2 = transform_img(im1, scale, angle, bgval=bgval, order=order)

        if reports is not None and reports.show("transformed"):

    # Here we look how is the turn-180
    target, stdev = constraints.get("angle", (0, None))
    odds = _get_odds(angle, target, stdev)

    # now we can use pcorr to guess the translation
    res = translation(im0, im2, filter_pcorr, odds, constraints, reports)

    # The log-polar transform may have got the angle wrong by 180 degrees.
    # The phase correlation can help us to correct that
    angle += res["angle"]
    res["angle"] = utils.wrap_angle(angle, 360)

    # don't know what it does, but it alters the scale a little bit
    # scale = (im1.shape[1] - 1) / (int(im1.shape[1] / scale) - 1)

    Dangle, Dscale = _get_precision(shape, scale)

    res["scale"] = scale
    res["Dscale"] = Dscale
    res["Dangle"] = Dangle
    # 0.25 because we go subpixel now
    res["Dt"] = 0.25

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 14
def transform_img(img,
                  tvec=(0, 0),
    Return translation vector to register images.

        img (2D or 3D numpy array): What will be transformed.
            If a 3D array is passed, it is treated in a manner in which RGB
            images are supposed to be handled - i.e. assume that coordinates
            are (Y, X, channels).
            Complex images are handled in a way that treats separately
            the real and imaginary parts.
        scale (float): The scale factor (scale > 1.0 means zooming in)
        angle (float): Degrees of rotation (clock-wise)
        tvec (2-tuple): Pixel translation vector, Y and X component.
        mode (string): The transformation mode (refer to e.g.
            :func:`scipy.ndimage.shift` and its kwarg ``mode``).
        bgval (float): Shade of the background (filling during transformations)
            If None is passed, :func:`imreg_dft.utils.get_borderval` with
            radius of 5 is used to get it.
        order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
            linear, 3 = cubic etc. Linear works surprisingly well.

        np.ndarray: The transformed img, may have another
        i.e. (bigger) shape than the source.
    if img.ndim == 3:
        # A bloody painful special case of RGB images
        ret = np.empty_like(img)
        for idx in range(img.shape[2]):
            sli = (slice(None), slice(None), idx)
            ret[sli] = transform_img(img[sli], scale, angle, tvec, mode, bgval,
        return ret
    elif np.iscomplexobj(img):
        decomposed = np.empty(img.shape + (2, ), float)
        decomposed[:, :, 0] = img.real
        decomposed[:, :, 1] = img.imag
        # The bgval makes little sense now, as we decompose the image
        res = transform_img(decomposed, scale, angle, tvec, mode, None, order)
        ret = res[:, :, 0] + 1j * res[:, :, 1]
        return ret

    if bgval is None:
        bgval = utils.get_borderval(img)

    bigshape = np.round(np.array(img.shape) * 1.2).astype(int)
    bg = np.zeros(bigshape, img.dtype) + bgval

    dest0 = utils.embed_to(bg, img.copy())
    # TODO: We have problems with complex numbers
    # that are not supported by zoom(), rotate() or shift()
    if scale != 1.0:
        dest0 = ndii.zoom(dest0, scale, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)
    if angle != 0.0:
        dest0 = ndii.rotate(dest0, angle, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)

    if tvec[0] != 0 or tvec[1] != 0:
        dest0 = ndii.shift(dest0, tvec, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)

    bg = np.zeros_like(img) + bgval
    dest = utils.embed_to(bg, dest0)
    return dest
Ejemplo n.º 15
def transform_img(img, scale=1.0, angle=0.0, tvec=(0, 0),
                  mode="constant", bgval=None, order=1):
    Return translation vector to register images.

        img (2D or 3D numpy array): What will be transformed.
            If a 3D array is passed, it is treated in a manner in which RGB
            images are supposed to be handled - i.e. assume that coordinates
            are (Y, X, channels).
            Complex images are handled in a way that treats separately
            the real and imaginary parts.
        scale (float): The scale factor (scale > 1.0 means zooming in)
        angle (float): Degrees of rotation (clock-wise)
        tvec (2-tuple): Pixel translation vector, Y and X component.
        mode (string): The transformation mode (refer to e.g.
            :func:`scipy.ndimage.shift` and its kwarg ``mode``).
        bgval (float): Shade of the background (filling during transformations)
            If None is passed, :func:`imreg_dft.utils.get_borderval` with
            radius of 5 is used to get it.
        order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
            linear, 3 = cubic etc. Linear works surprisingly well.

        np.ndarray: The transformed img, may have another
        i.e. (bigger) shape than the source.
    if img.ndim == 3:
        # A bloody painful special case of RGB images
        ret = np.empty_like(img)
        for idx in range(img.shape[2]):
            sli = (slice(None), slice(None), idx)
            ret[sli] = transform_img(img[sli], scale, angle, tvec,
                                     mode, bgval, order)
        return ret
    elif np.iscomplexobj(img):
        decomposed = np.empty(img.shape + (2,), float)
        decomposed[:, :, 0] = img.real
        decomposed[:, :, 1] = img.imag
        # The bgval makes little sense now, as we decompose the image
        res = transform_img(decomposed, scale, angle, tvec, mode, None, order)
        ret = res[:, :, 0] + 1j * res[:, :, 1]
        return ret

    if bgval is None:
        bgval = utils.get_borderval(img)

    bigshape = np.round(np.array(img.shape) * 1.2).astype(int)
    bg = np.zeros(bigshape, img.dtype) + bgval

    dest0 = utils.embed_to(bg, img.copy())
    # TODO: We have problems with complex numbers
    # that are not supported by zoom(), rotate() or shift()
    if scale != 1.0:
        dest0 = ndii.zoom(dest0, scale, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)
    if angle != 0.0:
        dest0 = ndii.rotate(dest0, angle, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)

    if tvec[0] != 0 or tvec[1] != 0:
        dest0 = ndii.shift(dest0, tvec, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)

    bg = np.zeros_like(img) + bgval
    dest = utils.embed_to(bg, dest0)
    return dest
Ejemplo n.º 16
def similarity(im0, im1, numiter=1, order=3, constraints=None,
               filter_pcorr=0, exponent='inf', reports=None):
    Return similarity transformed image im1 and transformation parameters.
    Transformation parameters are: isotropic scale factor, rotation angle (in
    degrees), and translation vector.

    A similarity transformation is an affine transformation with isotropic
    scale and without shear.

        im0 (2D numpy array): The first (template) image
        im1 (2D numpy array): The second (subject) image
        numiter (int): How many times to iterate when determining scale and
        order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
            linear, 3 = cubic etc.
        filter_pcorr (int): Radius of a spectrum filter for translation
        exponent (float or 'inf'): The exponent value used during processing.
            Refer to the docs for a thorough explanation. Generally, pass "inf"
            when feeling conservative. Otherwise, experiment, values below 5
            are not even supposed to work.
        constraints (dict or None): Specify preference of seeked values.
            Pass None (default) for no constraints, otherwise pass a dict with
            keys ``angle``, ``scale``, ``tx`` and/or ``ty`` (i.e. you can pass
            all, some of them or none of them, all is fine). The value of a key
            is supposed to be a mutable 2-tuple (e.g. a list), where the first
            value is related to the constraint center and the second one to
            softness of the constraint (the higher is the number,
            the more soft a constraint is).

            More specifically, constraints may be regarded as weights
            in form of a shifted Gaussian curve.
            However, for precise meaning of keys and values,
            see the documentation section :ref:`constraints`.
            Names of dictionary keys map to names of command-line arguments.

        dict: Contains following keys: ``scale``, ``angle``, ``tvec`` (Y, X),
        ``success`` and ``timg`` (the transformed subject image)

    .. note:: There are limitations

        * Scale change must be less than 2.
        * No subpixel precision (but you can use *resampling* to get
          around this).
    bgval = utils.get_borderval(im1, 5)

    res = _similarity(im0, im1, numiter, order, constraints,
                      filter_pcorr, exponent, bgval, reports)

    im2 = transform_img_dict(im1, res, bgval, order)
    # Order of mask should be always 1 - higher values produce strange results.
    imask = transform_img_dict(np.ones_like(im1), res, 0, 1)
    # This removes some weird artifacts
    imask[imask > 0.8] = 1.0

    # Framing here = just blending the im2 with its BG according to the mask
    im3 = utils.frame_img(im2, imask, 10)

    res["timg"] = im3
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _similarity(im0, im1, numiter=1, order=3, constraints=None,
                filter_pcorr=0, exponent='inf', bgval=None, reports=None):
    This function takes some input and returns mutual rotation, scale
    and translation.
    It does these things during the process:

    * Handles correct constraints handling (defaults etc.).
    * Performs angle-scale determination iteratively.
      This involves keeping constraints in sync.
    * Performs translation determination.
    * Calculates precision.

        Dictionary with results.
    if bgval is None:
        bgval = utils.get_borderval(im1, 5)

    shape = im0.shape
    if shape != im1.shape:
        raise ValueError("Images must have same shapes.")
    elif im0.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("Images must be 2-dimensional.")

    # We are going to iterate and precise scale and angle estimates
    scale = 1.0
    angle = 0.0
    im2 = im1

    constraints_default = dict(angle=[0, None], scale=[1, None])
    if constraints is None:
        constraints = constraints_default

    # We guard against case when caller passes only one constraint key.
    # Now, the provided ones just replace defaults.
    constraints = constraints_default

    # During iterations, we have to work with constraints too.
    # So we make the copy in order to leave the original intact
    constraints_dynamic = constraints.copy()
    constraints_dynamic["scale"] = list(constraints["scale"])
    constraints_dynamic["angle"] = list(constraints["angle"])

    if reports is not None and reports.show("transformed"):
        reports["after_tform"] = [im2.copy()]

    for ii in range(numiter):
        newscale, newangle = _get_ang_scale([im0, im2], bgval, exponent,
                                            constraints_dynamic, reports)
        scale *= newscale
        angle += newangle

        constraints_dynamic["scale"][0] /= newscale
        constraints_dynamic["angle"][0] -= newangle

        im2 = transform_img(im1, scale, angle, bgval=bgval, order=order)

        if reports is not None and reports.show("transformed"):

    # Here we look how is the turn-180
    target, stdev = constraints.get("angle", (0, None))
    odds = _get_odds(angle, target, stdev)

    # now we can use pcorr to guess the translation
    res = translation(im0, im2, filter_pcorr, odds,
                      constraints, reports)

    # The log-polar transform may have got the angle wrong by 180 degrees.
    # The phase correlation can help us to correct that
    angle += res["angle"]
    res["angle"] = utils.wrap_angle(angle, 360)

    # don't know what it does, but it alters the scale a little bit
    # scale = (im1.shape[1] - 1) / (int(im1.shape[1] / scale) - 1)

    Dangle, Dscale = _get_precision(shape, scale)

    res["scale"] = scale
    res["Dscale"] = Dscale
    res["Dangle"] = Dangle
    # 0.25 because we go subpixel now
    res["Dt"] = 0.25

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 18
def similarity(im0,
    Return similarity transformed image im1 and transformation parameters.
    Transformation parameters are: isotropic scale factor, rotation angle (in
    degrees), and translation vector.

    A similarity transformation is an affine transformation with isotropic
    scale and without shear.

        im0 (2D numpy array): The first (template) image
        im1 (2D numpy array): The second (subject) image
        numiter (int): How many times to iterate when determining scale and
        order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
            linear, 3 = cubic etc.
        filter_pcorr (int): Radius of a spectrum filter for translation
        exponent (float or 'inf'): The exponent value used during processing.
            Refer to the docs for a thorough explanation. Generally, pass "inf"
            when feeling conservative. Otherwise, experiment, values below 5
            are not even supposed to work.

        dict: Contains following keys: ``scale``, ``angle``, ``tvec`` (Y, X),
        ``success`` and ``timg`` (the transformed subject image)

    .. note:: There are limitations

        * Scale change must be less than 2.
        * No subpixel precision (but you can use *resampling* to get
          around this).
    shape = im0.shape
    if shape != im1.shape:
        raise ValueError("Images must have same shapes.")
    elif im0.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("Images must be 2-dimensional.")

    # We are going to iterate and precise scale and angle estimates
    scale = 1.0
    angle = 0.0
    im2 = im1

    if constraints is None:
        constraints = dict(angle=[0, None], scale=[1, None])

    # During iterations, we have to work with constraints too.
    # So we make the copy in order to leave the original intact
    constraints_dynamic = constraints.copy()
    constraints_dynamic["scale"] = list(constraints["scale"])
    constraints_dynamic["angle"] = list(constraints["angle"])

    bgval = utils.get_borderval(im1, 5)
    for ii in range(numiter):
        newscale, newangle = _get_ang_scale([im0, im2], bgval, exponent,
        scale *= newscale
        angle += newangle

        constraints_dynamic["scale"][0] /= newscale
        constraints_dynamic["angle"][0] -= newangle

        im2 = transform_img(im1, scale, angle, bgval=bgval, order=order)

    # Here we look how is the turn-180
    target, stdev = constraints.get("angle", (0, None))
    odds = _get_odds(angle, target, stdev)

    # now we can use pcorr to guess the translation
    tvec, succ, angle2 = _translation(im0, im2, filter_pcorr, odds,

    # The log-polar transform may have got the angle wrong by 180 degrees.
    # The phase correlation can help us to correct that
    angle += angle2
    angle = utils.wrap_angle(angle, 360)

    # don't know what it does, but it alters the scale a little bit
    # scale = (im1.shape[1] - 1) / (int(im1.shape[1] / scale) - 1)

    Dangle, Dscale = _get_precision(shape, scale)

    res = dict(scale=scale,

    im2 = transform_img_dict(im1, res, bgval, order)
    # Order of mask should be always 1 - higher values produce strange results.
    imask = transform_img_dict(np.ones_like(im1), res, 0, 1)
    # This removes some weird artifacts
    imask[imask > 0.8] = 1.0

    # Framing here = just blending the im2 with its BG according to the mask
    im2 = utils.frame_img(im2, imask, 10)

    res["timg"] = im2
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 19
def similarity(im0, im1, numiter=1, order=3, constraints=None,
               filter_pcorr=0, exponent='inf'):
    Return similarity transformed image im1 and transformation parameters.
    Transformation parameters are: isotropic scale factor, rotation angle (in
    degrees), and translation vector.

    A similarity transformation is an affine transformation with isotropic
    scale and without shear.

        im0 (2D numpy array): The first (template) image
        im1 (2D numpy array): The second (subject) image
        numiter (int): How many times to iterate when determining scale and
        order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
            linear, 3 = cubic etc.
        filter_pcorr (int): Radius of a spectrum filter for translation
        exponent (float or 'inf'): The exponent value used during processing.
            Refer to the docs for a thorough explanation. Generally, pass "inf"
            when feeling conservative. Otherwise, experiment, values below 5
            are not even supposed to work.

        dict: Contains following keys: ``scale``, ``angle``, ``tvec`` (Y, X),
        ``success`` and ``timg`` (the transformed subject image)

    .. note:: There are limitations

        * Scale change must be less than 2.
        * No subpixel precision (but you can use *resampling* to get
          around this).
    shape = im0.shape
    if shape != im1.shape:
        raise ValueError("Images must have same shapes.")
    elif im0.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("Images must be 2-dimensional.")

    # We are going to iterate and precise scale and angle estimates
    scale = 1.0
    angle = 0.0
    im2 = im1

    if constraints is None:
        constraints = dict(angle=[0, None], scale=[1, None])

    # During iterations, we have to work with constraints too.
    # So we make the copy in order to leave the original intact
    constraints_dynamic = constraints.copy()
    constraints_dynamic["scale"] = list(constraints["scale"])
    constraints_dynamic["angle"] = list(constraints["angle"])

    bgval = utils.get_borderval(im1, 5)
    for ii in range(numiter):
        newscale, newangle = _get_ang_scale([im0, im2], bgval, exponent,
        scale *= newscale
        angle += newangle

        constraints_dynamic["scale"][0] /= newscale
        constraints_dynamic["angle"][0] -= newangle

        im2 = transform_img(im1, scale, angle, bgval=bgval, order=order)

    # Here we look how is the turn-180
    target, stdev = constraints.get("angle", (0, None))
    odds = _get_odds(angle, target, stdev)

    # now we can use pcorr to guess the translation
    tvec, succ, angle2 = _translation(im0, im2, filter_pcorr, odds, constraints)

    # The log-polar transform may have got the angle wrong by 180 degrees.
    # The phase correlation can help us to correct that
    angle += angle2
    angle = utils.wrap_angle(angle, 360)

    # don't know what it does, but it alters the scale a little bit
    # scale = (im1.shape[1] - 1) / (int(im1.shape[1] / scale) - 1)

    Dangle, Dscale = _get_precision(shape, scale)

    res = dict(

    im2 = transform_img_dict(im1, res, bgval, order)
    # Order of mask should be always 1 - higher values produce strange results.
    imask = transform_img_dict(np.ones_like(im1), res, 0, 1)
    # This removes some weird artifacts
    imask[imask > 0.8] = 1.0

    # Framing here = just blending the im2 with its BG according to the mask
    im2 = utils.frame_img(im2, imask, 10)

    res["timg"] = im2
    return res